
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 65

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to elucidate the impact of authenticity on experience value and subjective well-being among visitors who have participated in direct experiential activities in experiential fishing villages. The research method used literature research methods and empirical research methods using questionnaires, and this questionnaire was composed by determining three major variables and seven constituent factors for each variable through factor analysis and conducting prior research and preliminary surveys. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023 among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023, among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The results of this study are as follows. First, the factors of authenticity in experiential fishing villages include three sub-factors: objective authenticity, constructive authenticity, and existential authenticity. The factors of experience value include two sub-factors: emotional values and functional values. Subjective well-being is derived from positive emotion and life satisfaction. Second, upon examining the importance of authenticity in experiential fishing villages, it was found that existential authenticity and objective authenticity, in that order, have a significant impact on emotional values. However, constructive authenticity did not have a significant impact on emotional values. Third, in terms of functional values, constructive authenticity, existential authenticity, and objective authenticity, in that order, had a significant impact. Fourth, experience value, in the order of emotional values and functional values, had a significant impact on positive emotion and life satisfaction of subjective well-being. Therefore, it was confirmed that the authenticity of experiential fishing villages is important as a strategy to enhance experience value and subjective well-being. Especially, considering that the majority of visitors to experiential fishing villages are family-centered (86.5%), applying marketing management strategies to develop programs that enhance existential authenticity and improve emotional values could elevate the subjective well-being of experiential visitors.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 어촌다운 어촌 조성과 추후 어촌 개발 사업의 근거 및 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 ‘어촌 다움’을 키워드로 텍스트마이닝 분석을 진행하였다. 텍스트마이닝은 온라인상의 비정형 데이터를 분 석하는 방법으로 키워드의 등장 횟수를 나타내는 키워드 빈도분석, 키워드 간의 관계를 시각화하여 나 타내는 N-gram 분석, 텍스트에 나타나는 사람들의 의견이나 성향을 분석하는 감성분석을 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 내렸다. 첫째, ‘어촌다움’ 키워드는 어촌뿐만 아니라 농촌, 산촌 등 타 촌락과의 연관성이 있으며, 상호 관계와 고유한 조건 속에서 특성이 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, ‘어촌다움은’ 크게 자연·역사 경관의 보전 및 회복과 주민들의 정주여건 및 환경개선 총 두 가지 방향으로 구분할 수 있었 다. 셋째, ‘어촌다움’ 키워드에 가장 연관이 있었던 어촌 개발 사업인 어촌뉴딜 사업은 감성분석 결과 긍정적인 역할을 했으나 ‘어촌다움’의 일부인 어촌 주민의 정주여건 개선 및 정주기반 구축은 아직 미 비하며, 개선이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 ‘어촌다움’과 유사한 키워드인 ‘어촌스러움’, ‘어촌다 운’ 등의 키워드를 함께 분석하지 못한 한계점이 있으며, 향후 이러한 키워드와의 종합적인 분석과 어 촌지역 정주기반에 대한 세부적인 방향 제시가 필요할 것으로 판단한다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강원도 북부 어촌의 특이한 현상은 전쟁으로 인해 발생한 실향민에 의 한 새로운 음식문화의 형성이다. 음식으로나마 고향을 맛보고 잊지 않으 려고, 고향의 음식을 정착한 현지의 사정에 맞게 만든, “함경도 산, 강원 도 북부 작”이라는 음식문화를 형성한 것이다. 함흥냉면, 오징어순대가 대표적 예이다. 지구온난화와 남획에 의해 어획되는 중심 어종이 줄어들 거나 달라지고 있다. 어촌사람들은 산출되는 어종과 식재료에 과학기술 을 접목해 음식들을 현대화하고 고부가가치의 공산품으로서 식품을 개발 하고 있다. 해양심층수를 활용하고 붉은대게, 연어, 양미리의 다양한 조 리방법 개발이 이를 보여준다. 교통의 발전, 인터넷과 SNS의 확산은 지 역 음식문화의 새로운 형성에 영향을 주었다. 찾는 관광객을 위해 전통 음식에 기반하면서도 현대인의 취향에 부응하는 음식들을 개발하고 있 다. 닭강정, 명태강정, 대게고로케, 연어고로케 등이 그것이다. 더없이 발전 한 현대화의 시기에 옛 음식문화를 돌아보고 앞으로 만들어갈 지역의 음식 문화를 생각해 볼 시기이다. 선조들의 음식을 다시 살리고, 여기에 현대의 과학기술을 활용하여 재창조하는 것이 강원도 북부 어촌사람들이 명심해야 할 과제이다. 더불어 남북으로 나누어진 강원도 음식문화를 ‘하나의 새로운 민족음식문화’로 만들기를 소망할 뿐만 아니라 실천을 위해 노력하는 것이 접경지역 어촌사람들이 가져야 할 또 하나의 과제이자 마음가짐이다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global food prices have skyrocketed due to international uncertainties such as COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian War. In this context, the importance of rural areas as a source of food production is also rapidly increasing. However, the issue of regional extinction is emerging as Korea faces the world's lowest fertility rate and fastest aging population. Also, rural areas are losing their population more rapidly than large cities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that can encourage the influx of fishermen to prevent the disappearance of these fishing villages. As a result of the analysis, in order to prevent the disappearance of fishing villages, among the infrastructure, natural environment, and residential environment variables, the ratio of aged housing related to quality of life, culture and amenities coefficients were found to have a greater impact than other variables. Based on these results, it is judged that it is necessary to establish a sufficient level of infrastructure in fishing villages and to prioritize policies for improving the residential environment.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on diagnosing and analyzing the level of sustainable development for each fishing communities by applying the sustainable development index in the fishing communities to support the policy of revitalizing the fishing communities. In terms of methodology, diagnostic indicators for rural areas were used through previous studies and literature surveys, and three categories, five fields and 27 indicators were finally selected through collecting opinions from experts. After deriving the weight for each indicator in detail, the final sustainable development index of the fishing communities was applied to fishing village fraternity. Based on the results of the analysis of the application of sustainable development cases in fishing communities, policy support should be implemented differentially according to regional decline factors and potential growth factors. In the population and social sector, it is necessary to consider ways to reduce population and reduce aging. In the industrial and economic sectors, fishing activation and systematic support for fishing-related industries should be provided. In the marine and built environment sector, the government's active project execution and budget support are required. In addition, it is expected to be used in various ways in the process of developing fishing communities and establishing revitalization plans that reflect the characteristics of the region.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to estimate the amount of expenditure per capita of visitors to the Mongsanpo fishing village tourism festival, and quantitatively measure how much the festival contributes to the local and national economy through input-output model. The analysis data used 302 questionnaires, excluding missing questionnaires, surveyed on festival visitors from April 21 to May 7, 2018, during the 9th Mongsanpo port webfoot octopus and seafood festival. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, analyzing the average expenditure per person of festival visitors, it shows that the average one-person festival visitor consumes KRW 129,519: entertainment costs KRW 5,672 (4.4%), accommodation costs KRW 16,860 (13.0%), food costs KRW 74,791 (57.7%), transportation costs KRW 21,646 (16.7%), shopping costs KRW 6,788 (5.2%), and other costs KRW 3,762 (2.9%). Among the expenditures of festival visitors, the proportion of food expenses was the highest, and transportation costs and accommodation costs were in order. Second, based on the actual expenses spent by visitors at the fishing village tourism festival, the direct economic effect of the Mongsanpo fishing village festival was estimated be approximately KRW 14.8 billion. Third, as a direct and indirect economic impact effect of the Mongsanpo fishing village tourism festival in 2018, the amount of production induced in the local and national economies was estimated at KRW 33.3 billion, and the amount of value-added inducement was estimated at 11.3 billion won, and employment inducement reached 272 people, which is considered to contribute greatly to the national economy. This study quantitatively analyzes and provides the extent to which the fishing village tourism festival using local specialized fisheries directly or indirectly contribute to the local and national economy. Thus, it is expected to serve as useful information by providing basic information on business feasibility required for budgeting for local fishing tourism festivals.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        어촌뉴딜 300사업은 300개의 어촌과 어항을 대상으로 하는 복합개발사업으로 낙후된 시설 개선 및 지역특화 자원활용 등 전문 프로그램을 제공하는 사업이다. 본 연구에서는 어촌뉴딜 300사업의 선정평가 항목 별 가중치 결정을 위해 다기준 평가방법인 AHP로 전문 가 설문조사를 통한 분석을 수행하였다. 평가결과, 상위계층 평가항목은 개발여건 및 기본구상, 사업효과, 사업계획, 사업 시행 및 관리 순으로 중요도가 높게 나타났다. 사업효과 항목은 가이드라인에서 6점으로 낮은 배점이었지만, AHP 결과 15.57점의 배점이 도출되었다. 본 연구에서 도출된 항목별 가중치는 향후 어촌어항 개발사업 평가항목 배점 선정에 참조할 수 있을 것이다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fisheries policies are diversifying, including welfare programs for fishermen, revitalization of earfish and villages, and support for the sixth industrialization of fishing villages. In response to these policy changes, the purpose of this study is to categorize the fishing village fraternity, which is a local community, a fishery production organization, and a basic unit of a fishing village, and compares the characteristics of each type A number of indicators were selected by collecting data on the Categorization and evaluation of fishing villages fraternity and the statistical geographic information service. A number of indicators were extracted as representative factor variables using the principal component analysis, and then cluster analysis was performed to categorize the fishing village fraternity. This study was the first to attempt a comprehensive approach to revitalize the fishing village economy by using not only demographic and social characteristics, industrial and economic characteristics, but also regional characteristics. The characteristics of each type of fishing village fraternity find its significance in that it provides basic information that can be used in policy decisions. In order to strengthen the sustainability of the fishing community in the future and contribute to the sustainable development at the national level, the development of sustainable fishing village fraternity development indicators and follow-up studies on fishing village regeneration strategies will be needed.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the production efficiency of individual fishing communities and provide directions for improvement. The subject of the study is aquaculture type Ochon-Gye in Goheung-gun. The analysis method used bootstrap-DEA to overcome the statistical reliability problem of the traditional DEA analysis technique. In addition, data mining-GIS was applied to identify the spatial productivity of fishing communities. The values of technology efficiency, pure technology efficiency, and scale efficiency were estimated for 32 aquaculture-type fishing villages. Then, using the benchmarking reference set and weights, the projection was presented through adjustment of the input factor excess, and furthermore, the confidence interval of the efficiency values considering statistical significance was estimated using bootstrap.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ultimate purpose of this study is to revitalize the fishing community as the basis for the revival of the fisheries industry. The types of Eochon-Gye acceptance were analyzed as a basic study to achieve this purpose. According to the results of the study, it turned out that the head and the member of the Eochon-Gye had the same three Eochon-Gye acceptance types; that is, democratic, decision-making, and separatist types. However, the Eochon-Gye acceptance types by two groups differed in detail, even though they were named by the same names. Therefore, in order to devise an effective revitalization plan of the fishing community, it is necessary to reflect the detailed characteristics of each Eochon-Gye acceptance type owned by the two groups.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is important to understand the factors in which fishing village experiences have on family relationships. The purpose of this study is to derive the variables related to the family stemmed from the analysis of previous studies, and to find and present common factors that specifically influence the fishing experience in the family relationship. Through this, we intend to find it out in addition to the visible results such as income and experience, it can be an effective policy as a means to improve family relations through mutual efforts and understanding among families in promoting fishing-related policies. As a result of the analysis of the study, two common factors that the fishing experience had on family relationships were extracted. The first common factor is 'mutual effort,' which results in trying for each other's emotions, communication, understanding, and unity. The second common factor is 'mutual sharing' so fishing experiences are generally related to each other in family relationships. It can be seen as a result of sharing the memories, pleasures, and bonds of the people.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to establish the public interest functions of fisheries and fishing villages, which is intended to help introduce and expand the public-purpose direct payment system in the fisheries sector. Firstly, this study looked at trends related to the public interest functions of domestic and foreign cases in similar fields in order to get implications for establishing public service functions in fisheries and fishing villages. Secondly, three criteria were defined for establishing the public interest functions of fisheries and fishing villages. Thirdly, the public interest functions of fisheries and fishing villages were defined through prior research, analysis of overseas cases, and consultation with experts in the fields of fisheries and fishing villages. As a result, the six public interest functions and the 14 detailed functions were defined. Finally, this study established a direction for preserving and improving the public interest functions of fisheries and fishing villages, and presented strategies for achieving them.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to propose a policy improvement plan by analysis of the extinction risk factors reflecting the specificity of fishing villages, fishing village support policies, and settlement conditions of fishing villages as one of the solutions to the immediate problem of fishing village extinction. The results of the study show the higher the level of number of fishing ports, number of returning rural population, and housing diffusion rate, the dependent variable extinction risk index was a positive effect while vacant house ratio and aged house ratio was analyzed to be in was a negative (-) relationship with the dependent variable.The policy implications through this study were to prepare an effective policy to reduce the risk of extinction, to improve urgent settlement conditions, and to prepare a condition to convert returning rural population into fishery population.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to provide logical and policy justification for the feasibility and sustainability of the project through analysis of economic ripple effects of the fishing village new deal 300 project. To do this, we applied the industry-related analysis, which is mainly used to analyze the economic ripple effects, to the fishing village new deal 300 project. The industry association analysis classifies the detailed project of the preliminary plan for the selection of the business into the software business such as the hardware business and the capacity enhancement in the construction field and analyzes the economic ripple effect through the inter-industry association. As a result, it is expected that the fishing village new deal 300 project will have a positive economic impact. When the total investment of 3 trillion won is invested in the project, it is estimated that the production inducement effect and the value added effect are 5,545.3 billion won and 2,102.7 billion won, respectively. In addition, 62,005 get job inducements, where 10,952 employment inducements were associated with job creation. The analysis of the above impacts seems to have secured the logical justification for the implementation of the fishing village new deal 300 project.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to excavate superior fishing communities by applying the Ostrom (1990)’s principles of sustainable and successful use of common goods. Ostrom(1990)’s principles are (1) clearly defined boundaries (2) congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, (3) collective choice arrangements (4) monitoring (5) graduated sanctions (6) conflict-resolution mechanism (7) recognition of rights to organize by external government authorities (8) nested enterprises. The survey was carried out under the individual interview method of 15 fishing village members in 32 fishing communities with the government’s fishery environment improvement and fishery creation projects. The total effective samples are 477. These data were analyzed. The analysis result shows that 24 fishing villages are selected among the 32 fishing communities in the samples, including Nanji, Sanghwang, Songseok, Sinshido, Jukyo, Jinsan, Changli, Pado, Beopsan, Rahyang, Palbong, Woongdo, Daehwang, Sapsi, Chido, Jinri, Daeri, Songgak, Joongwang, Ojii, Doripo, Doseong, Mongsan 1ri and Songnim as superior fishing villages. The results of this study have limitation that may vary depending on the rigor of the criteria in the process of deriving good fishing communities. Despite this limitation, this study has expanded existing research focused on validating the theoretical applicability of the framework through case analysis of specific fishing communities to objectively and quantitatively to many fishing communities. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the creation of conditions in which fishermen can continue to manage their fishing grounds and stand on their own feet by presenting the framework and principles for developing desirable fishing village models for the continued use of mudflat shells grounds as the common goods.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed at finding policy directions for Korean fisheries and fishing villages by using Delphi method for fisheries experts. Fisheries experts have highly evaluated the achievements of fostering aquaculture industry, seafood export support measures, and natural disasters relief and recovery arrangements among the policies promoted as so far. And it was recognized that policies such as fishery resources management, creation and recovery of fishery resources, improvement hygiene and seafood safety, and provision young fishermen with training and capacity building will be important. Future megatrends, for example changes in food consumption pattern, climate change, and demographic structure changes are expected to have a significant impact on fisheries and fishing villages. The Delphi survey indicates that the most important policy objective is to secure a stable fisheries production. In other words, fisheries policy in the future should be aimed at suppling sustainable seafood for popular consumption. Finding strategies and action plans that can achieve this goal will be an important policy issue. In conclusion, it is necessary that a number of fundamental researches carry out in Korea, which can lead to finding out a multifunctionality of fisheries and fishing village. In addition, it is important to expand the scope of fisheries policy, which can consider not only the fisheries producers but also seafood consumer’s and young fishermen perspectives. Furthermore, it recommends that fishery policy needs to include fishery related industry as well as application of 4th industrial revolution technology to fishery
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study is to analyze the status and trend of less favored condition of fishing village in Korean island regions using the census of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The less favored condition was measured as the difference in accessibility to major services and in fishery sales and resident infrastructure, applying the difference-in-difference method and propensity score matching method respectively. The result shows that access to major services has improved in island area between 2010 and 2015, implying that related policies such as the island comprehensive development project have been successful to some extent. However, some educational facilities, cultural facilities, and health facilities still have low inaccessibility and fishery sales are also significantly lower than in general area. This suggests that it is necessary to maintain related policies like the direct payment of fisheries.
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