
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중세에 잘못된 교권에 저항하면서 말씀에 순종하기 위한 많은 여성들이 선교를 위해서 그리고 가난하고 소외된 사람들을 위해서 어떤 선교적 삶을 살고 사역을 하였는지 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 첫 번째로 중세시대에 여성들이 전승된 여성관 으로 인해 매우 부정적인 대우를 받으며 가부장적 권위 아래서 가사를 돌보는 일에 전념하게 됨으로써 그 존재감이 매우 미약했음을 연구하였 다. 두 번째로는 12세기 이전세대로부터 전승되어온 여성들에 대한 교권의 견해를 살펴보고, 라테란 공의회 이전과 이후의 변화된 여성들 의 사역의 부흥과정에 대해 살펴보았다. 세 번째로는 중세시대 여성사 역의 주요 기구인 베긴공동체에 대해 연구하였다. 베긴공동체 신앙의 근간을 이루고 있는 신비주의와 신앙적 소명을 통해 발전해가는 여성사 역을 연구하였다. 네 번째로 베긴공동체 여성들이 한 선교사역을 통해 그 특징을 살펴보았으며 통전적 관점에서 기술하였으며, 마지막으로 현대 여성들의 나아갈 방향에 대해 간략하게 모색하였다.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 한국 교회의 1세대 선교학자들 중에 이광순 교수에 대한 연구이다. 전재옥, 전호진, 강승삼, 이태웅 등과 더불어 이광순 교수는 한국 선교학자의 1세대에 속한다. 그는 1986년 풀러에서 박사 학위 취득 후 장신대에서 가르쳤으며 많은 예장 통합 선교사 훈련에 참여했다. 이 연구는 이광순 박사의 선교학과 예장 통합 선교사들과 한국 교회에 대한 공헌을 이해하고자 했다. 이것을 위해 본인은 이 박사의 연구논문들과 저서들과 박사 학위 논문을 참고했다. 본인은 우선 그 이전의 두 명의 장신대 선교 관련 교수들에 대해 간략히 고찰한 뒤에 그의 생애와 사역을 정리했다. 그 뒤에 본인은 그의 연구 주제들을 여섯 개의 주제와 몇 개의 작은 주제들로 정리했다. 마지막으로 본인은 이광순 박사의 사역에 대해 논의했다. 이광순 박사와 그의 연구가 영어권에서 비교적 알려져 있지 않기 때문에 그의 생활과 사역을 보다 자세히 살펴 보았다. 이 연구는 이신형의 선행 연구보다 광범위하게 이광순 박사에 대해 살폈다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 사회에 미투 운동(Me Too Movement)은 사회적 약자인 여성에 대하여 사회 전반에 반성을 이끌었다. 그동안 한국의 전통 사회는 유교 전통의 강한 가부장 주의적인 성격으로 여성을 억압해왔고, 여성은 시대에 종속된 모습으로 기능적인 역할을 수행해왔다. 한국 사회에 개신교는 여성을 거듭난 존재와 새로워진 정체성을 가지게 하여 시대를 주도하는 존재로 인식시켰다. 초기 한국 교회의 여성들은 개인적 차원을 초월하여 타자에 대한 책임을 지고 한국 사회를 치유하려 는 선교의 길을 걸었다. 그러나 여성들은 근본주의적인 교회 안에서 차별을 기억하고 경험하였다. 한국 개신교 여성은 그들만의 유연함으로 한국 교회의 경직된 문화를 품고 있었다. 결국, 그들은 이 시대의 사명을 가지고 억압과 차별이 만연한 사회를 변화시켜가고 있던 것이 다. 또한 부당한 처우에도 이 시대를 품고 보듬어 가는 여성들의 사랑은 한국 개신교 역사에 존재하는 그들의 인내와 헌신을 통하여 갈등과 차별을 초월한 모습이 드러났다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        메리 F. 스크랜턴 선교사는 조선 말엽 개화와 개혁을 추구하는 시대의 요구를 이해하고 이를 선교에 접목시킨 선교사였다. 특히 그녀는 교육과 의료선교를 통해 사회 변혁을 꾀하고 가난하고 소외된 여성들에게 기독교교육을 통해 인권을 회복하고 여성의 가치를 고양시킨 여성교육의 선구자적 삶을 살았다. 스크랜턴은 기울어가는 조선의 운명을 바라보면서 조선의 여성들에게 조선인으로의 긍지와 자부심을 갖도록 했으며 조선의 미래를 당당하게 세워갈 수 있도록 교육을 통해 계몽시켰다. 그녀의 선교적 열정과 헌신, 그리고 용기는 어둠에 쌓여 있던 조선에 한줄기 빛이고 희망이었다. 또한 복음의 불모지 조선 땅에 개신교의 여명이 밝아오게 만드는 장본인이었다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over 1.4 million foreigners live in South Korea now. The number of marriage-related immigrants is 125,673 and that of children of multicultural family is 107,689. These facts are brand new ones during the last five thousand year history of Korea. Such a change challenges Korean people and Christians to rethink respectively about their identity. This article aims at describing the current situation of immigrants, especially marriage-related immigrant women and multicultural family, identifying tasks for immigrant mission in Busan, Ulsan and Kyungsangnam-do and searching for the immigrant theology. Methodologies used in the article are: literature study, interview with specialists in immigrant mission, social biography of marriage-related immigrant women, missiology of encounter with other and Post-colonial Feminism. In Busan, the researcher chose four church/mission center/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2009. And he chose five mission centers/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2010. He interviewed with 31 members of multicultural families and with 9 specialists in the immigrant mission. Ninety-nine marriage-related immigrant women responded to the survey prepared by the researcher. The results of the social biography of multicultural family and the surveys of marriage-related immigrant women are: first of all, recovery of ‘normality’ of the multicultural family, for the family has been represented by the mass media as ‘abnormal’ one with family violence: secondly, Christian faith contributes for them to accommodate to Korean culture and to overcome conflicts between husband and wife of multicultural family: thirdly, the international marriage initiated by commercial agencies is blamed as money- exchange-marriage but the reality of such a family life is similar to that of a marriage arranged by a go-between: lastly, marriage-related immigrant women are faster learners of Korean language and culture than migrant workers. Tasks for immigrant mission are: to strengthen the multicultural family by overcoming cultural conflicts, to support for their children education, to establish multicultural faith community, to encourage marriage-related immigrant women to get a job, to suggest education programs for Korean Christians and Korean citizens, and to prevent from religious conflicts through peace education among religious groups.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to search Mattie Ingold’s life, the first lady missionary doctor served in Jeonla province. She is known as a founder of the Jesus Hospital in Jeon Ju, 108years old teaching hospital with 600 beds. But her contribution and limitation as a lady doctor was not properly evaluated. She was very well prepared medical missionary graduating Women’s Medical College in Baltimore with the first prize. She had passion for mission to Korean so much that she would not return home for this people. The Rock Hill First Presbyterian Church as a sending church was also very mission oriented enough to take care of her medical education for 5 years before sending her to Korea. However her ministry period as a medical missionary was only from 1898 to 1904. It seems not so long as to raise question if there were any reasons to quit medical ministry while serving in Jeon Ju until 1925. This study traced the Mattie Ingold’s life and circumstances she had faced at the end of 19th century and early 20th century during the Japanese colonialism. As other medical missionaries did in many area of mission fields she played an important role in introducing the Christianity by bridging the gap with the traditional worldview or with the Confucianism. Her warm hearted medical care was definitely contributed to get rid of xenophobia prevailing in those days just few years after the Donghak farmer’s revolutionary movement. Even though, as a lady doctor, her medical work was restricted to caring ladies and children, her zeal for evangelism made her translate the Christian Cathechism Primer into Korean which has been used by all missionaries in Jeonla area. She rather used her limitation as a merit by involving more actively in home visiting and providing medical care for ladies and children which was not easily available to men. She must have struggled with xenophobia, male superiority complex and the health issue of herself which could have shrink her back from active medical work. But most depressing factor might have been the mission policy based on dualistic view on the Christian mission that medical ministry was just subordinate to the evangelistic ministry and that the medical care was just a bait for evangelism. This policy could have resulted in restriction in allocating resources for medical ministry. Moreover, at that time, even mission agency had male dominating atmosphere that ladies could not have a voice in decision making. This study may provide a lesson which is worth in helping individual missionaries of today’s mission by revealing that how the policy of a mission society and the contemporary worldview affects on the individual missionary’s ministry.
        2004.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The importance of third-world missions has been emphasized in the 20th century. The Holy Spirit uses third-world churches and their rnissionaries to evangelize many unreached people of the world. At this point, we need to study the roles of women leadership from a rnission-historical and field need-oriented perspective. Along the way, we may find the meaning of women leadership development that serves third-world rnissions. God called female leadership as well as male leadership to serve the world and to accomplish the Great CommImission. Women leadership in the history of modern missions showed outstanding comrnitment and excellence in serving the people in the rnission fields. Their main role in rninistry prevailed in educational, medical, translation, benevolent, and evangelical works. In this article, some outstanding women leadership cases are included, such as Lottie Moon’s story and three women leaders who are working in Islam mission fields. As a result of the ministries of these women leadership, many women in the third- world not only receive spiri tual salvation, but also get their social status be upgraded. Suggestions regarding contemporary mission strategies for the third-world missions are sumrnarized according to geographical, religious, and urban mission perspectives. Many women leaders are needed to serve Africa, Asia, and Central and South America in educational, medical and praise ministries, and many kinds of social works. Women in Confucianism, Hinduism, and Islam have been suffering according to their traditional customs and cultures. They need helping hands from Christian women leadership in order to be freed and receive emancipation from the darkness. In a post-modem world, the urban discipling mission strategies also demand women leadership to meet its various and holistic needs In conclusion, women leadership are crucially needed in the thirdworld missions. Female leadership, combined with male leadership, can complement their callings to accomplish the Great Comrnission. Therefore, women leadership development in Christian churches should be encouraged to go and make disciples in the third- world mission fields. Actually, women are consisted of two-thirds of the Christian congregations in the world. The women who are called by God should be developed to save and help women in non-Christian worlds. It is very important and urgent task before us today.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean churches and mssions have been influenced by their cultural regulations on women issues. Women were treated as inferior beings, who is destined to take role in less irnportant positions in Korean traditional society. In response, a protestant missionary established the fìrst school for Korean women and girls in 1886, as she preached the Gospel. As a result, socio-political leadership opporturlÌties were given to women in contemporary Korean society. However, the churches were reluaant to change their hierarchical concept on women and women leadership, which influenced rrusslOnaries’ lives, works and their rnission fìelds. This concept of women inferiority suppressed female church members and missionaries; it not only belittled thernselves but also affected the relationship with their male partners in ministry. To cope with these difficulties and to help Korean ffilSslOnaries, here we need to do critical contextualization. For the missiological process, we will study God's intentions for the status of women and their leadership through exarrurung the discussions between the complementarians and the full participationists on the issues. In the first and second Genesis, God created Man as male and female in his image and blessed them to rule over all creatures in the earth. Both in the cultural command in Gen.1:27,28 and the creation story in Gen.2: 18-24, we can see the equality of women in their human dignity, status and leadership role. It is dear that Jesus, the Son of God in the Gospels, also demonstrated his view on women in equal status and equal in discipleship and leadersþip for the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit also affirmed the equality of women both in status and ministty through pouring out Himself according to his promise in Joel 2:28,29. Apostle Paul in his new creation theology, through Gal.3:28, prodaimed the equality of women both in spiritual and sκial bases. Even in the two difficult passages, 1Cor.14:34,35 and 1Tim.2:11,12, we found that Paul was not to teach universal truth but to exhorr them to apply in their special contexts. Moreover, Paul also showed his view on women in equality both in dignity of personality and ministty, by induding many women as his coworkers for his missionart works. As we learned above, to treat women in equal status and leadership role is right in the sight of God who is love and justice. Therefore, the hierarchical concept of Korean Church and missions should be transformed in the light of the biblical foundations of women in equal status and leadership, as a missiological prαess of critical contextualization. As we know, two• thirds of the Korean Church are consisted of women. The Korean Church should recover the equal status of their woman members in their hurnan dignity created in the image of God, and their leadership roles based on being outpoured by the Holy Spirit. I suggest that this biblical knowledge should be taught at seminaries and Bible study groups in the Korean Church--from children to the elders, from women to men, and from laymen to pastors. As a result, women in the Korean Church and ffilSSlon will develop thernselves to contribute for the kingdom of God. Healthy relationships and improved teamwork with their male partners are also expected. My hopes are that the synergy effect thus created in Shalom will help accelerate His kingdom come in the whole eanh.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on issues of Muslim women’s predicament in Islamic culture, exarrurung these issues with the purpose to presenting the Christian mission imprative and its approach to Muslim women who are under oppression of Islamic systems. The hypothesis of this study is that the discrimination against women is due to Islamic social systems, which have been intensified according to the rulers' disposition supported by Islamists. Pakistan is a representative case of it. Pakistan established a Muslim state separately at the time of the independence of India from British rule, and required an attempt to solidifY the nation consisting of various ethnic groups under Islam for the social and political stability. Since political leaders have recognized Islamization as an effective means for Pakistani solidarity, they have established social systems by introducing Islamic laws as a part of Isamization. Islam has functioned importantly in uniting various component segments of society, and has been the ideology and crucial motive for the founding of Pakistan. The revival of the Islamic •fundamentalism in Pakistan was supported by rulers who thought of Islam as the ideology to solidify the nation. The impact of Ismization on the social status of women has been serious because women’s low place in that culrure in grounded on Isalmic Scriprure, Qur’an and Islamic traditions, Hadith. The gender discriminative references implied in Qur’an and Hadith have helped social systems to justify the discrimination against women over the time. Their usual practices are the purdah, the punitive law, the evidence law, the revenge and compensation law, and the family law. Those gender discriminative sαial systems have given rise to the domestic violences against women as well as restriaion of sphere of women, and the violences against women such as the honor killing in Pakistan have increasecL The honor killings in the name of the family honor have become a serious problem in Islamic countnes. Recently, the static of women’s education reveals an increasing nU01ber of women in education and in high position in Pakistan society. But many women in lower classes are still in illiteracy and poverty, and those women observe purdah,an Islamic social system. The image of women in God's Kingdom is srudied for understanding of the missions perspective toward muslim women who are segregated and have lost their rights under Islamization. The heaven which muslims describe is a paradise to be given to faithful Muslim men, where beautiful women among other compensation are prepared. πlÏs description of heaven suggests that women is subordinated to men. This srudy argues that the true image of women in the God's Kingdom is accomplished by liberation through Christ from patriarchism at the level of social structure and oppression by dark spirirual powers. To present true liberation to Muslim women, Christian misslon should be a rrusslon being with them, sharing their suffering, and thereby giving rise to transformation in their life and spirit. That is termed incarnational missions, which need hermeneutics considering the social and cultural contexts. The contextualization, however, should not allow the culture in which oppressing human right is justfied in the perspectibe of cultural relativism
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        6·25전쟁 이후 급증한 성매매여성을 돕기 위해 세워진 애란원의 설립자 반애란 선교사는 기독교적 여성 인식을 바탕으로 ‘한번 성매매에 빠진 여성은 회복이 불가하다’는 한국 사회의 편견을 극복하기 위해 노력하며 이들에 대한 복지의 필요성을 촉구하였다. 또한 국내 최초의 미혼모 보호시설의 설립을 통하여 태아의 생명 보호 및 모성보호에 가장 먼저 앞장섰다. 이러한 활동은 요보호여성 복지사업에 있어서 다양한 기관들의 관심과 연합을 이끌어내었다. 반애란 선교사의 설립 정신이자 애란원이 추구하는 태아의 생명존중, 모성 보호, 가정보존 등의 가치는 한국 기독교가 지향하는 사회 윤리와도 그 맥을 같이 한다. 결국 애란원의 설립과 성장은 기독교의 가치가 한국 사회 전반에 공유 될 뿐 아니라 정부 정책의 변화를 이끌어내고 유교 전통의 영향력을 대체하는 여성 인식의 새로운 기준으로 자리 잡은 사례라 볼 수 있으며, 이러한 점으로 인해 한국 교회사에서도 역사적인 의의를 가진다고 할 수 있다.