
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Historic buildings are history of human kind and a crystal of culture. Therefore, we have a responsibility and obligation to succeed to descendants. Once such heritage is damaged, it is hard to restore its original form. Thus, various attempts to preserve its value and authenticity have been made internationally. Among these, the international preservation tendency of historic building in terms of materials has been given to the preservation of materials as well as the preservation of appearance. In accordance with such trend, Korea also presented an equivalent general principle, and has managed historic buildings with the separate related instruction. The most general method to preserve historic buildings in Korea is a repair work. Since the foundation of Korea, the repair work tendency has been carried out in the principle of phenomenon change and original form maintenance. But, such tendency focuses on the appearance such as style, structure and trimming method, and there is insufficient consideration on the authentic preservation of materials. Accordingly, this study attempts to examine preservation principle and methods in the repair works, and also to investigate the afforestation condition for the restoration work. And, by suggesting preservation method of authentic materials, it aims to prepare the reference for the future repair work.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have focused on the building appearance according to the change of conservation policy and urban fabric in Bukchon, Seoul. The Urban Hanok, urban traditional housing type, had been evolved in modern contort from 1920's to 1960's, that is to say, many buildings(Urban Hanok) in Bukchon area has built up with a lot and road at the same time. But the change of conservation policy has an effect on the urban fabric and building(wooden structure, RC and brick building). Thus many types of building in Bukchon has undergone a various change. The purpose of this paper is to define a change factor of Bukchon buildings. Thus we need to pay attention to policy and urban fabric. We reached the result as follows. First, the change of architecture regulations according to the several policies(an aesthetic area, an altitude area for sky line restriction and so on) brought into building deformation and eventually the historic scenery of Bukchon has been spoiled. Second, the change of policy had an effect on the change of roads and lots. Buildings on a widen road and a united lot was built newly. But new buildings built up with a concrete or brick structure was not in harmony with the historic scenery of Bukchon area. Third, a development method of a large lot with lack prudence(disregarded a scale and size of lot) did damage to Urban hanok and urban fabric. With the understanding on the relationship of buildings, a urban fabric and a policy in Bukchon, we can define the identity and correspond with the urgent request for a the conservation of historic urban scenery In addition we can suggest the policy and the design guidelines for the reservation and rehabilitation for Bukchon, Seoul.