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        검색결과 1,808

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to determine the future direction of Busan City’s tree planting policy in accordance with changes in automobile fuel and air pollutants, this study selected representative tree species planted in Busan and identified the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emission rate and characteristics of each species. First, representative tree species were selected for each street tree species, forest tree species, and park tree species, and the emission rate and major components of BVOCs were investigated for each tree species. Furthermore, by comparing the ozone generation potential (POCP) for each tree species, tree species with a low emission rate were selected. According to the POCP comparison, P. yedoensis, G. biloba, Z. serrata and C. retusus were selected as roadside tree species, P. densiflora and C. obtusa as forest species, and A. palmatum, C. japonica, and Q. myrsinaefolia were deemed suitable for park species. However, in the case of P. occidentalis, Quercus, and M. glyptostroboides, the emission rates of BVOCs were found to be high. Despite this, these tree species were found to display excellent CO2 absorption and carbon storage. The concentration of NOx in the city center is likely to decrease due to the current trend of transitioning to eco-friendly cars worldwide, resulting in less cars that rely on fossil fuels. Therefore, in the current climate where NOx emissions are still high, planting tree species with a low BVOCs emission rate would be an optimal approach. On the other hand, if the NOx concentration in the city is found to be very low due to changes in automobile fuel use, planting tree species with excellent BVOCs emission capacity and CO2 absorption would be ideal.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeosu National Industrial Complex is one of Korea’s representative petrochemical industrial complexes where crude oil refining and petrochemical companies are concentrated. According to the results of the 2021 chemical emissions survey, during the process of manufacturing, storage, and transportation at the Yeosu National Industrial Complex, various hazardous chemicals, including hazardous air pollutants, volatile organic compounds and odorous substances are being emitted into the air, affecting the surrounding environment and the health of residents. The Ministry of Environment is applying strengthened standards by designating the Yeosu National Industrial Complex as an air conservation special measure area and establishing odor management areas to manage the air environment. Nevertheless, odor complaints continue to be registered and related complaints increase when turnaround work is carried out. Since air emissions are not counted during periods of turnaround as normal operations are temporarily suspended, it was difficult to establish policies to reduce odor complaints because the source of emissions and emission quantities cannot be ascertained with certainty. In this study, the extensive Yeosu National Industrial Complex was subdivided into 4 areas using a mobile vehicle equipped with PTR-ToF-MS capable of real-time analysis without sample pretreatment being carried out. Measurements were repeated during the day, night, and dawn while moving around the internal boundary of the plant and the boundary of each region where turnaround activities were being carried out. As a result, the recorded measurement for acrylonitrile was the highest at 6340.0 ppb and propyne and propene were measured the most frequently at 128 times each. Based on these results, it will be possible to help reduce emissions through process improvement by efficiently operating air measurement networks and odor surveys that conduct regular measurements throughout the year and providing actual measurement data to the plant. Also, it will help reduce odor complaints and establish systematic air management policies.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 분리막 생물반응기(membrane bioreactor, MBR)에서 발생되는 생물막오염 완화에 탁월한 효과를 가진 분리막을 개발할 목적으로, 친수성 산소 기능기가 많은 탄소나노구체(carbon nanosphere, CNS)를 합성한 뒤, 이를 첨가 제로 활용하여 친수성과 다공성 기공 구조를 갖는 고성능 한외여과막을 제조하였다. CNS는 막 표면에 초승달 모양의 기공을 형성하였고, CNS 함량을 4.6 wt%까지 증가시킴에 따라 최대기공 크기보다 큰 결함을 야기하지 않으면서 평균 표면 기공 크 기를 약 40% 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, CNS 복합막의 다공성 기공 구조는 CNS의 등방성 형태와 상대적으로 낮은 입자 수밀도 덕분에 CNS 첨가에 따른 고분자 용액의 점도 급등이 방지됐기 때문이라고 판단된다. 그러나 너무 다공성이 커 지게 되면 기계적 물성이 저하되므로, 기공구조와 기계적 성질을 포함한 종합적인 고려를 했을 때 CNS2.3이 가장 우수하다 고 관측되었다. CNS2.3은 CNS0에 비해 수투과도가 2배 이상 높을 뿐만 아니라, MBR 공정에서 분리막 세정이 요구될 때까 지의 운전 시간도 5배 이상 연장시킨 것으로 확인되었다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents a novel method for addressing the issue of high-concentration contaminants (ammonium, phosphate, antibiotics) in leachate arising from decomposing livestock carcasses. Antibiotics, developed to eliminate microorganisms, often have low biodegradability and can persist in the ecosystem. This research proposes design elements to prevent contamination spread from carcass burial sites. The adsorbents used were low-grade charcoal (an industrial by-product), Alum-based Adsorbent (ABA), and Zeolite, a natural substance. These effectively removed the main leachate contaminants: low-grade charcoal for antibiotics (initial concentration 1.05 mg/L, removal rate 73.4%), ABA for phosphate (initial concentration 2.53 mg/L, removal rate 99.9%), and zeolite for ammonium (initial concentration 38.92 mg/L, removal rate 100.0%). The optimal mix ratio for purifying leachate is 1:1:10 of low-grade charcoal, ABA, and zeolite. The average adsorbent usage per burial site was 1,800 kg, costing KRW 2,000,000 per ton. The cost for the minimum leachate volume (about 12.4 m3) per site is KRW 2,880,000, and for the maximum volume (about 19.7 m3) is KRW 4,620,000. These findings contribute to resolving issues related to livestock carcass burial sites and suggest post-management strategies by advocating for the effective use of adsorbents in leachate purification.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the performances of H2S, NH3, and HCl sensors for real-time monitoring in small emission facilities (4, 5 grades in Korea) were evaluated at high concentration conditions of those gases. And the proper approach for the collection of reliable measurement data by sensors was suggested through finding out the effect on sensor performances according to changes in temperature and humidity (relative humidity, RH) settings. In addition, an assessment on sensor data correction considering the effects produced by environmental settings was conducted. The effects were tested in four different conditions of temperature and humidity. The sensor performances (reproducibility, precision, lower detection limit (LDL), and linearity) were good for all three sensors. The intercept (ADC0) values for all three sensors were good for the changes of temperature and humidity conditions. The variation in the slope value of the NH3 sensor showed the highest value, and this was followed by the HCl, H2S sensors. The results of this study can be helpful for data collection by enabling the more reliable and precise measurements of concentrations measured by sensors.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스페인은 1992 CLC와 1992 FC 체약국임에도 불구하고, 스페인 대법원은 협 약과 국내법을 혼용하는 방법을 통해 선주의 책임제한권을 부인하는 한편 P&I 보험자가 보험계약상의 담보한도까지 항변권 없이 보상해야 한다고 판결하였 다. 이는 선주의 책임제한권이 배제되는 경우에도 책임보험자는 선주책임한도 액까지만 보상책임이 있다는 1992 CLC의 명시적 규정을 무력화한 판결이다. 스페인이 1992 CLC와 1992 FC 체약국임에도 불구하고 협약과 달리 판결하 고 이의 집행을 추진하는 것에 대해 많은 P&I보험자들은 물론 ICS와 같은 선주단체에서도 선주책임제한 제도의 붕괴를 우려하고 있다. 스페인 대법원 판결이 나온 직후 IMO에서는 선주책임제한 규정의 통일해석 결의안을 채택하였다. 통일해석 결의안은 1992 CLC나 1976 LLMC를 기초할 때 에 선주책임한도액의 인상 대가로 선주책임제한이 사실상 조각되지 않도록 의 도하였다는 점을 인정하여 채택한 것이다. 이 결의안은 선주책임제한 배제사유 의 해석이 국가에 따라 또는 지역에 따라 편의적으로 해석되지 않게 하여 선주 책임제한 제도의 붕괴를 막으려는 조치로 다행스러운 일이다. 향후 이 IMO 통 일해석 결의안이 의도한 대로 해석되도록 P&I보험자와 선주 및 이들을 상대로 손해배상을 청구할 당사자들과 각국의 법원이 함께 노력해야 한다. 왜냐하면, 선주책임제한 제도 없이는 특히, 유류오염손해와 관련한 선주책임제한 제도 없 이는 선박활동이나 무역이 온전히 유지될 수 없고 무역 없이는 현대사회도 지 금처럼 지속될 수 없기 때문이다. 스페인 정부가 협약에서 정한 금액보다 훨씬 많은 금액을 회수하기 위해 사고발생 20년이 지난 지금도 P&I Club을 상대로 소송을 계속하고 있는 것 자체가 협약의 통일적인 해석기준과 지침이 국제적으로 절실히 필요함의 방 증이다. 한편, 이 사건에서 영국의 London P&I Club은 보험계약규정상의 조합원선 지급원칙을 통해 스페인 정부의 직접청구를 방어 중인데, 만일 Korea P&I Club을 상대로 직접청구를 시도한다면 우리나라 법원은 이를 승인할 것인 가? 우리나라가 1992 CLC 체약국인데 이 협약을 무력화한 스페인 대법원의 판결은 외국판결의 승인요건 제외사유인 “우리나라의 선량한 풍속이나 사회 질서에 어긋난” 판결에 해당하기 때문에 우리 법원이 이의 집행을 승인하지 않아야 할 것이다. “선주의 고의 또는 무모한 행위”를 근거로 선주책임제한이 배제되는 경우, 보험보상 역시 “피보험자의 고의적 불법행위”를 근거로 보험자 면책에 해당 될 수 있으므로 선주의 책임제한을 배제하려는 시도는 무조건 추진될 일은 아니다.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to evaluate the pollutants removal characteristics of two types of RBFs(Riverbank filtration, Riverbed filtration) intake facilities installed in Nakdong River and in Hwang River respectively. The capacity of each RBF is 45,000 ㎥/d for riverbank filtration intake facility and 3,500 ㎥/d for riverbed filtration intake facility. According to data collected in the riverbank filtration site, removal rate of each pollutant was about BOD(Biochemical oxygen demand) 52%, TOC(Total organic carbon) 57%, SS(Suspended solids) 44%, Total coliforms 99% correspondingly. Furthermore, Microcystins(-LR,-YR,-RR) were not found in riverbank filtered water compared to surface water in Nakdong River. DOC(Dissolved organic carbon) and Humics which are precursors of disinfection byproduct were also reported to be removed about 59% for DOC, 65% for Humics. Based on data analysis in riverbed filtration site in Hwang River, removal rate of each contaminant reaches to BOD 33.3%, TOC 38.5%, SS 38.9%, DOC 22.2%, UV254 21.2%, Total coliforms 73.8% respectively. Additionally, microplastics were also inspected that there was no obvious removal rate in riverbed filtered water compared to surface water in Hwang River.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ATP luminescence measurements (using Relative Light Units, RLU) has been used to assess the levels of bacterial contamination on the surfaces of various materials. However, not much is known about their suitability in assessing bacterial contamination on paper surfaces. This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using ATP luminometers in measuring levels of bacteria contamination on paper surfaces. The three ATP luminometers studied were Clean-Q, smart PD-30, and 3M™ Clean-Trace™ LM1 manufactured by different companies. There were some differences in RLU results among the three ATP luminometers when they were tested with different concentrations of Micrococcus luteus cell suspension. 106 - 107 cells were required in order to effectively detect Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Micrococcus luteus on the surfaces of A4 printing sheets (100 cm2) when using the three ATP luminometers. The sizes and physical properties of surface areas varied slightly among the swabs used for the three ATP luminometers. Concentration-specific measurements (RLU) of M. luteus taken from the surfaces of six kinds of paper (fine print paper, medium print paper, ground paper, newsprint paper, practice paper, tracing paper) were possible using the smart PD-30 and LM1 ATP luminometers. ATP detection values of M. luteus varied among the six types of paper. The highest ATP detection values were found on the surfaces of tracing paper. If the RLU value is recorded at the level of 1000, this could indicate a very high bacterial contamination level of 105 to 106 CFU/4 cm2.
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