
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 28

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 내가 최근에 종이 위에 작업한 작품들의 개요를 보여주는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 통해 작품들에서의 터치, 시간, 운동의 모든 측면과, 제작 과정과 관람 경험에 대한 발견을 전반적으로 제공하고자 한다. 나는 2022년의 대형 드로잉 작업 <목욕하는 사람들 I>과 2023년의 새로운 디지털 비디오 <그림자 속의 어떤 빛>에서 번역과 변환에 집중하고 있는 데, 손으로 들고 촬영하는 방식으로 터치, 시간, 운동의 요소들이 아이폰 카메라에 어떻게 반영되는지를 보여주기 위해서다. 이때 다양한 해상도와 프레임 속도의 사용은 후반 작업에 서 영상의 속도를 늦추는 방식과 결합하여 새로운 등가물을 만들어 내게 된다. 나는 갤러리 에서의 관람객들의 실시간 시청 경험을 고려하고 탐색하기 위해 스튜디오에서의 활동 결과 를 병렬하고 기록하는 촬영 관행도 개발하였다. 이는 특히 커다란 포맷의 네거티브 이미지 아날로그 사진들을 이용하여 손으로 만든 작품을 치환하는 것을 탐구한 나의 초기 실습을 통해서 맥락화된 결과이다. 나는 또한 이 글에서 19세기 후반의 사진, 광학, 회화의 발전, 특히 조르주 쇠라의 점묘법 작품과 나의 현재 작업 사이의 연관성에 대해 논의했다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the effect of time of trot on hematology and blood chemistry values of the Jeju Pony crossbreed horses that are commonly used for riding (14.1±1.4 years old, Gelding). A total of 28 parameters including vital signs as well as stress hormones such as cortisol and lactic acid levels were examined as the time of the trot exercise progressed. Vital signs such as heart rate (38.0→81.0 times/min) and respiratory rate (11.7→35.7 times/min) increased significantly within 30 minutes of exercise. However, difference in the body temperature was not observed before and after exercise. The hematology including white blood cell count (8.03→9.52×103 cells/μL), red blood cell count (5.94×103→7.23–7.32×103 cells/μL), hemoglobin levels (11.82→14.65–14.78 g/dL), and hematocrit levels (25.04→30.27%) significantly increased 30 minutes after the start of the exercise (p<0.05). The blood chemistry value of albumin (3.25→3.47 g/dL) (p<0.05) only showed a significant increase after the exercise. However, the other blood chemistry levels such as, Na+, K+, Ca2+, total CO2, creatine kinase, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, aspartate transaminase, total bilirubin, gamma–glutamyl transpeptidase, and total plasma protein did not change. Also, cortisol and lactic acid levels did not show significant difference. The middle-aged Jeju pony crossbreed horses were not stressed by the 30-minute exercise; therefore, it can be concluded that there is no problem regarding the safety of both the rider and the animal.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 청소년의 운동시간의 변화가 자아존중감의 변화로 이어지는 관계에서 그릿의 변화의 매개효과를 검증하는 것이다. 한국아동·청소년패널 2018의 중1 코호트 2개년도 자료 중 결측치를 포함한 케이스를 제외한 2,438명(남=1,327명, 여=1,111명)의 자료가 분석에 활용되었다. 각 변인의 변화량 간의 관계를 검증하기 위해 1차년도 측정값과 2차년도 측정값의 회귀분석에서 생성된 표준화잔차점수를 변화량 변수로 활용하였다. 상관관계 분석 결과, 운동시간의 변화량과 자아존중감의 변화량, 그릿의 변화량은 모두 서로 유의한 정적상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 위계적 회귀분석을 통한 매개효과 검증 결과, 운동 시간의 변화가 그릿의 변화를 통해 자아존중감의 변화에 직·간접적으로 영향을 미치는 부분매개효과가 유의한 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 결과는 운동시간의 감소가 청소년의 그릿과 자아존중감의 감소에 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to several seismic design standards, a ground motion time history should be selected similar to the design response spectrum, or a ground motion time history should be modified by matching procedure to the design response spectrum through the time-domain method. For the response spectrum matching procedure, appropriate seed ground motions need to be selected to maintain recorded earthquake accelerogram characteristics. However, there are no specific criteria for selecting the seed ground motions for applying this methodology. In this study, the characteristics of ground motion time histories between seed motions and spectral matched motions were compared. Intensity measures used in the design were compared, and their change by spectral matching procedure was quantified. In addition, the seed ground motion sets were determined according to the response spectrum shape, and these sets analyzed the response of nonlinear and equivalent linear single degrees of freedom systems to present the seed motion selection conditions for spectral matching. As a result, several considerations for applying the time domain spectral matching method were presented.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, firstly, acceleration-time histories were generated by varying strong motion duration in the frequency domain for application to a seismically isolated nuclear power structure, so as to examine the effects of strong motion duration on the behavior of the structure. Secondly, real recorded earthquakes were modified to match the target response spectrum based on the revised SRP 3.7.1(2007) and the modified time histories were applied to the analysis of a seismically isolated nuclear power structure. The obtained values of acceleration and displacement responses of the structure were, finally, compared with the values obtained in case of applying acceleration-time histories generated in the frequency domain to the structure.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Across the culture of Western Europe, dichotomy based on the visual sense has evolved. They believed eyes and ears requiring a distance related in recognition, are more developed than any other human senses in human body. Dominant position, as a condition to using a perspective, the eye has been just concentrated in the development of optical sight. But developed a variety of modern media, highlighting the importance of the other perception, it makes dichotomy to the expansion of perception over the single function of visuality. Recently, Guille Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty try to recover the sense of tactility segregated in skin from body keeping eyes for distance. By the result, the activity can be happened by being connected to the body rather than to eye in the space between the subject and object. From the phase of recognition where the human body tries to identify the object in the space considering a time, it will be changed for the subject to the phase of structure vice versa. Visual tactility is to eliminate the distance between subject and object. If the visual tactility is to erase the distance different from the visual in dichotomy, it will be occurred to having a tension and makes new relationship to work trying to move the subjective point of view in object. Like this evidence in analysis of architecture, it can be easy to find the Korean architecture rather than western architecture in terms of emphasizing the time and space. The fact, architecture of Lee Dynasty had been preserved and consisted basic form and style over the centuries makes us assume that visual tactility was considered as well as the visual sense. This study will be intensive in terms of visual and tactile inherent in the subject and how it is being connected to the movement in the space and time.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess visual biofeedback's influence on trunk muscles' (EMG) activity and endurance holding time for correct position during whole-body tilt exercise. For the study, we recruited 14 volunteers who showed no symptom of lumbar disease during medical tests. We measured the EMG activity of their rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique and erector spinae muscles, and their endurance holding time for correct position during anterior and posterior whole-body tilt under two conditions: whole-body tilt with and without visual biofeedback. Resistance with gravitational force on the trunk during whole-body tilt was applied by using a device that had a monitor on which the subjects could check their alignment and that sounded an alarm if a subject's alignment collapsed. The study showed an increase in the EMG activity of external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique/rectus abdominis ratio and endurance holding time for correct position during both anterior and posterior whole-body tilt with visual biofeedback compared with without visual biofeedback (p<.05). We suggest that the whole-body tilt exercise with visual biofeedback could be a beneficial strategy for selectively strengthening the internal abdominal oblique muscle and minimizing the rectus abdominis muscle's activity while maintaining correct alignment during whole-body tilt exercise.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate effects of reaching distance on movement time and trunk kinematics in hemiplegic patients. Eight hemiplegic patients participated in this study. The independent variables were side (sound side vs. affected side) and target distance (70%, 90%, 110%, and 130% of upper limb). The dependent variables were movement time measured by pressure switch and trunk kinematics measured by motion analysis device. Two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures was used with Bonferroni post-hoc test. (1) There were significant main effects in side and reaching distance for movement time (p=.01, p=.02). Post-hoc test revealed that there was a significant difference between 110% and 130% of reaching distance (p=.01). (2) There was a significant main effect in side and reaching distance for trunk flexion (p=.01, p=.00). Post-hoc test revealed that there were significant differences in all pair-wise reaching distance comparison. (3) There was a significant side by target distance interaction for trunk rotation (p=.04). There was a significant main effect in target distance (p=.00). Post-hoc test revealed that there were significant differences between 70% and 110%, 70% and 130%, 90% and 110%, 90% and 130% of target distance. It was known that trunk flexion is used more than trunk rotation during reaching task in hemiplegic patients from the findings of this study. It is also recommended that reaching training is performed with limiting trunk movement within 90% of target distance whereas reaching training is performed incorporating with trunk movement beyond 90% of target distance in patients with hemiplegia.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and the vastus lateralis (VL) onset time differences (OTD) during quadriceps contraction in different hip positions. Twelve healthy subjects were recruited (four men, eight women). Surface EMG activities of the VMO and VL were measured during a quadriceps strengthening exercise in a long sitting condition and in a sitting at a chair with feet hanging condition. For each condition, subjects were tested in two hip positions (neutral and adduction). The OTD between the two muscles was calculated for each condition, by subtracting the onset time of the VL from the VMO. Therefore, the negative value of OTD represent earlier EMG onset of the VMO compared to the VL. The OTD was not significantly different between the hip neutral and the hip adduction position in the long sitting condition (p=.064). However, the OTD was significantly different between the hip neutral position (15.83±109.51 ms) and hip adduction position (-5.58±121.08 ms) during the sitting at a chair with feet hanging condition (p=.047). The negative OTD value in the hip adduction condition during quadriceps strengthening exercises is the result of earlier onset of the VMO than VL. Therefore, quadriceps contraction in the hip adduction position can prevent the risk of patella lateral tracking. We expect that quadriceps strengthening exercise in the hip adduction position will be a safe way to prevent patellofemoral pain syndrome resulting from abnormal patella lateral tracking.
        2007.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reductions in strength and range of motion in older persons have been associated with decreased functional mobility and risk of falls. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of intensive dynamic balance exercise (DBE) during 8 weeks on onset time of medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscle contraction after perturbation in older women. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned into DBE group or control group. The DBE group participated in 50 minutes 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Surface electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from the medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles of left side. Outcome data were collected both groups at the pre-exercise and post-exercise. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used to determine the statistical difference. Results showed that the passive range of motion and functional reach test were significantly increased in the DBE group than the control group at the post-exercise (p<.05). The onset time of both muscles and discrepancy of onset time significantly reduced in the DBE group than the control group at the post-exercise (p<.05). The onset time of both muscles were significantly reduced in the post-exercise than the pre-exercise in the DBE group (p<.05). The discrepancy of onset time in the DBE group was significantly reduced in the post-exercise than the pre-exercise (p<.05). These findings suggest that intensive dynamic balance exercise for the eight weeks was effective in improving the postural control with older persons.
        2004.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Motor skill learning can be acquired implicitly without consciousness of what is being learned. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of implicit motor learning in young and elderly people using a perceptual-motor task. Forty normal young and elderly subjects participated. A modified version of the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT) using six blocks of twelve perceptual motor sequences was administered. The paradigm consisted of the first random sequence block followed by the four patterned blocks and another random block. In each block, the go signal consisted of an asterisk displayed in the one of the four parallel arrayed boxes in the middle of the screen. Subjects were instructed to push the corresponding response buttons as quickly as possible. Young subjects demonstrated shorter reaction times during the consecutive patterned blocks reflecting appropriate learning accomplished. Elderly subjects were able to learn a perceptual-motor task with implicit knowledge, but the performance was lower than that of the young persons. These results indicated that implicit sequence learning is still preserved in elderly adults, but the rate of learning is slower.
        2002.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 하퇴의지 착용자와 정상 성인간의 시간-거리, 운동형상학 변수를 조사하고 비교하기 위하여 실시하였다. 연구 대상자는 외상으로 인한 하퇴 절단자로서 내골격식 하퇴의지를 착용하고 독립적으로 보행이 가능한 20명과 연령, 신장으로 짝짓기한 대조군(matched control group) 20명이 참여하였다. 보행분석은 Vicon Clinical Manager Software (VCM)를 내장한 PC에 5개의 카메라가 연결되어 있는 Vicon 512
        2001.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the presence of incident waves with different frequencies, there are second order sum and difference frequency wane exciting forces due to the nonlinearty of the incident waves. Although the magnitudes of these nonlinear forces are small, they act at sum and difference frequencies away from those of the incident waves. So, the second order sum and difference frequency wane loads occurring close to the natural frequencies of TLPs often give greater contributions to high and low frequency resonant responses. The components of the second order forces which depend on first order quantities have been evaluated using the three dimensional source distribution method. The numerical results of time domain motion analysis for the nonlinear wave exciting forces in regular waves are compared with the numerical ones of frequency domain analysis. The results of comparison confirmed the validity of the proposed approach.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resting periods between exercise sets during isokinetic contraction on recovery from muscle fatigue, strength, heart rate, blood pressure, and lactate level. Sixteen women performed 10 repetitions of isokinetic exercise for three sets in three different conditions. During the sets, they rested 50, 100, and 150 seconds in each condition. And the results were: 1) In this population, the peak torque of extensor during the isokinetic exercise in 100 second resting condition was significantly higher than that in 50 and 150 second resting conditions (p<.01). The total work of extensor was significant in the second and third sets in 50 and 100 second resting conditions (p<.01). 2) During the isokinetic exercise, the heart rate was progressively increased as the sets were advanced in all resting conditions (p<.01). And the increase was significant during the second and third sets than the first in 50 second resting condition (p<.01), while it was significantly greater after the third set than the first in 100 and 150 second resting conditions (p<.01). 4) No difference was found between the resting periods in blood lactate level and blood pressure during the isokinetic exercise. However, differences were found between the sets in these variables (p<.01).
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knee exercises on the onset times of vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO) and vastus lateralis muscle (VL) and in healthy subjects. Fifteen subjects (7 men, 8 women) in a mean age of 26.4 years participated in the study. Electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from the VMO and VL under four exercises. Knee exercises consisted of open kinematic terminal knee extension, straight leg raising, isometric hip adduction exercise, and closed kinematic terminal knee extension. No significant differences were found in the onset times of EMG activities of VMO and VL in the four exercises. There were also no significant differences among the exercises. These results coincided with previous studies that found no difference between onset of VMO and VL. However, it is difficult to say that there is no difference between onset of VMO and VL in healthy subjects. To confirm this results, further researches that follow same on set determination metod and exercises are needed. Not only is the study of onset time of muscle needed, but also the studies of the amount of activation and the rate of increase of muscle activation are needed.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        목적: 본 연구는 초등학생의 운동시간이 교우관계에 미치는 영향에서 공동체의식의 종단매개효과를 검증하는 것이다. 방법: 종단매개모형 검증을 위해 한국청소년정책연구원에서 실시하고 있는 한국아동·청소년패널조사의 ‘초등학교 4학년 패널’ 중 1, 2, 3차 년도 자료를 활용하였고, 결측치를 제외한 2163명의 자료를 통해 체육수업 중 운동시간, 공동체의식, 교우관계를 측정한 문항들이 잠재성장모형 분석에 사용되었다. 결과: 운동시간과 교우관계는 학년이 올라감에 따라 선형적으로 증가하였으나, 공동체의식은 선형적으로 감소하였고, 세 변인 모두 초기값과 변화율은 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 종단매개모형 검증을 실시한 결과, 운동시간의 초기값이 교우관계의 초기값에 미치는 직접효과는 유의하지 않았으나 공동체의식의 초기값을 매개로 한 간접효과는 유의한 것으로 나타났으며, 운동시간의 변화율 또한 공동체의식의 변화율을 매개로 교우관계의 변화율에 간접적으로 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 초등학생들의 운동시간이 교우관계에 미치는 영향에서 공동체의식의 종단매개효과가 있다는 것이 검증되었다. 결론: 이러한 결과는 체육수업 중 실제 운동참여시간이 더 많은 학생들이 공동체 의식이 강하고 교우관계도 좋다는 결론과 함께, 운동시간을 점차
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study was to verify the difference between reaction time of information processing and decision making information related with physical activity according to exercise self-schema. So it would have the hypothesis that exercise self-schema affected to judgement, remember and expectation of the content related with physical activity. Methods: The participants of experiment were 36(male:15, female21,Mage=21.25). Task was presented at computer screen. Participants reaction time and contents were saved automatically. And it was measured the physical activity’s amount for 7 days through questionnaire. All anaysis were conducted by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18. Results: It was shown that the participants who had higher exercise self-schema had faster information processing about physical activity content than the participants who had lower exercise self-schema. Also group of higher exercise self-schema had more vocabulary comments. And at the expect behavior related physical activity, the group of higher exercise-self schema seek more physical activity than the group of lower exercise self-schema. Finally, higher exercise self-schema group had more physical activity. Conclusion: it had identified that exercise self-schema was significant factor at information processing related physical activity. So it is needed to study and develop the program which help developing exercise self-schema.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 대학생의 성, 학년, 운동변화단계에 따른 운동 자기-도식과 운동지속의사 그리고 주당운동시간을 확인하고, 남·녀 대학생의 주당운동시간에 운동변화단계, 운동 자기-도식 그리고 운동지속의사가 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 확인하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 대학생 404명(남자 197명, 여자 207명)에게 설문지를 실시하고, SPSS 18.0와 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 문항분석, 변량분석, 신뢰도분석, 타당도분석, 상관분석, 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 성과 운동변화단계에 따라 운동 자기-도식과 운동 지속의사 그리고 주당운동시간이 유의미한 차이가 나타났다(p<.05). 그리고 주당운동시간에 영향을 미치는 요인을 확인하기 위한 단계적 회귀분석결과, 남성의 경우 주당운동시간을 예측하는 설명량은 43.6%이며, 여성의 경우는 37.8%로 나타났으며, 그 영향요인은 다소 차이가 보였다. 이와 같은 결과를 토대로 신체활동을 증가시키는데 운동 자기-도식의 형성이 중요함을 확인할 수 있었으며, 성차를 고려한 중재 전략이나 프로그램과 관련된 후속 연구가 지속되어야 할 것이다.
        2006.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 운동 지속시간에 따른 정서와 EEG 대뇌반구 비대칭의 차이지표를 분석하여 운동 참여자들이 일회성 운동으로부터 심리적 혜택을 경험할 수 있는 최적의 운동 운동지속시간이 어느 정도인지를 알아보는데 있다. 실험에 참가한 피험자는 20-25세의 여자대학생 17명을 대상으로 하였다. 이들의 평균나이는 21.1세였고, 운동 지속시간 과제(VO2max 60% 수준에서 10분, 20분, 30분, 40분)에 참가하였다. 연구의 실험설계는 운동 지속시간(VO2max 60% 수준에서 10분, 20분, 30분, 40분)에 의한 단요인 반복측정 분산분석을 실시하였다. 종속변수는 긴장, 우울, 분노, 활력, 피로, 혼란, 총정서장애 그리고 EEG 대뇌반구 비대칭 차이지표의 점수이다. 본 연구결과 부정적 정서인 긴장, 우울, 분노, 피로, 혼란 그리고 총정서장애에서는 안정 시 조건과 비교해서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 반면 긍정적 정서인 활력과 EEG 대뇌반구 비대칭 차이지표에서 안정 시 조건과 운동 지속시간 30분 조건에서 통계적으로 유의한 증가가 나타났고, 안정 시 조건과 40분 조건에서 유의한 감소가 나타났다. 따라서 운동 지속시간에 따른 정서와 EEG 대뇌반구 비대칭 차이지표(log R-log L)의 변화에 미치는 영향을 알아본 본 연구의 결과는 30분 정도의 운동이 긍정적 정서변화의 효과를 발생할 수 있음을 알 수 있었고, 40분 정도의 오랜 운동 지속시간은 “기분 좋아짐(feel better)" 현상을 줄일 수 있는 가능성이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 EEG 대뇌반구 비대칭 활성화를 이용한 본 연구방법은 운동이 정서변화에 미치는 효과를 심리생리학적으로 이해시킬 수 있는 새로운 접근방법의 가능성을 제시하고 있다고 사료된다.
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