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        검색결과 11

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 2022년 6월 1일 윤석열정부에서 치러진 민선8기 지방선거 결과 광주·전남지역에 관한 것이다. 그동안 호남지역은 더불어민주당의 텃밭으로 민주당의 핵심축으로 역할을 해 왔다. 그러나 더불어민주당은 2022년 3월 대선에서 패배하였으며, 6월 지방선거에서도 참패를 당했다. 이러한 참패는 더불어민주당의 독주체제와 오만, 국민들의 민심 이반에 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다. 2022년 6월 지방선거에서 광주투표율은 37.7% 로 전국 최하위로써 역대 최저치를 나타냈는데 이는 대선패배와 더불어 민주당에 대한 실망감으로 보인다. 반면 전남은 투표율 58.5%로 전국 최고치를 나타냈는데 이는 더불어민주당의 공천 불공정에 대한 반발로 무소속 후보에 대한 적극적인 투표효과로 보인다. 민선8기 광주·전남 국 민의힘 시·도지사 후보 득표율은 15% 이상으로 선거비용 보전이 가능하 게 되었다. 이러한 득표결과는 국민의힘의 지속적인 호남지역에 대한 서 진정책(西進政策)효과라고 분석된다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The specimens from 32 aborted fetus and 274 aborted cows were collected in 168 farms of Chonnam province from 2005 to 2008 and were tested the brucellosis. The results obtained are summarized as follows. In the 32 aborted fetus, bovine brucellosis was detected in 12 heads (37.5%), bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease was detected in 7 heads (19%), ainovirus infection was detected in 1 head (3.1%), and multi-infection of BVD and brucellosis was not detected, respectively. In the 306 cases of aborted fetus and cows, bovine brucellosis was detected in 44 heads (14%). Status of abortion were confirmed in 63 farms (38%) out of 168 farms from June to August. From the point of raising scale, studies found that 128 farms (76%) out of all raised under 20 heads. The incidence of abortion by brucellosis was mainly showed in 30 heads (68.1%) about 151~250 days of gestation. In the result of the 18 farms survey, the causes of infections were detected movement of infected cattle in 5 farms (28%), unknown cause in 12 farms (67%), and recurrence in 1 farm (5%). The results of this study suggest to take an advantage of the prevention and fundamental research for bovine brucellosis in Chonnam province.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        [ ∏ ]' shape of Jeonnam Area has not been well-known so far. This study is about when, how and on what type the '∏' shape had settled among many 'ㅡ' shape houses. The Anchae of Jeonnam Area which appeared 17C. contrasts with 'ㅡ' shape. Especially, the head family's house might have been expected to develop with special difference. 'ㅡ' shape had been built much more than the '∏' shape around 20C when modernization had been ripen. It was big event that '∏' shape, the head family's house, had been pulled down and then 'ㅡ' shape had been newly built. (Ui Seong-ryeol house) The reason why 'ㅡ' shape had been built instead of '∏' shape might be that people accepted the change of 'modernization', that is to say, people accepted convenience and opening. The plan of '∏' shape consists of Daecheong and Anbang at the center of Momche, and Jageunbang and Jangji at both sides. In the '∏' shape, the center of Momche is wide dand light unlike 'ㅡ' shape. Unjoru, Nogudang, Yundoseo house have long wing and have more encircling Anmadang than other houses, which are well known for a house for a man of noble birth.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find out the plan type of traditional folk housing in Jeoun-Nam Province. The building time of these houses is mainly from early 19C to early 20C and about 1,000 houses have been investigated. The conclusion of this research is 1. Small house is composed of kitchen, one or two rooms and Marae(the place of storage and sacrificial rite). Big house has one more room and one more storage in comparison with the small house. Marae and Jeoungjibang(a room which is in front of kitchen) are characteristic rooms of folk house in Jeoun-Nam Province. 2. The plan type varies in Jeoun-Nam Province. '-'type is a main type of layout and it is arranged a kitchen, a big room, a Marae and a small room in order. In the big house, jeoungjibang(the third room) is added. 3. In the southwestern Island area, no room is arranged beside Marae. Marae has characteristic confucian order because it is the place of sacrificial rite. Therefore there is a great difference in comparison with other area. 4. In the mountain area such as Gurae, there are some houses which have two rooms arranged up and down in one side; that is, upside is Marae and downside is small room. This type is called Kyump Jip.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to prove the correlations among various factors what determined to formation of front elevation proportion system through making an actual survey and investigating. According to the analysis of them, we make conclusions as follows; 1, On the assumption that average distance of 1Kan(間) is 1, the height of foundation is 0.21, the height of floor from foundation is 0.24, the height of normal column from floor is 0.85, the height of eaves from foundation is 1.10. 2. Southeast faced buildings are wider than southwest faced buildings in the distance of 1Kan (間) in the range of $110{sim}220mm$. The height of foundation and floor in the southeast faced buildings are higher than those in southwest faced buildings beside the height of normal column, eaves, high column in the southwest faced buildings are higher than those in southeast faced buildings. 3. As number of front Kan(間) increases, the distance of 1Kan(間) decrease and the height of eaves and high column(高柱) increases. This is cause of making a maximum needed inner space by increasing the distance of 1Kan(間). This is an wisdom for living from ancestors. 4. As number of Dori(道里) increases, the distances of 1Kan are nearly same but the height of eaves and high column(高柱) increases about 300mm, This is a natural result from an increasing of building scale. 5. The distance of 1Kan(間) in later 19C building is most wide but, the unit heights are minimal average values at year 1900 as a reference mark. After this, the height of normal column, eaves, high column are higher about $170{sim}330mm$. 6. The number of Kan in front elevation, Dori(道里), and direction of building have correlations each other in proportion system of traditional housing An-Chae with significant level, p<0.05.
        1982.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시험은 흰빛잎마름병의 품종별 감수성과 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명코자 시비량을 보비재배와 다비재배로 구분하여 전남지역에서 수행 되었다. 흰빛잎마름병은 발생은 다비조건에서 심했으며 심한 발병은 수도 품종들의 등숙에 영향을 주어 수량 감수를 초래하였고 청미율은 품질을 저하 시켰다. 또한 조생계품종에서는 지엽과 차엽이 발병되었지만 중, 만생계품종에서는 지, 차, 삼엽이 발병되었다. 이러한 차이는 보비조건에서 보다 다비조건에서 더욱 뚜렷하였다. 이 병에 대한 저항성품종은 태백벼, 백운찰벼, 팔공벼, 밀양 42호이었고 밀양 30호, 금강벼, 낙동벼, 진주벼는 감수성이었으며 이러한 경향은 시비 수준간에 같은 경향이었다.