
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze the traditional attire of four ethnic minority groups in Northeastern China: Daur, Ewenki, Oroqen, and Hezhen, considering their natural environment, lifestyles, and cultural influences. A literature review of academic papers, books, and online resources was conducted, along with indirect investigations through artifacts. The Daur people, being equestrian, have garments with deep slits, vibrant colors, and elaborate decorations. The Ewenki people wear clothes made of fabric in the summer and primarily deer skin in the winter, and their clothing is simple and not flashy. The Oroqen people’s clothing typically has slits at the front, back, or on both sides, and they wear a waist belt. The Hezhen people, an ethnic group that primarily hunts and fishes, wear two-piece clothing with a hip-length top and pants or other fur-trimmed garments. All groups incorporate symbolic patterns influenced by Shamanism, along with animal headgear and leather shoes. We observed that the traditional costumes of ethnic minority groups in Northeastern China share many commonalities in form, but there are detailed differences in material, shape, color, and decoration due to unique geographical and climatic characteristics as well as differences in livelihood. Additionally, the structure of clothing varies depending on each tribe’s shamanistic practices and lifestyle.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국 동북부지역 랴오닝성의 단둥(40°07'N 124°23'E)과 지린성의 궁주링(43°30'N 124°49') 및 룽징(42°46'N 129°26'E)에서 2020년과 2021년 벼 재배기간 중에 성페로몬트랩으로 이화명나방(Chilo suppressalis)(나비목: 포충나방과)의 성충 발생 시기를 조사하였다. 1화기 성충은 5월 중순부터 7월 하순 사이, 2화기 성충은 7월 중순부터 9월 중순 사이에 발생하여 세 지역 모두 연중 2회 성충 발생양상이 뚜렷하게 확인되었 다. 위도가 높은 지역에서 발생시기가 더 늦었다. 각 지역에서 관찰된 1화기 발생 시기를 기준으로 발생 시기 모델링을 통해 2화기 발생 시기를 추 정하고 관찰된 시기와 비교하였다. 네 개의 선행연구 자료로부터 성충, 알, 유충, 용 발육단계의 온도의존 생명현상(발육속도, 발육완성분포, 생존 율, 성충 노화율, 총산란수, 산란완성분포, 성충 생존완성분포) 모델들을 수집하거나 작성하였고, 이들을 선행 연구에 따라 단독으로 사용하거나 혼합하여 곤충 발생 시기 추정 소프트웨어인 PopModel에서 결합하였다. 모델링 결과에서 유충 발육기간이 짧게 관찰된 선행연구 자료를 기반으 로 하여 구성된 모형들이 2화기 성충 발생 시기를 더 근접하게 추정하였다. 2021년에는 단둥과 룽징에서 성충 조사 시기에 맞추어 이화명나방에 의 한 벼 피해주율의 변화를 조사하였다. 피해주율은 벼 재배기간 중 누적되어 2번의 증가시기가 뚜렷하게 나타났고, 이화명나방의 각 세대 유충에 의 해 발생한 것으로 추정되었다.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the historical and environmental background of the straight-line-shaped plan emerged in northeast region of China during the Qing dynasty. This raper is mainly based on the writings in Yeon-haeng-rok. The results are summarized as follows: First the necessity of a lot of sunshine due to the cold climate in that region made the people select the plan that rooms to be added side by side. Second, it was not necessary to build the house with non-straight-line-shaped plan due to the reason that the northeast region of China is so vast and the size of the house lot was not limited. Third, the condition of family income somewhat affect the shape of plan to be straight-line-shaped, which is much economical to construct a house than other shape of plan. Fourth, the way of living of the people in that region during the Qing dynasty made the house plan straight-line-shaped which is convenient to sit either on the floor or on the chair within a room. Fifth, straight-line-shaped plan became an adequate means to represent the hierarchy of the use of inner space of a house and eventually became an architectural norm of this region.