
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        호접란 신품종 ‘화수 511’은 2000년 상미원에서 Phal. Happy Valentine을 양친으로 교배하여 육성한 F1개체 중에서 육성하였다. 2001년 ~ 2003년에 걸쳐 실생개체 중에서 영양생장과 개화특성이 우수한 개체 00-05-11을 선발하였다. 2004년과 2005년에 1차, 2차 특성검정을 통하여 품종의 안정성과 균일성을 확인하고 ‘화수 511’로 명명하였다. 신품종 ‘화수 511’은 화색이 진분홍(PN78A)이며, 화형은 안아피기로 꽃의 길이와 폭은 각각 7.8cm, 9.5cm로 대형이다. 잎의 길이와 폭은 각각 25.7cm, 8.7cm이며 엽형은 반직립이다. 기내증식율이 높고 식물체가 강건하고 생육이 빠르기 때문에 재배가 용이한 품종이다. 2008년 7월 8일 품종등록(등록번호 제2357호)하여 종자산업법에 의해 보호받고 있다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : As the farmers who grow Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense Miller) in rain-shelter greenhouses increase, it is necessary to develop a cultivar with self-compatibility and high quality. Methods and Results : The new boxthorn line, CBP06419-243 was selected from the cross between CBP03310-250(IT232705) and CBP05399-1 to breed the cultivar with self-compatibility and high quality. These lines used for crossing was tetradilpoid induced by the colchicine treatment on bud. Its preliminary yield test was performed from 2009 to 2011 and the selected line was named Cheongyang 18. Its regional yield trials were carried out in Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo from 2012, 2014, 2015 and Cheongyang 18 was registered as the new variety, Whasu, in 2015. The specific characteristics were summarized as follows; Tree shape is semi-open type and the leaf is lanceolate. The flowers are distinctly larger. The fruit type is medium size, long oblong and yellowish red. The flowering was June 21 with medium flowering. Branching by pruning its sprout was generated less than the check variety, Cheongmeong. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer was as strong as 7.7 percent. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was slightly severe compared to the check variety, but the infection rates in rain shelter greenhouses was similar. The content of betaine and free sugar in dried-fruits were higher than that of the check. The dried-fruit yield was decreased about 13 percent in open field, but increased 18 percent in rain shelter greenhouses. Conclusion : This variety ‘Whasu’ was suitable for cultivation in plastic film greenhouses because of self-compatibility and high-yielding. It is not necessary the companion variety.