
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국의 대학평가제도인 “五位一体”를 관료적·법적·정치적 책무성 확보기제, 시장적 책무성 확보기제, 전문적 책무성 확보기제로 분류하고 각각의 특징, 문제점, 개선방안을 제시한 것이다. 중국 고등교육기관, 학술정보서비스, 국가데이터플랫폼 등에서 법규, 지시, 공고문서와 주요보고서, 논문을 수집하여 내용을 분석하였고, 분석을 위해 사용한 이론적 틀은 Burke(2005)의 책무성 트라이앵글이다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 관료적·법적·정치적 책무성 확보기제의 문제점은 상급기관의 행정명령으로 인식된다는 점, 평가지표와 평가방법의 지나친 통일성으로 인해 대학 자율화와 특성화에 부정적 영향을 준다는 것이다. 둘째, 시장적 책무성 확보기제로 분류되는 독자적 평가제도는 없으며, 국가와 전문가 관점의 책무성 확보기제의 평가 항목을 통해 간접적으로 확보된다는 점이 특징이다. 문제점은 정부와 대학의 편견에 의해 시장적 책무성 결과가 왜곡될 수 있다는 점과 학생, 학부모, 기업 등 시장의 관점에서 유의미한 제도가 아니라는 것이다. 셋째, 전문적 책무성 확보기제의 특징은 개인(교원)에게 요구되는 책무의 내용, 수단이 없다는 것이며 문제점은 폐쇄적 전문성을 바탕으로 한 자율규제 방식이라 대학과 개인(교원)의 실질적 문제점이 외부로 공개되지 않는다는 점이다. 각 책무성 확보기제의 문제점을 개선하기 위한 주요 방안으로 1) 개방적 평가기구를 설립, 2) 대학 내 사회 적합의 기구 설치, 3) 평가절차 및 평가결과 공개 강화, 4) 내적 동기부여 시스템 구축을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 기관평가와 상호 연계된 대학 자체평가, 학문계열평가, 국제평가, 교학상시현황모니터링시스템을 책무성 이론 관점에서 종합적으로 분석해 봄으로써 향후 중국 대학 평가제도의 발전 방향 등에 대한 시사점을 제공한다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This note assesses the implications of the D.C. Circuit Court case of Han Kim v. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in which the court found the North Korean state responsible for the torture and unlawful killing of Kim Dong Shik, a South Korean missionary who was abducted by the North Korean government while in China. In particular, this note shows how the judgment breaks new ground by holding a state responsible for torture and unlawful killing based solely on general evidence of that country’s human rights practices, without additional information about the fate of the victim himself. This note also discusses this case’s implications for the plaintiffs themselves, and for other victims of North Korean human rights abuses.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This essay is a reflection on the significance of U.S. accountability to the struggles of Jeju Islanders for reparations. Under international law, a strong case can be made for the United States’ obligation to acknowledge its role in the Jeju atrocities and to provide compensation to the victims.1 Addressing the United States’ responsibility for complicity in these actions will prove controversial, no doubt, for it has significant implications not for U.S. actions in other parts of the world but for all states engaged in military occupations or acting through surrogate governments. These legal and political ramifications diminish the likelihood of voluntary remedial action by the United States, and the international legal system is ill-suited to compel compliance. Nonetheless, even if Jeju Islanders are ultimately unable to obtain full satisfaction from the United States government for its role in the atrocities to which they have been subjected, I believe that recognition of the international legal obligations incurred by the U.S. in that process can reinforce the legitimacy of their claims, thereby aiding in the restoration of their dignity and supporting their on-going struggles for self-determination.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Impact of transnational corporations’ activities on local communities and populations can result in violations of human rights. There are compelling reasons to hold TNCs liable for human rights violations. The regulation of TNCs has become a global public good, and joint forces are needed to hold TNCs more accountable for their violations of human rights. Bilateral Investment Treaties, as a main component of international investment law regulating international investment activities, require urgent reform in this area. This article examines why and how BITs could be drafted or amended in order to enhance TNCs’ human rights accountability. After taking stock of existing legal institutions regulating TNCs, this article analyzes the difficulties and hurdles in subjecting TNCs to human rights liability. Finally, this article probes into potential advisable proposals on how BITs should be reformed, both in substance and procedure, to better respect human rights.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nature of the UN Global Compact has been studied from the perspective of three frameworks. The first is the theory of norm. The UNGC involves the creation of a network beyond transnational advocacy, as a transnational norm. The network of the UNGC is a public space for dialogue among participants. The second is the theory of subject. In the process of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives, ownership of various stakeholders and actors including companies are discussed. Furthermore, it attempts to draw the sense of ownership and commitment from those who cannot recognize their ownership. The third is the theory of responsibility. In the age of globalization, in association with increasing multilateral actors, the concept of ‘responsibility’ should be multilayered. The concept of ‘responsibility’ should be interpreted stereoscopically and it will be necessary to understand and conceptualize many related concepts concerning ‘accountability’ such as ‘responsibility,’ ‘charge’ and ‘commitment,’ with gradations.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Beyond transnational litigation which seeks to hold corporations accountable for their misconduct overseas through judicial recourse, the risk of human rights abuses should be mitigated by embedding good practices locally through domestic laws and policies. The United Nations proposed Guiding Principles for transnational and other businesses for this purpose in 2011. It has been suggested that National Actions Plans should give effect, or at the very least policy coherence, to the international standards enshrined in the Guiding Principles. This article argues that, properly devised, such plans are invaluable, and can help to reinforce regional imperatives under international law. In Southeast Asia, particularly, the prospect of corporate accountability should be measured by existing or emergent regulatory norms in ASEAN, a regional bloc that aims to achieve parity of rules and regulations across the ten countries through economic integration.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines public accountability of terrestrial broadcasters, especially KBS, MBC and SBS, in Korea, Public accountability understand a new role for public broadcasters in context of changing media environment, and is responsibility in return for the privilege of public channels. Theoretically there is close relationship between public accountability and public interest, which based on the public broadcasting system in tradition. Public accountability is a response to public ownership, public funds and public channel, and therefore includes not only public program service, public control system and active service for the audience. In practice, it can not be given to all free channels the same accountability, but different. For example, KBS has very strict public accountability, because it is based on public characteristics for ownership, financing and free channel. On the other hand belongs to the public accountability SBSs basically public service for audience included public program service. But it is very impotent for all public channels to survive in the future.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper introduces the system of England in terms of the accountability of prison. Since the prison riot arose in 1990, England has started the reformation of prison in a human and rational way. In regard to the reformation of prison, this paper examines necessity of the accountability of prison, prison management and policy evaluation method, activity of prison inspectorate for transparency of prison administration, activity and limitation of boards of visitors (independent monitoring board), an appeal of dissatisfaction, the third-party agency, and the system of coroner. I write this paper in the hope that these reformations will be operated in Korea. I also look forward to meeting modernization, legislation and internationalization of prison in Korea.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research tests the effects of institutional pressures, the use of performance measurement systems and accountability, and moderation effects of human resource capability between institutional pressures and the use of performance measurement systems in the Local Government institutions in Indonesia. The research aims to provide empirical evidence both quantitatively and qualitatively that isomorphism institutional pressures occurred in the scope of implementation of the performance measurement system and accountability in the public sector organizations and to show the importance of human resource capability enhancement in reducing external pressure impact. In addition, it tries to develop the correlation model of institutional pressures, human resource capability, implementation of the performance measurement system, and accountability of public sector organizations. The research used mixed methods with sequential explanatory design. The data collection used surveys and interviews in 209 regency/Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java local governments as samples. The research result indicated that the institutionalization process of the performance measurement is influenced by institutional pressures, especially coercive and mimetic pressures. Human resource capability was unable to weaken institutional pressures effects in the performance measurement system implementation. The research also proved that the use of a performance measurement system was able to improve local government institution accountability.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to investigate the implementation of the internal quality assurance system (IQAS) on HEIs performance, mediated by financial management accountability. The commitment from foundation leadership on financial management accountability and their implications for HEIs’ performance is also carefully examined. This study employs samples of 108 respondents from the leadership of private HEIs under Region IV Service Institutions. The purposive sampling, as a part of non-probability sampling was chosen as the sampling technique. Statistical data analysis conducted by use the structural equation model to test the hypothesis. The results reveal that the implementation of IQAS does not influence the financial management accountability, but it has an essential role on HEIs’ performance. Moreover, foundation leadership’s commitment has a significant positive effect on financial management accountability and HEIs’ performance. Financial management accountability also has a significant positive effect on HEIs’ performance. Financial management becomes important because the entire activities of HEIs should end with financial reporting. Therefore, financial and non-financial aspects are two interrelated and complementary aspects in the accreditation process. The findings of this study suggest that that performance measurement is very crucial as a part of the efforts to meet the general accountability requirement for organizations, particularly in HEIs.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the influence of apparatus resources, organizational commitment, internal control on the accountability of village fund allocations with the level of education as a moderating. Accountability analysis of village fund allocation is carried out at every stage of planning, implementation stage, administration stage, reporting stage, and accountability stage. The study was conducted in 18 villages in Undaan District, Kudus Regency - Indonesia, with a total sample of 115 village officials. Structural Equation Model analysis techniques with Warp Partial Least Square were used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that apparatus resources, organizational commitment, and internal control had a positive effect on the accountability of village fund allocations. The level of education strengthens the influence of apparatus resources on the accountability of village fund allocations. The findings of the study further prove that commitment has positive implications for achieving accountability. It means that the higher the commitment made by the government apparatus, the better and higher the effect on accountability in managing public funds. With an ethical commitment of the government apparatus in managing the budget, the use of funds can be in accordance with the planning and designation so that goals can be achieved.