
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Acoustic surveys were conducted in the seas surround the South Korea (South Sea A, South Sea B (waters around the Jeju Island), West Sea and East Sea) in spring and autumn in 2016. First, the vertical and horizontal distributions of fisheries resources animals were examined. In most cases vertical acoustic biomass was high in surface water and mid-water layers other than South Sea A in autumn and West Sea. The highest vertical acoustic biomass showed at the depth of 70-80 m in the South Sea A in spring (274.4 m2/nmi2) and the lowest one was 10-20 m in the West Sea in autumn (0.4 m2/nmi2). With regard to the horizontal distributions of fisheries resources animals, in the South Sea A, the acoustic biomass was high in eastern and central part of the South Sea and the northeast of Jeju Island (505.4-4099.1 m2/nmi2) in spring while it was high in eastern South Sea and the coastal water of Yeosu in autumn (1046.9-2958.3 m2/nmi2). In the South Sea B, the acoustic biomass was occurred high in the southern and western seas of Jeju Island in spring (201.0-1444.9 m2/nmi2) and in the southern of Jeju Island in autumn (203.7-1440.9 m2/nmi2). On the other hand, the West Sea showed very low acoustic biomass in spring (average NASC of 1.1 m2/nmi2), yet high acoustic biomass in the vicinity of 37 N in autumn (562.6-3764.2 m2/nmi2). The East Sea had high acoustic biomass in the coastal seas of Busan, Ulsan and Pohang in spring (258.7~976.4 m2/nmi2) and of Goseong, Gangneung, Donghae, Pohang and Busan in autumn (267.3-1196.3 m2/nmi2). During survey periods, fish schools were observed only in the South Sea A and the East Sea in spring and the West Sea in autumn. Fish schools in the South Sea A in spring were small size (333.2 ± 763.2 m2) but had a strong SV (–49.5 ± 5.3 dB). In the East Sea, fish schools in spring had low SV (–60.5 ± 14.5 dB) yet had large sizes (537.9 ± 1111.5 m2) and were distributed in the deep water depth (83.5 ± 33.5 m). Fish schools in the West Sea in autumn had strong SV (–49.6 ± 7.4 dB) and large sizes (507.1 ± 941.8 m2). It was the first time for three seas surrounded South Korea to be conducted by acoustic surveys to understand the distribution and aggregation characteristics of fisheries resources animals. The results of this study would be beneficially used for planning a future survey combined acoustic method and mid-water trawling, particularly deciding a survey location, a time period, and a targeting water depth.
        1985.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1973년부터 1976년까지 농촌진흥청 농업기술연구소 포장에서 수집된 성적(成績)을 분석(分析), 이화명나방유충(幼蟲)의 공간분포특성(空間分布特性)을 조사(調査)하였다. 유충(幼蟲)의 공간분포(空間分布)는 세대(世代)에 차이(差異)없이 부(負)의 이항분포(二項分布)를 따르고 있었다. 집중계수(集中係數)(Green's coefficient of dirpersion)를 지표로 하였을때 유충(幼蟲)의 집중도(集中度)는 초기고집중기(初期高集中期), 과도기(過渡期), 저집중안정기(低集中安定期)의 3 단계로 진전됨이 판명되었으며 이중 과도기(過渡期)를 제외(除外)한 각(各)단계는 각세대(各世代)에서 공통(共通) 'k'에 의해 집중도(集中度)를 정의할 수 있었다. 집중도(集中度)의 단계적 변화의 원인(原因)으로 유충(幼蟲)의 주간이동(株間移動)이 판명(判明)되었으며 제1세대에서 3령유충(齡幼蟲) 제2세대에서 5령유충(齡幼蟲)이 분산(分散)하는 것으로 나타났다. 유충집중도(幼蟲集中度)에 있어서의 이러한 특징(特徵)은 제2세대에서 뚜렷하였으며 제1세대의 경우 해(년(年))에 따른 변이폭이 컸다. 이는 제1세대 유충(幼蟲)의 생명계(生命系)(Life system)가 제2세대의 그것에 비해 외적(外的) 환경요인(環境要因)의 변이에 따라 크게 영향받고 있음을 시사하는 것으로 생각되며 Day-Degree 개념에 따른 환경변이의 수렴이 검토될 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다.