
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해수의 수송이 바다목장화 해역에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 조석과 바람, 수온 및 염분의 효과를 고려한 해수 유동 모델을 관측한 자료를 토대로 하여 구축하였다. 현장 관측 결과 중층에서 유속이 가장 강하게 나타났으며, 조화분해 결과 반일주조가 강한 혼합조의 형 태로 나타났다. 조류 효과만을 고려하였을 경우, 해수는 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로, 갑각류목장에서 패류목장으로 수송되었다. 조석과 바람, 수온 및 염분의 효과를 고려한 잔차류의 경우에는 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로, 패류목장에서 갑각류목장으로 해수가 수송되었다. 한편, 해수 의 최대 수송은 조류나 잔차류의 2가지의 경우 모두가 동일하게 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로 이동할 때 나타났다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리나라에서 안면도에만 분포하는 먹넌출 집단의 생명자원보존을 위하여 엽의 형태적 특성과 I-SSR 표지자를 이용한 유전변이를 조사하였다. 10가지 엽특성에 대한 ANOVA 분석결과 모든 특성에서 개체 간에 통계적인 유의성이 인정되었다. 조사된 39개체의 평균특성은 엽신장 11.8 cm, 최대엽폭 7.1 cm, 엽지수 1.67, 상1/3폭 5.4 cm, 하1/3폭 6.2 cm, 엽병길이 3.6 cm, 엽두께 0.19 mm, 엽맥수(좌) 11.5개, 엽맥수(우) 11.4개, 엽면적 61.7 cm2로 나타났다. 변이계수 값은 엽두께, 엽병길이, 엽면적이 각각 18.8%, 21.7%, 22.0%로 높게 나타났으며, 나머지 특성들에서는 15% 이내의 비교적 낮은 변이를 나타냈다. 선발된 8개 I-SSR Primer에서 총 50개의 증폭산물을 얻었으며, 유효대립 유전자의 수 1.719개, 다형적 유전자좌의 비율 26.0%, 이형접합도의 기대치 0.410 및 Shannon의 다양성지수 0.598로 각각 나타났다. 안면도 먹넌출 집단은 제한된 지역에 분포하며 개체수가 적음에도 불구하고 높은 유전다양성을 유지하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This survey is focused on analyzing amenity resources for the purpose of offering basic sources for balanced development and the activation of sightseeing in Anmyen-island which has superior landscape resources and the result follows as this. 1. As a result of selecting "Amenities characterized in isles" and comparing their applications in order to choose amenity resource surveying method which is suitable for the isle districts where beaches, tidelands, fishing villages and so on are formed, it was considered that the surveying method of the rural amenity resource in the Korean Society of Rural Planning could be properly used. 2. In spite of a variety of amenity resources besides ten beaches, Anmyeon-island has been developed only focused on beaches. Therefore, it is highly recommended to develop new sightseeing courses which connect beaches with adjacent amenity resources such as theme programs. 3. It proved that compared with Anmyeoneup, Gonammyeon has superior landscape resources and higher special product rates, which is caused by the fact that it doesn't have various kinds of amenities. As diverse fish inhabit the sea and tidelands in Gonammyeon, it is beneficial for activating sightseeing tours to develop fishing village experiencing programs including going fishing. 4. Anmyen-island can be divided into East district and West distict by the national road no,77 and two districts have different distributional features of sightseeing amenity resources. In the west district, amenity resources such as coastal sightseeing routes, large event halls, and resorts have been activated in addition to fourteen beaches which have already been developed while the amenity resources in the east like fishing villages, tidelands, and salt fields have not been activated. Accordingly, for activating balanced sightseeing development in Amyeon-island, it is required to make plans which can incorporate the east amenity resources of sea sightseeing and the west amenity resources of fishing village experiencing programs. As a way, constructing sightseeing routes connecting the west and the east district or making a detour lane connecting beaches in the west, Anmyeon pine trees in the center, and fishing villages in the east.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to explain community structure for actual vegetation and their environment variables in Anmyeon Island. Samples were collected for 106 plots using ZM phytosociology method and coincidence method. Actual vegetation were classified into three vegetations types(forest vegetation type, maritime vegetation type, lake vegetation type) and eleven community units. Pourthiaea villosa community in forest vegetation type was divided into 5 groups such as Carpinus coreana group, Pinus rigida group, Chamaecyparis obtusa group, Castanea crenata group and Typical group. Maritime vegetation type was divided into 3 communities, such as Vitex rotundifolia community, Koelreuteria paniculata community and Suaeda japonica community. V. rotundifolia community was subdivided into 2 groups, Rosa rugosa group and Diodia teres group. K. paniculata community was subdivided into 2 groups, Grewia biloba var. parviflora group and Typical group. Lake vegetation type was divided into 1 community, Nelumbo nucifera community. And it was entirely classified into 11 community units.