
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The proportion of collision in the total marine accidents is high. The main causes of collisions are navigation rule violation, safety speed violation, neglected watch-keeping and improper collision avoidance action. There are two main ways of avoiding collision situations during maritime navigation: the method of altering course and reducing ship’s speed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the result of the collision avoidance action of the reserve officer in case of encountering a multiple number of ships using the ship handling simulator. Full-mission ship handling simulator was used to experiment the situation scenarios that encountered multiple ships. After the experiment, the questionnaire about the experiment was investigated. A total of 50 subjects were participated in the experiment. Experimental results showed that the number of the experimenters who used the engine was 11 and the number of the experimenters who did not use the engine was 39. In the case of using the engine, there were 0 collision accident, 1 grounding accident, and 10 no accidents. However, when the engine was not used, there were 28 collision accidents, 2 grounding accidents, and 9 no accidents. The causes of these results can be found in the survey results. 74 % of the non used engine participants said they were hesitate to use the engine. As can be seen from these results, the reserve officer are hesitant to use the engine and need a way to get correct of it. Maritime course subject can emphasize the importance of using ship’s engines and case study also can be it. So, It is considered that various case study scenario will need to developed by various tools in the future.
        1999.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Steering and Sailing Rules of International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea now in use direct actions to avoid collision when two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision. But these rules do not refer to the minimum relative distances and safety relative distances between two vessels when they should take such actions.In this paper the ship's collision avoiding actions being analyzed from a viewpoint of ship motions, the mathematical formulas to calculate such relative distances necessary for taking actions to avoid collision were worked out. The values of maneuvering indices being figured out through experiments of 20 actual ships of small, medium, large and mammoth size and applied to calculating formulas, the minimum relative distances and safety relative distances were calculated. The main results were as follows. 1. It was confirmed that the criterion elements for collision avoiding actions in head-on situation of two vessels shall be the minimum relative distances and safety relative distances between them. 2. On the assumption that two vessels same in size and condition were approaching each other in head-on situation, the minimum relative distance of small vessel(GT : 160~650tons) was found to be about 4.7 times her own length, and those of medium (GT:2,300~4,500tons),large(GT:15,000~62,000tons) and mommoth (GT:91,000~194,000tons) vessels were found to be about 5.2 times, about 5.2 times and about 6.1 times their own lengths respectively. 3. On the assumption that two vessels same in size and condition were approaching each other in head-on situation, the safe relative distance of small vessel (GT : 160~650tons) was found to be about 6.8 times her own length, and those of medium (GT : 2,300~4,500tons), large (GT: 15,000~62,000tons) and mammoth (GT : 91,000~194,000tons) vessels were found to be about 9.0 times, about 6.3 times, and about 8.0 times their own lengths respectively. 4. It is considered to be helpful for the safety of ship handling that the sufficient safe relative distances for every vessels shall be more than about 12~14 times which are 2 times minimum relative distance, their own length on above assumption.
        1996.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현행 국제해상충돌예방규칙에서는 침로와 속력을 유지할 의무가 있는 피추월선인 유지선, 어로에 종사중인 유지선, 횡단상태의 유지선 등의 유지선이 피항선과 아주 가까이 접근하여 피항선의 피항동작만으로 충돌을 피할 수 없을 때는 급박한 위험을 피하기 위한 조치로서 유지선의 충돌을 피하기 위한 최선의 협력동작에 관하여 규정하고 있으나, 이 규칙에서는 두 선박이 어느 정도의 거리로 접근하였을 때 유지선이 협력동작을 취하여야 하는지 안전한계의 피항개시거리에 대해서는 전혀 언급되지 않고 있다. 그러므로, 본 논문에서는 유지선의 최선의 협력동작을 취할 시점의 기준이 되는 최소피항개시거리를 선체운동학적인 관점에서 해석.연구하고, 실선시험에서 구한 11척의 소형, 중형, 대형 및 초대형 선박의 조종성능수를 이용하여 최소피항개시거리를 산출하고, 이를 검토.고찰하였다. 이 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 소형선, 중형선, 대형선 및 초대형선을 막론하고 어느 선박에서나 유지선이 취하여야 할 최소피항개시거리가 가장 큰 경우는 양 선박이 조우하는 침로교각이 90˚이며, 90˚와 90˚부근의 각도(70~90˚)에서 충돌의 위험이 가장 높다. 2. 침로교각이 90˚인 경우에 유지선이 취하여야 할 최소피항개시거리는 소형선(160~650톤급 선박)에서는 그 선박 길이의 약 6.8배 이상, 중형선(2,300~3,500톤급 선박)에서는 약 9.0배 이상, 대형선(22,000~62,000톤급 선박)에서는 약 5.4배 이상, 초대형선(91,000~139,000톤급 선박)에서는 약 6.8배 이상이 되어야 한다. 3. 소형선, 중형선, 대형선 및 조대형선을 막론하고 어느 선박에서나 침로교각이 90˚부근의 각도(70~90˚)에서 유지선이 취하여야 할 안전피항개시거리는 그 선박 길이의 9배 이상이 되어야 한다. 4. 소형선, 중형선, 대형선, 및 초대형선을 막론하고, 어느 선박에서나 침로교각이 크게 둔각인 경우에는 적은 예각인 경우보다 충돌의 위험이 더 크므로 더 큰 거리를 두고 피항동작에 들어가야 한다. 5. 유지선과 피항선간에 유지선이 급박한 위험을 피하기 위하여 침로만으로 최선의 협력동작을 취하는 경우 본 논문에서 계산한 각 침로교각에 대한 최소피항개시거리와 안전피항개시거리을 미리 염두해 두고 피항조선을 하게 되면, 감각에 의한 조선방법으로 야기되는 충돌해난사고를 지양 할 수 있으리라 사료된다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We have proposed modeling methods of mariners' standard behavior for collision avoidance by analyzing mariners' recognition process in a previous study. As a subsequent study, the aim of this study is to build a model of mariners' execution process which is one of six processes in the condition of collision avoidance. In this study, thus, the structure of mariners' information processing on the process of taking avoiding actions is described and the relation between mariners' behavior and necessary factors in the process is analyzed. And then we have built a model of mariners' standard behavior for execution process based on the characteristics of mariners in ship-handling, which are obtained from the international collaborative research on human factors. It is tried to define the contents of execution process based on the standard behavior of mariners for collision avoidance and to formulate information processing of mariners.