
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 참외과실의 수확후 식용왁스코팅처리가 과실품질 및 과골 갈변에 미치는 대사체의 변화를 분석하였다. 코코넛 오일과 밀랍 (9:1 w/w) 처리를 참외 과실표면에 코팅 후 실온 저장 7일후에 과실 품질, 에틸렌 발생량 및 호흡량을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 참외의 경도와 골갈변도는 식용코팅처리된 과실과 무처리군 사이에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 하지만, 과피색의 명도(L*), 순도(a*), 및 색상각(hue angle)은 식용왁스처리군이 무처리군에 비해 유의한 차이가 있었다. 이는 호흡량 및 에틸렌 발생량이 식용왁스처리에 의해 유의하게 낮아져 과피색이 유지된 것으로 생각된다. 식용왁스 처리에 의한 참외의 대사체 변화를 분석한 결과, gamma-aminobutyric acid, aspartate 그리고 myo-inositol 대사가 가장 유의적인 차이를 나타났으며, 특히 삼투보호제 역할을 하는 alanine, 가바(GABA)성분이 식용왁스코팅에 의해 증가하였다. 따라서, 식용왁스코팅처리는 호흡과 에틸렌 발생의 억제, 수분 스트레스 경감 등을 통해 참외의 선도 유지를 유도한 것으로 판단되며, 참외 과피색 변화 억제 등 상품성 향상에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ‘스마트꿀’ 참외를 수확 후 ascorbic acid (AA) 및 salicylic acid (SA) 침지 처리와 PE film 처리가 저온저장(10℃) 중 과골 갈변 발생과 과실품질 변화에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 참외 과실의 저장기간 동안 과골 갈변 발생 정도는 무처리 과실의 경우 저장기간 동안 꾸준히 증가하여 저장 15일후 3.8 수준으로 증가하였으나, PE film 처리 과실은 저장 15일후 2.7 수준으로 낮은 과골 갈변 증상을 보였다. 참외 과실의 고유색을 나타내는 황색 과피의 황색도(b*)의 경우, 무처리 과실은 저장 15일 후 38.1로 감소하였으나, PE film 처리 과실은 저장 15일 후에도 39.8로 높은 황색도를 보였다. 흰색 과골 명도(L*)는 무처리 과실은 저장 15일 후 67.9로 감소하였으나, PE film 처리 과실은 72.9로 높게 유지되었다. 그리고 흰색 과골 적색도(a*)의 변화는 무처리 과실의 경우 저장 15일 후 1.0으로 증가하였나, PE film 처리 과실은 저장 15일 후에도 –1.4 이었으며, AA 처리 과실 역시 –0.5로 적색도 변화를 효율적으로 억제하였다. 가용성 고형물 함량은 무처리 과실은 저장기간 동안 점차 감소하였으나 PE film, AA 및 SA 처리 과실들은 거의 변화가 없었다. 그리고 과실 중량감소율은 무처리 과실은 저장 15일 후 1.98%이었으나, PE film 처리 과실은 1.33%로 가장 낮은 중량감소율을 나타내었다. 따라서 ‘스마트꿀’ 참외를 저장 및 유통할 때 과골 갈변 발생과 과색 및 품질의 변화를 억제하는데 PE film 처리가 효과를 보여 처리방법에 대한 효율적인 적용 방안을 모색할 필요가 있다고 판단되었다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate at how the quality of citron changed during storage as a result of the browning inhibitor treatment. In the browning inhibitor treatment, Vit.C, Vit.C+NaCl, Vit.C+NaCl+CD substances were used. As a result of investigating the browning degree, Vit.C+NaCl+CD showed the lowest value of 0.76 when stored for 12 weeks. The ΔE of the chromaticity value indicated that significant color change occurred when the value was high. As the Vit.C+NaCl+CD mixture showed the lowest value of 46.01 at 25℃, it was found that browning did not occur much compared to other treatments. The change in polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity of citron increased as browning progressed. Among the browning inhibitor solutions, Vit.C+NaCl+CD solution showed the lowest value 118.8 u/g at 25℃ after 12 weeks. Based on these findings, it seems that CD mixing solution can be used as a citron browning inhibitor.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the qualitative changes of the citron by identifying the type of solution and addition of the solution to prevent the browning reaction of the citron in a way that inhibits the browning of the citron. The browning inhibitor solution was investigated using the individual and mixture, and the results of the degree of browning and chromaticity showed that vitamin C+NaCl+cyclodextrin (CD) had the lowest browning of 0.52. In chromaticity, the ΔE values indicate that the higher the value, the greater the change in color, and the lowest value of the vitamin C+NaCl+CD mixture was 47.0, indicating that there was minimal browning compared to other treatment. The active change of the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in the citron increased enzyme activity as the browning progressed, and the vitamin C+NaCl+CD solution was the lowest at 68.40 μ/g among the anti-browning solution. Based on these research results, it seems that the CD mixing solution can be used as a citron browning inhibitor.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The incorporation of Shiitake culture into sawdust is a widely utilized technique that can assist in reducing the cost and time consumption associated with oak cultivation. In sawdust cultivation, browning of the surface mycelia is an important stage with respect to the utility and longevity of the sawdust media. Surface browning forms a protective coating on the substrate, which can inhibit the invasion of pathogens and suppress water evaporation. Several different light sources (red LED, white LED, blue LED, and fluorescent light) were used and the intensity of illumination was carefully controlled (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs and 10, 100, 300 lux for the fluorescent light) to induce browning. The light sources were regulated via a 1 h on/off cycle in a controlled room environment at a temperature of 20°C, 60% humidity, and 1200 ppm CO2 concentration for 60days.The browning effect varied depending on the source and the intensity of illumination. This effect was most effectively induced at 1.5 μmol/m2s for the red and blue LEDs. All light sources induced less browning at the highest intensity of illumination. This indicates that intensity values higher than 20.5 μmol/m2s in the case of the LEDs and 300 lux for the fluorescent light are not effective. After harvesting of the fruit bodies, we measured the weight, length, and width of the pileus and stipe in addition to their chromaticity and hardness. Treatment with 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED produced the best harvest with the highest average chromaticity, weight (21.2 g), stipe length (30.8 mm), and hardness (377.9 g), with a fine length and width of the pileus.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 최소가공에 적합한 품종을 제시할 뿐만 아니라, 가공용 신품종 사과를 육성하는데 기초자료로 활용하고자 국내외 재배되고 있는 동북 7호 등 8가지 품종별 사과의 갈변정도를 비교하고, 총 phenol 함량과 ascorbic acid 함량 및 polyphenol oxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase에 의한 효소적 갈변정도의 상관관계를 조사하였다. 당도는 감홍이 18.73 °Brix로 가장 높았으며, 산도는 핑크레이디가 0.66%로 가장 높았다(p<0.05). 당산비는 감홍과 아리수가 각각 72로 유의적(p<0.05)으로 높았으며, △L값과 △E값 또한 다른 품종에 비해 감홍과 아리수가 유의적(p<0.05)으로 낮게 나타나 갈변이 적은 품종으로 조사되었다. 품종별 ascorbic acid 및 총 phenol 함량은 알칸사스블랙이 각각 9.22 mg/100 g, 334.33 mg GAE/100 g 으로 유의적(p<0.05)으로 가장 높았다. Polyphenol oxidase 효소 활성은 알칸사스블랙이 14.43 unit/g으로 다른 품종에 비해 2~5배 정도 높은 활성을 보여(p<0.05) 이는 총 phenol 함량이 높은 것과 관계가 있는 것으로 보였다. Ascorbic acid oxidase 효소 활성은 감홍이 1.20 unit/g으로 가장 높았으나(p<0.05), 다른 품종 간에는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 품종별 사과의 △L값, △E값, 총 phenol 함량과 ascorbic acid 함량 및 PPO, AAO에 의한 효소적 갈변정도의 상관관계를 조사한 결과, 모든 요인 중에서 △L값과 △E값의 상관계수는 0.946(p<0.01)으로 가장 강한 상관관계를 보였고, 총 phenol 함량과 △L값은 0.776 (p<0.01), ascorbic acid 함량과 PPO 효소는 0.798(p<0.01)로 강한 상관관계를 나타냈다. 또한, 총 phenol 함량과 △E값, PPO 효소는 각각 0.687, 0.624(p<0.01)이었고, ascorbic acid 함량과 △L값, △E값은 각각 0.601, 0.677(p<0.01)로 높은 상관관계를 나타냈다. 하지만 AAO는 모든 요인과 상관관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 잘 알려진 바와 같이 총 phenol 함량과 PPO 활성이 높으면 갈변정도가 커진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 반면 총 phenol이 산화되기 전에 외부적으로 ascorbic acid를 첨가했을 때는 환원제 역할을 하므로 갈변방지 효과가 있다고 알려져 있으나, 사과 자체의 ascorbic acid 함량은 오히려 효소적 또는 비효소적 산화에 의해 파괴되면서 갈변의 요인이 되는 것으로 생각되었다. 따라서 당도가 높고 △L과 △E 값의 갈변도가 낮으며, 총 phenol 및 ascorbic acid 함량이 낮아 상대적으로 갈변에 영향을 적게 미치는 ‘감홍’과 ‘아리수’가 컷팅용 사과 등 최소가공에 적합한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We measured the antioxidant activities of Oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) in browned sawdust medium under conditions of varying LED sources and amounts of light. Consequently, exposure to 200Lx blue LED resulted in highly efficient browning; the most efficient browning was shown at 200Lx, regardless of the type of luminous source. We identified that quantities obtained with the blue luminous source increased compared to those in other treatment plots. The DPPH radical scavenging test conducted to examine antioxidant activity revealed that the red luminous source caused high radical scavenging compared to efficient browning. The fruiting body for Nongjin-go, as a treatment plot with the highest scavenging, under a 400Lx red luminous source was 34.3±1.80% and that for ‘Sanjo 701’ at a 300lx red luminous source was 32.99±1.58%. The polyphenol content, reported to be correlated with DPPH radial scavenging, showed no similar correlation in the ‘Nongjin-go’ variety. By contrast, ‘Sanjo 701’ showed a similar association.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lentinula edodes are mainly used for cultivation and food in Korea. Consumption is gradually increasing with the characteristic smell and taste. In addition, anti-cancer effect, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other effects have been proven to be a functional food. The cultivation method of highland rice changed from lumber to sawdust bag. Thus, a browned step is required so that the surface of the medium can act like a tree epidermis. The browned medium is not easily contaminated with other bacteria even when in contact with the outside air. It is also a necessary step because it suppresses evaporation of water in the medium and helps mushroom production. But it takes a very long time to browning. Therefore, it is necessary to study the browning of the medium during the cultivation of the altitude. Therefore, the color of the Lab color was measured using a colorimeter to determine the browning efficiency of the medium by LED light source type and intensity. The varieties were Nongjingo and Sanjo-701. The LED light sources were divided into upper, middle, and lower by setting the blue, green, white, and red colors at 100 to 500 ㏓. L values of light source showed the greatest decrease in blue color, followed by white, green and red. It was confirmed that the L value of Sanjo 701 was lower than that of Nongjingo. The decrease of L value by the type of light source showed the same tendency as Nongjingo, and blue was the most decreased, followed by white, green and red.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Shiitake culture in sawdust is a widely applied method, which can supplement the disadvantages of costly and time consuming oak log cultivation. In sawdust cultivation, browning of surface mycelia is an important stage for the productivity and longevity of sawdust media. Surface browning forms protection coat for the substrate, which can block the invasion of outer pathogens and suppress water evaporation in the substrate. We controlled different light source (red LED, white LED, blue LED, and fluorescent light) with different intensity of illumination (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs and 10, 100, 300 lux for fluorescent light) to induce browning. Lights were treated with 1 hour on/ 1 hour off cycle maintained in a controlled room with 20oC temperature, 60% humidity, and 1200 ppm CO2 atmosphere concentration for 67 days. Browning effect differed from the source and intensity of illumination. Browning was most effective in 1.5 μmol/m2s for blue LED. All light sources showed less browning in highest intensity of illumination, which indicates that higher than 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs or 300 lux for fluorescent light are not effective. After harvesting fruit bodies, we measured their weight, length and width of pileus and stipe, chromaticity, and hardness. Treatment with 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED produced the best harvest with highest average individual weight (21.2g), stipe length (30.8 mm), and hardness (377.9 g) with fine length and width of pileus, and chromaticity. This results indicate that 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED showed the best browning effect which resulted in the best harvest yeild.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Shiitake culture in sawdust is a widely applied method, which can supplement the disadvantages of costly and time consuming oak log cultivation. In sawdust cultivation, browning of surface mycelia is an important stage for the productivity and longevity of sawdust media. Surface browning forms protection coat for the substrate, which can block the invasion of outer pathogens and suppress water evaporation in the substrate. We controlled different light source (red LED, white LED, blue LED, and fluorescent light) with different intensity of illumination (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs and 10, 100, 300 lux for fluorescent light) to induce browning. Lights were treated with 1 hour on/ 1 hour off cycle maintained in a controlled room with 20℃ temperature, 60% humidity, and 1200 ppm CO2 atmosphere concentration for 60 days. Browning effect differed from the source and intensity of illumination. Browning was most effective in 1.5 μmol/m2s for red and blue LED. All light sources showed less browning in highest intensity of illumination, which indicates that higher than 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs or 300 lux for fluorescent light are not effective. After harvesting fruit bodies, we measured their weight, length and width of pileus and stipe, chromaticity, and hardness. Treatment with 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED produced the best harvest with highest average individual weight (21.2g), stipe length (30.8 mm), and hardness (377.9 g) with fine length and width of pileus, and chromaticity. This results indicate that 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED showed the best browning effect which resulted in the best harvest yield.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to develop anti-browning agents for commercial ready-to-eat pear products, which are preferred not only to maintain the flavor, color and texture of pears, but also to increase consumers’ preference. The sliced ‘Shin-go (Niitaka)’ pears were immersed in 5% and 10% oxidized starch, 1% citric acid, and 5% and 10% oxidized starch with addition of 0.1% sucralose for 3 minutes, and then they were packaged in vacuum sealed bags at 1℃ for 9 days. In order to evaluate the quality of packaged sliced pears, the quality index was determined in terms of color, firmness, soluble solids, and sensory quality. With the passage of storage time, no specific variation in firmness and soluble solids was observed. However, the ΔE value of the sliced pears treated with 5% oxidized starch solution was significantly lower than that of the other pears. Also, the Hunter L and b values of the sliced pears treated with 5% oxidized starch solution remained nearly constant from the beginning of storage. This observation shows that 5% oxidized starch solution was effective in reducing surface browning of sliced pears. Moreover, sliced pears treated with oxidized starch solution with addition of 0.1% sucralose were given an overall liking score which was slightly higher than that given to the other pears because of the sweetness of sucralose. In conclusion, 5% oxidized starch solution with addition of 0.1% sucralose was effective in reducing browning of sliced pears and in improving the taste of sliced pears.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate optimum conditions for mass production of ntagonistic microbes Alcaligenes sp. HC12. Alcaligenes sp. HC12 had a potent biological control agent to control browning disease caused by Pseudomonas agarici. Alcaligenes sp. HC12 markedly showed the antagonistic activity against Pseudomonas agarici, the most destructive pathogen of cultivated mushrooms. To define the optimum conditions for the mass production of the Alcaligenes sp. HC12, we have investigated optimum culture conditions and effects of various nutrient source on the bacterial growth. The optimum initial pH and temperature were determined as pH 9.0 and 30o, respectively. The optimal concentration of medium elements for the growth of pathogen inhibitor bacterium(Alcaligenes sp. HC12) was determined as follows: 0.5% dextrine, 1.5% yest extract, 1.0% NaNO3, 0.5% KH2PO4, and 1.5% asparagine.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of drying temperature and steaming time on the browning and antioxidant activity of dried Platycodon grandiflorum was investigated. Thirteen treatment conditions were constructed using central composite face-centered design containing 5 center points. Drying temperature and steaming time (as factors) were 45-75oC and 15-45 min. According to treatment conditions, dried Platycodon grandiflorum was assessed for color characteristic, degree of browning, total polyphenol content, and DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging (as responses). When increasing drying temperature within a given steaming time, dried Platycodon grandiflorum exhibited decreased lightness, increased redness, degree of browning, and total polyphenol contents, and enhanced antioxidant activities. Except for total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities, steaming time within a given drying temperature exhibited similar effects to those observed in drying temperature. However, steaming time did not likely influence total polyphenol contents and revealed the opposite trends observed for the effect of drying temperature on their antioxidant activities. The overall results suggested that drying temperature was the main factor for changes in the browning and antioxidant activity of dried Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Browning is one of the key factors that influenced the callus subculture of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.). Effects of medium composition and exogenous hormones: macro elements of Murashige and Skoog (MS salts) and iron salt (Fe2+), pH, agar and 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA), 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and kinetin (KT) on the callus browning of P. suffruticosa ‘Shan Hu Tai’ in vitro were studied in this paper. Results showed that the browning of P. suffruticosa callus were more sensitive to KT than 6-BA in different concentrations of 6-BA and KT separately with different concentrations of NAA, and reduced to the lowest (13.3%) under 0.5 mg·L-1 NAA plus 0.3 mg·L-1 KT. 1/4 × MS plus 1/4 × Fe2+ was the best basic medium in which the browning rate was only 18.2%. The browning rate of the callus was the lowest of 4.0% under pH 6.5 and the callus grew better in 7.0 g·L-1 agar than others. This study indicated that the best medium preventing P. suffruticosa callus in vitro from browning was: 1/4 × MS medium supplemented with 6.95 mg·L-1Fe2+, 0.3 mg·L-1 KT, 0.5 mg·L-1 NAA, 6.0 g·L-1 agar and 30 g·L-1 sucrose in pH 6.5.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hunter's color value “a” in dried-persimmon of table and full ripe fruit was higher than that in unripe fruit. In case of soluble solid content, full ripe fruit was 50o Brix, the highest degree, while unripe fruit was 40o Brix, the lowest degree. PPO activation of unripe fruit was 4.7, which was higher than table-ripe fruit (0.7) and full ripe (1.0). Polyphenol oxidase activation remained even while drying, but there was no difference in PPO activation degree as drying period increased. Total phenol content of unripe fruit was 101.4, which was higher than table-ripe fruit (57.5) and full ripe fruit (67.4). Total phenol content level increased as drying period increased, which was based on fresh weight. Hardness of unripe and table ripe fruit continued to decrease until three weeks during softening. After that, hardness was high and it started drying. However, in full ripe fruit, hardness increased after two weeks and softening was fast during the drying period, and its weight reduction rate was lower than that of unripe and table ripe fruit.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 갈변방지제 처리가 박피 shallot의 갈변과 저장에 미치는 영향을 구명코자 수행하였다. 5 종의 갈변방지제를 사용하였고, 저장온도는 상온과 10℃로 하였다. 사용한 갈변방지제는 1% ascorbic acid, 2% citric acid, 2% NaCl, green tea extract(17 °Bx)와 시판 duo clean의 5종이었다. 박피한 shallot을 150±10g씩을 0.05mm PP 필름에 포장하여 상온과 10℃로 각각 나누어 12일간 저장하였다. 중량감모율은 상온에 비해 10℃저장에서 적었고, 육안적 조사결과 선도유지 효과도 상온에 비해 10℃저 장에서 좋았다. citric acid 2%처리에서 다른 갈변제에 비해 부패가 적었고 선도유지 효과가 있었으며, 10℃ 저온저장과 citric acid 2%처리에서 갈변과 선도유지가 좋았다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신선편이 버섯의 유통 시 포장실태 및 관능적 품질을 파 악하기 위하여 2009년 1월~10월에 계절별로 수도권 인근 의 대형할인마트를 직접 방문하여 신선편이 버섯 제품 총 51종을 수집하여 조사하였다. 수집된 신선편이 버섯은 혼 합형과 단독형으로는 느타리버섯, 팽이버섯은 송이채 다듬 어지거나 큰느타리버섯, 표고버섯은 슬라이스나 다이스 절 단되어 바로 조리(튀김, 볶음, 전골, 육개장, 찌개 등) 에 사 용할 수 있도록 하였고 대부분이 알루미늄이나 PS, PET, nylon 등을 재료로 한 용기에 담겨 PVC 랩이나 견고한 PP, PS 덮개 형태로 포장되었으며 89%가 제조일이나 유통 기한을 표시하였다. 수집된 신선편이 버섯 제품의 관능학 적 품질 조사 결과, 갈변 발생이 심한 것이 10%, 이취 발 생이 심한 것이 4%를 차지하였으며 전체적 품질은 90%의 제품이 판매 가능한 수준이었다. 계절에 따른 관능학적 품 질에 차이를 보여 가을과 겨울에는 상품성이 높게 유지되 었으나 봄과 여름에는 갈변이나 이취 발생 억제를 위한 신 선도 관리에 유의할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단되었다.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, is one of the major economical crops cultivated in Korea. This mushroom showed the 5th production to 10,996 M/T in 2012. Several bacteria are known as the causal agents of diseases of the cultivated button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Pseudomonas agarici is the causal agent of browning disease of commercial mushrooms. Colonization of mushroom caps by the bacterium results in development of browning lesions on pileus. These lesions are superficial brown spots and can be round or spreading. But P. agarici never caused sunken lesions and rotting of the mushroom tissues. A Gram-positive bacterium was isolated from mushroom media that markedly showed the antagonistic activity against Pseudomonas agarici, the most destructive pathogen of cultivated mushrooms. The HC42 strain was selected as antagonistic bacterium by inhibition zone method and it was identified as Bacillus safensis. by the cultural, morphological and physiological characteristics, and analysis of the 16S rDNA.. The isolated bacterium is saprophytic but not parasitic nor pathogenic to cultivation mushroom. The isolated bacterium for P. agarici cell, was sufficient for inhibition in vitro. Inoculation of the isolated bacterium prevents the development of bacterial disease in Agaricus bisporus. Control efficacy of browning disease of strain HC42 treatment was 66% on Agaricus bisporus. The optimal culture medium for the antagonistic bacteria growth was determined as follows: 1.5% D-galactose, 1.5% yest extract, 1% NH4Cl, 1.5% KCl, and 1.0% L-asparagin at pH 6.0 at 25℃. The suppressive bacterium may be useful in future for the development of biocontrol system and the construction of genetically modified edible fungi resistant to the disease caused by P. agarici.
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