
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 31

        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sustainability issue has received growing attention from various stakeholders. To engage more people to participate in sustainable actions, the United Nations has promoted #actnow campaign since 2019. Among various sustainability initiatives and approaches, the UN’s #actnow campaign focuses on food and fashion sustainability since these two industries encompass various sustainability issues from production and post-consumption. By analyzing Twitter's big data, the study findings demonstrate that negative sentiment messages are powerful in driving the public’s engagement in social media message dissemination. The findings suggest that practitioners may use assertive and strong voice messages to lead consumers’ participation in sustainable message dissemination.
        2022.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 민정 이양 후 1964년 3월부터 계엄령 직전인 5월까지 한국 국내의 한일회담 반대 운동과 관련하여 한국 국회에서 어떠한 논의가 진 행되었는지 고찰한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 국회회의록, 신문기사 등의 1차 자료를 활용하여 분석한다. 본 논문은 핵심질문인 ‘1964년 한일회담 반대 운동과 관련하여 한국 국회 논의는 어떻게 진행되었는가?’에 대해 다음 두 가지의 특징으로 답한다. 첫째, 3-4월 국회에서는 여당과 야당 모두 한일회담 반대 운동을 우려하여 반대시위의 원인과 해결책을 찾으 며 한일회담과 관련된 논의를 하였다. 둘째, 5월 국회의 논의는 한일회 담 반대 운동에 대한 박정희 정권의 대처와 시위 주체의 위법성을 중심 으로 진행되었다. 특히 여당은 5월 20일의 한일회담 반대 운동을 공산주 의와 연결하여 보았고 일부 정치인들이 개입되었다고 판단하였다. 반면, 야당은 한일회담 반대시위를 여전히 평화적 시위라 여겨 박정희 정권의 대응이 과격하다고 주장하였다. 결국, 1964년 3월의 한일회담 반대 운동 확산 후 계엄령 전까지 한국 국회는 한국 국내의 불안정 상황을 해결하 기 위해 여당과 야당이 여러 논의를 시도하였지만 역부족이었다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 정부의 스타트업지원에 대한 대규모 투자지원 정책이 해외 벤처캐피탈의 투자를 활성화하는지(trigger), 아니면 구축하는지(crowd-out)를 중국의 대중창업 만중혁신 캠페인의 맥락을 통해 연구한다. 벤처 투자 및 창업 생태계의 역사가 얼마 되지 않아 민간 투자자가 선뜻 투자를 시도하기 어려운 초창기 단계에서는, 정부의 이른바 뉴딜과 같은 대규모 지원이 마중물로 작용할 수 있다. 그러나, 스타트업의 투자가치에 대한 신중한 고려없이 무 작정 큰 금액을 전망이 낮은 스타트업에 무분별로 살포하는 방식은 자칫 투자타당성조사를 토대로 협상을 통해 투자를 결정하려는 민간 벤처투자자의 시도를 무력화함으로써, 합리적인 민간 투자자로부터의 투자를 감소시킬 위험이 있다. 2008년부터 2018년에 이르기까지 중국의 35개 지역에서 일어난 벤처투자의 동향을 분석한 결과, 2015년 정부의 대대적인 지원 정책 이후 국내투자자의 투자 증가폭은 해외 투자로부터의 투자 증가폭을 크게 상 회하며, 정책실시 이후 국내 투자가 크게 증가한 지역일수록, 해외 투자의 증가폭이 감소하는 구축효과(crowdout effect)가 나타난다. 해외투자자의 중국에서의 투자 이탈 현상은 중국 내에서도 비교적 자본주의 시장 제도 가 잘 구축되어 있던 지역에서 더 크게 관측되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 정부의 대규모 벤처투자지원 정책에는 장점 만큼이나 정부실패의 위험 또한 존재하므로 각 지역별 혹은 산업별로 창업생태계의 조성단계와 산업별 특성을 고려하지 않은 소위 One-size-fits-all의 천편일률적인 정책에 한계가 존재할 수 있음을 시사한다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research investigated the role of perceived luxuriousness of serif versus sans-serif typeface on the persuasiveness of political campaign. Through three experiments, we provided a support for the positive effect of serif typefaces on campaign evaluation of the conservatives through high status perception of the candidates.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction This study examines acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on students in dept. of advertising public relations. And this paper tries to analyze how university students feel and perceive acceptance effect of concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation and how the types are classified. Examining opinions of concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students is an important direction for research at the level of multiple discussion in which we can look at it from the center of social and cultural issues, and meaningful for the development of the related researches in the future. This paper purposes to examine the characteristics and the subsequent implication of acceptance type of acceptance effect about concept of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students' self-consciousness and to suggest subsequent use value. Theoretical Development This study is to examine the types of university students who perceive acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation. In addition, until now, the interests and researches of the related societies are most actively in progress however there is hardly analysis on the acceptance types of acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation on university students' self-consciousness found. So this study tries to discover a type of acceptance in which university students themselves define and structuralize acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation through Q-methodology approach. Research Design In this study, Q-methodology will be applied to the sorting of statement cards to determine students’ reception type derived from the effect of a behaviors. As a source for statement cards, a Q-concourse was developed based on newspaper articles, specifically Korean articles on acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation related political items, advertisements, and interviews; from this data a Q-statement was written and a P-sample selected. Following this, sorting was done to determine the Q-sort, which was then analyzed using a PC QUANL program(for Dos). The Q-sample for this research is composed from the statements of acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation, in order to document their subjective opinions and values. At first, 34 Q-population (concourse) was selected based on the media related literature review described above, and interviews targeting the general public. As the next step representative statements were chosen randomly and reduced in number to a final 16 statement samples for the purposes of this study. These statements include all opinion values and were written to have positive, neutral, and negative balance. Since Q-methodology deals with intraindividual differences rather than inter-individual differences, it is not influenced by the number of the P-sample. In addition, since the methodology of a Q-study does not infer the characteristics of the population sample from the sample, selecting of the P-sample is likewise not governed probabilistic sampling methods. Finally, in this research, 34 people were selected as the P-sample. Result and Conclusion In order to see the subjectivity types of the university students' participation in acceptance effect of successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation, Q-factor analysis was conducted and three factors were found. As the result of the using QUANL program, 12 students were in type 1, 12 students were in type 2, and 10 students were in type 3. Here, the number of students are meaningless and these three types explains about 40(0.4011)% of total variance. Since the people whose factor weight is higher than 1.0 is 6, 4, and 2 for each group, we can say that type 1 is the biggest factor. In addition, the representative Eigen values are 5.4079, 4.6256, 3.6039 each. The study used Q methodologies in order to observe the subjective propensity of the university students about successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation. At 3 types of analyzed results, it’s not unfamiliar concepts compared to the past, the most of respondents shown the various opinions as a matter of the expanding and understanding successful advertising public-relations campaign strategy in 4th industry innovation of university students.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Personalizing banner ads or embedding ads with specific data signals or triggers, such as – personal characteristics, past behaviours, etc. is believed to improve customer response or Click Through Rate (CTR) since, embedding ads with viewers/recipients’ personal data or characteristics make ads more appealing and relevant to users (Lambrecht & Tucker, 2013). However, evidence also exists in literature that personalization can be ineffective as the usage of customers’ personal data can trigger off privacy concerns causing them to ignore such ads (van Doorn & Hoekstra, 2013). Investigations exploring suitability and effectiveness of ad personalization report that factors such as advertised product, data used for personalizing may influence the effectiveness of personalized ads (De Keyzer, Dens, & De Pelsmacker, 2015; Goldfarb & Tucker, 2011; van Doorn & Hoekstra, 2013). In this research we examine the impact of personalization triggers (PTs) on click through rate (CTR) of online banner ads across cultures. CTR data for 1345 unique ad copies (personalized) of an international hotel group screened in Japan and Middle East countries was used for this study. Data analyses revealed significant impact of PTs on CTRs. Analyses further revealed that – 1) usage of past purchase data impacts the CTR negatively, implying that customers respond negatively to ads showing hotel properties that they have previously visited/stayed in; 2) usage of search history data has a significant positive impact on CTR, suggesting that customers respond favourably towards ads showing hotel properties in destinations revealed from their search history. Interestingly, culture specific data such as local language elicit different responses in different cultures. While in Japan, language personalised ads i.e., ads in Japanese language fared poorly (negative impact on CTR) as compared to ads in English language (positive impact on CTR); in the Middle East it was the ads in English language that fared poorly (negative impact on CTR) compared to ads in Arabic. These results strongly suggest that the knowledge of PTs influence CTR and combining them with the right creative elements would help advertisers in improving customer engagement with ads, have a positive impact on CTR and even improve customer conversion. This would imply better returns for the resources spent on digital advertising. Findings from the study are true and reflective of the PTs (membership, brand affinity, destination, language) used in the ad campaign under study and limited to the cultures investigated. Future studies exploring other PTs in online hotel ads would help marketers in making a more informed decision while selecting data signals or PTs for personalizing digital banner ads for hotel brands.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a contemporary, postmodern marketing strategy, digital storytelling is the virtual means by which a story can be organized. Less traditional than a conventional beginning, middle, and end narrative, the genre suggests that individuals connect the dots of a story by comparing their reading with others. This research examines Christian Dior’s Secret Garden IV campaign film as it is broadcasted on YouTube for six weeks and diffused through Instagram. Through a grounded theory approach we measure and analyze audience engagement and key themes expressed through user-generated content on YouTube and Instagram. Manual coding and three computer-aided text analysis programs are used to analyze the data and triangulate results. This research contributes to the literature on consumer engagement in digital storytelling, online brand communities, and celebrity endorsement. Introduction Digital technologies have improved the aesthetics of content creation, enabling brands to develop deeper levels of engagement with consumers through social channels (Merrilees, 2016). Every day hundreds of millions of hours of video are consumed on YouTube and the number of high performing channels has been increasing by 50% per year (YouTube, 2017). Instagram’s monthly active users have grown from 300 million in December 2014 to 600 million in December 2016 (Statista, 2017). Within the social media sphere, commercial and individual users connect through multiple platforms and devices to share ideas and information without the constraint of time and space (Gruzd & Wellman, 2014). The digitization of visual culture provides users with so much content that it may even result in information overload (Babin et al., 2017). This research focuses on the fashion sector and social media platforms that cater specifically to visual imagery and video content. The logic is twofold: the fashion industry is inherently visual and research on a study of eighty-three fashion brands indicates a shift from traditional advertising to video products, especially on social media (L2 Inc., 2016). We examine elements of French luxury goods company, Christian Dior’s Secret Garden omni-channel marketing campaign. As a collection of short films shown on YouTube and in other media, the campaign had four annual installments beginning in 2012. The Secret Garden series explores the brand’s past and present within the context of the 21st century Palace of Versailles. Our focus is on Secret Garden IV, launched in May 2015, featuring singer/songwriter Rihanna as the protagonist. Dior’s portrayal of Versailles throughout the Secret Garden series reflects undertones of its monarchial heritage and its high fashion prestige. In Secret Garden IV, there is a juxtaposition to this theme when Rihanna’s subculture persona and celebrity status (Fleetwood, 2012) presents a misalignment between luxury ideals and Rihanna’s position in popular culture. Table 1 provides an overview of the history of the campaign. This research measures and analyzes audience engagement and key themes expressed through users’ comments on YouTube and Instagram for the pre-launch and launch of the Secret Garden IV campaign. Through a grounded theory approach we identify, analyze, and validate keywords and group them into themes utilizing both manual coding and computer-aided text analysis (Lai & To, 2015). We utilize three software programs (Tableau, NVivo 11, and Leximancer) to triangulate results. The scholarly literature on fashion luxury goods is scant and this methodological approach is sound (Neuendorf, 2017). Five recent scholarly articles on luxury fashion goods and social media were identified. One relates to storytelling and is visually-focused (Megehee & Spake, 2012); three develop models (Kim & Ko, 2010; Kim & Ko, 2012; Brogi et al., 2013); and one uses the case study approach (Phan et al., 2011). This research fills both a theoretical and a methodological gap. We examine a digital storytelling campaign across social media platforms with the prospect of new theoretical insights. According to Snelson (2016) there is scant social media research on YouTube and Instagram and social media research using a grounded theory approach is also limited. Theoretical background Digital Storytelling Digital storytelling uses technology as an extension of oral and written stories “…to solidify our cultures and share knowledge for the future” (Irwin, 2014, p. 40), placing engagement with digital media as an extension of the self. People naturally think in narratives and stories, rather than arguments and paradigms (Megehee & Spake, 2012) and may use digital storytelling to order otherwise disconnected experiences into interrelated, meaningful episodes (Vannini, 2012). By connecting the dots of a story on social media users have the opportunity to formulate meanings of their own and build interpretations by comparing their “reading” with that of others. Social media has empowered the consumer by enabling communication that is multi-way, multi-directional, and led by the consumer (Tuten & Solomon, 2015). The fashion film on the internet has been viewed as “a genre that is not is not simply a tool to stimulate consumption, but is something that is set to change our notion of fashion as a moment in time” (Khan, 2012, p. 236). In her review, “100 Years of the Fashion Film,” Marketa Uhlirova posits that contemporary technologies aimed at a film’s “potential to promote fashion” turned into “the medium’s ability to recast consumption as seductive visual entertainment,” devaluing a fashion film’s potential for not only entertainment and visual pleasure, but also for experimentation and innovation (Uhlirova, 2013, p. 140; p. 153). Online Brand Communities As a hub of value creation in the consumer marketplace, brand communities are an enthusiastic, passionate group of customers who express similar commitment towards a brand or product and may not be geographically bound (Muniz Jr. & O’Guinn, 2001; McAlexander et al., 2002). In brand communities created by marketers, organizations may stimulate engagement, brand loyalty and the expression of positive emotions and trust (Bagozzi & Dholakia, 2006; Jung et al., 2014). Customer engagement behaviour pertains to a variety of online and offline behaviours (e.g. word of mouth, blogging, customer reviews) that are not transactional, but can be measured (Verhoef et al., 2010). Although positive word of mouth and brand advocacy are not guaranteed, an organization’s most engaged social customers have the potential to communicate messages that are perceived as more credible than those generated by the organization (Kozinets et al., 2010). A high level of engagement may be described as delight or joy. Engagement requires strong emotional and relational bonds (commitment and trust), and may transform customers into loyal “fans” or co-creators of value (Hawkins & Davis, 2012). A study of customer engagement behaviour in a social media environment is complex because engagement behaviour in different channels may vary considerably, with a different effect on value creation or purchase intent. For example, if a customer tweets on a mobile device his/her engagement and purchase intent may differ from engagement and purchase intent as a result of interaction with a video or blog (Libai et al., 2010). Celebrity Endorsement A celebrity endorsement is defined as “an agreement between an individual who enjoys public recognition (a celebrity) and an entity (e.g., a brand) to use the celebrity for the purpose of promoting the entity” (Bergkvist & Zhou, 2016). Celebrity endorsements previously were associated primarily with consumer goods and services advertised through traditional media, such as print and television. More recently, these endorsements encompass any mode of communication as well as business-to-business goods and services. This update is significant considering the addition of advertising on the Internet, in social media, “stealth marketing” on TV talk shows (Kaikati & Kaikati, 2004) and red carpet appearances (Carroll, 2009). Theories related to celebrity persuasion that have application to the fashion industry have examined the way consumers process information from marketing communications and relate it to their self-concept (Carroll, 2009). To the consumer, the celebrity represents a meaning, based on the recognition s/he has received in the symbolic environment and his/her persona. This meaning is transferred to the product when the celebrity is seen in the marketing communication. In the final stage, the meaning moves from the product to the consumer, who transfers the meaning into his/her notion of the self-concept (Carroll, 2009). This transference effect benefits the brand (Tuten & Solomon, 2015) and the consumer who may use products to reveal their self-concept to others (Babin, et al., 2017), especially in high involvement consumption situations (Ahuvia, 2005). Method Sample Instagram and YouTube data were collected using Netlytic (Gruzd, 2016) for the period May 14 – June 24, 2015 for the purpose of capturing data before and after the official release of the film (May 18, 2015). A total of 8,986 records (uncleansed) are in the Instagram (#SecretGarden4 and @Dior) database and 426 records (uncleansed) in the YouTube database. Multiple URLs were used for YouTube because there were four previews, and short and long versions of the film. Procedures The data was cleansed (236 YouTube posts; 6,763 Instagram posts). To measure sentiment and engagement, a text analysis was performed using an adaptation of Dann’s Twitter (2010) classification. Through a grounded theory approach (Lai & To, 2015) key words, concepts and themes were identified and triangulated using Tableau, NVivo 11, and Leximancer software programs. Concluding Remarks As a multi-year campaign, Dior’s Secret Garden was meticulously crafted to project an understanding of Dior’s brand image and to create an air of anticipation for consumers. Within the context of digital storytelling we delve deeply into how the last installment of this campaign resonated with consumers who watched the film on social media and responded to Dior’s Instagram initiatives. Through our mixed methods research approach, we develop theoretical and methodological contributions that benefit academics and fashion marketers.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study was initiated to estimate the benefits from the campaign to prevent drowsy driving crashes on expressways. The study was conducted by the Korea Expressway Corporation using a contingent valuation method. METHODS : First, a questionnaire was designed for a preliminary survey. From the survey’s results, the initial willingness to pay for the campaign was determined by averaging different amounts of payments chosen under virtual scenarios in the survey. The willingness to pay data was used to find a first bid price for the open-ended method used for the second survey. After that, a primary questionnaire was designed and conducted using a single dichotomous choice question (SDBCQ). Drivers at expressway resting areas were asked their willingness to pay for the campaign. Based on statistical analysis using data collected from the second survey, the mean willingness to pay was estimated using a probability utility function. Finally, the benefit from the campaign was calculated using the estimated willingness to pay and accident data on expressways. CONCLUSIONS : Based on the result from the contingent valuation method, the benefit from the campaign to prevent drowsy driving crashes was estimated to be 170.6 won per expressway trip. The benefit is to be paid as an additional toll. In addition, the traffic crash cost estimate is about 2,209,680,000 won less than the cost during the same period in 2014.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        3D printing is an additive software manufacturing technology for designing and creating real objects using a layering technique. Global brands including Coca Cola and Warner Bros have successfully offered the first 3D printing campaigns, but the market is still untapped for using 3D printing marketing in global advertising. Global brands potentially can undertake 3D printing technology campaigns that will offer innovative and strong experiences for enhancing brand values and competitiveness. Luxury brands are particularly recognized for their rarity, uniqueness, innovation, and classic traditions. Luxury brands can thus use 3D printing campaign experiences to expand the cultural imagination in coherence with luxury identifications. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of 3D printing campaign experience on attitude toward campaigns, perceived value of luxury brands, and purchase intentions. The authors offer implications for advertising practitioners by constructing a theoretical model regarding 3D printing campaigns and perceived values of luxury brands.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Driven by the consumer demand for companies to be socially responsible, companies are increasingly relating their brands to causes and charities in order to accomplish nonprofit objectives and corporate sustainability. In a social marketing campaign, the consumers’ choice of the cause can influence their reactions through the processes of choice. Allowing the consumers to choose the cause may also reinforce their personal role in the donation process, which may result in a better outcome. Further, advertisers are paying increasing attention to the launch of social marketing campaigns via social media, since social media has recently become an essential part of daily life and therefore an imperative venue through which companies connect with consumers. Focusing on the rapidly evolving social media landscape, this study primarily clarifies (1) how choice influences consumers’ perceived interactivity with a social marketing campaign in the social media context, and (2) consumer involvement, as consumers’ individual differences can enhance or limit the effects of a social marketing campaign with choice. Using field experiments, this study investigates the relationships between the consumers’ choice, perceived interactivity, attitude, and purchase intention, and considers the moderating effects of involvement on those relationships. This study’s contributions are that it illuminates (1) the effects of choice on the perceived interactivity of social marketing campaigns in social media contexts, (2) the role of involvement in social marketing campaigns as a moderator, and (3) attitude and purchase intention as outcomes that can facilitate the construction of a theoretical model for social marketing campaigns with choice in the social media context and offer possible implications for advertising practitioners.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 장애인 돕기 캠페인에 대한 반응에 공감적 관심과 소구 유형(이성적/감성적)이 미치는 영향을 살펴 보았다. 공감적 관심은 이타적 동기를 활성화하는 감성적 개인 성향을 지칭한다. 실험은 2단계로 구성하였는데, 1단계에서는 피험자들의 공감적 관심의 정도를 측정하고 2단계에서는 이성적 소구와 감성적 소구로 차별화된 캠 페인을 보여주었다. 이에 따라 전체 실험은 공감적 관심(2) ✕ 이성적/감성적 유형(2)으로 설계되었다. 그 결과, 돕기 태도와 행위 의도의 측정에서 공감적 관심과 소구 유형의 상호작용이 도출되었다. 이성적 소구에서 공감적 관심이 높은 개인들이 낮은 개인들에 비하여 상대적으로 호의적인 반응을 보여주었다. 감성적 소구에서는 공감 적 관심이 높고 낮음에 따라 차이가 없었다. 이 결과로부터 이타적 성향인 공감적 관심이 높은 개인들에게 이성 적 소구가 더 유용하다는 해석이 가능하여, 감성적 소구의 중요성을 강조해온 과거 돕기 캠페인 연구의 내용과 차별화된다.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고가 갖는 기본적 문제의식은 ‘한자․한문교육을 통하여 세상을 바꿀 수 있는 가?’라는 것이다. 한국에서 한문교육은 보수적이라는 시각이 지배적인데, 사실 부 인할 수 없는 내적․외적 요인이 있다. 그러나 현재 한국의 한문교육은 종래의 보 수성을 탈피하기 위하여 적극적인 노력과 다각적인 시도를 한 결과 새로운 전기 를 맞고 있다. 최근의 창의․인성교육을 위한 이론적, 실체적 방안을 강구한 한국한문교육학회 의 학술대회가 대표적 사례다. 필자는 중고등학교 한문교육에서 창의․인성 교육 을 실행할 수 있는 교수․학습법의 하나로 공익광고의 활용을 제안한 바 있다. 공익 광고는 범국민성․비편파성․비정치성․공익성․합리성․휴머니즘․비영리성․윤 리성․비차별성을 속성으로 하며, 사회의 문제점을 바로잡고 올바른 윤리의식과 가치관을 확립하는데 주안점을 둔다는 점에서 세상을 바꾸는 수단이 될 수 있다. 그와 같은 공익광고의 기능이 한문교육과 결합된다면, 한문교육도 세상을 변화시킬 수 있는 좋은 수단이 될 것이다. 한자문화권의 대표적 국가인 중국과 한국의 공익광고를 분석해 보면 한자를 활 용한 것이 상당수 있다. 중국의 공익광고는 한자의 자형을 활용한 것이 대부분이 다. 또 간화자와 본자의 자형에 착안한 공익광고도 상당수 있다. 한국의 경우는 한자의 자형을 이용한 공익광고, 한자의 조어력을 활용한 공익광 고, 한자문화권 특유의 문화와 한자를 결합한 공익광고 등 중국보다 다양한 양상 을 보인다. 공익광고의 주제는 국지적 문제보다 세계가 공통적으로 당면한 문제를 다루는 경우가 많은데, 금연․환경보호 캠페인이 대표적이다. 중국과 한국의 금연 캠페인 광고는 한자를 이미지화하여 메시지를 효과적으로 전달하고 있다. 이와 같이 한자 문화권에서 한자는 세상을 변화시키는 수단으로 기능할 수 있다는 가능성을 보여 준다. 한국에서는 최근 간행된 한문교과서에 한자를 활용한 공익광고를 수록하고 있 다. 그것은 자형을 활용한 공익광고, 한자의 조어력을 활용한 공익광고로 대별된 다. 다만, 광고 카피의 수사법에 집중한 나머지 한자의 본질을 망각하거나 훼손한 사례를 무비판적으로 수록한 것도 산견된다. 평가의 경우 한국에서 가장 영향력 있는 대학수학능력평가 시험에 활용된 공익 광고를 검토해 보았다. 그것은 한자 표기를 묻는 유형, 주제를 묻는 유형, 내용과 관련 있는 한문 문장을 묻는 유형으로 구분된다. 평가에 활용된 공익광고의 유형 이 교과서에 활용된 공익광고의 유형보다 단순한 것은 평가문항으로 개발할 때 여러 가지 제약 조건이 있기 때문이다. 한자가 사용된 공익광고를 한문학습에 활용하면, 학습자들로 하여금 한자의 현 재적 가치를 깨닫게 할 수 있을 것이다. 또 공익광고가 전달하는 메시지를 자연스 럽게 각인시키는 효과를 겸하여 얻을 수 있다. 이와 같은 점에서 한자의 보수적 속성이 탈각되고 한문 교육을 통하여 세상을 바꾸는 동력을 얻게 될 것이다.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The basic critical mind in this paper is that we can change the world through the education of Chinese character. In Korea, a perspective that education of Chinese character is conservative is dominant, but it is a fact that there is undeniable inner factor. Therefore the Korean education of Chinese character makes active efforts and attempts multilateral methods in order to break away from the traditional conservatism, then it consequently has new turning point. Lately, many conferences which devise theoretical and substantive measures in education of creativity and personality for education of Chinese character are typical examples.    I have suggested that using public campaign is one of good ways as a teaching‐learning method carrying out education of creativity and personality in Middle & High School education of Chinese character. The public campaign is  characterized as nationwide, fairness, non‐political, public benefit, rationality, humanism, non‐profit, ethicality and non‐discriminatory. The public campaign places emphasis on rectifying social problems and establishing right ethical consciousness and values. In this respect, it can be a mean that changes the world. If such positive function of public campaign is combined with education of Chinese character, the education will be great method that changes the world. Korea and China are representative nations which are located in a cultural area of Chinese character, when we analyze public campaigns, it is found out that there are considerable number of public campaigns using Chinese characters. The public campaign of China mostly utilizes the shape of Chinese characters. Also there are many campaigns based on the shape of simplified characters(簡體字) and traditional haracters(繁體字). In the case of Korea, it shows various aspects of public campaigns than China, like campaigns using the shape of Chinese characters and vocabulary change, combining culture with Chinese character. The subject of public campaign chiefly deals with the common problem facing the world – typically such as anti‐smoking(no‐smoking), nature conservation, etc ‐ than regional problem. By imagining Chinese characters, the anti‐smoking campaigns of Korea and China deliver messages more effectively. On the other hand, the anti‐smoking campaigns of Western give horrifying impressions with realistic image. Likewise, in a cultural area of Chinese character, Chinese character shows great promise as a function changing the world.  In Korea, Chinese character textbooks recently published contain public campaigns using Chinese characters. These can be classified roughly into using the shape of Chinese characters and utilizing word formation ability. However, by concentrating the rhetoric of advertising copy, so examples that can forget and damage intrinsic feature of Chinese character are also seen here and there.    In the case of evaluation, I considered public campaigns used in College Scholastic Ability Test which is the most influential exam in Korea. They are divided into  patterns asking Chinese character notation, subject and sentence of the chinese classics that is related to contents. The reason why public campaigns used in evaluation are more simple than public campaigns used in textbooks is that there are various restrictions when they are developed into evaluation questions.  If we utilize public campaigns using Chinese characters in the learning of Chinese character, we make learners to realize the contemporary value of Chinese characters. Also, we can get effects imprinted the message on learners. For such a reason, it will be got rid of conservative of education of Chinese character and will gain great power to change world through education of Chinese character. 
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        정보통신기술의 급속한 발전과 인터넷의 보급으로 전통적인 매체들이 상호융합하는 경향을 보이면서 사람들 사이의 의사소통의 태양과 구조를 새롭게 규정하는 변화의 시기이다. 이는 장차 모든 사람이 다른 모든 이들에 대해 정보의 발신자이자 수신자가 될 수 있는 가능성을 열어주는 새로운 지경의 도래를 예고하는 듯하다. 다양한 가치관과 목적을 가진 수많은 사람들이 각자의 자유를 향유하되 평화롭게 공존하는 사회가 인터넷으로 대표되는 새로운 매체를 통해 구현되는 사이버공간을 활용하여 어떻게 구현될 수 있을지는 지속적인 연구를 필요로 하는 문제이다. 인터넷을 통해 상당한 수준의 개방되고 자유로운 의사표현의 장을 확보하게 된 이용자들은 그러한 직접적이고 상호적인 교류의 수단을 활용하여 민주주의를 실질적으로 구현하기 위한 제도적 가능성에 대해서도 희망적인 기대를 갖는다. 그 긍정적 기대에 초점을 둔다면 자유로운 정치적 의사표현의 보장을 지지하게 되겠지만 새로운 매체의 활용이 가져올 부정적 효과에 경각심을 갖는다면 기존 법제를 토대로 신중한 접근을 선호하게 될 것이다. 이 글에서는 인터넷을 통해 구현되는 사이버공간에서 기대되는 표현의 자유와 민주주의의 가능성에 대한 근본적인 인식을 토대로 공직선거법 제93조 제1항에 대한 위헌확인사건(2007헌마1001)을 중심으로 하여 인터넷 선거운동의 자유와 규제에 대한 시각을 검토한다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유럽 및 미주의 풍력자원조사는 풍황탑에 라이다 및 소다와 같은 지상기반 원격탐사를 병행하여 측정불확도를 경감하는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 서해안 김제평야에서 원격탐사 캠페인을 수행하였으며, 풍력자원 평가용 원격탐사장비인 윈드큐브 라이다와 메텍 PCS.2000-64 소다의 상호비교를 통하여 측정불확도를 평가하였다. 소다는 200m 높이에서 자료가용률이 80%로 저하되었으나 결손자료를 처리한 후 라이다와 동일한 로그법칙 풍속분포를 나타내었으며 두 측정장비 간의 평균풍속은 기울기 0.94, R2=0.94로 상관성이 높게 접합되었다. 그리고 풍속오차의 상대표준편차 및 풍향오차의 표준편차는 각각 14%와 25도로 전 측정높이에 대하여 균일하게 나타났다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hot-wave of campaign for fashion brands has itself become a fashion trend now. In order to participate in this popular trend, every brand has launched a new campaign of developing T-shirts each season with a social issue as the design concept. Such a campaign plan is related to the brand’s image-making. Each brand has its own slogan based on various themes related to social issues. Since the environment is the hottest social issue these days, most campaigns’ T-shirts also focus on the image of environmental-friendliness. The purpose of this study is to elucidate environmentally-friendly fashion culture in daily life so that “environmental-friendliness” would be positively cognized by people in everyday life. For that, the design of these T-shirts following the environmental campaign will be developed and their utilization potential will be clarified. The detail contents of the study are as follow. First, the meaning of the environmental campaign and trends of environmental campaigns in Korea and overseas will be explored in order to identify their theoretical contents. Second, the environmental campaigns will be classified by case. Analysis of the expression and characteristic of each case will determine the utilization plan. Third, design directions will be suggested based on the characteristics produced from the case study. As the study conclusion, five environmental campaign T-shirts will be produced.
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