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        검색결과 300

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper summarizes the current research situation of the characters used in Chinese dialects. It is considered that the research features of the characters used in Chinese dialects are mainly manifested in three aspects: the universality of the subjects, the diversity of materials, and the long time and space. Furthermore, future research on the characters used in Chinese dialects prospects from the materials, theories, methods, and perspectives of the research.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are universal misreads on the generation and parent-word of the classifier “Ke(顆)” in Chinese. We hold that the Classifier “Ke(顆)” born in the period between Qin and Han dynasties, its parent-word should be the word Guo(果)。The word Guo(果) figured fruit, expands to a measuring unit of small round thing. People start borrowing the Chinese character “Ke(顆)” to record the Classifier “Ke(顆).” Under the influence of Chu dialect, people borrowed the Chinese character “Ke(顆 )” to share responsibility for the Chinese character “Kuai(塊)” in the Han &Wei six dynasties.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        However, with the rapid development of information technology, dialects are slipping away. People are gradually ignoring and forgetting local dialects and traditional culture. The loss of dialects will surely lead to the loss of traditional culture. As a language and culture research enthusiast, I hope to make people know more about their own language by studying and comparing more dialects. As the mother tongue, dialect will directly affect the acquisition of the second language when we learn the second language, which not only has a positive role in promoting, but also has a negative role in hindering, which requires us to have a deep understanding of the two languages and a comprehensive comparative study. Suzhou and Hefei belong to the wu-speaking area and the jianghuai guanhua area respectively. Although they are two dialects, they are connected with each other from the geographical position. It can be seen that there must be some common characteristics and differences between the two dialects. Based on a comparative study of the languages of Suzhou and Hefei, the author chooses to present the modern pronunciation of the Chinese ancient pronunciation of rusheng characters in the two places, and analyzes and explains the differences between the initial and final vowels of the dialects respectively, so as to find out the differences between the two dialects.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국어문회 한자능력검점시험 7급에 배정된 한자 150자를 漢字構形學 이론에 근거하여 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다. 150자 안에는 層次조합의 글자가 14자가 포함되어 있고, 6개 構形모델이 존재한다. 이 構形모델 안에는 構形理據가 희박한 3, 4등급의 記號字가 23자 포함되어 있다. 이는 난이도가 높은 한자가 초급단계에 배정되어 초급자의 한자학습을 어렵게 한다는 의미이다. 150자를 直接構件과 基礎構件으로 귀납하면 直接構件 총 수량은 149개이고, 基礎構件의 총수량은 141개이다. 이외에 基礎構件에는 12개의 變體構件이 존재하는데 이를 합치면 153개의 構件이 150자를 구성하고 있는 셈이다. 모든 한자의 基礎構件이 400여 개임을 감안하면 한국어문회 한자능력검정시험 7급 150자의 基礎構件 141개는 상대적으로 그 비중이 너무 높다고 할 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 141개의 基礎構件 안에는 構件 하나로 글자를 만들 수 없는 非字構件이 28개이다. 이는 한국어문회 한자능력검정시험 7급 한자의 배정이 자형 난이도에 따른 과학적인 분석에 근거되지 않았다는 증거이다. 이러한 배정은 초급자의 한자학습에 상당한 부담으로 작용할 수 있다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is common to find a shape with more than two functions in Chinese characters, including individual characters which record more than two words and parts expressing more than two meaning. The main reasons for the phenomenon are: one shape was given different functions when being created; similar shapes became one shape during evolution process; one shape was borrowed to record a derivative or homophone. Its development resulted in the glyph differentiation or generation of a new shape with more than two functions. And the simplification of Chinese characters results in a shape recording more than two words, which does not affect the distinguishing function of characters because the modern Chinese vocabulary is mainly composed of disyllabic words in which there is another morpheme playing a distinguishing role.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 초등 교실환경에서의 한자교육은 대부분 좌뇌기능 중심의 교수법으로 진행되고 있다. 그러나 초등학습자의 뇌발단 단계와 한자의 뇌기능적 특성을 고려해 볼 때, 한자교육은 우뇌 기능의 활성화를 유도하는 교수방안을 선택해야 한다. 본 연구는 초등학습자들에게 뇌친화적 한자수업의 필요성을 제기할 목적으로, 그 방안의 하나로써 ‘이미지텔링 연상법’을 통해 한자 인식의 효율성을 검증하고자 하였다. 이에 국내 초등학생 38명을 대상으로 뇌친화적 한자수 업을 제공한 결과, 기존방식대로 한자수업을 받은 집단보다 ‘이미지텔링 연상법’이란 뇌친화적 수업을 적용한 집단의 학습자가 한자의 장기기억화에 더 효과적인 것을 확인하였다. 또한 통계적으로는 약 3배 가까운 학업성취도를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구가 향후 뇌친화 적 교수방안에 대한 관심을 유도하는 계기가 되길 기대해 본다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fanqie (反切) is a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters, one having the same consonant as the given character and the other having the same vowel (with or without final nasal) and tone. There are seven problematic aspects regarding Fanqie (反切) phonetic notation of polyphonic characters in The Grand Chinese Dictionary, 漢語大詞典. The first, the cited Chinese characters used as phonetic notations are wrong; the second, the attributions of phonological status about some polyphonic characters are not correct; the third, one or two phonetic notations are missing among several pronunciations of the polyphones; the fourth, the materials for phonetic evidences are neglected; the fifth, the evidences of some ancient sounds are lagging because of not finding the earliest evidence in citing ancient sound; the sixth, the main sounds and the secondary ones are reversed; and the last, the selected Chinese characters are not appropriate in some Fanqie phonetics.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ancient Chinese character “ ” in the second slip of Kongzishilun was calligraphed as “ ”, and explained as a kind of musical instrument made of bamboo. However, it is suggested in this paper that this character should be calligraphed as “ ” in Clerical Script instead of “ ”. Its phonetic loan is “蕩”. Its meaning is “profound and grand” according to the bamboo’s exact meaning and the masterpiece Shijing. The second part of this paper mainly discusses the ancient Chinese character “ ” in the tenth slip of Kongzishilun. There are many explanations of it, such as “攺”, “改”, “妃”, “媐”, “逑” and so on. In our opinion, this character should be written as “施”, which means “educate” or “education”. “關雎之” reflects Confucian ethics of “克己復禮”.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abundant cultural information is included in the items for names, marriage and family, Zi or Hao, and the description of women in Shuowen, a noted Chinese dictionary. The research and analysis on it will help us understand the customs, morals, social systems, tastes and habits of thought in ancient China, and comprehend the basic characteristics and spirits of Chinese culture.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article has shown the actuality of Chinese character teaching activities by using the method of name-choosing with 井. First of all, teachers must design the name question into the curriculum activity. While I started from the question of “assuming Xu Shen’s opening of a bookstore and how to get its name”, the students collectively completed the kanji character on the blackboard. Furthermore, the questioning method is used to promote student thinking, and the teacher is to give students feedback on the knowledge of the Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings. Finally, the teacher will explain the origin and development of the word “彧” in the structure of shape, sound, and meaning. The Chinese character teaching method provided in this article is an innovative and effective learning that can promote the teacher-student interaction. If we can implement this method through the teacher education, we will have a refreshing experience in the dissemination of international character education!
        2018.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인명용 한자는 가족관계등록법에 의거 등록 대상인 본명인 관명의 이름자에 사용할 수 있는 한자이다. 1991년 1월 1일 2,731자를 대법원에서 선정하여 최초 시행한 후 2-3년에 한 번씩 9차례 추가하여 2015년 1월 1일부터 8,142자가 되었다. 언론 보도를 보면 인명용 한자의 제한은 성명권 침해이므로 부적정하고, 범위는 확대해야 하며, 포함된 유의문자는 제외해야 된다는 논란이 시행과 더불어 계속되고 있다. 그러나 성명학계는 제한에 관심이 없고 유의문자에만 관심을 갖고 있어서 개선 의지가 약하다. 대법원은 어려운 한자가 불편하고 전산화에도 장애이며, 선정된 인명용 한자 8,142자가 작지도 않지만 확대 중이 라며 개선에 부정적이다. 또한 헌법재판소의 인명용 한자 합헌 결정에서 알 수 있듯이 제한을 없애는 것은 아직 시기도 성숙되지 않았다. 하지만 행정 편의를 위해서 성명권을 침해하고 국민의 불편을 야기하는 것은 문제가 있으므로 인명용 한자 제한과 범위 협소, 유의문자는 개선해야 한다. 종국적으로 모든 한자를 이름자로 사용할 수 있도록 성명권을 보장해야 하지만, 이에 부정적인 대법원의 견해도 적정하므로 다음 세 가지 사항을 단계별로 진행할 것을 제언한다. 첫째, 모든 관련자가 참여하여 인명용 한자의 정책 전반적인 개선을 다루는 대법원 소속의 위원회를 구성하여야 한다. 둘째, 인명용 한자에 포함된 유의문자를 제외하거나 최소한 인식할 수 있도록 공시해야 한다. 셋째, 충분한 검토와 논의로 논란을 예방하면서 범위를 추가 확대한 후, 종국적으로 인명용 한자의 제한을 없애야 한다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The existence of the similar Chinese characters is a special phenomenon which is determined by the rule of Chinese character formation law and the characteristic of configuration for expressive meaning. Traditional understanding located the similar Chinese characters in static similar shape category only according to the standard Chinese characters, it virtually ignored the dynamic adjustment and change of the relationship of handwriting and font in the historical evolution of Chinese character system, it also covered the deep-seated contradictions and the problems of the font between seeking for the simplicity and the difference in the process of Chinese characters system development. Chinese characters as symbols of recording and writing are often static and dynamic use of the organic unity, the similar Chinese characters will be accompanied by the two characteristics of static and dynamic similar shape. The effect between the two levels of static and dynamic interaction made the similar Chinese characters phenomenon presenting similar shape law of absolute and relative, direct and indirect, and so on. The rules and characteristics reflect similar shaped characters not only for seeking common ground, reflecting the character system and the inheritance of structural elements, but also for focusing in difference, reflecting distinction between characters and the different ways of richness, flexibility and subtlety to Chinese characters configuration system. The existence of the similar Chinese characters is essentially the result of the comprehensive function of the internal contradiction of the Chinese character system.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Examining Yang Shuda’s Interpretations by the contemporary standards, it is hard to avoid some mistakes or time limitation. Yang Shuda’s two interpretations of the word “ ” are contradictory. The word “戴目” in Hanshu Kuiguan (<漢書窺管>) should not be interpreted as “側目” (strabismus). It is also debatable for the interpretations of “ ”, “ ” and “ ”.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In ancient Chinese religion peoples prayed powerful spirits of nature, for example 祟•蠱• , these are the scourge that the insect as evil spirit brings. The magic ritual is done for such scourge. The city and feudal system associated with the establishment of royalty developed, along with the formof ritual changed, the blade statement concerning ritual such as 祭•祀and such as 史•使•事that means sacrificial rituals appeared. Further 師•追 that uses 𠂤; (that means festival meats) and 降•隠•際 that uses 阝(that means god ladders) as the characteristic theory of Dr.Sirakawa is considered.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sizuka Sirakawa’s theory on the Chinese Characters before the Warring States Period is a system theory. The theory includes several kinds of content as followed: First, the causes of Chinese Characters birth. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that characters creation is to express something sacred. Second, the resources of Chinese Character symbols. Sizuka Sirakawa thought, Chinese Characters are etiquette reflections, developing from the symbols which have the sacred nature. Third, Chinese Characters functions. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that to the ancient Chinese people, Chinese Characters had extraordinary power before the Warring States period. Fourth, the usage of Chinese Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that Chinese Characters were mainly used in activities of offering sacrifices and casting inscriptions. The last, the essence of Chinese Pictographic Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa believed Chinese Pictographic Characters not as pictograph characters, but as symbolic characters. However, based on the facts and the logic, we can prove that the five points have some mistakes.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is an irreplaceable important issue in the artificial intelligence (AI) development of the 21st century to establish a database, to recover the related memory, and even to extract big data from written texts in the Chinese characters cultural circle. Theories about the “transitional forms” and “intermediary graphs” of Chinese characters provide theoretical basis for the big data excavation of the written texts in Chinese characters cultural circle. Chinese characters have been deconstructed twice during its long-time development history from the Warring States period to the Six Dynasties period. Experts tend to focus on the first time which is known as “libian” (transformation of the graphic shapes of the zhuanshu into clerical script forms) so there are lots of investigation and research on it. Regard to the second time, as the cursive scripts prevailed, the components of a graph can be reorganized or distorted and some strokes’ order can change the direction in hand-writing process, making a new distinguishing mechanism to produce batches of “transitional forms”. A very few of the “transitional forms” were evolved into “fixed standard scripts”, and a bulk of them were conversely developed as “intermediary graphs” gradually. The first priority for establishing a database for the written texts in the Chinese characters cultural circle is to exclave massive amounts of related information based on big data construction. It is imperative to collect and sort the ancient written letters which are of great value in Japan, Korea and China. This database acts as not only the foundation of the research on history of Chinese writing systems and new historical data, but also the “firsthand data” for revealing the rules of the development of cognitive behavior and intellectual inheritance of human being.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        베트남은 한(漢)나라 때부터 약 1천 년 간 중국의 속국으로서 통치를 받는 동안 정치, 행 정, 경제, 문화, 교육, 예술 등 모든 분야에서 한자를 사용했고, 중국으로부터 독립한 이후에도 베트남의 대부분 봉건왕조는 한자를 공식문자로 지정해 공문서를 한자로 작성, 기록했다. 뿐만 아니라, 봉건왕조 시기에는 유교를 통치 이념으로 도입하여 베트남 사회에 한자 숭배 사상과 유교사상 또한 깊이 뿌리내리게 했다. 본 논문에서는 한자의 베트남으로 유입, 발전, 쇠퇴의 과정을 시대별로 살펴봄으로써 한자가 베트남의 언어문화에 초래한 영향의 정도와 그 추이를 이해하고자 한다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shirakawa Shizuka’s viewpoint about the Chinese Characters before the Warring States Period is a system theory. The theory includes several kinds of content as followed: First, the causes of Chinese Characters’ birth. Shirakawa Shizuka thought that characters’ creation is to express something sacred. Second, the resources of Chinese Character symbols. Shirakawa Shizuka thought, Chinese Characters are etiquette reflections, developing from the symbols which have the sacred nature. Third, Chinese Characters’ functions. Shirakawa Shizuka thought that to the ancient Chinese people, Chinese Character was a character with extraordinary power before the Warring States periods. Fourth, the usage of Chinese Characters. Shirakawa Shizuka thought, Chinese Characters were mainly using in activities of offering sacrifices and casting inscriptions. The last, the essence of Chinese Pictographic Characters. Shirakawa Shizuka didn’t believe Chinese Pictographic Characters as pictograph characters, but as symbolic characters. However, based on the facts and the logic, we can prove the five points have some mistakes.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite numerous errors already revealed in Shuo Wen Jie Zi by Xu Shen in Eastern Han dynasty, it is still considered to be an important literature in Chinese character studies. This study utilizes tools, such as mathematical functions, set and logic, to look into Shuo Wen Jie Zi from a new perspective. Through this approach, one can get a macro-scale tendency or trend. At the same time, one can pin-point numerous micro-scale errors. This study firstly defines functions that constitute the framework, and then processes the entire data set within Shuo Wen Jie Zi, addressing the topics associated with it.
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