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        검색결과 12

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the earth science curriculums of South Korea and North Korea. Aspects such as the content of the curriculums and the timing of learning were analyzed, in order to provide basic data that can be used to design a revised and integrated Korean curriculum. The objects of this study were South Korean Science textbooks from grades 5-9, and the high school Unity of Science and Earth Science I and II textbooks. Additionally, from North Korea, the junior middle school Natural Science 1 and 2 textbooks and the senior middle school Chosun Geography 2 and Geography 1 textbooks were analyzed. The results of this study obtained through an analysis that used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2019) grade 8 earth science assessment framework were as follows. First, South Korea needs to adopt iterative learning. Repetitive learning, which is effective for understanding what is being learned, is applied to only 1 by 8th grade. Second, South Korea needs to adjust the time when certain content is learned. This is because there is a disparity between when content is learned in comparison to North Korea, and the timing of learning of about 50% of the TIMSS standards have not been followed. Third, it is necessary to reflect the content present within the TIMSS that have not been learned. This can be a way to increase the nations’ educational competitiveness in the international community. This paper proposed a comparative analysis of South korean and North Korean approaches to the earth science curriculum and conducted practical research to facilitate the construction of an integrated curriculum.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many systems using RFID/USN were and are being developed. Some systems are used in practice and some are not. Generally, the main reasons not being used are: The prices of chips are too high considering the effects. The application domain is not appropriate for RFID/USN. So, various skills for higher sensing precision have been introduced like using multiple sensors and avoiding metals which deter sensings seriously. Now, it is time to evaluate systems which were developed using RFID/USN technology. However, no systematic approach has been made for the evaluation. In this paper, a framework using BSC is introduced for the evaluation of systems using RFID/USN. In this framework, some Critical Success Factors(CSF) are derived and some Key Performance Indices(KPI) are developed for each CSF.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most real world design evaluation and risk-based decision support combine quantitative and qualitative (linguistic) variables. Decision making based on conventional mathematics that combines qualitative and quantitative concepts always exhibit difficulty in modelling actual problems. The successful selection process for choosing a design/procurement proposal is based on a high degree of technical integrity, safety levels and low costs in construction, corrective measures, maintenance, operation, inspection and preventive measures. In this paper, a design decision support framework using a composite structure methodology grounded in approximate reasoning approach and evidential reasoning method is suggested for design evaluation of machinery space of a ship engine room at the initial stages. An illustrative example is used to demonstrate the application of the proposed framework.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As technology develops, more advanced technologies involving GPS, GIS, RFID and sensor networks have been adopted in agriculture sector for u-Farm. However, technology adoptions have been evaluated as ineffective. Farmers and agri-business have low level of understanding on technology so it is not efficiently utilized. This study introduces a case of RFID/sensor networks of mushroom farm as a u-Farm case study, focusing on developing a framework for analysis of u-Farm investment returns. RFID and sensor networks improve real-time production control, processing management, and traceability. Integration of RFID and sensor networks leads to innovation into the mushroom farm, reducing labor cost, increasing productivity, and improving quality of the mushroom. The ROI which is used as an indicator of performance indicator is 413%.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effort for GSI based IT system consolidation has been continued due to the increase of the system and complication increase of system connection, mainly by the global company. Since successful example of GSI realization by part of developed company affect to Korea, global level IT system consolidation has been examined mainly by the domestic company that have great deal of overseas business. Although they have examined consolidation possibility mainly on R&D, finance, operation management part which is the base part of company management, there are limitation for consolidation realization because of the difference between regional business problem of huge cost needed for consolidation. To overcome these realization limitations, it is necessary to lead risk and cost reduction through stepwise part unity and decide Priority Evaluation Framework for Consolidation target and systematic consolidation strategy. For GSI realization, appropriate distributions of unification time according to target system are needed. In this study, based on easiness and usefulness of consolidation and connection between the targets, evaluation methodology for Priority Evaluation Framework of system consolidation has been developed. Priority Evaluation Framework has been decided by applying developed methodology to global production company of high tech industrial part. Through this methodology, companies can realize successful and stable GSI by investing global resources intensively by Priority Evaluation Framework of consolidation target system
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, advancement of science technology and ubiquitous use of networking have led to a great increase of the need for high speed wireless internet. This has encouraged the existing Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) system to build a new territory in the information and communication market. It provides with reasonable price and convenience, however, its connectivity, transmission speed and mobility do not meed consumers' expectations. In this paper, the standards for grading quality according to the purposes of the WLAN service, applying the concept of composition cause of the service quality that has already been agreed upon, will be reconstructed. Also, this study will try to measure the achievements of the actual WLAN service quality by utilizing the realized measurement standards.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper proposes a knowledge innovation performance model by the dynamic data envelopment analysis with slacks-based measure approach for evaluating the effectiveness of 30 regional knowledge innovation activities in China from 2010 to 2016. In recent years, China has paid more attention to knowledge innovation activities, as central and local governments have pushed on with their innovation projects by lots of investment whatever the difficulties may be. Decision-maker is usually interested in judge its knowledge innovation performance relative to target benchmark by exploring whether one provincial administration region performs better among others and/or if the growth of economy will be benefited greatly by the knowledge innovation activities. To acquire the managerial insight about this issue from a comprehensively designed performance evaluation model, knowledge innovation activity is conceptualized as an intertemporal production process. Invention patent and regional gross product are imposed on desirable outputs, highlighting the need for knowledge economy. The empirical result shows that knowledge innovation has a positive effect on economic development. At the same time, decision-maker should be interest in the economic effect of patents’ type and quality. The government should then encourage new technical applications with greater commercial value from a market-oriented perspective, in order to benefit the most from the innovation process in the short-run.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to develop a bridge inspection technology through convergence of advanced technologies such as drone technology and hybrid image scanning technology. Through this study, a UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) user guideline framework for bridge condition evaluation is proposed. It is presented for writing UAV user guideline that is applicate a field of a bridge inspection using this proposal framework in this study.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 기후변화로 인하여 재해의 빈도 및 강도가 급격하게 증가하는 등 기후변화 리스크가 증대되고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 사회·경제적 리스크와 중첩되어 매우 극단적인 양상을 보이는 등, 재난관리에 있어 기후변화 리스크를 체계적으로 관리하는 것이 핵심과제로 떠오르고 있다. 이에 따라 호주 및 영국을 비롯한 국가에서 기후변화 리스크 관리프로세스를 마련·제시하고 있다. 기후변화 리스크는 리스크 요인별·적응주체별로 주체가 겪는 리스크 영향이 달라지기 때문에, 기후변화 리스크관리프로세스 상에 기후변화 리스크 요인과 적응주체, 그리고 그 영향을 반영하여 다차원적으로 접근할 필요가 있다. 그러나 기존에 제시된 리스크 관리프로세스는 기후변화에 따른 요인별· 적응주체별· 기후변화영향을 파악하고 평가하는 측면에서 단편적으로 접근하고 있다. 또 리스크 평가와 리스크관리를 위한 정책대안을 평가하고 선택하는 단계와의 연계성이 떨어져 실질적인 역할을 기대하기 어려운 측면이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 본 연구에서는 기후변화에 따른 직·간접적 리스크를 구분하고 리스크 적응주체의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 다차원적 리스크 관리 프레임워크를 구축하였다. 그리고 이를 지자체 단위의 방재부문에 적용하여 실제 적용가능성을 검토하였다.