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        검색결과 100

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        India has been a member of the BRICS group since 2009. It has been a staunch advocate for the synergistic power. Their summits have focused on a wide range of topics, all of which share the common goal of reorganizing the global economic and political order. The BRICS nations have together accomplished several significant milestones which include the establishment of the New Development Bank, the BRICS Payment System, collaborative anti-terror programs, climate mitigation, green energy, and other such initiatives. South Africa played home to the 15th BRICS Summit, which took place in the August of 2023 and was centered around the theme of “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism.” This essay considers issues from an Indian perspective that may pop up in the future BRICS summit.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since Russia-Ukraine war, India and the United States has enhanced their cooperation as evidenced by the recent engagements. Multiple meetings by officials and leaders including two Quad and 2+2 dialogue summits, have provided a clear stance on each country’s perspective on the recent conflict. The US-India dispute regarding Russia-Ukraine war demonstrates that it is a stress test for the US-India ties, as well as a test of the US leadership in the global politics. The balancing act required to settle the differences between the two countries will have implications for the Indo-Pacific region as well as global security, even though the disagreements are not yet mutually incompatible. Strengthening ties with the US is now a tightrope walk for India. While there are differences between the two countries in Ukraine, the real challenge is turning these differences into opportunities. The paper deals with the different issues arising from the Russia and Ukraine conflict in the context of US-India interface.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Indo-Pacific region’s strategic importance lies in its role in global trade and energy supply. Strengthening multilateral institutions is crucial to maintain a balance of power amid China’s growing assertiveness. Post the change in the US administration and the pandemic’s impact on the world order, restoring multilateralism is emphasized. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) plays a vital role in this multilateral order for the Indo-Pacific. India’s “Act East Policy” is an essential instrument for pursuing its interests in the region. However, India chose to opt out of RCEP, citing concerns about bias favoring China’s interests. This paper explores India’s significance in the Indo-Pacific and analyzes the implications of its decision on RCEP and the “Act-East Asia Policy.” India’s stance has broader implications for regional economic integration and its ability to balance China’s influence while shaping the Indo-Pacific’s evolving dynamics.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠의 인도에 대한 관심과 인도의 작가와 사상가, 그리고 인도 철학이 그의 작품 전체에 미친 영향은 많은 학문적인 관심을 받아왔다. 그의 인도에 대한 관심은 식민주의 시절, 동양에 대한 서양의 관심과 엘리엇, 파운드와 다른 모더니즘의 작품에 나타난 증거인 모더니즘이 혼합된 특성을 나타낸다. 예이츠의 관심은 사실 다양했고, 켈트족의 과거, 비교(occult), 마법, 동양, 역사 등에 관여했다. 이러한 관심과 관여로 인해 그는 20세기의 아일랜드 작가로서 여러 장르에서 자신의 목소리를 낼 수 있었다. 이 논문은 예이츠가 인도를 배경으로 방식을 조사하기 위해, 인도에 기반을 둔 초기 시 3편(1889년 출간)에서 인도의 사상이 독특한 시적 경험을 제공하는 방식을 탐구한다. 이 시들은 창작 시기를 고려하여 식민주의와 오리엔탈리즘을 논의한다. 이 논문은 예이츠가 동양을 19세기 서양의 산업혁명에 따른 물질주의, 합리주의, 기계화 및 자연 파괴에 대한 일종의 해독제로 보았다는 점과 인도 사상을 통해 남성주의와 여성주의, 동양과 서양의 화해를 추구했다는 점을 논증한다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Social media has become popular in both business and research as many studies have explored the impact of this medium on the purchase behavior of consumers but surprisingly not in the domain of counterfeiting. Social media has become a significant part of today's lifestyle and it has created new channels for brand manufacturers and consumers to communicate. The present study tries to assess the impact of social media determinants on counterfeit purchase intention. The study explored three factors of social media namely social media platform, user-generated content, and social media word of mouth. Further, the study checks for the mediation effect of consumer attitude between social media determinants and purchase intention. The data for the present study were collected from three metropolitan cities of India namely Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai. The PLS-SEM was used on 406 respondents for further analysis and validation. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between social media platforms, user-generated content, and purchase intention. However, an insignificant relationship was found between social media word of mouth and purchase intention. Further, the study suggested that attitude mediates the relationship between social media determinants and the purchase intention of consumers towards the purchase of counterfeit products in India.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, India has consistently increased its production of small fruits. India is the second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables globally, with a diverse range of small fruits grown across the country. Small fruits, such as kiwifruit and blueberries, are in high demand due to the growing popularity of healthier food options and increased awareness of their associated health benefits. However, the current status of small fruit production in India is substantially lower than that of other fruit crops. Nonetheless, there has been a growing interest in small fruit production, particularly in regions with suitable climatic conditions. Currently, only two types of small fruit are commercially produced in India: grapes and Indian jujube/ber. Three other fruit types, strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi, have production areas of less than 10,000 ha each. Despite the growing interest in small fruit production, several challenges, such as the lack of good planting materials, productivity issues, lack of packaging facilities, and marketing networks for farmers, need to be addressed to enhance the prospects for small fruit production in India. Future studies should focus on several areas to overcome these challenges. Firstly, it is crucial to understand the specific resource constraints that small fruit producers face and develop strategies to improve their access to essential resources, including planting materials, land, water, and financial support. Secondly, innovative marketing strategies tailored to the unique characteristics of small fruit production in India should be employed to expand domestic and international market opportunities. Lastly, adopting appropriate technologies and sustainable production practices is necessary to improve productivity and mitigate environmental impacts. Overall, the prospects for small fruit production in India appear promising, given the growing demand for healthier food options and the expanding domestic and international markets for small fruits.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is no doubt that the BRICS countries established in 2000-01, have already made their mark on the international stage. Increasing relations among BRICS countries with less developed nations through south-south cooperation, especially, China, India, and Russia and with least developed countries are of significant importance. BRICS has been the forerunner of cooperation, collaboration and reformation of the present international governance structure and to move towards multilateralism. Over the years, BRICS has become a platform of, and for the developing countries. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has created divisions in the world, impacting diplomatic relations that BRICS needs to address. The fact that Russia is the member of BRICS makes things complicated and new challenges has emerged for the bloc to take necessary actions and policy considerations. The article examines the challenges and opportunities for BRICS (as a bloc) amid Russia-Ukraine conflict in a post pandemic world.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modi government has developed a somewhat unique affinity for Hindu nationalism, resulting in the adoption of radical policies to make Hindu nationalism rise significantly and become the mainstream ideology in India. However, this radicalisation has led to severe unrest in the society along with religious and ethnic lines, as well as serious antagonism, which in turn led to religious and ethnic dissent in the country. In order to divert nation's attention from pressing issues and channel the nationalists' energies, Modi government adopted aggressive policy orientation & posturing against neighbouring countries, including provoking border conflicts in Dong Lang, Galwan River Valley. This has exerted a significant impact on India's relations with its neighbours, particularly China. Consequently, India’s 'conscious resistance' and xenophobic attitude towards China is increasing which has led to a significant retreat from bilateral relations, obstruction of economic cooperation, and cultural exchanges between the two countries.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modi took office as India’s Prime Minister in 2014, and started second term in 2019. In order to safeguard the party interests of the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) and the Hindu ethnic groups, Modi administration adopted radical policies to promote Hindu nationalism. These policies led to strong Hindu nationalism, rapidly intensified conflicts with other ethnic groups, and eventually filled India with the sentiment of all ethnic groups. In order to divert the national attention and the energy of nationalism, the Modi administration took aggressive diplomatic measures against the neighboring countries. The Modi administration realized the transformation of domestic religious nationalism into the aggressive diplomacy in China, Pakistan and other countries, but it brought a great impact on India's surrounding diplomatic environment, especially led to significant influence to the relations between China and Pakistan. The Modi administration reversed relations of India-China and India-Pakistan respectively, increased opposition and exclusion between India and these two countries; Indian nationalism broke the fragile balance of the geopolitical situation and posed a danger to peace and development in South Asia, meanwhile China and Pakistan developed a closer partnership.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        India’s recalibrated strategy toward free trade agreements (FTAs) has received considerable traction in the international trade policy space. Moreover, this has reignited the debate that India needs to reconsider its decision of not joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). A variety of factors such as domestic political economy, legal provisions of the RCEP agreement remained a matter of India’s concerns and shaping decision not to join the RCEP. The study explores scholarly literature and analyzes key imperatives such as integration in global value chains, consolidation of existing trade agreements and shaping global rulemaking for India to reconsider joining the RCEP agreement in the context of India’s new FTA strategy. The study findings demonstrate that India’s recalibrated strategy toward FTAs has significantly changed in terms of its geographical orientation, shift to bilateral trade deals, and geopolitical orientation. However, India is unlikely to consider joining the RCEP even under its new FTA strategy.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        T.S. 엘리엇은 전혀 새로운 시인으로서 20세기 영미시에서 우리가 전혀 본적이 없는 시를 쓴 시인이다. 그러나, 그는 유럽, 특히 프랑스 시의 전통에 확고한 뿌리를 둔 시인이다. 반면, W.B. 예이츠는 자신이 상징이라고 정의한 시의 특성을 추구한 시인으로 영시나 아일랜드 시에서 금세기에서 조차 어떤 시인도 그를 능가하지 못하고 있다. 이 글은 엘리엇에 영향을 준 프랑스 시인에 대해 이야기 한다. 엘리엇은 프랑스의 새로운 시인들과 접촉하게 되어 독특한 시를 쓰게 된 것은 명확한 것 같다. 엘리엇은 시인 코르비에르에게서 프랑스 시인들이 무시하고 가치를 보지 못한, 프랑스 시의 전혀 새로운 면을 볼 수 있었다. 이 글은 구하의 책에서 프랑스 시의 영향을 다룬다. 특히 트리스탄 코르비에르의 엘리엇에 대한 영향을 논하다. 코르비에르는 당시 프랑스에서 전혀 관심을 끌지 못한 무명시인이었다. 엘리엇은 이 시인에게서 새로운 것을 발견할 수 있었고 그것을 자신의 시에 잘 사용하였다. 구하는 이점을 다룬다. 반면 예이츠는 불어시를 읽을 수 없었고 프랑스 시에 큰 영향을 받지 않은 것 같다. 예이츠는 그의 산문에서 엘리엇의 새로움과 위대함을 지적한다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), also known as aonla or amla, belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is native to India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, and China. This fruit is gaining popularity globally because of its medicinal as well as nutraceutical properties. It is one of India's most integral commercial crops and is recognized for its nutritive, nutraceutical, and therapeutic value. India ranks first in the world in terms of cultivation and production, and it is mostly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Himachal Pradesh. Over the past decade, the area covered by this fruit has increased to approximately 25,000 ha. The total area under production is approximately 93,000 ha, with an annual production of approximately 1,090 thousand metric tonnes of fruit. Although India has favorable climatic conditions for growing gooseberry, its cultivation and production remain challenging because of pests as well as diseases, which cause considerable damage. In this study, we discuss the current status of Indian gooseberry production, as well as the major insect pests in the gooseberry-growing regions of India.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문의 목적은 2020년 11월에 타결된 역내포괄적경제동반자협정 (RCEP)에 한국, 중국, 일본이 참여한 각각의 요인들과 인도가 가입하지 않은 요인들을 구체적으로 분석하여 국제레짐이론의 시각에서 설명하는 것이다. 첫째, 한국이 가입한 주요 요인은 신자유주의 이론의 설명대로 교역의 확대를 통한 경제적 이득을 예상했기 때문이다. 또한 신현실주의 이론에서 예상하듯이 아세안과의 포괄적 협력을 강화하여 역내에서 한국의 상대적 지위와 영향력을 높이려는 의도에서 비롯되었다. 둘째, 중국이 RCEP에 가입한 주요 요인도 경제적 이득인데 이는 신자유주의 이론의 설명과 부합된다. 또한 신현실주의 이론에서 예상하듯이 중국은 역내에서 주도적으로 다자적 통상협력의 틀을 구축함으로써 기존의 지위와 영향력을 증대하려는 것이다. 셋째, 일본도 신자유주의 이론이 예상하듯이 주로 경제적 이득을 고려하여 RCEP에 가입하였다. 또한 RCEP을 통해 수준 높은 다자적 자유무역 질서를 확립하는데 리더십을 발휘하기 위함이다. 이러한 요인은 신현실주의 이론으로 설명된다. 반면에 인도가 RCEP에 가입하지 않은 주요인은 중국에 대한 상대적인 경제적 손실이 예상되어 자국의 상대적 지위와 영향력이 저하될 것을 우려하였기 때문인데 이러한 요인은 신현실주의 이론에 의해서 적절히 설명된다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Indian peninsula is the region with the longest religious history in the world. Religion runs through the historical development process from ancient India to British India, and then to the partition between India and Pakistan. After the second world war, with the booming of national movement for emancipation, coupled with British India suffering from intensified confrontation between hindus and muslims, suzerain Britain introduced the ‘Mountbatten Plan’ to admit Muslim to establish a separated regime, which ultimately led to the construction of India nation-state in 1950, and the formation of Pakistan followed in 1956. Religious factors played an important role in the nation-state construction, as well as in various fields including politics, economy and so on after the establishment of the two countries. After a comparative analysis of the Hinduism’s role in the founding of India and that of Islam in the founding of Pakistan, this paper demonstrated the similarities and differences of religions’ roles in India and Pakistan. As a result, this paper found that religions were the ideological basis for both India and Pakistan to build a nation-state, but there are obvious differences in cohesion. Religious thoughts have influenced the national policies and administrative programs of the two countries in different degrees. Religions also more or less have strengthened the sense of national identity of each ethnic group in the two countries.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 배는 인도의 주요 경제작물 중 하나로 북서부 지역과 북동부 고해발 지역에서 주로 재배되고 있다. 2. 인도는 세계에서 9번째의 배 생산 국가로, 재배면적은 1991년 19,000 ha에서 2019년 42,000 ha로 증가하여 28년간 약 2.2배가 증가하였다. 3. 배의 재배 면적과 생산량은 인도에서 생산되는 온대 과일 중 3위를 차지하고 있다. 4. 현재 배 재배면적은 매년 증가하고 있으며 약 500~1500 시간의 저온요구도 충족이 가능한 잠무와 카슈미르 북부지역, 히마찰프라데시주, 우타라칸주, 펀자브주 그리고 남부 타밀나 두주에서 주로 재배되고 있다. 5. 인도의 북서부와 동부의 고해발 지역은 다양한 품종의 배를 재배할 수 있는 좋은 기후 조건을 가지고 있지만, 병해충 발생으로 재배에 어려움이 나타나고 있다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After entering the era of Xi Jinping administration, China's 3.0 version foreign policy has been continuously developing in practice. Especially since 2017, China's 3.0 version foreign policy continued to have new changes as follows: First, it emphasized the “Foreign Policy of Neighboring Countries” and put the “Belt and Road Initiative” into the Communist Party Constitution. Second, added “Adhering to the Path of Peaceful Development”, “Adhering to the Win-Win Strategy of Opening up” and “Promoting the Building of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” to China Constitution. Other than that, “New Concept of Asia Security” and “Bottom-line Thinking” also gradually are implemented in China's diplomatic practice. In the volatile international society, there have been upstreams against globalization and regional integration, of which Modi administration is one example. Modi pushed for Hindu nationalism, which not only set off drastically religious nationalism trend in the domestic, but also led to spillover into the international community. The Indian military respectively crossed the border into China and caused the Dong Lang Issue and the Galvan Valley Conflict. These issues seriously affected the relations between the two countries and challenged the implementation of China 3.0 version foreign policy. This paper focuses on how the important concepts in the 3.0 foreign policy were applied to the diplomatic practice against India, and how China avoided the escalation of the situation. From the paper, we can find that China maintained a high degree of restraint and insisted on solving the problem through negotiation and consultation in the Dong Lang Issue. In the interlude between the two issues, China actively promoted the interaction between two leaders and sought to build a momentum of peace and mutual benefit. In the Galvan Valley Conflict period, China stuck to the “Bottom-line Thinking” at well as adhered to the “Path of Peaceful Development”. China in the future will still need to adhere to these 3.0 version foreign concepts-- “the Great Power Relations”, “Bottom-line Thinking” and “Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness in China's Neighborhood Diplomacy”. China will safeguard its core interests and maintain a good foreign environment in order to contribute to peace and development of the international society.
        2021.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Market integration and prices in pulse crops like black gram play an important role in determining the production decisions of the farmers and diversification towards high value nutritious crops. In this context, the present study explores extent of market integration and price transmission in selected major black gram markets in Andhra Pradesh using Johansen co-integration, Vector Error Correction Model and Granger causality test. The study used monthly prices data of black gram (Rs/quintal) sourced from selected markets of Srikakulam, Krishna and Kurnool spanning January, 1990 to December, 2019. The results of the study strongly buttressed the existence of co-integration and interdependence of selected black gram markets in Andhra Pradesh. However, the speed of adjustment of the prices found to be moderate in Krishna market and quite weaker in Srikakulam market and thereby prices correct a small percentage of the disequilibrium in these markets with the greatest percentage by the external and internal forces. So, it necessitates the need for future research, to investigate the influence of external and internal factors such as market infrastructure, Government policy and self-sufficient production, product characteristics and utilization towards market integration. As there exists only unidirectional causality from Krishna to Kurnool and from Krishna to Srikakulam markets, it calls for strengthening the information technology for flow of market information regularly to help the farmers for increasing their income.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        삿쌍(Satsang)이란 “진리의 모임”이란 뜻으로 힌두 혹은 시크 박타(bhata)들이 모여 의식(예배)을 치르는 곳을 말한다. 이런 삿쌍 문화를 활용하여 힌두/시크교의 신이 아닌 예수에게 헌신하고 예수를 따르는 박타들이 정기적으로 모여 예배를 드리는 곳이 예슈 삿쌍 (Yeshu Satsang)이다. 내용은 교회와 유사하지만 음악, 그림, 상징 등 그 형식은 힌두/시크적이다. 듀억슨은 북인도에서 이런 공동체를 이루고 있는 예슈 삿쌍의 교회적 정체성을 연구하였다. 그는 예수에 대한 박티적 헌신, 하나님의 축복과 성령의 역사(기적), 악의 분별, 복음의 증거, 이 네 가지를 예슈 삿쌍의 교회적 정체성으로 지적한다. 그리고 예슈 삿쌍의 교회적 정체성이 사도행전에 나오는 유대인 제자 공동체가 형성하고 있었던 교회의 정체성과 연관될 수 있는 것으로 보면서 어느 정도의 성서적 정당성을 부여하는 것처럼 보인다. 필자는 유대인 제자 공동체보다는 교회의 정체성을 완성형으로 구현한 바울의 “인-크라이스트”(in Christ)의 정체성에 초점을 두면서 예슈 삿쌍의 교회적 정체성에 대해 재평가하고 인도 선교를 위한 예슈 삿쌍의 앞으로 의 역할을 전망한다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The small tea growers (STGs) constitute a significant part of the tea industries in several tea producing countries in the world. STGs constitute 70 percent of the tea cultivation by area and 60 percent of the total tea production by volume. However, low profitability, limited marketing options, inefficient supply chain, and dependency on the large tea estates for processing has emerged as a serious threat to the sustainability of the STGs. Mostly, the STG’s role in the tea supply chain is confined merely to the cultivation of the tea leaves. In India too, the STGs are confronted with similar challenges. India is the second-largest tea producer in the world with about 50 percent of the total tea production coming from the STGs. Notably, considering the economic and environmental benefits, some of the STGs have taken to organic cultivation of tea. Further, some of them who adopted organic cultivation also took to processing and marketing of made tea like hand-made green tea, black tea, and other specialty products by themselves. This study seeks to understand and analyze the role of organic cultivation in providing market linkages and the development of value chain(s) for the STGs. The study was conducted in the state of Assam, which is recognized worldwide for the presence of one of the oldest and the largest tea industries. It used a qualitative value chain approach to analyze the current situation of the STGs involved in the production of organic tea. The study mostly relied on primary data collected from the various actors of the emerging tea value chain through a semi-structured interview schedule, in-depth interviews, and focused group discussions. The processing and marketing of tea by the organic STGs in Assam has indeed led to the development of tea value chain(s) for the STGs. Adoption of sustainable agriculture systems like organic cultivation has opened up new opportunities for the STGs to earn from tea processing and marketing by themselves. Although such developments are in a very initial stage, understandings from the present scenario add to the literature on the development of value chain and market linkages for the smallholders in the tea sector with implications for other agricultural sectors as well. Encouraging the STGs to produce orthodox tea products, especially green and black tea varieties, in larger quantity by mobilizing them for collective actions is likely to locate them in the global tea value chain. The study suggests such suitable policy measures to bring about transformations in the tea sub-sector. Appropriate institutional changes to develop sustainable tea value chain(s) controlled by the STGs would be the key to impart overall sustainability to the industry. Such developments are likely to help the tea industry in Assam and other tea producing regions to meet the changing consumer aspirations and sustain global competition.
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