
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A literature study was conducted on the management of the pavilion of the royal tomb in the late Joseon Dynasty, focusing on “Gakneung Suri Deungnok(Records relating to the repair of royal tombs)”. This study analyzed the royal tomb management system, organized the types of damage identified in the building, and examined how the damage status was recorded by type. In the above, the records related to the 1675∼1713 repair of three JeongJaGak(Geonwonneung, Sungneung, and Mokneung), which are registered as state-designated cultural properties, are summarized in three aspects: management system, damage status, and expression words. The results of the study are as follows. First, the royal tomb pavilion was regularly inspected by Observator(觀察使) in spring and autumn, and Surunggwan(守陵官) every 5th, and Servant(守僕) regularly inspected every day and night, and also inspected and reported emergency cases of natural disasters or unexpected damage. Second, the damage status of each building was continuously observed and reported for the continuous maintenance of the buildings in the royal tomb. A total of 75 records of damage to the three royal tombs' pavilion were found to have been most frequently inspected, including 19 cases (25.3%), 14 cases (18.7%), 23 cases (30.7%) of the roof, and 19 cases (25.3%) of the roof. Third, the expression of the damage status is confirmed in various ways, such as separation, separation, burst, damage, excitation, moisture, leakage, and exfoliation. Among them, the main damage records were confirmed due to the separation of the base from the peeling, the furniture, cracks, leaks, leaks in the roof, and the collapse of the roof was able to check the damage records.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조선왕릉 정릉의 역사문화경관림의 실태를 살펴보고 체계적인 보존 및 관리 방안을 마련하기 위해 수행되었으며, 집약된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 식생은 신갈나무가 우점하고 있으며, 신갈나무-팥배나무군락 65.47%, 소나무군락 11.85%, 소나무 식재림 6.41%로 분포하고 있다. 주요 식생 군락은 소나무군락, 팥배나무군락, 신갈나무군락, 소나무식재림, 잣나무식재림이다. 둘째, 여덟 곳의 자연림 방형구에서 흉고직경을 측정한 바, 주된 수종은 소나무, 신갈나무, 팥배나무였으며, 흉고직경의 최대 분포범위는 소나무 15-20cm, 신갈나무 10-15cm, 팥배나무 5-10cm이다. 셋째, 중점관리지역의 소나무림은 밀도가 높고 신갈나무-팥배나무와 매우 인접하고 있어 생육과 관리에 불리한 조건에 있다. 넷째, 역사문화경관림의 관리 방안으로 아까시나무와 같은 외래종을 소나무와 같은 재래종으로 대체하고 소나무림이 정릉 전역에 연결될 수 있도록 재식(栽植)하며, 밀도가 높은 지역은 솎아내기를 통해 생육에 적정한 공간을 확보한다. 봉분 주변의 소나무는 기울어져 자라고 있으므로 지속적이고 적극적으로 관리한다. 시각적 이질감을 나타내는 수목들은 정리가 필요하며, 경계부분은 기존의 낙엽활엽수와 어울릴 수 있도록 조정하고 완충공간을 10m 내외로 확보한다. 본 연구는 유사한 시대적 상황을 거친 여타 조선왕릉에 중요한 시사점을 전해 줄 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 향후 개별 조선왕릉 역사 문화경관림의 실태를 살펴보고 합리적인 관리방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to comprehend the assignment and the procurement method of wood works’ craftsman through the Salleung-dogamuigwes in royal tombs constructions in the late Joseon period. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, Carpenter and other nine craftsmen were introduced in carpentry works. The craftsmen were put in by occupation to maintain the quality of the government building construction by wood processing area. It was distinguished by frame member, Sujangjae, window framing wood, decorative member. Second, sawyer showed a sharp increase in the latter half of the 18th century and declined since the middle of the 19th century. This is closely related to the increase in demand for building materials and the growth of civilian wood products. As a maximum of 300 people have been assigned to the craftsmen in the woodwork, it can be seen that the work has been divided by the process. Third, the national carpenter was difficult to procure from the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century. From the middle 18th century, the system procuring national carpenter was stabilized. In the 19th century, the input ratio of the national craftsmen seems to have decreased significantly and seems to have kept it at the minimum level. Forth, sawyer were procured through Seongonggam from the late 18th century through the mid 19th century. That means that the role of the sawyer had become important. Since Jogakjang is not a necessary manpower, it usually has civilian artisans.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to comprehend the selection process of quarry and the quarry Jogyedong through the Salleung-uigwes in royal tombs constructions in the late Joseon period. Especially, it is to comprehend about the effect by difference of use of stone between Daebuseokso and Sobuseokso. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, the quarry of Daebuseokso had been selected very carefully through the quality check process. Second, the quarry of royal tombs around the capital was located at Mt. Bulam in the east and Mt. Bukhan in the west. This is because the nature of the procurement of stone, which is important for transportation, is that it is necessary to prepare the mountains close to the royal tombs. Third, the locations of quarry of between Daebuseokso and Sobuseokso were differently selected. The quarry of Daebuseokso was located at a distance of three times distant from Sobuseokso. Forth, the epigraph related to quarry is located in Sareung construction in the valley of Jogyedong. This is a very important data to confirm the location of royal tombs construction.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to comprehend the change of the terms and the structure of the Pungpanbu in the T-shaped wooden shrines in the later Joseon period through the Salleung-dogamuigwes. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, the terms in the Salleung-dogamuigwes were similar to Yeonggeon-dogamuigwes but timing difference was verified. The word about the frame of Pungpanbu was different from the current. Second, in accordance with the extended of Pungpanbu, the members of frame of Pungpanbu had been increased and it had been changed to the lattice. The members of Pungpanbu used as plan dimensions and the size of the members had been gradually increased. Third, the Pungpanbu had been extended to protect the side of T-shaped wooden shrines. At the same time, the range of Chukjungbang had been extended. This was the result of the efforts of the era to reduce the range of plaster. This affected the overall elevation change of T-shaped wooden shrines.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to comprehend the procurement system of iron materials and the production process of ironwork in royal tombs constructions in the later Joseon period. For this purpose, sixteen Sanneung-uigwes were analyzed. The following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, it was procuring five types of iron materials in constructions of royal tombs. Sincheol had been supplied up to the mid- 18th century. On the other hand, the amount of jeongcheol was increased rapidly. Because of the procurement system of initial tools was changed from bokjeong(a kind of tribute) to self-production in the Noyaso. Second, the government stockpiles were utilized as much as possible than bokjeong to manage the limited construction period and sudden construction start. Third, before moving the site of tombs, the melting furnace was installed in the Gungisi(armament factory). The amount of the melting furnace was increased from 5 to 8 since producing the initial tools in the Noyaso. Fourth, six kinds of master artisans were worked in the field of producing ironwork. Metal worker was assigned to one person per melting furnace. Fifth, the quality of final iron materials was controlled by use. Since the 19th century, it had been produced enhanced ironwork.