
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 35

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of Liriope platyphylla and organic acids on enteric methane mitigation in goats using an open-circuit simplified respiration chamber system. Methane recovery was evaluated by injecting 3% standard methane gas for 30 min at 3 L/min. The percentage of methane recovery from the four chambers was 99±5.4%. Following the recovery test, an animal experiment was conducted using eight castrated Boer goats (body weight 46.6±7.77 kg) using a 2×2 crossover design. Experimental diets were as follows: 1) Control (CON), commercial concentrate and tall fescue, and 2) Treatment (MIX), concentrate supplemented with L. platyphylla and organic acids and tall fescue. Goats were offered feed at 2% of body weight (dry matter basis) in equal portions twice daily at 8:00 and 15:30. The goats were adapted to the feed and methane chamber for 10 and 3 days, respectively. Methane emission was measured one day per goat using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, and temperature and airflow measurements were used to estimate methane emissions. Dry matter intake (DMI), body weight, and methane emission were measured during each period. Methane production with CON and MIX was 24.48 and 22.68 g/d, respectively, and 26.81 and 24.83 g/kg DMI, respectively. Although the differences were not significant, the use of supplements resulted in a numerical reduction in methane in MIX compared with CON. Collaboration with experts in other areas, including various engineering departments, is imperative to measure methane emissions using a chamber system accurately.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 맥문동의 활용도를 높이기 위한 연구의 일환으로 유기용매별에 따른 항산화성 물질을 측정하기 위해 맥문동 열매를 methanol, ethyl acetate, methylene chloride로 추출하여 총 폴리페놀 함량, electron donating ability(EDA), super-oxid radical과 hydrogen peroxide 제거능을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 총 폴리페놀 함량은 70% methanol 추출물에서 7,253.50±335.43 μg GAE/mL로 나타났고, methylene chloride는 1,239.77±9.30 μg GAE/mL로 가장 높은 함량을 보였으며, ethyl acetate는 105.44±2.04 μg GAE/mL, methanol은 919.30±50.83 μg GAE/ mL로 나타났다. 총 폴리페놀 함량 차이는 유기용매별 통계학적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05). 2. DPPH에 대한 전자공여능 측정에서 70% methanol 추출물의 전자공여능은 69.17±12.61%로 나타났고, 극성을 달리한 추출용매에서는 methylene chloride로 분획한 분획물이 33.11±1.77%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, methanol 추출물 methylene chloride 추출물 20.16±1.04%, ethyl acetate 추출물 5.19±2.59%로 methylene chloride 분획물이 세 용매 중에서 가장 높게 나타났으나, 전체적인 분획물에서의 전자공여능은 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 유기용매별 전자공여능은 통계학적으로 유의적인 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05). 분획한 추출물의 전자공여능이 분획하기 전보다 높은 전자공여능을 나타내었는데, 분획에 의한 전자공여능 저해 물질의 분리에 의한 것인지 혹은 전자공여능 물질의 농도 증가에 의한 것인지는 추후 규명이 필요한 것으로 사료된다. 3. Superoxide radical 제거능은 맥문동 추출 원액에서 0.0174±0.0007, methylene chloride 분획물 0.0164±0.0007, ethyl acetate 분획물 0.0172±0.0007, methanol 분획물 0.0171±0.0003, hydrogen peroxide 제거에 관한 실험 결과는 원액에서는 0.0985±0.1021, methylene chloride 분획물 0.0896±0.0893, ethyl acetate 분획물 0.0115±0.0085, methanol 분획물 0.0170±0.0180으로 유기용매별 차이는 나타나지 않았다. Methylene chloride 분획물에서는 hydrogen peroxide 제거가 가장 높게 나타난 반면에, superoxide anion radical의 생성은 서로 상반된 결과를 보였고, 이에 대한 규명을 위하여 methylene chloride 분획물의 분리와 분리된 물질의 성분 분석, 그리고 각 성분 물질의 superoxide anion radical 제거능과 hydrogen peroxid 제거능 실험 결과에 따른 분석으로 상반된 결과에 대한 규명이 필요한 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 스트렙토조토신(Streptozotocin,STZ)으로 유발된 당뇨쥐에게 맥문동(Liriope platyphylla,Lp)에탄올 추출물(수율:30.7%)을 1,000mg/kg용량으로 7일간 경구 투여 후 혈청속의 혈당 함량과 당대사와 관련된 몇 몇 효소와 지질대사와 관련된 물질을 측정한 결과 혈당과 triglyceride(TG), total cholesterol의 농도는 STZ대조군과 비교하여 맥문동 투여군에서 유의적인 감소를 나타내었고, glucose-6-pase(g-6-pase)활성은 STZ 대조군과 비교하여 유의적인 감소를, glucokinase(gk)활성은 증 가를 나타내었다. 또한 hepatic glycogen 함량은 STZ대조군과 비교하여 유의적인 증가를 나타내었다. 따라서 본 실험 결과 맥문동 에탄올 추출물을 스트렙토조토신으로 유발된 당뇨쥐에 있어서 항 당뇨 성 분을 함유하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 겨울철 제설제 (CaCl2) 농도처리에 따른 맥문동(Liriope platyphylla)과 수호초(Pachysandra terminalis)의 내염성을 평가하고자 수행하였다. 국내에서 제설제로 가장 많이 사용하는 염화칼슘을 각각 0%(Control), 0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, 5.0%로 처리한 실험구에 2015년 11월에 맥문동과 수호초를 정식한 후, 이듬해 이른 봄인 2016년 3월에 내염성을 평가하기 위해 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽형지수, 생체중, 건물중, 엽록소함량, 광합성률, 기공전도도, 증산율 등을 측정하였다. 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽형지수, 생체중, 건물중, 엽록소함량, 광합성률, 기공전도도, 증산율 등은 제설제 처리농도가 높을수 록 감소되는 것은 두 식물이 동일하였으나, 맥문동이 수호초보다 좀 더 안정된 생육 및 생리적 특징을 보였다. 무엇보다, 맥문동은 3.0% 이상에서, 수호초는 1.0% 이상의 농도처리에서 생존이 불가능해 맥문동이 수호초보다 내염성이 높은 것으로 판단되었으며, 도시 내 제설제 피해지역에 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        총호기성균, 대장균군, Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus를 대상으로 충청남도 청양의 맥문동 재배 농가 3곳의 미생물 오염도 조사하였다. 그결과 E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. 는 전혀 검출되지 않았으며, S. aureus는 작업자가 착용한 장갑의 일부에서만 정성적으로 검출되었다. 수확한 맥문동과 접촉가능성이 있는 주변환경(토양, 수확기, 수확용기, 세척기, 세척수, 채반 등)의 미생물 오염도가 전반적으로 낮은 것으로 조사되었는데, 다만 일부 세척기에서 대장균군이 4.35 log CFU/100 cm² 검출되어 위생관리에 유의할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 맥문동은 수확 이후에 세척과정과 건조 과정을 거치면서 미생물 오염도(총호기성균, 대장균군, B. cereus)가 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가공조건 차이에 따른 한방차의 성분변화를 분석한 결과, 팽화공정 처리한 것은 볶음공정을 한 것보다 조회분, 수분, 조단백질, 고형분 용출율이 증가하였으며 조지방은 소폭 감소하였다. 벤조피렌 [B(α)P]함량은 0.35 ppb에서 0.18 ppb로 크게 감소하였다. 전체적으로 심한 열처리 과정이 없는데도 불구하고 B(α)P 이 검출된 이유는 식품 중 B(α)P 는 주로 음식을 조리, 가공할 때 식품의 주성분인 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방 등이 열분해 되어 생성되기 때문이다. 한방차에서 맛, 향, 색상 모두 큰 차이를 보이지 않으나 다소 텁텁한 느낌이 강하고, 시큼한 맛이 강하여 선호도를 떨어뜨리는 것으로 나타났다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The following study is the result of herbal teas puffed at different temperatures between 140~220℃. Depending on treatment temperatures, the water contents decreased, while some carbonization occurred and crude ash contents relatively increased. Also, the crude protein and crude fat experienced little changes. B(α)P contents (0.16~0.17 ppb) showed little change according to treatment temperatures. From this result, the B(α)P content differed depending on the treatment temperature and raw materials. Solid elution rate figures of the herbal teas ranged from 0.27~0.45% (w/w) and the rate of solid elution increased along with higher puffing temperatures. The reason for the increase in solid elution rates is due to the breakage of cross bridges between the raw materials in the herbal tea which are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and etc. after treatments of physical changes rather than chemical ones.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Roasting 온도를 80~140℃로 달리한 한방차의 성분 변화를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 처리온도의 상승에 따라 수분함량이 감소하고, 일부 탄화가 발생하며 조회분 함량이 상대적으로 상승하는 소폭 변화가 있었고, 조단백질 및 조지방 함량은 거의 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 벤조피렌 함량은 0.17~0.35ppb으로 처리온도가 상승할수록 B(α)P 함량이 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때, 처리온도와 원재료에 따라 B(α)P 함량에 차이가 발생한 것으로 나타났는데, roasting의 경우 실제 내부온도는 약 200℃내외에 그치지만 roaster 표면의 온도는 약 2,000℃에 이르기 때문에 이 표면과 직접 접촉한 부분에서 일부의 B(α)P가 생성된 것으로 판단된다. 한방차의 고형분용출율을 0.18~0.35%(w/w)를 나타내었는데, roasting 온도가 상승할수록 고형분용출율이 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 처리온도가 80~110℃처리구간에서는 큰 변화를 나타내지 않은 반면 110~140℃처리구간에서는 고형분용출율이 급격히 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 처리온도가 상승할수록 고형분용출율이 감소하는 것은 내부 조직이 치밀하여 상대적으로 용출이 어렵기 때문으로 생각된다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of packaging material on the growth of rootstock of Liriope platyphylla. Methods and Results: This study examined the effects of two types of packaging material, LDPE (low density polyethylene) and functional film on the growth of the tubers of L. platyphylla, at 5℃. During the 16-weeks of storage period, the ratio of loss and decay of the tubers was examined at intervals of 4, 8, and 16 weeks to detect the quality of the plant. After 16 weeks of storage, the treated tubers were own. Subsequently, plant height and the number of leaves were recorded. The results revealed that functional film at 5℃ was the ideal material for the storage of L. platyphylla tubers. The rate of loss was the highest (57.42%) with a onion net and the lowest (22.12%) with a functional film. Similarly, the rate of tuber decay was highest (8.20%) using onion net and the least (4.60%) when the functional film was used. Conclusions: Thus, the use of the functional film proved to be the most effective in the storage of L. platyphylla tubers when compared with the LDPE.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed in order to determine the effect of roasting (160 for 0, 30, 60, 90 min) on the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of hot water extracts of dried Liriope platyphylla. With respect to Hunter’s color value, lightness and yellowness decreased roasting time increased. The difference (ΔE value) in lightness, redness and yellowness was 15.88 and 22.94 for 30 and 60 min. The 30 min roasted sample contained more soluble solid content (12.7 °Brix) than other samples. The pH and acidity of the 60 min roasted sample were 5.06 and 0.14%, respectively. The highest contents in reducing sugar and total phenolic compounds contents was obserned in the 60 min roasted sample (17.68, and 35.01 g/100 g, respectively), and flavonoid content was the highest in the 90 min roasted sample (10.53 mg/100 g). The crude saponin content of the 90 min roasted sample (21.90 mg/100 g) was higher than that of others samples (8.0-15.36 mg/100 g). Moreover, ginsenosides such as Re, Rg3, and Rh2, were detected, among which the Rh2 content was the highest. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity (31.64-53.72%), 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)- 6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) radical scavenging activity (61.59-96.71%), and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (72.38-183.11%) were higher in the roasted samples than in the control group. As a result, we confirmed that roasting increased the amount of active compounds, which increased the yield of useful extract.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates, the physicochemical characteristics of Sengmaksan (SM) prepared with Liriope platyphylla (LP) that had been roasted for different times (0, 30, 60, and 90 min, denoted as S-0, S-30, S-60, and S-90, respectively) The Hunter’s color values such as lightness (L), redness (a), and yellowness (b) were the highest in S-0, while the lowest was found in S-90. The amount of soluble solid and reducing sugar content of S-60 were higher than the others. None of the samples exhibit significant differences in, their pH and acidity. The total content of phenolic compounds increased with the LP roasting time, but the total flavonoid and total anthocyanin contents of the SM decreased at the same time. The total ginsenoside (Ro, Rb2, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2, Rg3, Rh1, and Rh2) content did not show significant differences. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities increased according to the concentration, as well as with the LP roasting time. The ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) showed trends similar to the radical scavenging activity, but it was more sensitive to the LP roasting time. From these results, the active ingredient in S-60 was higher, and the antioxidant activities of SM increased along with the roasting time of LP.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to examine the antioxidant activities and physiological activities of mixture extracts (Liriope platyphylla, Schizandra chinensis and Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) with different extraction mixing ratios (MEC, 2:1:1; ME1, 1:2:1; ME2, 1:1:2; ME3, 1.34:1.33:1.33). The yield of extracts ranged from 25.33 to 33.87%. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents of ME1 extracts were 1.01 g/100 g, 0.07 g/100 g, respectively. The total sugar contents of MEC extract was 22.83 g/100 g, respectively. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of ME1 extracts at 1,000 μg/mL were 26.79% and 21.08%. The superoxide radical scavenging and ferric-reducing antioxidant power of ME1 extracts at 1,000 μg/mL were 67.83% and 295.47 μM, respectively. The functionalities of extracts were investigated with L-132 and RAW264.7 cell lines. The extracts on different mixing ratios did not show the toxicity on L-132 and RAW264.7 cell line in 100-2,500 μg/mL. The ME1 extract of 1,000 μg/mL performed better than other extracts protective effects against oxidative stess in L-132 cells (81.22%) and the ME2 extract at 1,000 μg/mL decreased nitric oxide production by 7.48 μM which was more potent than other extracts. There results suggest that the ME1 extracts may be a useful functional food material in the food industry.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang belongs to the Liliaceae and herbal medicinal plants. It is usually grown as ground cover plants. But the farm is cultivated medicinal plants in order to harvest its tuberous root. The cultivated area is 95ha and the production is 588 ton(2014). Miryang and Cheongyang are the main producing areas. This experiment was carried out to select a cultivar that are well adapted in middle regions in Korea. Methods and Results : It were investigated the tuber characteristics in four cultivars of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. The ratios of roots and tubers a plant was ranged 18.6 - 21.6%. Maekmundong 1 have more in tubers per a plant but lower in the rate of marketable tubers and 100-tubers weight than other 3 cultivars. Cheongshim was heavier and larger in tuberous root than 3 other cultivars. The tuber’s distributions in less than 10 ㎝ soil depth at the surface was 48.6% in Cheongshim, 58.4% in Seungsu 50.6% in Maekmundong 1 and 58.1% in Cheongyang native’s line. So, Seungsu and Cheongyang native’s line are believed to be suitable for harvesting by machines. The tuber’s yield was highest in Seungsu and was 5% higher than Cheongyang native’s line. The spicatoside A extracted with 80% MeOH was analyzed by 0.01 – 1.83 ㎎/g and Maekmundong 1 have been contained much more than other cultivars. Conclusion : Considering the yield and medicinal ingredients, Maekmundong 1 have good quality than Cheongshim, Seungsu and Cheongyang natives’s lines in middle regions in Korea.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang is a perennial plant and its tuberous root is used as herbal medicine. Liriope platyphylla is grown throughout a year from April to April of next year. Recently, the production was lowered because of severe drought/rainfall and injury by successive cropping. The ridge height affected the growth of shoots and roots as affected by drought or rainfall. It is necessary to establish the cultivation techniques for stable quantity per unit area and good tuber’s quality. This experiment was carried out to select a cultivar of good tuber quality and to determine the ridge height for high-yielding. Methods and Results : It were investigated the characteristics of roots and tubers depending on different ridge heights in four varieties of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. There was not significantly different in shoot growth by different ridge heights. The tubers distribution in less than 10cm soil depth at the surface was decreased about 6.6% in the 15cm ridge height compared to 5cm. So, the mean distributed position of tubers was deepened at higher ridge. The cultivars that tubers were mainly distributed in the 10cm depth from surface was Seoungsu and Cheongyang natives’s lines. The no. of tubers per a plant and the ratio of marketable tubers were increased about 13.2% and 20.1% in the 15cm ridge height compared to 5cm. Considering the tuber sizes and ratio of marketable tubers, Cheongshim and Maekmundong 1 has good quality than Seoungsu or Cheongyang natives’s lines. The tuber yield increased about 19.5% in the 15cm ridge height compared to the 5cm. So, high ridge was advantaged to increase the yield. Conclusion : From the above results, the quality and quantity of tubers of Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang was good in the higher ridge. We recommended Cheongshim cultivar because of the large tuber sizes and high ratio of marketable tubers.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang is a species of Liliaceae and its tuber is used as medicinal herbs. This medicinal plant is mainly cultivated in Cheongyang and Buyeo of Chungcheongnam-Do and Miryang of Gyeongsangnam-Do. It is necessary to establish a cultivation techniques for stable production to solve the problems that are found on farms. These farm surveys were carried out to obtain the basic data on soil environment and cultivation conditions at main producing areas of Chungnam-Do in Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. Methods and Results : The surveys were investigated from 37 farmers in Cheongyang and 32 farmers in Buyeo who cultivate Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. There were slightly differences in the local characteristics between Cheongyang and Buyeo. The rate of successive cropping for more than 3 years were 19% at Cheongyang and 41% in Buyeo. The reason may be due to the a small-owned field. It has grown 28% at Cheongyang and 59% at Buyeo in paddy fields. The injury by successive cropping that farmers argued were the increasing pest/disease occurrence, degradation of tuber quality and yield reduction. Crops planted after the harvest of L. platyphylla were mostly Pepper or soybean in upland. It is necessary to reduce the injury of successive cropping. The results of 112 soil analysis data were classified by 8 soil series. There are many acidic soil, lack of organic matter, excess phosphate. However, it did not analyzed the influences on the growth and yield of the crop as affected by different soil conditions. Conclusion : From the above results, it is necessary to develop cultivation techniques on the reduction of injury of successive cropping, such as cropping system, seedling transplanting cultivation, cultivation methods for good agricultural practices(GAP) and soil improvement.
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