
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 511

        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to optimize the rice starch and rice protein content ratio for the replacement of fish paste in eomuk using a response surface methodology. The experiment was designed based on the independent variables. The rice starch content (X1: 10, 20, 30%) and rice protein content (X2: 1, 3, 5%) were examined, along with the viscosity (Y1), color (Y2: L, Y3: a, Y4: b), and sensory evaluation of the dough (Y5: Color, Y6: Flavor, Y7: Off flavor, Y8: Taste, Y9: Hardness, Y10: Cohesiveness, Y11: Springiness, Y12: Chewiness, Y13: Overall acceptance), with the results being set as dependent variables. The p value of Y1, Y2, Y5, Y7, Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12, and Y13 showed a level of <0.05 excluding Y6 and Y8. R2 value was high at 0.80-0.95 so that these rice starch and rice protein contents were significantly affected in terms of the quality and sensory preference of eomuk; therefore, the optimal conditions of X1 and X2 were 19.99% and 2.91%, respectively. Under these optimal conditions, the predicted values of acceptance were Y5 (5.44), Y7 (5.36), Y9 (5.22), Y10 (5.46), and Y13 (6.11). These results will be the basis for building a method for obtaining a rice material. Also, they are expected to promote rice consumption through the development of processed foods using rice material.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In a series of recent launch tests, North Korea has been improving the firepower of its missiles that can target South Korea. North Korea’s missiles and submarines are capable of threatening targets in South Korea and are likely faster and more covert than the systems previously seen in North Korea. The advanced threats require that ROK Navy should not only detect them earlier than ever but also response quicker than ever. In addition to increasing threats, the number of young man that can be enlisted for military service has been dramatically decreasing. To deal with these difficulty, ROK navy has been making various efforts to acquire a SMART warship having enhanced defense capability with fewer human resources. For quick response time with fewer operators, ROK Navy should improve the efficiency of systems and control tower mounted on the ship by promoting the Ship System Integration. Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE) is a method of providing single computing environment for all ship systems. Though several years have passed since the first proposal of TSCE, limited information has been provided and domestic research on the TSCE is still in its infancy. In this paper, we apply TSCE with open architecture (OA) to solve the problems that ROK Navy is facing in order to meet the requirements for the SMART ship. We first review the level of Ship System Integration of both domestic and foreign ships. Then, based on analyses of integration demands for SMART warship, we apply real time OA to design architecture for TSCE from functional view and physical view. Simulation result shows that the proposed architecture has faster response time than the response time of the existing architecture and satisfies its design requirements.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 교정시설에 수감 중인 마약 사용자의 회복을 돕기 위한 내면아이 치유프 로그램 개발과 효과를 검증하는 혼합연구이다. 연구자는 내면아이 치유프로그램을 교 정시설에 맞게 수정・보완하여 실험집단에 실시하였다. 프로그램의 효과검증을 위해 혼합분석을 하였다. 양적분석은 통제집단과 실험집단의 사전검사와 사후검사의 변화 차이가 통계적으로 유의미한지 살펴보았고, 질적 분석은 프로그램이 종료 후 실험집 단 참여자들의 포커스 인터뷰를 통해 내면아이 치유프로그램 참여 후 자신의 변화에 대한 심층자료를 수집하여 구체적 내용, 계기, 맥락 등을 분석하였다. 연구결과를 살 펴보면 내면아이치유 프로그램를 통해 중독에서 회복이 목표이다. 양적분석에서 이러 한 회복을 위한 삶의 의미 찾기, 긍정적 정서 강화와 부정적 정서저하, 우울극복, 단약 의지의 변화준비에서 모두 통계적으로 유의미한 변화가 나타났다. 질적 분석에서도 삶의 의미에서는 현존의 삶 수용, 현실세계의 수용, 상처받은 존재로서의 미래기획이 라는 3가지 범주로 변화가 나타났다. 긍정적 정서의 강화와 부정적 정서의 저하인 정서차원에서는 자기의지에 대한 신뢰, 스스로의 동기부여를 통한 자존감 강화, 자기애 의 발현이라는 3가지 범주로 변화가 나타났다. 우울감극복차원에서는 자살관념의 극 복, 삶의 화병 다스리기, 심리적 면역주사, 사회와의 소통통로 개척이라는 4가지 범주 로 변화가 나타났다. 단약의지에 대한 변화 준비는 가족과의 화해, 건실한 직업탐색, 마약동료들과의 관계단절이라는 3개의 범주로 변화가 나타났다. 연구자는 이와 같이 연구결과에 근거하여 4가지 차원에서의 논의를 하였고, 연구결과와 논의에 근거하여 교정시설에서 마약사범들의 회복을 도울 수 있는 프로그램의 방향과 구조에 대한 제 언을 하였다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 도심지 경관용으로 식재되는 초화류의 일조부족에 따른 관상성의 차이를 평가하기 위하여 수행하였다. 생장 특성에 따라 수직형, 부채꼴형, 반구형 식물 6종을 대상으로 7개월간의 차광처리 후 생장 특성을 조사하였다. 이 후 각 생장 유형에 따라 형태, 밀도, 색상 등의 관상 특성을 표현할 수 있는 산출식을 도출하였다. 차광처리 전, 후 식물 생육을 측정 한 후 산출식에 따라 관상가치를 평가한 결과 가우라는 자생 지 환경에서의 관상가치를 5점으로 하였을 때 50% 차광에서 0.66점 낮았고, 돌단풍은 80%에서 0.99점 부족한 관상성을 나타냈다. 다양한 환경조건에서 식물들의 생장 패턴을 유형화하는 등의 지속적인 경관식물의 가치 정량화에 대한 후속연구를 통해 도심지 녹지의 질을 높이는데 다양한 식물이 활용될 수 있게 함으로써 관상식물의 부가가치 향상을 기대할 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has not been any scientific analysis on appropriate size of workforce and salary for civilian workers in military so far. Thus, this paper conducted analysis on propriety in employment size of military doctrine researchers using system dynamic methodology based on annual military doctrine workload. Vensim software was mainly used to measure complement of the research group based on data from job analysis. Secondly, a multiple regression analysis was performed to study an appropriate wage for researchers based on their expertise and working condition. The data from twenty public research institutions and twenty eight job positions that are performing similar duty with military doctrine researchers was obtained and utilized to create a salary- estimation regression equation in the analysis. Finally, with cost-benefit analysis method this paper studied financial effectiveness of hiring military doctrine researchers. Contingent valuation method, which has been recognized as one of the most effective methodologies in cost-benefit analysis on intangible value, was utilized to measure benefit of hiring the researchers. The methodology presented in this paper can be applied to measure and improve the efficiency of military organization not only in military doctrine research area but also in several military functional area (military training, logistics, administration, combat development, and combat support).
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전문코치의 코칭역량 인식유형과 특성을 파악하기 위하여 Q방법론을 활용하여 분석하였다. 코칭역량에 대한 Q모집단을 구성한 후, Q표본인 33문항의 Q진술문을 추출하였고 전문코치 22명을 P샘플로 선정하여 33개의 진술문을 Q분류를 통해 자료수집 후, QUANL 프 로그램을 활용하여 주요인분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 코칭역량에 대한 인식은 3개의 유형으로 분류되었다. 제1유형은 ‘목표달성역량 추구형’으로 코칭을 통해 고객의 목표달성을 코칭 핵심역량으로 생각하는 유형이다. 제2유형은 ‘관계형성역량 추구형‘으로 코칭은 고객과의 신뢰, 성실, 진정성으로 맺어져야 하며 관계형성이 코칭의 성과를 낼 수 있는 역량이라고 생각하는 유형이다. 제3 유형은 ‘원칙유지역량 추구형’으로 코치로서 코칭의 개념, 철학, 태도 등 기본에 충실하여야 한다고 생각하는 유형이다. 본 연구를 통해 전문코치가 생각하는 코칭역량에 대한 인식을 확인하였으며 이러한 결과를 토대로 코칭역량 함양을 위한 구체적인 계획 및 실천을 위한 기초자료를 제시하여 본 연구를 통해 코치의 코칭역량 교육과 관련 양성교육기관에서의 코칭역량 인식 유형별 코칭 교육프로 그램의 개발 등의 지속적인 후속연구가 이루어지길 기대한다.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to solve the problem of revision or abbreviation of questionnaires based on the previous studies suggested by many existing empirical studies. In addition, this study aims to provide the theoretical basis of the research method which has been variously approached since it presents the methodology that can directly measure the research object. For this purpose, this study proposed a more elaborate analysis method using the differences in perception of individuals who are interested in cognitive research. Specifically, the perception gap(D) can be used as an independent variable, a dependent variable, and a moderating variable. And this study suggested an effective research approach using the measurement of perception difference. The difference of perception suggested that it can be used as a measure to overcome the limitations of existing researches used it as independent variables or mediating variables that measure only one factor of expectation and performance or importance and satisfaction. In addition, it is highly likely that various analyzes on the perception differences, which are the result of measuring target factors for the same person, will be quite effective in the situation where follow-up of respondents is difficult. This study is expected to overcome various limitations reported by empirical studies such as scale utilization problem and follow-up survey difficulty. In future research, it was expected that the limitation of the factor derivation process in the research approach could be complemented by web crawling and text mining of big data analysis.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to optimize the rice protein extracted using a response surface methodology. The experiment was designed based on a CCD (Central Composite Design), and the independent variables were the high pressure (X1, 0-400 MPa) and processing time (X2, 0-10 minutes). The results of the extraction content (Y1), residue content (Y2), and recovery yield (Y3) were fitted to a response surface methodology model (R2= 0.92, 0.92, and 0.93, respectively). Increasing the pressure and processing time has a positive effect on the extraction content (Y1), residue content (Y2), and recovery yield (Y3). Therefore, these high-pressure conditions (independent variables) can significantly affect the improvement in rice protein extraction efficiency. Thus, the optimal conditions of X1 and X2 were 400 MPa and 10 min., respectively. Under these optimal conditions, the predicted values of Y1, Y2, and Y3 were 62.93, 57.53 mg/g, and 91.76%, respectively.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 가야산 포천 계곡의 생태관광 자원 활용을 목적으로 현존 환경요인과 군집유형의 관계를 식물사회학적으로 분석하여 적절한 식생 관리 방안을 제시하기 위해 수행하였다. 조사결과, 가야산 포천 계곡에서 다음과 같은 5개 유형의 군집이 조사되었다. 소나무-신갈나무군락, 졸참나무-굴참나무군락, 일본잎갈나무-졸참나무군락, 소나무-밤나무군락, 갯버들- 달뿌리풀군락으로 나타났다. 졸참나무-굴참나무군락은 다시 조사지에 따라 2가지의 하위군락으로 나타났다. 조사지 식생을 대상으로 생태관광자원 활용과 건전한 자연식생 유지를 위해 다음과 같은 식생관리방안을 제안하는 바이다. 나타난 식물군집 의 교목층에 대한 인위적인 관리는 철저히 배제하여 현존식생을 유지하도록 하며, 금후 시간 경과에 따라 관목층에서 생육하는 교목성 수종이 아교목층 이상으로 성장하였을 때, 숲 관리 등의 인위적 관리를 실시하여 기존 식생구조를 최대한 유지하도록 한다. 연구 대상지의 생물다양성을 높이기 위해 관목층 이하 층위에서 특정 종의 우점을 배제하고 다양한 식물종이 우점도를 유지할 수 있도록 인위적인 관리를 지속적으로 실시한다.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to optimize the mandarin dry chip manufacturing using a response surface methodology. The experiment was designed based on a CCD (Central Composite Design), and the independent variables were the drying temperature (X1, 50-90oC), drying time (X2, 12-36 hours), and microwave pretreat time (X3, 0-4 minutes). The results of appearance (Y5), color (Y6), taste (Y8) and overall acceptance (Y10) were fitted to the response surface methodology model (R2=0.86, 0.88, 0.89, and 0.84, respectively). Increasing the drying temperature and microwave treatment time were negatively evaluated for consumer acceptance. On the other hand, a high value of consumer acceptance was evaluated when the drying time was more than 24 hr. Therefore, the optimal conditions of X1, X2, and X3 were 52.989oC, 24 hr, and 1 min, respectively. Under these optimal conditions, the predicted values of Y5, Y6, Y8, and Y10 were 5.066, 5.338, 5.063, and 5.339, respectively.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : As road pavement design in an apartment complex varies from one site to another, it is practically difficult to calculate and estimate the traffic volume of construction vehicles. Therefore, this study introduces a methodology to estimate the number of construction vehicles and use it as an indicator to evaluate the conditions of road pavement in an apartment complex. METHODS: Through a literature review and site survey, the operational status of the construction vehicles passing through the site was identified, and the factors affecting the number of construction vehicles were analyzed. The methodologies used to estimate the number of construction vehicles were verified by calculating the Cumulative Load Prediction Index (CLPI), which is a predictive index of the cumulative load on each path. By using this index, the traffic volume of construction vehicles can be estimated based on the number of households in an apartment complex. To prove this definition, we examined the surface and core conditions, and compared the results against the predicted values. RESULTS : By comparing the Cumulative Load Prediction Index with the crack rate on the pavement surface, we obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.92. Furthermore, the analysis indicated that the core condition rate would decrease as the Cumulative Load Prediction Index increased. This correlation between the Cumulative Load Prediction Index, and the pavement surface and core status demonstrates that the traffic volume can be estimated by considering the number of households. CONCLUSIONS: The Cumulative Load Prediction Index presented in this study is a suitable indicator for estimating the conditions of the road pavement in an apartment complex by considering the number of households in the complex, even if the construction processes and characteristics vary.