
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the four week repeated toxicity in Sprague-Dawley rats orally administrated with Rhus-II (water fraction of Rhus Veniciflua). In acute toxicity test, three groups (40 rats of both sex) were administrated different dosages of Rhus-II, 2 g/kg (high dosage group), 1 g/kg, 0.5 g/kg and one group (10 rats of both sex) were received by orally only saline according to the Regulation on Korea Food and Drug Administration, respectively. There was no difference in body weight change, feed intake and water consumption among different dose groups. There was no alteration in relative organ weight by the administration of Rhus-Il. No death of abnormal clinical signs was observed during the experimental period. Between the groups orally administered Rhus-II and the control group. there was no statistical significance in urinalysis, hematological test or serum biochemical values. There were no gross findings at final sacrifice. There was no evidence of histopathological alteration mediated by four week treatment with Rhus-ll. These results suggest that no observable effect level(NOEL) of the test orally administration was considered to be more than 2g/kg in rats under the conditions employed in this study.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Noel' 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2007년도에 육성한 포인세티아 신품종이다. 이 품종은 분지력이 왕성하고 밝은 적색인 'Gutbier V-10 Amy Red'를 모본으로, 착색엽의 결각이 강하고 포엽이 밝은 적색인 'Ichiban'을 부본으로 2004년에 교배를 실시하여 양성된 실생계통 중 선발되었다. 2005~2006년 2차에 거쳐 특성검정을 하여 '원교 D5-36'을 육성하였고 2007년에 3차 특성검정과 품평회를 실시하여 최종선발 하였으며