
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2019년 1월 1일부터 전체 농산물에 확대 적용된 농약 허용물질목록관리제도(PLS)가 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 2018년부터 2020년까지 경기도 유통 농산물 검사 자료 28,693건을 대상으로 잔류농약 실태를 조사하였다. 전체 검사 실적 대비 기준 초과 비율은 2018년 1.0%, 2019년 1.2%, 2020년 1.2%로 나타났고, 잔류농약 검출 비율은 2018년 12.9%, 2019년 25.1%, 2020년 37.3% 로 증가하였다. 2019년 기준초과 114건 중 55건이 일률기준(0.01 mg/kg) 적용이었고, 2020년 기준초과 115건 중 66 건이 일률기준 적용이었다. 이를 개선하기 위해서는 비의 도적 오염, 미등록 작물에 관행적 사용, 부정 농약에 대한 관리가 필요해 보인다. Fluquinconazole은 비의도적 오염이 원인이었고, diazinon, chlorothalonil, methabenzthiazuron은 미등록 작물에 관행적 사용이 원인이었다. Chinomethionat 은 과거에 폐기된 농약 성분으로 밀수 농약 사용이 원인이었다. 본 연구 결과와 이후 모니터링 자료는 앞으로 제도 보완 및 현장 관리 강화를 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농약 허용물질목록관리제도(PLS) 도입이 농산물 중 잔류농약 부적합에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 확인 하기 위해 2018년부터 2020년까지 서울 강서지역에서 유통되는 농산물을 대상으로 잔류농약을 검사하였다. 농산물 8,081건을 대상으로 340종의 동시분석 농약에 대해 GCMS/ MS, GC-MSD, HPLC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석하였고, 부적합 농산물은 2018년 67건(2.5%), 2019년 49건(1.9%), 2020년 39건(1.4%)으로 나타났다. PLS제도 도입 전과 도입 후의 잔류농약 부적합 증감효과를 알아보기 위해 카이 제곱 검정을 통한 교차분석 결과에서 χ2=8.383, P=0.015 (95% 신뢰수준)를 나타내어 PLS 제도 도입 후에 부적합률이 유의하게 감소함을 알 수 있었다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농약허용물질목록관리제도의 시행에 따라, 농약의 안전 사용이 더욱 중시되었다. 산림식용자원(임산물)은 소규모 재배 등의 이유로 등록된 농약의 수가 적어, 등록되지 않 은 농약이 많이 사용되고 있다. 이에 임산물에 대한 농약 사용 실태를 파악하고자, 산림식용자원 10종에 대한 잔류 농약 및 중금속 잔류 실태 조사를 하였다. 엽경채류인 두릅, 참죽나무, 음나무, 옻나무의 새순, 한약재인 두충, 가시오갈피의 수피, 열매류인 초피나무, 산초나무, 은행나무의 열매와 도토리를 대상으로 잔류농약과 중금속 잔류를 분석하였다. 검출 빈도는 두릅, 참죽나무, 음나무, 두충, 가시오갈피, 초피, 산초에서 각각 6.7, 13.3, 11.8, 13.3, 10.0, 46.768 및73.3%였으며, 옻나무, 은행, 도토리에서는 검출 되지 않았다. 검출된 잔류농약은 모두 미등록 농약 이였다. 중금속은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. 본 연구에 서 얻은 임산물별 사용농약에 대한 정보는 병해충 방제를 위한 농약 사용현황을 확인하여, 추후 농약등록을 위한 정보를 제공하므로 국내 임산물의 안전성 확인을 위한 자료로 활용할 가치가 있을 것이다.
        2020.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human resource management has always been the most important part of any organization (corporate and government-owned). Until whenever improvement in human resource management is always the background of every problem that occurs in the organization. This study aims to examine the relationship of procedural justice and organizational commitment to OCB satisfaction and job satisfaction in the Public Works Office of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Sampling involved the entire population, i.e. 109 informants. They are employees who have goods and services certificates. Hypothesis test carried out with the SEM-PLS model in two stages (outer model and inner model). After that, the survey data was used SMART PLS 3.0. Based on empirical findings, we find that procedural justice has a positive and significant effect on OCB, while organizational commitment does not. Procedural justice, organizational commitment, and OCB have had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The novelty of the study lies in the originality value that describes the conditions in a government agency with different benchmarks (variables and indicators) from previous studies, so it is very interesting and varied.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농약허용물질목록관린제도의 시행에 따라, 농약의 안전 사용이 더욱 중시되었다. 산림식용자원(임산물)은 소규모 재배 등의 이유로 등록된 농약의 수가 적어, 등록되지 않은 농약의 사용이 예상된다. 이에, 본 연구는 임산물에 대 한 농약사용실태를 파악하고자, 산림식용자원 13종에 대한 농약 및 중금속 잔류실태조사를 하였다. 산나물류 조사 시료인 고사리, 참나물, 도라지, 더덕에 대하여 조사 시료의 0%, 40.0%, 20.0, 26.7%에서 농약이 검출되었고, 약초류인 참쑥, 당귀, 마는 13.3%, 56.3%, 0%의 농약 사용 이 확인되었다. 과실류 조사 시료인 석류, 복분자딸기, 다래, 머루, 돌배, 결명자에서는 조사 시료의 57.1%, 33.3%, 26.7%, 66.7%, 46.7%, 0%에서 농약이 검출되었다. 중금속 (납, 카드뮴)은 도라지와 참쑥에서만 검출되었다. 연구에서 얻은 임산물별 사용농약에 대한 정보는 병해충 방제를 위한 사용현황을 확인하여, 추후 농약등록을 위한 정보를 제 공하므로 국내 임산물의 안전성 확인을 위한 자료로 활용 할 가치가 있을 것이다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 HPS (high-pressure sodium lamp, 고압나트륨등, 700W)와 PLS (Plasma Lighting System, 플라즈마 등, 1,000W) 램프를 이용하여 겨울재배 오이의 보광재배 효과를 구명하고자, 양지붕형 유리온실 3동에 무보광을 대조구로 하여 오이(‘후레쉬’ 품종)를 2015년 11월 2일에 정식하여 2016년 3월 15일까지 재배하였다. 보광은 2015년 11월 20일부터 2016년 3월 15일까지 약 4개월 동안 명기를 14시간/일(일몰 전 약 30분에 점등 개시)으로 정하여 실시하였고, 낮동안의 일사량이 100W·m2 이하일 경우 자동으로 점등이 되도록 제어하였다. 분광투과특성은 PLS의 경우 광합성유효광(400-700nm)이 전반적으로 고르게 분포하나 HPS는 400-550nm 광량이 매우 적은 반면, 550-650nm 광원이 PLS보다 많이 분포되었다. 330-1,100nm 광은 HPS가 PLS에 비해 6% 많았고 UV와 적색광은 비슷하였다. 광합성유효광(400-700nm)은 HPS에 비해 PLS가 12.6% 많았고, 근적외선(700-1,100nm)은 HPS에 비해 PLS가 12.6% 적었으며, R/FR은 HPS가 높았다. 오이의 초장, 엽수, 마디수, 건물중 등의 생육은 무보광에 비해 두 보광등에서 비슷한 수준으로 높았다. 광합성능력은 두 광원 간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 오이의 주당 과실 개수(무게)는 무보광 21.2개(2.9kg)에 비해 PLS가 38.7개(5.5kg), HPS가 40.4개(5.6kg)로 1.8~1.9배 많았다. 보광등의 설치비와 전기 에너지 비용을 고려하여 오이 보광재배의 경제성을 분석한 결과, PLS와 HPS 보광등은 각각 37%와 62%의 소득증대효과가 있었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On May 29, 2006, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) created a system which provided a list of positive agricultural chemicals found in foods. This system has been done to prohibit the distribution of foods that contain agricultural chemicals above certain allowable level if the maximum residue limits (MRLs) have not been established. The agricultural chemicals include pesticides, feed additives, and veterinary drugs. This system aims at prohibiting the distribution of foods that contain residues of agricultural chemicals above certain allowable level. The Positive List allows 799 agricultural chemicals and provided guidelines for the use of those chemicals for products destined to Japan. Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) have been set for chemicals, and are usually expressed in parts per million. The MRL has been applied to pesticides, feed additives, and veterinary drugs that can remain in foods but are unlikely to pose adverse health effects when consumed. Data are given to members on Positive List and MRL, including the Japanese inspection protocol, violation results, sampling levels, and issues to be aware of, have been summarized in a report done by MHLW. Indeed, to implement the positive list, various measures were needed to secure the safety of agricultural products using pesticides. In other words, only the agricultural chemicals registered in Japan are manufactured, imported, sold and used. Pesticides that are not confirmed and registered by scientific evaluation for safety cannot be used. Therefore, when applying for agricultural chemical registration, it is necessary to submit test results (animal test etc.) such as toxicity. (Pesticides that may remain in food crops) The tests are as follows: ● Acute toxicity test ● Examination to investigate the influence of toxicity over the medium to long-term ● Test to obtain information for coping with acute intoxication due to an accident at an occasion of spraying and accidental ingestion ● Information on the decomposition route of agricultural chemicals in the body of animals and plants and the structure of decomposition products etc. is grasped ● Examination of the influence in the environment ● Test on the persistence of agricultural crops However, there are still remaining budget problems for pesticide enlargement registration tests for different kinds of crops. Thus, the pesticide registrations for the minor crops are serious tasks. As a general rule, the food classification adopted the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds. And though farmers cultivate their vegetables such as spinach and lettuce with no pesticide, the vegetables may still be affected by them because of some neighboring farmers spraying pesticides. This can lead to serious problems if pesticides are detected in vegetables. When the positive list was implemented for more than 10 years, this system is becoming more established in Japan but, various problems still remain and it is necessary to gather more information on pesticides.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we conducted a comparative study on user’s perception and behavior on public system service (PSS) using institutionalism theory and MGA (multi-group analysis) methodology. In particular, this study focuses on how institutional isomorphism is applied to public system services and how MGA can be implemented correctly in a variance based SEM (structural equation model) such as PLS (partial least square). A data set of 496 effective responses was collected from pubic system users and an empirical research was conducted using three segmented models categorized by public proximity theory (public firms = 113, government contractors = 210, private contractors = 173). For rigorous group comparisons, each model was estimated by the same indicators and approaches. PLS-SEM was used in testing research hypotheses, followed by parametric and non-parametric PLS-MGA procedures in testing categorical moderation effects. This study applied novel procedures for testing composite measurement invariance prior to multi-group comparisons. The following main results and implications are drawn : 1) Partial measurement invariance was established. Multi-group analysis can be done by decomposed models although data can not be pooled for one integrated model. 2) Multi-group analysis using various approaches showed that proximity to public sphere moderated some hypothesized paths from quality dimensions to user satisfaction, which means that categorical moderating effects were partially supported. 3) Careful attention should be given to the selection of statistical test methods and the interpretation of the results of multi-group analysis, taking into account the different outcomes of the PLS-MGA test methods and the low statistical power of the moderating effect. It is necessary to use various methods such as comparing the difference in the path coefficient significance and the significance of the path coefficient difference between the groups. 4) Substantial differences in the perceptions and behaviors of PSS users existed according to proximity to public sphere, including the significance of path coefficients, mediation and categorical moderation effects. 5) The paper also provides detailed analysis and implication from a new institutional perspective. This study using a novel and appropriate methodology for performing group comparisons would be useful for researchers interested in comparative studies employing institutionalism theory and PLS-SEM multi-group analysis technique.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Value creation constitutes the essential purpose of a business relationship. However, limited research examines the role of relationship value in interfirm relationships in general and in international business settings in particular. This study develops a conceptual model that positions psychic distance, relational norms, and relationship learning as antecedents of relationship value, and relationship quality and performance as its key outcomes in international channel relationships. The study uses partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to test the model relationships. Comparing the findings of these two approaches provides an interesting basis for discussion on the importance and applicability of PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Furthermore, the results provide an important addition to the relationship value literature and an interesting discussion on the asymmetric versus symmetric relationships among the observations.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Estimation approaches for casual relation model with high-order factors have strict restrictions or limits. In the case of ML (Maximum Likelihood), a strong assumption which data must show a normal distribution is required and factors of exponentiation is impossible due to the uncertainty of factors. To overcome this limitation many PLS (Partial Least Squares) approaches are introduced to estimate the structural equation model including high-order factors. However, it is possible to yield biased estimates if there are some differences in the number of measurement variables connected to each latent variable. In addition, any approach does not exist to deal with general cases not having any measurement variable of high-order factors. This study compare several approaches including the repeated measures approach which are used to estimate the casual relation model including high-order factors by using PLS (Partial Least Squares), and suggest the best estimation approach. In other words, the study proposes the best approach through the research on the existing studies related to the casual relation model including high-order factors by using PLS and approach comparison using a virtual model.
        2001.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 성인 편마비 환자를 대상으로 PLS (Posterior Leaf Spring) 착용이 기립 균형에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이었다. 신발만 착용하였을 때의 기립조건과 신발과 PLS를 동시에 착용한 기립조건의 평균평형지수가 맨발로 서 있을 때의 기립조건에 비하여 높았다. 그러나 신발만 착용한 기립조건과 신발과 PLS를 함께 착용한 기립조건하에서의 평균평형지수의 차이는 없었다. 따라서 편마비 환자의 기립균형과 관련하여 PLS만을 착용한 효과와 신
        1999.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Posterior Leaf Spring (PLS) has been used for hemiplegic patients in order to help their walking and to increase their balance function. Past studies have mainly focused on the PLS's influence on patients' walking without taking balance function into consideration. The purpose of this study was to identify the immediate effect of PLS on the standing balance in hemiplegic patients. Fifteen hemiplegic patients participated in this study: 10 men and 5 women, with an average age of 53.8 years. Standing balance was measured using a computerized dynamic posturography device under three conditions namely bare-foot standing, standing in shoes without PLS, and standing in shoes with PLS. The results were as follows: 1) The composite equilibrium scores of patients who stood in shoes only and stood in shoes with PLS were higher than those of patients who stood bare-foot. 2) There were no statistical difference in the composite equilibrium scores between the standing condition of patients who stood bare foot and that of patients who stood in shoes with PLS. In conclusion, it is not clear whether or not the PLS affects the standing balance of hemiplegic patients. Further study is required to determine the precise effect of the PLS on standing balance in hemiplegic patients who are not wearing shoes. This is particularly relevant in Korea culture where custom demands the removal of shoes when entering any house or even many restaurants.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to identify the immediate effects of the short leg brace on the weight bearing distribution and gait patterns of hemiplegic patients. The subjects of this study were 18 hemiplegic patients who had been hospitalized or visited out-patient department of Rehabilitation Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, from January 5, 1996 through March 23, 1996. PLS(Posterior Leaf Spring) on and off changes in gait patterns were measured using ink foot print as well as by recording weight bearing distribution using a limb load monitor. The data were analyzed by the correlation and paired t-test. The findings were as follows: 1. Eighteen subjects were more weighted on the affected leg when PLS was put off(42.74%) than on(40.08%). 2. The defference in gait patterns between PLS on and off was statistically significant, with an increase in step length by 1.7cm on the involved side; a decrease in foot angle by 4.41 degree on the involved side; and a narrowing of base of support by 1.46cm when PLS were off. In conclusion, this study showed that PLS did not affect the weight bearing distribution and gait patterns of hemiplegic patients. Since, the evaluation method used in this study has limitations in regard to temporal distance gait values. Further studies are required to numerous experiments for subject and extensive study.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - This study provides appropriate procedures for EFA to help researchers conduct empirical studies by using PLS-SEM. Research design, data, and methodology - This study addresses the absolute and relative sample size criteria, sampling adequacy, factor extraction models, factor rotation methods, the criterion for the number of factors to retain, interpretation of results, and reporting information. Results - The factor analysis procedure for PLS-SEM consists of the following five stages. First, it is important to look at whether both the Bartlett test of sphericity and the KMO MSA meet the qualitative criteria. Second, PAF is a better choice of methodology. Third, an oblique technique is a suitable method for PLS-SEM. Fourth, a combined approach is strongly recommended to factor retention. PA should be used at the onset. Next, it is recommended using the K1 criterion. In addition, it is necessary to extract factors that increase the total variance explanatory power through the PVA-FS. Finally, it is appropriate to select an item with a factor loading into 0.5 or higher and a communality of 0.5. Conclusions - It is expected that the accurate factor analysis processed for PLS-SEM as previously presented will help us extract more precise factors of the structural model.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This research explores the impacts of third-party logistics (3PLs) within the aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore the role of collaborative relationships for improving outsourcing. Globalization and time based competition have changed business environments and challenged the conventional management strategies that are related to core competencies and operational models. Organizations are forced to devise innovative practices in which logistics outsourcing to 3PLs offers significant advantages. Research design, data, and methodology – This case study was conducted within a leading global aircraft MRO organization whose reach spans across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. The methods used face to face semi-structured interviews, validated through further focus group discussions. Results – These findings highlight the effectiveness of collaborative relationships on their role to improve outsourcing and also demonstrated that MROs gain several advantages from 3PL arrangements. However, any gaps in outsourcing management elevates potential risks to organizations as well, which could result in reputational, operational and financial losses. Conclusions – Although generalizability is not possible due to the case study approach, generality suggests that in order to reduce reputational, operational and financial risks, enhanced collaboration with 3PLs is recommended to optimize outsourcing arrangements.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study we established the high throughput screening system of high functional soybean cultivars using PLS modeling from FT-IR spectral data of soybean(Glycine max L) seeds. Crude extract of 20% methanol from soybean seed powders (153 lines) were used for FT-IR spectroscopy. Total fatty acid, carotenoids, flavonoids and phenolic compounds contents from soybean seed powders were analyzed using UV-spectrum and GC analysis respectively. PCA analysis showed that 153 soybean lines formed a single clusters with a few outlier. PC score 1 and 2 represented 39.5, 16.4% of total variation, respectively. And than showed change patten from the middle to outside for PCA plot. We conducted PLS regression analysis between FT-IR spectral data and fatty acids data. Palmitic acid showed the highest regression coefficient (R=0.78). This result implied that the content of palmitic acid could be predicted from FT-IR spectral data from soybean seed powders with relatively high fidelity. PLS modeling of total carotenoids also showed regression coefficient of 0.69. Regression coefficient of total flavnoids and phenolic compounds were 0.44, 0.39, respectively. At present, we are trying to confirm the accuracy of PLS prediction modeling using targeted metabolite analysis (GC-MS, LC-MS) from predicted soybean lines. To increase the accuracy of PLS modeling, we also trying to standardization of spectroscopy and spectral data processing. Furthermore we are going to develop PLS modeling from GC-MS, LC-MS data. The PLS prediction modeling established in this study could be applied for high throughput screening of other leguminous plant.