
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 논문은 한국장로교회 동사목사의 기원과 제도적 확립 및 확장과정, 폐지에 이르는 역사적인 과정을 연구한 것이다. 동사목사라는 직제는 미국장로교회의 영향으로 1909년 대한예수교장로회 제3회 노회에서 8명의 한국인 목사를 선교사와 함께 일하는 동사목사로 임명하면서 시작되었다. 그 후 이 직제는 제도적 확립과 확장 과정을 거치면서 지속적으로 확대 시행되어 1914년 제3회 총회에서 목사를 위임목사, 임시목사, 위임동사목사, 임시동사목사로 구분했으며, 1917년 제6회 총회에서는 목사를 칭호에 따라 다양하게 구분하고, 1929년 제18회 총회에서 헌법 중 정치 제4장 4조에 목사칭호 조항을 추가함으로서 동사목사의 제도적 확립을 완결했다. 목회 현장에서는 선교사와 한국인 동사목사 뿐만 아니라 1920년대를 전후해서는 한국인 위임목사와 한국인 동사목사가 함께 목회하는 형태로 발전했다. 이후에는 한국인 위임목사와 위임동사목사, 한국인 위임목사와 임시동사목사가 목회하는 형태로 세분화 되었다. 동사목사 직제는 한국장로교회 안에서 공동목회를 통한 협동적 지도력을 발휘할 수 있게 해주는 역할을 했는데, 이와 같은 직제가 해방 이후에도 긍정적인 역할을 하면서 지속된 것을 보여주는 사례가 영락교회에서 한경직과 강신명이 위임목사와 동사목사로 공동목회를 한 경우다. 그러나 동사목사 직제는 1955년 대한예수교장로회 제40회 총회에서 부목사 직제를 신설하면서 폐지되었다. 이런 결정은 동사목사 직제의 역사적 공헌을 간과한 것으로 볼 수 있으며 결국 동사목사의 폐지와 부목사의 신설은 공동목회를 통한 협동적 지도력 대신에 위임목사 중심의 단일지도체제로의 변화를 가속화시키는 전환점이 되었다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 독일 루터교 경건주의 운동의 한 정점을 이루었던 할레 경건 주의의 주도자인 A. H. 프랑케가 자신이 속해 있던 당시의 루터교회 타락의 원인과 목회자의 경건에 대한 생각을 고찰하고자 한다. 그는 자신의 회심 체험으로 신앙의 확실성을 획득한 후 이전과 달리 성령의 능력 안에서 살아 있는 신앙, 실천적이고 열매 맺는 신앙과 신학을 추구했다. 그는 ‘교리의 개혁’을 넘어 ‘삶의 개혁’으로 나아가고자 했다. 이러한 그의 태도는 교조적인 법정적 칭의론에 안주하던 정통주의자들로부터 오해 받고 공격 받았다. 그러나 그는 오히려 이러한 정통주의자들의 무능과 허위와 위선의 모습 속에서 마태복음 7:15-23에 나오는 거짓 예언자의 모습을 보았고, 이 들의 문제점을 조목조목 비판한다. 그는 교회 타락의 주된 원인은 거짓 예언자(목회자)들이 득세하기 때문이라고 본다. 그는 거짓 목회자들은 영적인 상태나 경건의 실천에 장애가 있는데, 그 장애의 뿌리에는 ‘인간에 대한 두려움’이 자리 잡고 있다고 진단한다. 이것을 참된 신앙과 경건의 문제와 연결시키는 것이 A. H. 프랑케의 독특한 관점이다. 루터의 종교개혁 이후 A. H. 프랑케가 수행한 개신교 자체에 대한 이러한 통렬한 자기반성은 비록 콘텍스트가 다르긴 하지만 한국 개신교회가 개혁을 논할 때 충분히 숙고할 가치가 있다고 본다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lee Chang Hoi (Lee) was born in 1872 at Namyang. He became a christian in the early period when the gospel was spreading in the region. After conversion he worked hard for the modern education movement in the influence of George Herber Jones. Hong Seung Ha founded the Hoheung elementary school with Jones’ donation in 1901. The school was managed by Lee who established Powell school in purpose of teaching English in 1902. Lee managed nine day schools within nine churches which were founded by Hong Seung Ha. He also served as an exhorter in Namyang church, and worked as an assistant worker for a year in 1906. He later became the evangelist from 1907 to 1910. After 1906 he developed Boheung school as a central school in Namyang. He managed the school with general level edcuation department, high level education department, and measurement education department, and tried to keep Namyang redisents’ wealth from the intrusion of Japan. He held the United Sports Day gathering people from the surrounding elementary schools to inspire the patriotism. Some Japanese called Boheung school as a rioter training center for this reason, and insisted closing down the school since it was growing as a center for anti-Japanese thoughts. Lee also participated founding Sangdong elementary school, and he was directly and indirectly engaged in managing other schools. He also ran the evening school in Boheung school for children who couldn’t study in the daytime. He also worked as the principal of Sangdong evening school. He established the Namyang branch of Daehan-Jaganghoi for the progress of patriotic enlightenment movement. The group protested against the Japanese economic invasion with the National Debt Repayment Movement. He was in ministry from 1913 to 1916 at Namyang church. He supported the neighboring churches not only to stand independently but also to found schools. He also inspired other people to build churches in the churchless areas and to teach the biblical knowledge and Hangul by running the Bible Classes. He became a circuit pastor of Namyang and Osan in 1916 and transferred to Gwangju in June 1918. When he was in ministry of Gwangju, the Samil Independence Movement broke out. As he participated in this movement, he was arrested and in jail for 4 months. After he was released for the lack of evidence, he met Lee Dae Jung who raised the independence funds with him. However, Lee got arrested due to the fund raising activity and got sentenced to two years in prison. He was a pastor who fostered the patriotic enlightment movement into the Samil Independence Movement and Independence Movement.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For a long time John Calvin was understood mainly as theologian, but he understood himself as doctor and pastor. To both ministries he believed that he was directly called by God and performed his ministry with honor and sincerity. Against Cardinal Sadoleto’s sharp questioning on his qualifications as pastor, Calvin declared that his calling came from God and believed his destiny to be similar to that of the Old Testaments Prophets, who were personally and unconditionally called by God, and delivered God’s message by the help of the Spirit. Therefore, unlike the Catholic priests, he became a pastor without endorsement from church authority via an ordination ceremony. As Alexander Ganozy contested, Calvin seemed to consider the calling of the local church and his actual function as pastor to be the most effective way to become a pastor. This may be scandalous to some modern Christians who are familiar with grand ordination ceremonies, but omission of ordination can be understood as a sensible choice for Calvin when the Protestant Reformers already broke with the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Upon returning to Geneva Calvin ministered churches with the fourfold ministry system-pastor, doctor, elder and deacon. Among pastoral duties preaching and teaching the Word was a primary responsibility. However, teaching the Word was not enough; the Word has to be realized in the actual life of believers. Calvin espoused the three marks of believers (notae fidelium) - confession of faith, example of life, regular participation in sacraments-and it is noted in this article that Calvin’s understanding of the pastor’s role is to assist his parishioners to bear those marks. To make this happen pastors cannot work by themselves. The nature of ideal ministry which Calvin advocated in Geneva was collegial and cooperative. He insisted in forming the Geneva Consistory and worked closely with elders in caring, educating, and discipling newly-converted Protestant Genevans. Furthermore, Calvin also started the Company of Pastors in Geneva with the purpose of enhancing pastor’s intellectual and spiritual quality, and further holding each other’s morality in check. In regard to the Company of Pastors this article introduced its five functions largely based upon Robert Kingdon’s observations: (1) examination of pastoral candidates; (2) member’s education; (3) mutual criticism; (4) mission work; (5) almsgiving, especially for French refugees at the time. Although Calvin himself did not go through the ordination ceremony, he devised a procedure and protocol with which a pastor may be examined by the Company and church, and eventually appointed by the city council. Once appointed, the pastor was in close communication and check with fellow pastors of the city and its suburbs. Calvin’s own understanding of himself as pastor and his practices as pastor offer some lessons to modern pastors and churches such as a thorough examination process for pastoral candidates and organized collegial relationships between pastors.