
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In school safety education, it was difficult to apply how to link the safety education according to grades year, and student’s interest was reduced due to the repetition of existing safety education contents and the absence of new teaching methods and tools. In this study, as a new type of safety education, a performance forms fire safety education program was developed. This program aims to increase students’ interest and satisfaction in safety education, and to this end, it was connect with korean elementary science curriculum and combined various engineering teaching materials or tools and methods. Developed program was applied to 2,231 students, 25 schools in 10 regions of Gyeonggi-do and surveyed 476 fifth and sixth grade students program satisfaction and 3 factors of interest in fire safety education who could respond to the survey. As a result of applying the program, more than 90% of students responded more than 'satisfied' in all areas. and statistical test(independent t-test and non-parametric test) indicates over-all satisfaction and interest factors in the program are high regardless of gender and grade, so the effectiveness can be guessed indirectly and there is a universal applicability also. Moreover, examining the influence of student interest level in the satisfaction of the fire safety program, it was found that in order to increase the satisfaction of fire safety education, students should have more fun with the content and feel interest in the teacher's teaching method or explanation.