
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        재생에너지 육성을 위한 각국의 정책적 개입이 강화되는 가운데 우리나라도 2002년 발전차액지원제도(FIT)를 도입하여 재생에너지에 육성을 직접적으로 지원하였으나 2012년 의무할당제(RPS)를 도입하여 발전차액지원제도를 대체하는 정책수단의 전환이 발생 하였다. 이는 현재 우리나라에서만 발견되는 독특한 배경으로, 발전차액지원제도와 의무할당 제의 비교를 다룬 기존 논의에서 나아가 정책수단 전환의 성과에 초점을 맞춘 새로운 답이 요구된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 의무할당제 전환이 이루어진 2012년 전후 정책 효율성의 변화 를 자료포락분석(DEA)과 맘퀴스트 지수(Malmquist Index)를 사용하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 에너지원에 따라 의무할당제 전환 이후 정책효율성의 제고에 차이가 발생한 것을 알 수 있었 다. 이는 재생에너지 사업자들이 기술력 또는 가격경쟁력이 확보된 에너지원에 대해서만 자 발적으로 시장에 진입하였고, 이것이 의무할당제 전환 이후의 재생에너지 보급 성과가 특정 에너지원에 편중된 것으로 해석된다. 본 연구의 결과는 재생에너지 정책의 목표가 보급 확대와 성장동력화에 있음을 고려할 때 정책수단의 선택에 있어 기술, 시장 등을 고려한 다면적 분석이 필요하며, 이를 바탕으로 각 재생에너지원의 현황에 맞춘 다각화된 개입이 필요함을 시사한다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the ecological environment deteriorating and rapid growth of world population, sustainable issue becomes a hot issue all over the world. All the state, industry and consumer levels pay more attention to the sustainable filed. Even Kotler (2011) in his study mentioned that the need for sustainable issue means new challenges to the scholars and practitioners. This research aim to the sustainable consumption filed in China. Based on the previous studies, sustainable consumption can be summarized including clothing, food, housing and travelling is an important way to cope with the deteriorating ecological environment and the rapid growth of world population. The Chinese government attaches great importance to sustainable consumption, at the same time the government has issued many sustainable policies to promote the development of sustainable consumption concept. Environmental policies consists of three kinds of instruments (regulation instrument, economic instrument, and information instrument), but which instrument is more effective to promote people’s sustainable consumption attitude and behavior, and whether these effects will be changed or not in different context, previous studies have no clear answer. Based on the literature view, this study organized and established the concept research model. Following the logic of policy-attitude-behavior, the researchers examined the relationship among environmental policy instruments, sustainable consumption attitude and sustainable consumption behavior. Meanwhile, due to long-term orientation was an important variable to explain attitude and behavior, based on time orientation theory, this research also tested the moderating role of long-term orientation between environmental policy instruments and sustainable consumption attitude. Data were collected from Chinese residents in the medium size city, after excluding 67 invalid questionnaires, 325 questionnaires were used to analysis. Through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, this study confirmed that the scales of main variables had good reliability and validity. Researchers adopted SPSS19.0 to conduct multiple regression analysis. Results showed that regulation instrument and economic instrument had significant effects on sustainable consumption attitude, but the effect of information instrument was not significant. Long-term orientation played the positive moderating role between economic instrument and sustainable consumption attitude; consumers’ sustainable consumption attitude was correlated with sustainable consumption behavior, and was as a mediator between regulation instrument, economic instrument and sustainable consumption behavior. Finally, based on the research results we give some suggestions and contributions to both academy and practice. The conclusions of this study can contribute to the enrichment of environment policy theory,time orientation theory and sustainable consumption,and can provide a certain theoretical guidance and reference for the issue of government on how to promote the development of sustainable consumption. We also point out the limitations of this study and some suggestions for further researches.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper asks the question: what choice of environmental policy instruments is efficient to reduce sulfur dioxide from stationary sources?: In Korea, command and control has been a common way of controlling SO2-emissions. When compared to the non-incentive environmental policy instrument such as command and control, economic incentive environmental policy instrument has been the advantage of making polluter himself flexibly deals with in marginal abatement cost to develop environmental technology in the long view. Therefore, the application possibility of the incentive environmental policy instrument was studied in this research to realize the countermeasure for controlling of SO2-emissions. As a result, enforcement of the countermeasure such as flue gas desulfurizer by command and control would be suitable because power generation is performed by the public or for the public in source of air pollution and thus, economic principle is not applied to the polluter. In the source of industrial pollution, enforcement of fuel tax is found to be suitable for the countermeasure for the use of low sulfur oil in terms of the flexibility of demand for the price in the long term. For the permissible air pollution standards applicable to all air pollutant emitting facilities, enforcement of incentive environmental policy such as bubble, off-set, banking policy or tradeable emission permits would be ideal in long terms according to the regional characteristics and the number and scale of air pollutant emitting facilities.