
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the translation strategies of Korean culture-specific items displayed on the Korea.net Arabic website, the government’s representative overseas PR media. 25 articles with a large number of culture-specific items were selected and analyzed among 74 articles published in the Culture section of the Korea.net Arabic website for a total of 7 months from August 2020 to February 2021. The themes of the selected 25 cultural articles were the contents of related cultural events according to the period, such as Chuseok and New Year’s Day, Kimchi-making Season, Lotus Lantern Festival, and Hangeul Day. Culture-specific items were classified into proper nouns such as country, administrative districts, place name, and building name, and other cultural elements such as food, clothing, holidays, according to the classification method of Lee Geun-hee(2008). As expected, a number of strategies to convey meaning along with transliteration appeared as part of an effort to inform Arab readers of Korean culture-specific items. However, it found the need to establish norms or unified standards for culture-specific items translation strategies, especially in transliteration.
        2011.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내에서는 지진과 지진해일로 인한 재해로부터 국민의 생명과 재산 그리고 주요 기간시설을 보호하기 위하여 지진과 지진해일의 관측·예방·대비 및 대응·내진대책 그리고 지진재해를 줄이기 위한 연구 및 기술개발 등에 필요한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 지진재해대책법(이하 ‘법’이라 한다.)이 2008년 3월 28일부로 제정되어 2009년 3월 25일부터 시행되어 오고 있다. 이 법에서 규정하고 있는 내진대책 추진의 대상은 당초에 내진설계가 적용되지 아니한 공공의 기존시설물을 주 대상으로 삼고 있는바, 기존건축물 중의 절대 다수를 점하고 있는 민간소유 건축물 646만동(전체 680만동의 95%)은 그 대상에서 제외된 상황이었다. 그러던 것이 최근에 발생한 일본의 대지진을 계기로 지난 2011년 5월 30일부로 내진설계가 적용되지 아니한 기존의 민간소유 건축물(이하 “민간건축물”이라 한다)에 대해 내진보강을 권장하기 위해 인센티브 제도를 도입하여 관계법이 일부개정 되면서 내진보강대책 추진의 대상이 당초에 공공의 기존시설물로 제한하던 것을 민간건축물로 사실상 확대된바 있다. 이 법에서는 내진보강대책 추진에 필요한 기존시설물의 내진성능 평가와 내진보강의 방법과 그 절차 등에 관한 기술 기준과 이들 각각의 실시주체에 대한 지정 등에 관한 구체적인 시행규정이 마련되어 있지 않고 있다. 다시 말하면 이 법에서 기존시설물의 내진보강대책 추진에 관한 규정내용이 포괄적으로 정해져 있어 상위규정의 성격을 내포하고 있다고 사료된다. 내진설계가 적용되지 아니한 민간건축물의 경우에는 내진보강대책을 어떤 기술기준에 따라 이행하여야 할지 명확하지 않으며, 실제로 그 소유자가 현행 법 제16조의2에 따라 내진보강 지원신청을 하기 위하여 자신의 건축물에 내진보강이 필요한지를 먼저 내진성능 평가를 통해 판단해야 하는데 이런 기술능력이 없다. 그래서 내진성능 평가를 전문가에 의뢰한다 해도 이에 소요되는 비용도 만만치 않을 것이다. 또 내진보강을 할 경우에 현행의 지원혜택은 건축물분의 재산세에 대한 조세감면인데 건물재산세가 연간 수만 원 내지 수십만 원에 불과한 반면에 내진보강비용이 수천만 원에 달해 턱없이 낮은 수준이라서 이 지원정책에 대한 민간의 호응이 과연 얼마나 있을지 의문이다. 따라서 이 연구는 기존건축물의 내진보강대책 추진과 관련하여 내진설계 의무대상이 아닌 저층건축물에 대한 내진성능을 확보하는데 민간소유자가 자발적으로 동참할 수 있도록 유도할 수 있는 내진대책의 활성화 방안으로서 가칭 ‘저층 건축물의 내진성능 인증제(안)’의 도입방안을 제안하는데 그 목적이 있다. 그리고 이번 연구에서 얻은 결과는 ① 민간건축물의 내진보강 지원정책은 내진성능 확보 지원정책으로 확대 및 전환 방안 마련, ② 민간건축물의 경우에는 내진보강에 드는 비용의 일부를 지방재정법에 따라 보조 및 지원제도를 적극 활용방안 마련, ③ 민간건축물의 내진성능 인증제(안) 도입방안으로서 가칭 ‘민간소유 저층건축물 내진성능의 자율 확보 지원에 관한 법률(안)’에 포함되어야 할 내용의 제시 등으로 요약할 수 있다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The retail business of drugstore was introduced to Korea for the first time 10 years ago. Since Olive Young introduced a retail store in the name of drugstore in 1999 for the first time in Korea, new distribution channel combining drugstore, cosmetic products and dairy products, etc has been made. At initial stage, the new distribution channel grew up slowly because of low specialty and economic stagnation. However, the three big distribution channels, that is to say, Olive Young (CJ), Watsons (GS) and W Store (Kolon Well Care), etc, were established to produce new distribution system following large-scaled discount stores as well as convenience stores. The purpose of the study is to investigate ways making Korean style drugstore be new retail business in addition to traditional markets, department stores, E-Mart and other general super markets and to examine problems preventing the drugstore from being promoted and to find out solutions. The speciality retailers that is called a category killer attacking department stores as well as marts is expanding market quickly. New consumption trend that gives priority to wellbeing is being expanded in accordance with high level of standards of living life: The drugstore is thought to be new alternative of distribution because it keeps special products. Young ladies who are main customers of drugstores respond to the trend sensitively to have more buying power that is thought to be promising. And, consumers' desire has become concrete and special. This is because consumers want not only convenient shopping but also special shopping system that is current trend. These days, so called Multi-shop and Total shop and other special shops have been recently opened. Special multi-shop has been concentrated on fashion product and miscellaneous goods so far: Health total wellbeing shop shall be popular in accordance with wellbeing trends. Drugstores can play an important role. Drugstores were opened for the first time ten years ago. In particular, Olive Young succeeded in going into the black after making efforts for a long time by many persons. Drugstores could succeed in the business owing to many persons in the past as well as customers who liked drugstores. However, drugstores once lost ways and recorded poor business results. The three drugstores, that is to say, Olive Young, Watsons making efforts to go into the black and W-Store pursuing traditional drugstore shall compete each other and make effort to satisfy customers' desire. In that way, the three drugstores can be assured of present business as well as future business. The consumers' demand trend has become special at sub-division so that drugstores that can satisfy the demand can succeed in the business. Large businesses may be more interested in the 4th generation retail business to produce good income and to have bright future. Drugstore business and market are likely to expand and develop owing to large business' participation in drugstore business. Drugstores expanded shop at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do until middle of 2000. Drugstore business at station sphere in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do that have high ratio of temporary population has low customer loyalty to have limitation on continuous growth. Since 2009, drugstores have opened new shops at local towns: From the year of 2010, drugstores need to establish multiple shop strategy by accelerating business speed and to allow customers to drop in the shop anywhere in the nation and to enter consumers' life deeply, so that they can strengthen business base definitely. Drugstores need to have price competitiveness to have multiple shop opening strategy and to satisfy consumers and to supply high quality services that is future subject to solve. And, Olive Young and Watsons that are Korean style drugstore need to keep system in order and to strengthen substance as Korean style drugstore and to expand marketing, so that they can get business outcome within 5 years that was done 10 years before and they become the 4th generation retail business. The study had difficulties at collecting material from the three drugstore because of poor cooperation. And, the author had great difficulty at collecting statistical material that was made in disorder. Further effort is needed considering such problems.