
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 208

        2020.10 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 지역사회중심재활(CBR)서비스 이용자의 만족도 및 몰입도가 건강 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고 더 나아가 만족도와 몰입도의 어떠한 하위요인이 영향을 끼치는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 대전광역시 보건소에서 CBR서비스 이용자 45명을 대상으로 CBR서비스 만족도와 몰입도, SF-36 설문지를 이용하여 총 5주간에 걸쳐 자료를 수집하였다. 일반적인 특성에 따른 주요 변수의 차이를 알아보기 위해 기술통계, 독립 t검정, ANOVA 및 사후분석을 시행하였다. 이용해 본 서비스에 대해 다중응답 빈도분석을 시행하였고, 각 서비스 이용 유무에 따른 건강 관련 삶의 질 비교를 위해 독립t검정을 시행하였다. 건강 관련 삶의 질과 만족도와 몰입도 간의 상관관계를 확인하기 위해 Pearson 상관분석을 시행하였으며, 만족도와 몰입도가 건강 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 다중 회귀분석을 시행하였다. 결과 : 서비스 이용 기간이 6개월 이내인 대상자의 서비스 몰입도가 가장 높았고(F=3.89), 제공받은 서비스 중 장애인 재활교실 프로그램 이용 유무에 따라 건강 관련 삶의 질에 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=3.21). 만족도와 몰입도 간에 유의한 정적 상관관계가 나타났으며(p<.01), 신체건강 관련 삶의 질은 전문성 만족도(r=-.29)와 만족도 총합(r=-.29)과 유의한 부적 상관관계를 보였다. 만족도와 몰입도가 건강 관련 삶의 질에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 연구결과를 바탕으로 CBR서비스 프로그램의 방향 설정을 위한 건강 관련 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 변수에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 스크린골프의 서비스품질이 고객만족 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향력을 이론적으로 규명하여 서비스품질에 대한 중요성을 강조하는 한편, 서비스품질과 행동의도 간에 고객만족이 어떠한 매개적 역할을 하는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 따라서 스크린골프 경험이 있는 20세 이상 성인을 대상으로 설문조사를 수행하였으며, 총 485명의 자료를 최종 분석에 사용하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS statistics 20 통계분석 프로그램을 이용하여 조사대상자 특성을 파악하기 위한 빈도분석, 조사도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증을 위한 탐색적 요인분석, 신뢰도 분석, 요인 간의 관계 및 영향력을 알아보기 위한 상관분석, 단순회귀와 다중회귀 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 스크린골프 서비스품질은 시설, 서비스, 인적 자원, 가격 순으로 고객만족 요인에 통계적으로 유의한 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 스크린골프 고객만족은 행동의도 요인에 통계적으로 유의한 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 스크린골프 서비스품질은 시설, 가격, 서비스, 인적 자원 순으로 행동의도 요인에 통계적으로 유의한 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 스쿠버다이빙의 교육 서비스품질과 고객만족 및 재구매의사의 관계를 연구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 서울 소재의 스쿠버다이빙장의 스쿠버를 모집단으로 선정하고 비확률 표본추출법 중 편의추출법(conven-ience sampling)을 사용하여 총 200부의 설문지를 배포하였다. 이 중 불성실하게 응답되어졌 다고 판단한 46부의 설문지를 제외하고 총 154부의 자료를 유효표본으로 사용하였다. 자료처리방법은 SPSS18.0 프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 상관관계 및 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교육 서비스품질과 고객만족의 관계를 분석한 결과 교육 서비스품질 중 시설(β=.349), 프로그램(β=.340)이 만족에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교육 서비스품질에 대한 고객만족의 설명력을 살펴보면, 교육 서비스품질의 전체 변량 중 약 47%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교육 서비스품질과 재구매의 관계를 분석한 결과 교육 서비스품질 중 비용(β=.215), 프로그램 (β=.442)이 재구매에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교육 서비스품질에 대한 재구매의 설명력을 살펴보면, 교육 서비스품질의 전체 변량 중 약 53%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 고객만족과 재구매의 관계를 분석한 결과 만족(β=.555)은 재구매에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 만족에 대한 재구매의 설명력을 살펴보면, 전체 변량 중 약 55%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 어린이수영장의 서비스품질과 만족 및 고객충성도 관계를 알아보자 한다. 모집단은 총 300명을 표본대상으로 설문지를 배포하였으며, 회수된 설문지 중 불성실하게 응답했다고 판단된 3부의 설문지는 제외하여 총 297부의 설문지를 자료 분석에 사용하였다. 이 연구에서는 PASW 21.0을 활용하여 빈도분석, 신뢰도 분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 상관관계분석, 다중회귀분석, 단순회귀분석을 실시하였다. 이 연구에서는 모든 통계치의 유의수준을 .05로 설정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출 하였다. 첫째, 어린이수영장 서비스품질의 시설, 프로그램, 비용, 인적자원, 신뢰는 만족에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 어린 이수영장 서비스품질의 비용, 인적아원, 신뢰는 고객충성도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 어린 이수영장 서비스품질에 대한 만족은 고객충성도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to examine the mediating effect of enterprise competitiveness on the relationship between operational service quality management and customer perception level of freight forwarders’ services in East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia. Data were collected from 106 customers of freight forwarders through accessible random sampling method. Usable data were analyzed through Partial Least-squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach using Smart PLS-SEM software version 3.2.8. The validity of the survey questionnaire was confirmed using content validity, structural validity and expert validity. The results revealed that operational service quality management influences customer perception toward service providers’ services. Meanwhile, enterprise competitive mediates the relationship between operational service quality management and customer perception on service providers’ services. The enterprise competitiveness was found to be a driver for better customer perception on freight forwarder service providers. Besides, it has a strong mediating effect which ultimately effect on both customer perception level of satisfaction and could enhance customer perception on operational service quality management through words of mouth. These findings would therefore offer the freight forwarders’ management teams a new perspective in developing a better operational service quality management strategies and practices with emphasis on enterprise competitiveness. It also demonstrates the significance of enterprise competitiveness in donimating towards consumer perception in service preference and future repurchase intension.
        2019.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted on the foundation of the previous research on determinants such as customer satisfaction and behavioral intention, along with the literature review and research on factors related to the service quality elements. We collected and analyzed the 185 materials by conducting the survey upon the customers who have previously visited the restaurants. As a result of the analysis, we identified that the elements of restaurant service quality have significant effects on the behavioral intention and satisfaction level of the customer through the customer satisfaction. In addition, by using KANO model, we investigated the qualities that attract the customers of the restaurant in order to establish the measures that will maximize the customer satisfaction. Also, to overcome the limitation of KANO model, we additionally analyzed the Better-Worse index. The results of the two quality evaluations were identical to each other, showing the need for improving the physical environment of the restaurant services. Accordingly, more interests and efforts to stimulate the behavioral intention of the restaurant are needed.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates passenger-authored online reviews of airline services using social network analysis to compare the differences in customer perceptions between full service carriers (FSCs) and low cost carriers (LCCs). While deriving words with high frequency and weight matrix based on the text analysis for FSCs and LCCs respectively, we analyze the semantic network (betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, degree centrality) to compare the degree of connection between words in online reviews of each airline types using the social network analysis. Then we compare the words with high frequency and the connection degree to gauge their influences in the network. Moreover, we group eight clusters for FSCs and LCCs using the convergence of iterated correlations (CONCOR) analysis. Using the resultant clusters, we match the clusters to dimensions of two types of service quality models (Grönroos, Brady & Cronin (B&C)) to compare the airline service quality and determine which model fits better. From the semantic network analysis, FSCs are mainly related to inflight service words and LCCs are primarily related to the ground service words. The CONCOR analysis reveals that FSCs are mainly related to the dimension of outcome quality in Grönroos model, but evenly distributed to the dimensions in B&C model. On the other hand, LCCs are primarily related to the dimensions of process quality in both Grönroos and B&C models. From the CONCOR analysis, we also observe that B&C model fits better than Grönroos model for the airline service because the former model can capture passenger perceptions more specifically than the latter model can.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the influence of the quality of a business management consulting service and the mediating effect of utilizing a business management consulting service. For this purpose, data was collected from 200 self-employed workers of the Moonchang market in Dasejun, the Yongdap market in Seoul and the Jatgeoeul market in Gapyeong. The result of the study are as follows. First, it was found that the quality of interaction, the quality of the result and the quality of the physical environment have significant influences over peoples’ financial aptitude. Second, it was found that the quality of the interaction, the quality of the result and the quality of the physical environment have significant influences over peoples’ non-financial aptitudes. Thirds, the evaluation of a mediating effect of utilization of a business management consulting service on the relationship between the quality of a business management consulting service and business performance showed that it has a significant influence in all ways and so this, proved its mediating effect. Therefor, as one of the means to activate traditional markets in Korea, it would be beneficial to actively introduce a business management consulting service and this would achieve a better performance through efforts to change the perception of employees and consultants about post-management of business management consulting services.
        2019.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 경기도 장애인거주시설 종사자의 서비스 질에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하여 개선방안을 강구하는데 목적이 있다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 조직특성에 유의미 한 차이를 가져오는 변수는 연령, 학력, 근무기간이었으며, 직무소진의 변수에는 연령, 학력, 고용형태, 임파워먼트에는 연령, 학력, 근무기간, 직무 스트레스에는 월급여, 고용 형태, 학력, 일가치감에는 학력, 근무기간, 고용형태, 직무만족에는 연령, 월급여, 고용형태, 서비스 질은 연령, 고용형태, 월급여 등이었다. 따라서 장애인거주시설에 다음과 같이 요구되어 진다. 첫째, 종사자의 직무소진 및 직무 스트레스의 예방 및 대응조치가 강구되어야 한다. 둘째, 장애인거주시설 종사자의 서비스 질을 높이기 위해서는 종사자들 이 직무환경요인에 변화가 있어야 한다. 셋째, 장애인거주시설 종사자의 서비스 질에 영 향을 미치는 조직특성, 직무소진, 임파워먼트, 직무 스트레스, 일가치감 등을 분석하여 종사자가 직무에 만족할 수 있도록 근무환경을 조성할 필요가 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the service quality attributes of the CVS (Convenient Store) packed meal products by applying the Kano model. The main survey was conducted by a research company using an online survey in the form of a selfadministered questionnaire. The 499 samples were limited to customers who had experienced CVS packed meal products within the last months. A total of 14 service quality attributes of the CVS premium packed meal products were categorized as four attractive qualities, one must-be quality, three one-dimensional qualities and six indifferent qualities. According to the Better and Worse quotient designed by Timko, ‘coupon and sales promotion event’, ‘healthy menu configuration’, and ‘balanced nutrition’ had higher levels of the Better coefficient. On the other hand, ‘hygiene and cleanliness’, ‘the delicious food’, and ‘fresh ingredients’ showed a higher Worse coefficient. The results also suggest that each service quality attribute is not a single dimension but a complex attribute. As a result, this research suggests that marketing practitioners should immediately identify consumer’s changing perception of quality to attract new customers and prevent existing customers from leaving in the CVS premium packed meal products segment.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 남성 시술자를 통해 관리 받은 남성 고객을 대상으로 일반 미용실과 남성 미용실에 대한 이용 실태 비교와 서비스 품질 인식이 만족도 및 충성도에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 하였다. 총 405명의 설문지를 분석 자료로 사용 하였으며, 측정 도구의 신뢰도 및 타당성을 검증하기 위해 주성 분석을 이용하였다. 서비스 품질 인식의 하위요인으로는 전문성, 친화성, 신뢰성, 지속성을 도출하였고, 만족도 및 충성도의 타당성 및 신뢰도 검증을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 일반 미용실과 남성 전문 미용실의 헤어 관여도, 서비스 품질 인식, 만족도 및 충성도에 대한 차이가 확인되었으며, 서비스 품질 인식의 하위요인별 전문성, 친화성, 신뢰성, 지속성은 만족도, 충성도와 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계가 확인되었다(p<0.01). 또한, 남성 전문 미용실은 서비스 품질 인식이 만족도와 충성도에 정(+)의 영향 을 미치며, 서비스 품질 만족도는 충성도에 정(+)을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 남성 들의 뷰티 시장에 중요한 마케팅 기초 자료로써 활용 가능성이 있음이 사료되어 진다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대학의 경쟁력을 확보하는데 필요한 마케팅 방안을 모색하고자 대학교육서비스의 일환인 대학스포츠센터의 서비스품질과 학생만족, 대학이미지를 연구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 서울 수도권지역의 3개 대학의 스포츠센터를 대상으로 편의추출법을 사용하였다. 설문지 총 350부 중 24부의 설문지를 제외하고 최종 326부의 자료로 분석하였다. SPSS 21.0프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 상관관계 및 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 대학스포츠센터의 서비스품질의 지리적, 인적, 편의성 요인이 학생만족에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대학스포츠센터의 서비스품질의 시설적, 편의성 요인이 대학이미지에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대학스포츠센터의 서비스품질의 학생만족이 대학이미지에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국소비자들이 가진 한국 인터넷 면세점에 대한 구매의도를 파악하고자, 인터넷 면세점의 e-서비스품질과 한류문화에 대한 태도를 주요 변인으로 설정하여 논의해 보았다. 분석 결과를 살펴보면, 첫째, 기존연구와 일치하게 홈페이지 시각적 디자인, 고객서비스, 안정성, 그리고 경제성 및 편리성 모든 인터넷면세점 e-서비스품질 특성요인들이 중국관광객의 구매의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 도출되었다. 둘째, 한국 인터넷면세점의 e-서비스품질 특성 요인 중 홈페이지 시각적 디자인과 경제성 및 편리성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 있어서, 한류문화에 대한 태도가 유의미한 조절효과를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 중국 마케팅의 전략적인 관점에서 정부나 면세업체가 양국의 대한 경제적인 정책 및 한류문화 콘텐츠 전략을 수립하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in peer to peer (P2P) sharing-service businesses such as Uber and Airbnb. In P2P sharing-service businesses, goods or services are provided by customers (peers) rather than by service firms, who act simply as an intermediary between customers. One customer acts as a service-providing customer (SPC), and the other as a service-receiving customer (SRC). P2P sharing-service firms have no direct control over an SPC’s quality of service provided to an SRC. Further, both SPCs and SRCs are customers to the firm, and therefore firms are concerned with the quality of service provided not only to SRCs but also to SPCs. In the P2P sharing-service context, particularly in the case of services serving the needs of diverse travelers (e.g., Uber or Airbnb), SPCs and SRCs can be people of different genders and races, which can cause them to feel socially distant from each other. Since SPCs are not professional service employees, they may not know how to cope with the social distance, which can result in uncomfortable service experience for both SPCs and SRCs. The more similar to the SPC an SRC feels, the more comfortable the SRC is likely to feel, which can lead to higher service satisfaction. Yet, few studies examined how such social distance can be reduced. This study is intended to fill this gap in the research. Specifically, we propose that an SPC’s form of address for SRC can moderate the effect of the incongruence in gender and race on an SRC’s perceived social distance. Theoretical Development Social distance refers to the level of acceptance people have of others outside of their own social group or class (Bogardus, 1928). It is a measure of perceived difference (or distance) between groups. In the context of the P2P sharing service, SRCs and SPCs can be from diverse social groups. When an SRC encounters an SPC from a social group that is different from theirs, the SRC can feel socially distant from the SPC. Immediate differences an SRC can identify upon meeting an SPC is demographic such as gender, age and race. In this study, we first propose that the difference (incongruence) in gender, age and race makes an SRC feel socially distant from an SPC. Social distance is closely related with similarity (Osbeck & Moghaddam, 1997; Liviatan, Trope & Liberman, 2009). In the context of mentoring, the higher the perceived and actual similarity a portage feels with a mentor, the higher the level of the portage liking and satisfaction for the mentor and with the mentoring service (Ensher, 1997). Matching gender and race between a mentor and a portage positively influenced self-reported grade point average, efficacy and confidence of a portage (Blake-Beard et al. 2011). Race was well demonstrated to influence social distance (Triandis & Triandis, 1960). Taken together, we conjecture that the effect of the difference in gender and race on social distance will apply to the P2P sharing service context and propose the following hypothesis: H1: The incongruence in gender and race between an SRC and an SPC will make SRCs feel more socially distant from SPCs compared to the case of congruence. We propose in this study that the form of address for SRCs by SPCs can influence the level of social distance SRCs feel because of the incongruence in gender and race. The relationship between forms of address and social distance has been proposed (Brown, 1965). Intimate terms of address is associated with intimate relationship. Intimate terms of address is inversely proportional to social distance (Keshavarz, 2001). Calling someone by the first name is related with friendliness (Brown, 1961). The use of first name is positively associated with closeness in relationship (Brown, 1965). An empirical study in the healthcare context showed that most patients preferred to be addressed by the first name (as opposed to last name) (Gillette, Filak & Thorne, 1984). Taken together, we propose the following: H2: Intimate forms of address by the SPC for the SRC will reduce the level of social distance caused by the incongruence in gender and race. We propose that the level of perceived social distance influences the level of comfort SRCs feel with the SPC during the service delivery. The negative effect of social distance on the level of interaction comfort has been shown (Paswan & Ganesh, 2005). In the context of service encounters where customers feel cultural differences, psychological distance was shown to influence comfort negatively (Weiermair, 2000). Since social distance is a dimension of psychological distance (Trope & Liberman, 2011), we propose the effect of social distance on comfort as following: H3: Reduced social distance will lead to a higher level of comfort. The effect of social distance on comfort can vary by customers. In this study, we propose that the effect is moderated by the customer’s motive for the purchase of the P2P sharing service. There are largely four movies for customers who participate in collective consumptions (i.e., sharing service): economic motive, social motive, hedonic motive, and the motive to reduce risks and responsibilities (Benoit, Baker, Bolton, Gruner & Kandampully, 2017). Economic motives are associated with reducing expenses, and social motives are with meeting other people (e.g. more authentic travel) (Benoit et al., 2017). Hedonic motives are related with “accessing products that are exciting or normally out of reach” while motives to reduce risks and responsibilities are related with “no burdens of ownership, option to preview a product for potential purchase” (Benoit et al., 2017). According to a research in the context of P2P accommodations, cost saving, familiarity, trust, and utility are determinants of satisfaction with a sharing option. Thus, we propose that customer motives moderate the effect of social distance on comfort (Möhlmann, 2015). H4: The effect of social distance on comfort vary by customer motives for purchase. When feeling comfortable, people are more likely to trust, feel satisfied, and commit themselves, which can help improve relationship (Spake, Beatty, Brockman & Crutchfield. 2003). Comfort positively influences perceived service quality and satisfaction (Dabholkar, Shepherd & Thorpe, 2000). Comfort influences satisfaction positively (Paswan & Ganesh, 2005). In the P2P sharing-service context, SRCs’ evaluation of SPCs are carried out by reviews. Customer reviews of SPCs’ services are vitally important for both SRCs and SPCs. Reviews help other SRCs to identify desirable SPCs (Ert, Fleischer & Magen, 2016) and SPCs to receive feedback for their service quality improvement. Therefore, we propose the following: H5: Comfort leads to SRC’s intention to write good reviews. Data Collection Data will be collected from American consumers who have used Uber at least once in the past one year through an online scenario-based survey using a 2 (genders: male vs. female) x 3 (races: white vs. yellow vs. black) x 3 (forms of address: no address vs. first name vs. last name) between-subject experimental design. Hypotheses will be tested by an analysis of variance and a structural equation modeling analysis. In the analyses, the potential effects of trust, familiarity, community belonging, utility (Möhlmann, 2015) and age will be controlled. Implications Findings of this study will reveal the importance of reducing social distance that SRCs feel during encounters with SPCs. Of many possible ways to reduce social distance between SRCs and SPCs, the result of this study will show that SPCs’ use of appropriate form of address to SRCs is effective. Further, it will show that the effect of social distance on customer comfort can vary by the purpose of the use of the sharing service. These findings will offer P2P service firms insights on how to help SPCs offer more comfortable services to SRCs and as a result receive positive reviews from SRCs.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction This paper’s goal is to assess the effects of customer participation behavior on perceived e-service quality and satisfaction in Greek e-shops. The author builds on and expands previous efforts by investigating customer participation using a multi-dimensional construct developed by Yi and Gong (2013) with the goal of dwelling deeper in the effects of individual dimensions of customer participation (i.e. information seeking, information sharing and responsible behavior) on consumers’ perceptions. The findings show that one of the three dimensions of customer participation behavior, namely responsible behavior, positively affects both perceived service quality as well as customer satisfaction, while information seeking affects only e-service quality and information sharing does not affect any of the two dependent variables. Theoretical development The author, in agreement with the service-dominant view proposed by Vargo and Lusch (2004; 2008), emphasizes the notion that the customers of a provided service are not just simple recipients of a final product, but also co-creators in its production process. Research on customer participation, has revealed its positive influence on perceived quality (Cermak et al., 1994) and satisfaction (Yang et al., 2017), while in some cases studies pointed out when this relationship does not hold, as well as investigate moderators affecting it (Yim et at., 2012). There have been studies that support the positive effect that aspects of customer participation have on customer satisfaction (Dong et al., 2015; Yim et al., 2012; Chan et al., 2010; Kellogg et al., 1997) and perceived service quality (Dong et al., 2015). At the same time, there have been few studies probing into the relationship between customer participation behavior and perceived service quality and satisfaction in the context of the production and distribution of services from self-service technologies, where a high level of customer/user activity and low provider activity is required (Wünderlich et al., 2013), which stresses the importance of the customers’ role in attaining value co-creation. According to Yi and Gong (2013) customer value co-creation behavior comprises two dimensions; customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. This study focuses on customer behavior that is necessary for value co-creation, namely on customer participation behavior, since it is this that is usually manifest in the context of the interaction of customers with an e-shop. In accordance with the terminology utilized by Kelley et al. (1990), this study focuses on customer technical quality- as expressed by information seeking, information sharing and responsible behavior, according to Yi and Gong (2013)- since interaction with an e-shop is usually standardised and does not facilitate the development of interpersonal relationships between customers and employees. Research design To check the hypotheses formulated in this study, the services offered by e-shops in Greece were examined and assessed. What drew attention on the e-commerce and e-shopping sector, was the fact that through the long lasting economic crisis in Greece, it was one of the few that managed to flourish. A survey was carried out using a structured questionnaire for a sample of 335 adults, customers of 125 Greek e-shops. Customer participation behavior (composed of three dimensions, namely information seeking, information sharing and responsible behavior) was measured using Yi and Gong’s (2013) multidimensional and hierarchical scale that consists of 11 items, rated on a seven-point Likert format. E-service quality was measured through the use of a one-item scale developed expressly for this purpose by Lee and Lin (2005), who also used a one-item scale to measure customer satisfaction. Result and conclusion The results obtained from the analysis, supported the propositions that customer information seeking and customer responsible behavior enhance perceived service quality, while at the same time customer responsible behavior increases customer satisfaction. Claims that customer information seeking, or customer information sharing enhance customer satisfaction, could not find any support, as did the proposition that customer information sharing enhances perceived service quality. These results provide useful insight when it comes to designing an on-line store in a way that it would enhance the customers’ perceptions on the attained service quality, as well as their perceptions on their satisfaction. In order to succeed, enterprises should develop organisational socialisation (Kelley et al., 1990; Kelley et al., 1992) in such an extent, that it would establish a climate of trust that will lead customers to assume a responsible behavior towards the e-shop.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The idiom “you are what you own” has been considerably transformed into “you are what you can access”. The shift from ownership to access, the results of endless hyper-consumption, and the change in value mindsets initiated a new phenomenon, which is Sharing Economy (SE). SE has grown rapidly and refers to an entirely new business model, socio-economic ecosystem, and context for sharing the access to goods and services in technology-enabled peer-to-peer (P2P) ecosystems or consumer-to-consumer (C2C) engagement platforms. According to Botsman and Rogers (2010), SE is a result of the linkage between offline and online world, which was triggered by the society to overcome natural resources constraints. Resources in SE can be tangible (e.g., cars and homes) and intangible (e.g., expert local knowledge and labor). SE allows the sustainable use of idle resources, and it enables sellers to create new and flexible opportunities to market to consumers who experience personalized and even customized products and services at lower prices (Yang, Song, Chen, & Xia, 2017). SE opened up new horizons for a considerable number of new players across industries from a supply perspective by broadening the options for supply, which also remedies the response to peak demand. SE has given a rise to the humanization of consumer-supplier relationship in tourism and hospitality (TH), and sharing has become a mainstream practice in this context. The recent shift of customers‟ willingness to share accommodation with a host as opposed to using a private hotel room has many implications for TH (Lu & Kandampully, 2016). For example, Airbnb has become one of the most prominent competitors in hotel industry, and it enables people to lease or rent short-term accommodation including vacation rentals, apartment rentals, homestays, and even experiences via instant booking. From cash-strapped travelers to high-end business travelers, Airbnb has revolutionized the TH service in a new form of contractual relationship and gained a well-grounded popularity. Some scholars, on the other hand, argued that SE is a “fundamentally different business model” which could make it a new marketplace instead of a direct competitor in hotel industry. From this point of view, Airbnb do not compete or pose a challenge to traditional TH services but extend the concept of TH (Lu & Kandampully, 2016). Hotel industry has reactively responded to the direct, indirect, and induced effects of Airbnb to economy, and Airbnb‟s impact on hotel industry have recently been researched by several scholars (Mody, Suess, & Lehto, 2017; Priporas, Stylos, Rahimi, & Vedanthachari, 2017; Zervas, Proserpio, & Byers, 2017). Customer engagement in TH has been empirically found to enhance customers‟ service brand evaluation, brand trust, and brand loyalty (So, King, Sparks, & Wang, 2016). Guests attach great importance to motivational drivers, more meaningful “beyond-purchase” social interactions and unique experiences in authentic settings, which give rise to customer engagement beyond the service encounter. Disruptive innovation theory also states that products or services that offer alternative benefits compared to conventional attributes can transform a market and attain a critical mass, which can be observed in Airbnb‟s story (Young, Corsun, & Xie, 2017). Airbnb is successfully promoting the mottos of “Belong Anywhere” and “Don’t Go There. Live There” to their guests. The feelings of trust and belonging were negatively changed by mass production and noncustom travel experiences, and people sometimes forgot the meaning of community due to high tendency of prestige and advertising. Consumers‟ changing attitudes towards utilization and accessibility compared to ownership created an indirect need for intimate connection between people, namely human connection. Then, social concerns upon products and services gave a rise to mass-customized product and service expectations of consumers. This is where Airbnb‟s value proposition comes into play. First, it creates not only financial but also personal rewards through a “personal concierge” and a “home away from home” experience. Second, Airbnb is not a simple transaction, rather it is deemed to be a lifetime experience. So “guest experience” is at the heart of Airbnb‟s strategic position. From the “experience” point of view, SE has also opened up new rooms for service research. Service in the context of Airbnb is considered as an experience, rather than a utilitarian relation. Also, service quality has always been a critical factor in highly-competitive service industries like TH. Service quality perception is multi-faceted, and the studies focusing on it are rather limited, especially in hotel industry. These studies highlighted the complexities associated with evaluating service quality and the contribution of service process delivery on service outcomes, which results in the perception of service quality. Therefore, perceived service quality can be influenced by different internal processes and interpersonal variables. In order to study service quality in Airbnb, the types of settings in this context are to be noted. There are two main types of hosting via Airbnb: (1) remote hospitality, which refers to hosting situations in which the host does not physically share the place with the guest (e.g. booking the entire place), and (2) on-site hospitality, where the host is physically present and sharing the apartment with the guest. Mainly, on-site hospitality is an important part of the sociability within the host–guest relationship. Priporas et al. (2017) studied service quality in the context of remote hospitality, and we decided to respond to their relevant call for future research on the other type of Airbnb accommodation, which is on-site hospitality referring to “Shared Rooms” and “Private Rooms” in Airbnb‟s listings. “Shared Rooms” refer to an exact communal experience with the host, and guests sleep in a space that is shared with others and share the entire space with other people. “Private Rooms” refer to privacy, to some extent, in which guests (i) value a local connection (ii) have their own private room for sleeping and (iii) may share some spaces with others. We do expect that human connection and experience gap can be better researched with on-site hospitality existing in “Shared Rooms” and “Private Rooms”. This is because hosts design their services to create and build a relationship with their guests, leading to superior guest experiences and the so-called positive moment-of-truth. In addition to the online storytelling on hosts‟ home pages, the most important moment-of-truth is created during the guests‟ stay at the host‟s place; thus, the host plays a major role in the customer‟s perception of service and the subsequent review of the experience (Lu & Kandampully, 2016). Considering the previously mentioned “experience gap” in the literature, our research question and relevant sub-questions are as follows: • What are the antecedents of perceived service quality in Airbnb on-site hospitality? o How well does SERVQUAL suffice for measuring perceived service quality in this context? o How well the cognitive and attitudinal factors expand this measurement? o What are the additional perceived service quality factors that can be derived from guests‟ online textual reviews to remedy the “experience gap”? Literature review Cheng (2016) conducted a systematic review of SE by using co-citation and content analysis of papers, and the findings reveal three distinct research areas of SE: (1) SE‟s business models and its impacts, (2) Nature of SE, and (3) SE‟s sustainability development. Moreover, two unique areas, specifically in TH, were identified: (1) SE‟s impacts on destinations and TH services and (2) SE‟s impacts on tourists. The comparison of both literatures has revealed limited expansion in TH literature despite the fact that TH are at the frontier of SE (Cheng, 2016). Pesonen and Tussyadiah (2017) conducted cluster analysis to identify user profiles corresponding to consumer motivations for using TH services of SE. They concluded that a consumer group uses TH services of SE to make their trips more convenient, while another group uses these services mostly for social reasons. Yang et al. (2017) studied the loyalty in SE services from relational benefits perspective and concluded that confidence and social benefits have significant and positive effects on commitment in SE services. Molz (2014) introduced the term „Network Hospitality‟, which is relatively new and rooted in old traditions of welcoming strangers. Airbnb represents just one of many types of network hospitality, and in Airbnb, trust is almost shaped based on peer reviews, not solely on one-to-one peer interactions. The online review information becomes the basis for members‟ reputation in the network. The information accumulated on Airbnb‟s online platform helps both parties to establish their reputation, as well as publicizing their personalities, thereby facilitating the process of finding the best match. Moreover, there are hundreds of people working in Airbnb‟s customer service, trust, and safety departments who are devoted to ensuring the intimacy provision of trusted services. Airbnb requires all hosts to abide by their “Hospitality Standards”, which include expected levels of cleanliness, commitment, and communication. The flexibility, reliability, and consistency of Airbnb‟s service providers help them to build and maintain the relationship Airbnb enjoys with their guests and hosts (Lu & Kandampully, 2016; Zervas et al., 2017). Pine and Gilmore (1998) predicted the rise of experience in their seminal study, referring to the “experience economy” and also stating “As goods and services become commoditized, the customer experiences that companies create will matter most.” They called this as “Staging Experiences”. Also, there exists evidence in literature that providers are shifting their focus from product- and service-oriented to design of quality experiences. In terms of the glamour of SE in TH, a “more unique experience” is deemed to be second only to better pricing. Airbnb may eventually address all elements of the accommodation experience, from travel reservations to ticketing for local attractions. Consumers are looking for local authenticity in their travels. Psychological authenticity refers to emotional genuineness, self-attunement, and psychological depth (Walls, Okumus, Wang, & Kwun, 2011). If TH industry is to surpass its SE competition in terms of guest experience, it should leverage an expanded experience economy paradigm that incorporates additional dimensions (Mody et al., 2017). Authentic host-guest experiences probably only exist between like-minded and privileged members who possess high cultural capital (Cheng, 2016). With that, Walls et al. (2011) have suggested the need for researchers to identify specific dimensions “that exist in both our everyday and tourist experiences”. Both in Airbnb and traditional TH, guest satisfaction and likelihood to reuse are driven by similar factors such as quality and utility of services, trust to the host, and economic value. There are several models for measuring service quality, including SERVQUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988) and SERVPERF (Cronin & Taylor, 1992). Service quality literature received widespread attention after the seminal work by Parasuraman et al. (1988) as they proposed the gap model and developed SERVQUAL (an attribute-based technique) as a tool for measuring service quality. According to SERVQUAL, service quality consists of five dimensions measured by a total of 22 items. The proposed five service quality dimensions are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. SERVQUAL basically requires measures of expectations and performance, and service quality is calculated from subtractions between these two components (i.e., performance [P] - expectations [E]). Regarding service quality in TH, Akbaba (2006) utilized SERVQUAL for business hotels, and Priporas et al. (2017) inquired SERVQUAL‟s applicability in Airbnb context with promising results. The major distinction between two research directions (i.e. hotels vs. Airbnb) is that even though guests expect similar core services such as clean rooms and comfortable beds, different attributes support the competitive advantage of hotels and Airbnb. While conveniences offered by hotels are unparalleled by Airbnb accommodation, the latter appeal to consumers driven by experiential and social motivations (Pesonen & Tussyadiah, 2017). Research model This research aims to identify the antecedents of perceived service quality of guests‟ in Airbnb on-site hospitality context. Our research model is presented in Figure 1, and it is subject to enhancement through the analytics of guest reviews. A survey will be developed to test the proposed research model. The items of constructs will be mainly derived from extant literature and enriched with the linguistic and textual analysis of reviews. Firstly, factors shaping expectation are predicted as per the literature and preliminary analysis of random guest reviews: (i) host‟s reputation capital (e.g., ratings and reviews), (ii) host‟s photos, (iii) guest‟s past accommodation experience, and (iv) word of mouth. Secondly, SERVQUAL part in the model is the same as proposed by Parasuraman et al. (1988). Last but not least, Airbnb is deemed to promote global geographical imaginaries (e.g., collaboration, social equity, solidarity, community, trust, reciprocity, altruism, autonomy, intimacy, and authenticity) to justify their business model (O‟Regan & Choe, 2017). Finally, regarding the guest review analysis, Airbnb has a detailed review mechanism, and we have gathered the publicly available reviews that are up to 500 words. We have observed cognitive and attitudinal dimensions within reviews through text analytics and grouped those in the research model as follows: • Intimacy: The emergence of intimacy as a commercial value in TH industry has been researched. (e.g., How well people know each other? How people occupy space together? How people share private information, family pictures, furniture choice etc.?) (Prager, 1997) • Authenticity: We focus on the existential authenticity (i.e., being one‟s true self or being true to one‟s essential nature) from guests‟ perceptions (e.g., Is Airbnb like ‘living the local life’?) (Lalicic & Weismayer, 2017) • Commitment: It refers to the consistent behavior of Airbnb hosts in terms of social and cost components. (e.g., How well hosts abide by Airbnb policies and procedures? Do hosts have ongoing effectiveness of service?) (Lu & Kandampully, 2016) • Privacy: It refers to the psychological zone to disclose personal and cultural values. Informational and physical privacy threats are important in Airbnb context (Lutz, Hoffmann, Bucher, & Fieseler, 2017). • Security: It refers to the state of being free from danger or threat. According to Yang and Ahn (2016), security in Airbnb‟s services is a more powerful antecedent of attitude toward Airbnb than significant dimensions of motivation toward SE, such as enjoyment and reputation. With that we will only elaborate on interpersonal security in Airbnb (i.e., between host and guest, not between guest and Airbnb). Conclusion SE is a fairly new and multi-disciplined field that covers open rooms for research, and specifically, Airbnb is one of the most prominent businesses in this context. The literature review presented underlies the infancy of well-grounded studies covering service quality perceptions of customers in SE. Seeking for additional dimensions from Airbnb guests‟ reviews is a novel research approach in studying customer engagement, and those dimensions shall be included in the research model. This research has certain limitations. Our perceived service quality conceptualization requires empirical validation to establish the boundaries of the construct. The guest reviews in Airbnb are subject to data quality issues. Also, reviews should contain substantial amount of words up to a certain threshold. Data collection from emerging world regions is rather tough since Airbnb is not widespread across those regions. Thus, US and European countries will be firstly taken into account, where the use of Airbnb is quite common. The study is expected to provide useful insights for TH practitioners and managers. It can underlie the factors that trigger customer engagement in this context. Cognitive/attitudinal factors are foreseen as the differentiators, which stand as the basis for service design and delivery.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study reviews the SERVQUAL model theoretically and statistically in relation to the nonlinearity of the perceived service quality. Perceived service quality measurement based on the SERVQUAL model assumes that consumers evaluate service quality by comparing their perceptions with their expectations. However, previous studies adopt linear factor analysis to discuss the SERVQUAL model. The present study assumes that consumers evaluate the service quality with a standard to admit the difference between their expectations and perceptions, and that their perceived service quality follows a nonlinear response. A nonlinear SERVQUAL model based on a nonlinear factor analysis model is proposed to understand the characteristics. The proposed model employs a threshold specification that represents the space in which consumers admit their discrepancy. The study extends a nonlinear factor analysis model to a nonparametric model in order to examine the functional aspects that from the perceived service quality. A nonparametric SERVQUAL model is adopted without any assumptions of the functional form. The empirical studies on the retail sector shows that the nonlinear model performs better than the linear model, and that the nonparametric model estimates the nonlinear function for perceived service quality. The results from the proposed model in our study provide insights in a consumer’s perceived service quality recognized as nonlinear and asymmetric. We conclude that the functional form for perceived service quality should be considered when specifying the measurement model for SERVQUAL. In addition, we discuss future work for a nonlinear measurement model and a nonparametric factor analysis.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Customer participation (CP) refers to customers’ contribution of effort, knowledge, information or other resources to service production and delivery (Dong & Sivakumar, 2017). A key management challenge is to ensure that after customers’ initial acceptance these service formats, customers continue to use them, by the provision and management of CP quality as perceived by the customer. In a CP context, shaping customers’ quality perceptions is complex. First, these perceptions are the result of multiple parties (i.e., customer, employee, and firm). Secondly, customer performance is difficult to control and forms a preeminent source of variability and operational inefficiency (Groth, 2005). Against this backdrop, two research objectives guide this study. First, to propose and test a quality typology that takes a comprehensive view on the CP quality dimensions. Second, to assess whether organizational socialization -consisting of role clarity, self-efficacy, and motivation- is able to influence the customer in service formats that rely on CP. To address these issues survey data were collected from 138 customers. PLS-SEM results indicate that stimulating continued usage of CP formats involves managing an intricate mix of customer quality perceptions (i.e., employee functional and technical quality; firm functional and technical; customer technical quality. In addition, the results show that socialization techniques can be useful to influence customer quality contributions in CP service formats.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 노인주간보호시설(day care center)의 서비스 품질이 이용자의 재이용 의사에 미치는 영향 과, 이용자 만족도의 매개효과를 규명하고자 한다. 이를 위해 서울권 노인주간보호시설 이용자 200명을 대상으로 설문조사하였고, 그 중 유의미한 설문지 183부를 회수하여 분석하였다. 노인주간보호시설 서 비스 품질을 독립변수로, 이용자 만족도를 매개변수로, 이용자의 재이용 의사를 종속변수로 설정하여 빈도분석, 상관분석, 매개영향분석 및 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 서비스 수준은 재이용에 영 향을 미치지 않았고, 과정품질이 재이용에 가장 높은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 과정품질 다음으로 결과품질이 재이용에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 같은 연구결과에 비춰봤을 때 노 인주간보호시설의 서비스를 발전시키기 위해선 (1) 종사자들에 대한 교육・훈련 및 처우개선, (2) 관련 법 제의 정비와 개선이 필요할 것으로 보인다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, service quality must reflect several demands of customers who show rapid and various changes so as to be compared with the past. So, objective and rapid methods for them are necessary more. For them, first of all, service company must calculate their standard of service quality accurately by measuring service quality exactly. To measure service quality accurately, this researcher collected and analyzed data by survey for customers who are customers of logistics services, grasped potential satisfaction standard(P) by 5 point Likert scale and one survey for accurate classification of quality attributes through weighted customer satisfaction coefficient changing quality attributes by developing the study on Kano model and Timko's customer satisfaction coefficient, and suggested Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement index(PCSI) for examining the improvement of customer satisfaction so as to utilize them as an index of differentiated and concrete measurement of service quality.
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