
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Among the nuclear power plant facility improvement projects, out of a total 10 replacement reactor vessel closure head (RRVCH), five have been replaced, starting with Gori Unit 1, and five, including Hanul Unit 1, Hanbit Units 5 and 6, and Hanul Units 3 and 4 will be replaced in the future. This paper presents the method of treating Latch Housing among radioactive waste generated during the replacement of Hanul Unit 2 (February 2023). Latch Housing controls the control rod by receiving magnetic force from the CRDM’s Coil Stack. Located in the Old Reactor Vessel Head (ORVH) Hot Spot, the range of measured radiation dose rate was 0.3 to 0.8 mSv h-1 (up to 4.5 mSv h-1). The amount of radioactive waste generated was 35.8 Baler-Drum (based on 200L), and the order of treatment was to cut into the Omega Seal of the CRDM, the CRDM and Latch Housing Transfer, the boundary of the CRDM and Latch Housing, the Rod Travel Housing, the Motor Housing and the Latch Assembly, and then transfer and Drumming. In the United States, out of 93 operating reactors, 31 reactor vessel heads have been replaced and 19 reactor vessel heads are scheduled to be replaced. In Korea, 25 reactors are in operation, and two reactors have been permanently shut down. Among them, the nine old reactors for more than 30 years (as of September 2021) are expected to achieve ALARA and reduce radwaste management costs through the management method applied to replace the reactor vessel head.