
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aimed to explore how pre-service teacher’s individual regulatory focus orientation, currently emerging as an interesting learner variable for language learning, could influence their Englishspeaking abilities. English teaching demonstration videos of 67 pre-service teachers were analyzed in terms of pronunciation, accuracy, and fluency. The regulatory focus orientations of participants were evaluated using a questionnaire. The results of data analysis, using multiple regression analysis, indicated that promotion-focus orientation was a significant positive predictor for pronunciation, fluency (words per minute, ratio of dysfluency), and accuracy (lexical errors, ratio of error-free AS-units). On the other hand, prevention-focus orientation did not emerge as a statistically significant factor affecting accuracy. However, it was observed to have a negative influence on both pronunciation and fluency. In light of the research findings that highlight the favorable impact of a promotion-focus orientation, suggestions were made for future teacher training programs aimed at enhancing the English proficiency of pre-service teachers.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous studies offered inconsistent empirical results for the influence of customer participation on service satisfaction. One possible explanation for this inconsistency is that existing conceptualizations of customer participation do not clearly differentiate the distinct roles of customer participation in service. To address this gap, Dong and Sivakumar (2015) have proposed an updated classification for customer participation based on “output specificity,” which refers to the degree to that the nature of the output is influenced by the person who provides the resource. The output of the customer participation can either be “specific” or “generic”. The “specific output” is defined as the expected service outcome can be idiosyncratic depending on whether the service is provided by the customer or the employee. In contrast, “generic output” refers to expected service outcome is well defined regardless of whether it is delivered by the service provider or the customer. How output specificity of customer participation influences service satisfaction still lacks of empirical examination.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous studies offered inconsistent empirical results for the influence of customer participation on service satisfaction. One possible explanation for this inconsistency is that existing conceptualizations of customer participation do not clearly differentiate the distinct roles of customer participation in service. To address this gap, Dong and Sivakumar (2015) have proposed an updated classification for customer participation based on “output specificity,” which refers to the degree to that the nature of the output is influenced by the person who provides the resource. The output of the customer participation can either be “specific” or “generic”. The “specific output” is defined as the expected service outcome can be idiosyncratic depending on whether the service is provided by the customer or the employee. In contrast, “generic output” refers to expected service outcome is well defined regardless of whether it is delivered by the service provider or the customer. How output specificity of customer participation influences service satisfaction still lacks of empirical examination.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many empirical findings of previous studies have suggested a connection between motivational factors and L2 writing. Nonetheless, the impact of motivational factors on the genre-based L2 writing has not gained much attention. The present study explored the extent to which the characteristics of two writing tasks involving different genres interact with a learner’s motivational disposition (regulatory focus) and, further, affect language production of writing. 106 essays collected from 53 university EFL learners were assessed in terms of linguistic complexity and accuracy. 2X2 ANOVA results revealed significant main effects of genre on lexical complexity (lexical variation and MSTTR). More importantly, there were significant interaction effects between genre and regulatory focus on both measures of the syntactic complexity (mean length of T-unit and clause per T-unit) and lexical complexity (lexical density). The findings highlighted the significance of learners’ motivational dispositions in genre writing. Drawing on the findings, some pedagogical suggestions to ensure the effectiveness of writing tasks on L2 development were proposed.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 사람들은 자기고양 동기로 인해 나와 관련된 것을 더 좋게 평가하는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 대표적인 예시로 소유효과가 있다. 하지만 우리는 경험을 통해 동일한 물건이어도 내 것보다 타인의 것이 더 좋아 보일 때가 있다는 것을 알고 있다. 최근 연구들은 이러한 현상을 소유효과의 역전 현상이라 설명한다. 본 연구는 나-타인 소유 물에 대한 가치 추정이 개인의 조절초점 성향을 통해 달라지는지 확인함으로써 소유효과와 소유효과의 역전 현상을 조절하는 심리학적 변인을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 이에 따라 지각된 이득과 손실에 대한 관점이 다르다고 알려진 개인의 조절초점 성향이 나-타인 소유주에 따른 소유효과를 조절할 것으로 예상하였으며, 외국인 참가자를 대상으로 익숙하지 않은 타 국가의 화폐를 보여주고 돈의 가치를 모국의 화폐 가치로 추정하도록 하였다. 그 결과, 예방초점 성향이 높은 사람들보다 향상초점 성향이 높은 사람들이 더 돈의 가치를 높게 추정하는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 내가 아닌 다른 사람의 돈이라고 생각했을 때는 조절초점 성향의 조절효과가 유의하지 않았다. 이는 조절초점이라는 개인차 수준에 따라 소유효과가 더 강하게 나타날 수도 있고, 사라질 수도 있다는 것을 시사한다. 연구 결과를 바탕 으로 연구의 의의, 한계점 및 후속 연구에 대해 논의하였다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is viewed as an internal marketing strategy (Bhattacharya, Sen, & Korschun, 2007; Shabnam, & Sarker, 2012). Research indicate that CSR implementation has a positive impact on employees, and enhance working satisfaction, corporate identity and organizational commitment (Koh and El’fred, 2001;Valentine et al., 2006; Martinez & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Lee, Song, Lee, Lee, & Bernhard, 2013). However, some studies suggest that CSR will not directly influence employee, related mediating factors and moderating factors need to be more discussed. The study apply regulatory focus theory as a framework for explaining moderator effect of promotion and prevention focus on employee perceived CSR and working satisfaction, organizational identity and trust. Promotion focus means that employees consider CSR promoting a better society and environment, and prevention focus represent CSR is for preventing falling behind industry, and public criticism. A questionnaire survey was employed in hospitality industry, questionnaire is design based on related literature (VandeWalle, 1997; Higgins et. al., 2001; Craig et.al., 2009; Huimin, & Ryan, 2011; Martínez, Pérez, & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Paek, Xiao, Lee & Song, 2013; Fu, Ye & Law, 2014). And five subscales are contained in the questionnaire, including perceived CSR、regulatory focus、 working satisfaction 、organizational commitment and organizational trust. To analyse the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted in September 2017. 120 questionnaires were collected, 105 valid questionnaires were subjected to a preliminary analysis, the official investigation was conducted during January and February in 2017. 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 389 valid questionnaires were collected, a recovery rate of 86.4%. A significant partial correlation was found between perceived CSR and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.31, p<.000)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.22,p<.000) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.27, p<.000). Hierarchical regression analysis was further used to estimate moderation effect of regulatory focus, the study find that moderation effect on the relationship between CSR and and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.02, p<.01)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.06, p<.01) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.06, p<.01). The research finding shows that working satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust are more influenced by the organization's CSR implementation while employees have positive interpretation and recognition of CSR. Therefore, the organization should fully communicate about the purpose and value of CSR, so that employees can identify with and support the organization's CSR, and then CSR can achieve the function of internal marketing. If employees think that the organization's implementation of CSR is only an obligation or only satisfies the social perception, there may be less positive impact of CSR on employees. Regulatory focus theory is suggested to apply on future consumer study.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When choosing, people often anticipate how they might feel about future outcomes, and use those feelings as guides to choices. Although the impact of emotions on decision-making is well-documented, both theoretically and empirically, relatively limited efforts have been made to quantitatively incorporate such anticipated emotions, specifically regret, into the discrete choice model, which is a workhorse for investigating various consumer choices in marketing. Regret theory suggests that the most relevant emotion in the context of decision-making is regret, which is the emotion that we experience when realizing or imagining that our current situation would have been better, if only we had decided differently. Consumers are known to be regret-averse and motivated to avoid regret. What is unique about regret is that it is directly linked to the choice or decision at hand, while other emotions relevant to decision-making may occur in the absence of a decision because these emotions are related to aspects of outcomes or uncertainty. In transportation science, a new econometric, multinomial, multi-attribute reference-dependent discrete choice model of random regret minimization (RRM) based on regret theory has recently been proposed. In this paradigm, individuals are assumed to make decisions so as to minimize the anticipated regret, which is experienced when a foregone alternative performs better than the chosen alternative at attribute-levels. However, there have been limited efforts to utilize the RRM to investigate consumers’ choices although marketing has long been interested in understanding consumers’ choices. Furthermore, despite the growing interest in the RRM in other disciplines, relatively little is known about the potential drivers for the decision rules of utility-maximization and regret-minimization. In this research, we attempt to shed light on a potential consumer-specific driver for decision rules between random utility maximization and random regret minimization in discrete choice modeling to gain a better understanding of consumers’ decision process, while introducing the RRM in the marketing domain. Specifically, we investigate what types of consumers are more likely to be regret-minimizers or utility-maximizers based on regulatory focus theory. We posit that chronically prevention-focused consumers are more likely to be regret-minimizers while chronically promotion-focused consumers are more likely to be utility-maximizers. We employ a latent class modeling framework to incorporate structural heterogeneity of decision rules to test the hypotheses using a discrete choice experiment on US residents. Notably, while the hypotheses are supported, a portion of prevention-focused consumers are in fact more likely to be utility-maximizers rather than regret-minimizers, indicating that the consumers’ regulatory focus is not entirely mapped with the decision rules on a one-to-one basis. The empirical finding further suggests that consumer-specific variables other than consumers’ chronic regulatory focus may be useful for identifying a regret-minimizing segment.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 의사결정 전에 행복을 느끼는 소비자와 슬픔을 느끼는 소비자 간에 자기타당화 정도의 차이와 규제초점의 차이 그리고 자기타당화 정도의 차이가 규제초점과 정보왜곡에 미치는 영향을 탐색하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 사전에 행복을 느낀 소비자는 사전에 슬픔을 느낀 소비자보다 자기타당화 정도가 크고, 촉진초점을 강하게 갖는다. 둘째, 사전에 느낀 슬픔감정과 비교하여 사전에 느낀 행복감정이 자기타당화를 매개로 촉진초점에 부분적으로 정적인 영향을 미치고, 자기타당화를 매개로 정보왜곡에 완전히 정적인 영향을 미친다. 본 연구는 현재의 의사결정시점 이전에 느낀 행복감정과 슬픔감정 간에 촉진초점 정도와 자기타당화 정도의 차이, 자기타당화의 정보왜곡 효과를 탐색하여 이론적으로 기여하고 있다. 이에 따라 마케팅 관리자는 소비자의 자사의 제품에 대한 사고 확신성을 높여 소비자의 자기타당화를 촉진하고, 또 촉진초점을 유도하기 위해 사전에 소비자가 행복감정을 느끼도록 해야 함을 관리적 시사점으로 제시하였다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국의 현행 규제영향분석과정이 기술규제의 중요한 특성들을 반영 하는가를 확인하기 위해 기술규제영향평가 차원에서 규제영향분석의 적절성을 검토하고자 하였다. 기술규제에 대한 분석 틀을 도출하고 이를 이용하여 정부부처가 제출한 규제영향분 석서의 적절성에 대한 분석⋅평가를 수행하였다. 분석결과, [규제의 기술적 타당성], [국내 기 술규범 부합성], [국제 기술규범 부합성], [적합성평가의 타당성]의 관점에서 각 부처가 현행 규제영향분석서에 기재한 사항을 객관적 사실, 대체분석 가능, 전문가적 판단가능 등을 고려 하여 “적절”하다고 판단된 경우는 23.4%에 불과하였고, 각 부처별로도 특별한 차별성은 없었다. 규제 속성에 따른 규제영향분석서의 적절성을 검토해 본 결과, 사회적 규제와 간접적 규제들의 속성을 갖고 있는 기술규제에 대한 규제영향분석서의 적절성이 다소 높았다. 종합하면 실질적 의미의 기술규제영향평가를 수행하기에 현재 우리나라 규제영향분석서 수준은 상 당히 미흡한 편으로 나타났다. 즉, 각 부처가 기술규제를 도입하면서, 해당 규제의 기술적 속성에 대한 이해가 완전하지 않은 것일 수 있다는 것이다. 과학기술적 근거를 제대로 반영하지 못한 규제영향분석서는 해당 기술규제에 대한 타당성을 과장하여 여타의 규제 대안에 대 한 진지한 검토를 저해하는 한편, 글로벌 경쟁체제에서 기업과 국민의 경쟁력 확보를 방해하는 심각한 문제를 초래할 수 있을 것이다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines consumer reaction to different luxury advertising information (promotion-focus vs. prevention-focus). Studies examine the relationship between consumers’ face concern and individual regulatory focus, and explore the relationship between face concern and luxury advertising type with a 2 (face concerns) × 2 (advertising information) experiment design.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to identify the effects of fashion brand extensions types, preannouncing and consumers' regulatory focus on preference towards extension products. To that end, the study used a 2 (fashion brand extension types: similar vs. non-similar) × 2 (preannouncing: near preannouncing vs. far preannouncing) × 2 (regulatory focus: promotion focus vs. prevention focus) three mixed elements. The subjects of the study were 280 men and women in their 20~40s living in Seoul and Chungnam province and total of 229 data were analyzed. Data were analysed with SPSS 19.0 program and three-way ANOVA, simple interaction effects and simple main effects analysis were conducted. The results of this study are as follows: First there were significant differences in preference based on fashion brand extension types and preannouncing. Second, there were significant interaction effects in preference between extension types of fashion brand and regulatory focus. But there was no difference in preference toward extension products according to types of preannouncing and regulatory focus. Lastly, fashion brand extension types, preannouncing and regulatory focus showed significant interaction effects on preference. Thus even in cases of non-similar brand extensions which carry more risk of failing, the appropriate marketing communication strategies such as preannouncing will result in brand preference. Also marketing activities should be comprehensive and strategical based on consumers’ tendencies in order to derive positive evaluations.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        손실회피에 대한 연구는 많은 진보가 있었다. 특히 Brenner et al. (2007)은 소유손실회피 (possession loss aversion: PLA)와 유인가손실회피 (valence loss aversion: VLA)의 상황을 구분하면서 현금과 현물 (돈, 부동산)에 대한 손실 (PLA)과 잠재적으로 획득할 가치 (해외연수, 쿠폰)에 대한 손실 (VLA)에 대한 사람들의 반응이 어떻게 다른지 관 찰하였다. 그러나 일상생활에서 소유와 유인가의 득과 실이 명확하게 구분되는 경우는 드물고, 대부분 소유와 유인가의 득과 실 사이에 일장일단이 있어, 결국 사람들이 평소 가지고 있는 사고방식이나 주의의 초점이 의사결 정에 반영되는 경우가 더 많다. 따라서 본 연구는 사람들이 평소 어디에 주의를 기울이는지에 따라 손실회피의 반응이 어떻게 달라지는지 살펴보고자 했다. 구체적으로 자기초점을 촉진초점 또는 예방초점으로 점화한 후, 이 직결정상황에서 소유와 유인가의 득실이 경쟁 (연봉증가 해외연수기간감소: P+V-, 연봉감소 해외연수기간 증가: P-V+)할 때, 이직할 것인지 여부를 결정하는 과제를 수행하였다. 결과적으로 촉진초점의 경우 소유인지 유인가 인지에 관계없이 잠정적으로 얻게 될 이익 (+)에 주의를 기울인 결과 이직하겠다는 응답이 증가한 반면, 예방초 점의 경우 잠정적으로 감수할 손실 (-)에 주의를 기울인 결과 현재 회사에 머물겠다는 응답이 증가하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 소비자 및 광고심리와 마케팅분야에 폭넓은 시사점을 가진다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research employs two studies to examine the effects of individuals’ (promotion versus prevention) regulatory focus on a variety of environmentally responsible reactions. Results of Study 1 revealed a significant positive correlation between chronic promotion focus and general environmental concern but no significant correlation between chronic prevention focus and environmental concern. Study 2 examined the relationships between an individual’s regulatory focus, both measured and primed, and environmental concern, attitudes toward and intentions to perform environmentally responsible behaviors, and affect toward self and others who did or did not engage in environmentally responsible behaviors. The influence of regulatory fit (i.e., promotion focus & recycle message; prevention focus & reduce message) on these same variables was also investigated. Results showed that participants’ general environmental concern, attitudes toward and intentions to act on specific conservation messaging, and positive emotions toward themselves and others that do respond favorably to the messages intensified as their chronic promotion focus rose. A positive relationship between chronic promotion focus and negative emotions directed at others that do not make an effort to do what the conservation message advocates was also evident. In addition, general environmental concern fully mediated the effect of chronic promotion focus on positive emotions as a result of others’ environmentally responsible actions. Partial mediation via environmental concern also takes place on intentions to follow the message advice and positive emotions directed toward oneself on doing so. Chronic prevention focus was not significantly related with general environmental concern, attitudes toward or intentions to engage in the recommended conservation behavior. As participants’ chronic prevention focus rose however, their negative emotions as a result of they themselves as well as others not following this advice increased. Study 2 also revealed that priming a promotion focus strengthened environmentally responsible attitudes and intentions, and positive emotions toward others that behaved responsibly. Results also showed that a promotion prime also triggered greater negative emotions directed at others that did not behave responsibly. Conversely, a prevention focus prime did not significantly alter attitudes or intentions to do as the conservation message advocated. Further testing revealed greater positive affect toward others’ environmental responsibility as a result of prevention priming. No fit effects between chronic or primed regulatory (promotion or prevention) focus and conservation messages (framed as recycle, reduce, or recycle and reduce) were found in this study however. This lack of effects may have been due to the majority of participants inferring that the conservation messages contained both recycle and reduce components regardless of the type of message they viewed. This work has extended our understanding of Regulatory Focus Theory by demonstrating the relationship of promotion focus to environmental concern and its influence on environmental attitudes and intentions. Our results suggest that environmentally responsible attitudes and intentions may be encouraged by fostering the adoption of a promotion focus. Our results further suggest that fostering a promotion focus may yield both positive affect for self and others who do behave in an environmentally responsible manner and negative affect for self and others who do not behave in an environmentally responsible manner.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - Consumer behaviors or decision-making process has been changing recently as the consumer environment, including mobile everyday life, has changed. In view of this changing consumer smart environment, this study aims to investigate structural relation about the influence omni-channel propensity and regulatory focus on consideration set formation. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to proceed with this study, we review previous studies and setting hypotheses. The hypothesis was verified through a survey that was conducted for university students with experience in purchasing in less than three months. With reference to previous studies, operational definition was made for the questionnaire design. From 2018 Nov. to 2019 Feb. Survey was conducted on the panel consumers who purchase item within that period. 315 collected survey data were used to verify hypotheses except the data that had incorrect values. This data were used for SPSS/AMOS for confirm hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The results of this study are as follows. First, Consumers were considering a more heterogeneous alternatives if they were more omni-channel propensity in the process of forming consideration set. Second, Consumers were more conscious of the price if they were more omni-channel propensity Third, Consumers were considering a more newness alternatives if they were more omni-channel propensity in the process of forming consideration set. Meanwhile, The results of the study on regulatory focus and consideration set relationships are as follows. Consumers were considering a more heterogeneous alternatives if they were more promotion focus tendency in the process of forming consideration set. Second, Prevention focus tendency were more conscious of the price in the process of considering alternatives. Third, Consumers were considering a more newness alternatives if they were more promotion focus tendency. Conclusions - Depending on the changing consumer environment, the omni-channel propensity was shown to influence the formation of the consideration set. Also, Regulatory focus of consumers significantly influence to formation of consideration set. this study also contributes to the development of the theory as well as the practical approach with understanding consumer decision process on smart(mobile) environment.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        연구는 자기조절 초점에 따른 목표추구 행동의 차이를 알아보고자 하는 것이다. 자기조절 초점은 Higgins(1998)가 제시한 증진초점(promotion focus)과 예방초점(prevention focus)을 사용하였으며, 목표추구행동은 Bagozzi, Baumgartner, Pieters(1998)의 목표지향적 정서(goal-directed emotion) 모델을 설정하였다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 고등학교 운동선수를 모집단으로 하여 총 15개의 운동 종목 총 455명을 표집하였다. 본 연구의 조사도구는 자기조절 초점 척도와 목표지향적 정서 척도를 사용하였으며, Higgins(1998)와 Bagozzi 등(1998)이 사용했던 것을 본 연구의 목적에 맞게 수정 및 보완하여 사용하였다. 연구 절차는 먼저 측정 도구를 개발하였고, 그 후 시합이 있기 2~3주전에 자기조절 초점 척도와 목표 확립, 기대 정서, 의지 과정의 목표지향적 정서를 측정하였으며, 시합이 끝난 1주 이내에 도구 행동, 목표 획득, 목표-결과 정서의 목표지향적 정서를 측정하였다. 자료분석은 상관관계분석과 독립 표본 t검증을 실시하였다. 자기조절 초점을 두 집단으로 구분하고, 이에 따른 목표지향적 정서의 평균 차이를 검증한 결과, 쾌의 기대 정서와 의지 과정에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 또한 불쾌의 기대 정서와 목표 달성을 제외한 모든 차원에서 증진 초점이 예방 초점보다 높은 평균값을 나타냈다. 이 결과는 Higgins(1998)의 예언과 일치하는 것이다. 그리고 자기조절 초점에 따른 목표-결과 정서간의 평균 차이 검증에서는 예방 초점이 목표 달성을 실패했을 때 나타나는 초조 정서에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 그러나 평균값에서는 예방 초점이 증진 초점보다 모든 차원에서 높은 수치를 나타냈다. 이 결과에 대해 한국의 운동 선수들이 예방 초점과 증진 초점간에 상대적으로 강하거나 약한 측면에서 논의하였다.