
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 127

        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Drawing on the Stereotype Content Model, we examine how CSR impacts brand stereotypes and, in turn, drives consumers’ behavioral intentions towards the stereotyped brand. We do so in the context of (a) varying combinations of brands’ warmth and competence and (b) varying types of CSR activities (i.e. environmental and social).
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As economic profits and social influences of firms grow with economic development and their organizational expansion, consumers increasingly require firms to have their social responsibility. Because social responsibility strongly influences corporate reliability, consumers’ intention to purchase, customer loyalty to the products and the recognition of an ethical firm have gained attention as a concept of strategical importance. The prosperity of society should be proceeded for the sustainable development of a firm and the necessity of social responsibility should be emphasized to achieve virtuous circle structure that promotes growth. Additionally, the social responsibility should be proceeded to form trust on a firm. It is very important to change the recognition of consumers to purchase products and increase the profit of a company. This study aims to analyze how social responsibility properties of firms (economic, ethical, discretionary, and legal aspects as low-level factors of social responsibility which Carroll (1979) defined) affect corporate reliability and purchase intention. The analysis found that consumers trust in firms are positively influenced by ethical responsibility (0.391), economic responsibility (0.293), legal responsibility (0.251), and discretionary responsibility (0.248). The relationship between sub-factor of social responsibility and purchase intention is not significantly influenced by other explanatory variables. Corporate trust exerts a direct influence on purchase Intention (0.456). The social responsibility of a firm didn't influence a direct purchase intention. It was found that it brought positive effect on the purchase intention in the course of forming trust. This study suggests that firms should make efforts to understand the relationship between corporate trust and purchase intention along with the characteristics of social responsibility that consumers recognize and improve management strategies for mutual complementary interests.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 2011년 리비아 사태를 보호책임의 이행체제에 적용하여 실 제 과정을 검토하고 이행결과에 대한 요인을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 실제 사례의 이행결과를 통해 보호책임 규범의 향후 지속가능 성에 대해 평가하고자 한다. 이를 위해 보호책임의 개념과 이행체제에 관한 이론적 검토를 거친 후, 리비아 사태에서 보호책임 규범의 이행체 제가 어떻게 적용되었는지를 살펴볼 것이다. 구체적으로 리비아 사태에 서 각 이행주체들의 보호책임 이행과정을 예방책임, 대응책임, 재건책임의 단계별로 살펴보고, 그 결과에 대한 요인을 분석할 것이다. 마지막으로 이상의 분석을 통해 리비아 사태에서의 보호책임 이행에 대해 평가할 것이다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기업의 사회적 책임 활동은 일반적으로 재무성과 향상, 정부 및 지역사회와의 원활한 관계 형성, 브랜 드 가치 증가, 소비자 충성도 향상 등을 가져오는 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근에는 다국적기업의 자회사가 현지국가에서 벌이는 사회적 책임 활동 관련 연구가 주목받고 있다. 현지국의 정부, 사회, 고객과 원활한 관계 구축이 필수적인 다국적기업의 자회사는 위와 같은 효과를 목적으로 현지에서의 사회적 책임 활동을 전개할 유인이 크다. 다만 자회사의 사회적 책임 활동이 전략적 차원에서 이루어지는 만큼 이는 기업의 해외 진출 전략에 영향을 받을 것으로 예상할 수 있다. 즉 다국적기업 자회사의 현지시장지향성은 현지에서의 사회적 책임 활동에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상된다. 또한 본국과 현지국 간의 제도적 거리가 멀수록 외국인 비용 감소 동인이 커질 것이므로, 현지 사회적 책임 활동 수준은 높아질 것이다. 본 연구에서는 다국적기업 자회사의 현지시장지향성에 따라 사회적 책임 활동 수준이 어떻게 달라지는지, 또한 다국적기업 자회사의 전략적 의사결정에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 제도적 거리가 현지시장지향성과 사회적 책임 활동 간의 관계에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 국내 도·소매업에 진출한 다국적기업 자회사를 대상으로 실증분석하였다. 2006년에서 2016년까지 193개 기업의 1,239개 관측치를 분석한 결과, 현지시장 지향성(한국어 홈페이지)이 현지 사회적 책임 활동과 정(+)의 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 본국 과 현지국 간의 제도적 거리는 현지 사회적 책임 활동에 정(+)의 영향을 미치며, 광고집중도와 현지 사회적 책임 활동 간의 관계에 대하여 정(+)의 조절효과를 가지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 다국적기업 자회사의 현지시장지향성과 현지 사회적 책임 활동 간의 관계를 실증적으로 규명함으로써 다국적기업의 현지 사회적 책임 활동에 대한 이해를 넓힐 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        그동안 해양안전심판원에서는 비록 유효한 해기사 면허를 소지하였다고 할 지라도 「선원법」에따라 “승선공인을 받지 않은 어선 등의 선장은 해당 선박 직원의 직무를 수행하여서는 아니 된다”는 태도를 견지해 왔다. 따라서 해양안직무를 수행하던 자를 “무자격 선원”으로 보고 “사고 당시 이 선박은 무자격자에 의해 운항되었다”고 판단하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 선장 직무를 수행하던 자가 소지한 해기사 면허에 대하여 업무정지 등의 행정처분을 한 경우와 해기사 면허에 대한 행정처분을 하지 않고 단지 개선을 권고하는 재결을 한 경우로 나누어져 문제가 되었다. 특히 승선공인은 받지 않았으나 해양사고관련자가 소형선박 조종사 면허를 행사하여 소형선박 선장의 직무를 수행하던 중 항해과실로 해양사고를 야기한 경우, 해양사고관련자가 가진 6급 항해사 면허에도 행정 처분을 한 사례가 있어 논란을 일으켰다. 이러한 복수의 면허에 대한 행정처분은 그 필요성이 인정되기도 하나 법률적 근거가 없으므로 이에 대한 대책이 필요하다. 또한 관련 규정들과 법원의 태도 등을 고려할 때 비록 승선공인이 이루어지지 않았더라도 그가 유효한 면허를 소지하고 실질적으로 선장의 직무를 수행하고 있었다면 선장으로서의 지위를 인정하고, 그 책임을 물어 해당 면허에 대한 행정처분을 내리는 것이 타당할 것으로 보인다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018년 고령사회로 진입한 한국은 65세 이상 노인인구 중 10%가 치매노인이다. 이런 상황 하에서 문재인 정부는 2017년에 치매국가책임제도를 공식적으로 천명하였다. 본 연구는 고령사회를 맞아 나날이 증가하는 치매노인의 문제를 정부가 시의적절하게 제도화 했다는 입장이다. 이런 관점에서 본 연구는 치매국가책임제도의 지속가능성을 위해 현 제도의 도입과정과 쟁점들을 고찰하였다. 본 연구는 문헌연구를 연구방법론으로 채택하였다. 치매국가책임제도와 관련이 있는 법령, 문헌, 선행 연구 등을 검토하고 분석하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 크게 세 가지다. 첫째, 치매국가책임제도의 도입과정을 고찰하고 문제점으로 대두된 부분들에 대한 쟁점을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 치매국가책임제도에 대한 후속 논의를 촉발하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 본다. 둘째, 치매국가책임제도의 전제라 할 수 있는 돌봄 담론을 바탕으로 법과 제도 등을 종합적으로 검토하였다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        지금까지 국내의 살충제 등록 및 관리는 농촌진흥청과 식품의약품안전처에 의해 이루어져 왔다. 농업해충을 방제하는 목적인 농약에 대해서는 농촌진흥청에 각 농약의 이화학적 분석자료, 약효 및 약해 시험성적서, 인축독성 시험성적서, 환경생물독성 시험성적서 및 잔류성 시험성적서 등을 구비하여 신청하며, 농촌진흥청에 등록된 농약은 농업해충의 방제를 비롯하여 검역해충(농림축산검역본부 관할) 및 산림해충(산림청 관할)의 관리 및 방제에도 사용된다. 이에 반하여, 기존 식품의약품안전처에서 ‘의약외품’이라는 명칭으로 등록 및 허가를 담당해오던 가정용 살충제(정식 명칭: 구제·방지·유인살충제) 및 방역용 살충제(정식 명칭: 감염병예방용 살충제)는 2019년 1월 기준으로 ‘살생물제’ 라는 명칭으로 환경부로 관리주체가 이관되게 되었으며, 향후 살생물제 물질 및 제품의 허가는 국립환경과학원을 통해 이루어지는 것으로 변경되었다. 관리주체 이관 및 관련법 변경과 관련한 많은 변화가 이루어졌고, 향후 더 많은 변화가 이루어 질 것으로 예상된다. 예를 들어, 기존 의약외품에서는 모기, 바퀴, 진드기, 벼룩 등 질병을 매개하는 위생해충만을 방제의 대상으로 지정하였으나, 살생물제는 가옥 또는 구조물 내 서식하는 모든 곤충 및 절지동물을 방제하는 화학제품은 살생물제로 보고 있으며, 이로 인해 기존 공산품으로 판매되며 법적인 기준이 없었던 좀벌레 방제제, 쌀벌레 방제제 및 날벌레 방제제 등의 판매를 위해서는 향후 살생물제 등록을 거쳐야만 하는 것으로 규정의 변화가 이루어지게 되었다. 이들 신규 살생물제 포함군에 대한 효력시험법 개발 등이 필요한 상황이며, 관련한 제품개발 연구인력, 허가 관련 행정인력, 사육 및 평가 전문가 등 다양한 분야의 신규 인력이 필요한 상황이다. 이러한 변화를 맞이하는 시점에서, 살충제에 대한 연구 및 규정 마련을 위해 해당학회 회원들의 역할과 책임에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 복음전도와 사회적 책임에 관한 신학적인 유산과 그 내용에 대해 고찰하고 있다. 예수께서 그러하셨듯이 위대한 신앙의 거장들은 복음전도와 사회적 책임을 구분하지 않고 함께 실천하며 세상의 온전한 구원을 위하여 노력하였다. 특별히 웨슬리는 기독교 공동체의 가장 큰 사명이 복음전도라고 생각하였으나, 동시에 기독교가 본질적으로 사회적인 종교라고 이해하였다. 이러한 웨슬리의 이해는 창조와 선행은총, 칭의와 중생, 성결과 회복 등 구원과 연관된 중요한 신학적인 주제 안에서 체계화 되었고, 온전한 구원을 이루기 위해 개인을 구원하는 일뿐만 아니라 사회적 책임을 실천하는 일에도 최선을 다하는 것으로 나타났다. 1974년 로잔 선언은 이러한 전도와 사회적 책임에 대한 관계를 재정립하며 복음전도와 함께 사회적 책임을 다할 것을 촉구하고 있다. 따라서 오늘날 한국 교회가 개인의 구원과 사회적 책임을 균형 있게 실천할 수 있도록 신학적인 체계를 세우고 구조적인 변화를 이루어 나갈 수 있다면, 한국교회를 갱신할 수 있는 큰 동력이 여기서부터 나올 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Portuguese tourism sector has grown steadily in recent years and will continue to generate a series of opportunities and challenges for which answers will be needed to ensure a structured growth path for the sector. Research on CSR in tourism is still sparse (Dwyer and Sheldon, 2007). In an attempt to address this issue, this study analyses whether the CSR consumer perceptions and consumer engagement are significant variables supporting the success of a long-term relationship in the tourism sector as a brand love. Knowing the role of the perceived community, environmental and consumer’s aspects of CRS image, the levels of personal involvement in tourism play an important role in the relationship between the social concerns of tourists, their responsible behaviour and the relationship that they establish with the place. A quantitative methodology was employed for this research. It was used a survey to measure relationships between constructs on a theoretical model. The questionnaires were administered to tourists (nationals and internationals) in the main tourist’s points in the Porto city during the month of October 2017. A sample of tourists produced 958 useable questionnaires. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using maximum likelihood estimation and bootstrapping method was conducted to test the validity of the model and the formulated hypotheses. The results obtained in the estimation of the proposed conceptual model show that in respect to the corporate social responsibility image all the variables considered to explain that image are statistically significant. The tourists CSR image of the city of Porto leads to an increase of brand love and the consumer engagement with the city of Porto leads to an increase of brand love too. This is the first time that this evaluation has been carried out for the Porto city and it proves to be necessary information for the various stakeholders who work in the sector, including local organizations, companies and industry leaders, among others.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is viewed as an internal marketing strategy (Bhattacharya, Sen, & Korschun, 2007; Shabnam, & Sarker, 2012). Research indicate that CSR implementation has a positive impact on employees, and enhance working satisfaction, corporate identity and organizational commitment (Koh and El’fred, 2001;Valentine et al., 2006; Martinez & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Lee, Song, Lee, Lee, & Bernhard, 2013). However, some studies suggest that CSR will not directly influence employee, related mediating factors and moderating factors need to be more discussed. The study apply regulatory focus theory as a framework for explaining moderator effect of promotion and prevention focus on employee perceived CSR and working satisfaction, organizational identity and trust. Promotion focus means that employees consider CSR promoting a better society and environment, and prevention focus represent CSR is for preventing falling behind industry, and public criticism. A questionnaire survey was employed in hospitality industry, questionnaire is design based on related literature (VandeWalle, 1997; Higgins et. al., 2001; Craig et.al., 2009; Huimin, & Ryan, 2011; Martínez, Pérez, & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Paek, Xiao, Lee & Song, 2013; Fu, Ye & Law, 2014). And five subscales are contained in the questionnaire, including perceived CSR、regulatory focus、 working satisfaction 、organizational commitment and organizational trust. To analyse the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted in September 2017. 120 questionnaires were collected, 105 valid questionnaires were subjected to a preliminary analysis, the official investigation was conducted during January and February in 2017. 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 389 valid questionnaires were collected, a recovery rate of 86.4%. A significant partial correlation was found between perceived CSR and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.31, p<.000)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.22,p<.000) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.27, p<.000). Hierarchical regression analysis was further used to estimate moderation effect of regulatory focus, the study find that moderation effect on the relationship between CSR and and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.02, p<.01)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.06, p<.01) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.06, p<.01). The research finding shows that working satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust are more influenced by the organization's CSR implementation while employees have positive interpretation and recognition of CSR. Therefore, the organization should fully communicate about the purpose and value of CSR, so that employees can identify with and support the organization's CSR, and then CSR can achieve the function of internal marketing. If employees think that the organization's implementation of CSR is only an obligation or only satisfies the social perception, there may be less positive impact of CSR on employees. Regulatory focus theory is suggested to apply on future consumer study.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the last decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about social and environmental issues (Cone, 2009; Kleanthous, 2011) and “want the brands they use to reflect their concerns and aspirations for a better world” (Bendell and Kleanthous, 2007, p. 5). Ethical and environmental consumerism has become a mainstream phenomenon in contemporary consumer culture (Doane, 2001; Low and Davenport, 2007) and consumers either reward or punish companies that stress or ignore the importance of social and environmental excellence (Grail Research, 2010). From a firm perspective, investing in activities promoting sustainable development is increasingly recognized as an important source of competitive advantage (Porter and Kramer, 2006) and demonstrates a differentiator in most of the industries. According to a study conducted by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture nearly 97% of the participating CEOs see sustainability as important to their company’s future success (UN and Accenture, 2016). The main reason and motivation to take action in sustainability issues is not the potential for revenue growth and cost reduction but rather the enhanced performance of the brand, trust and reputation (Lacy et al., 2010). Hence, financial rewards seem not to be the prioritized key driver for sustainability-oriented actions, since most companies are not able to explicitly quantify the benefits of their activity (UN and Accenture, 2016). But even though ethical and environmental issues have become an essential component for the evaluation and selection of brands and potential consumers may care about ethical issues, they are unlikely to compromise on traditional product attributes, such as value, quality, price, and performance (Chen and Chang, 2012). Accordingly, examining the influence of a brands sustainability orientation - as perceived by consumers - on brand related factors such as brand reputation and perceived brand value is of special importance for marketing research and practice. For that reason, the present paper examines the effect of brand sustainability on brand reputation and customer perceived value of a brand. Therefore, a measurement instrument was developed, that considers implicit and explicit pathways of human information processing and thus combines conscious and unconscious evaluations of a brands sustainability. Finally, the transfer from a positive customer evaluation to brand performance in terms of brand-related perception and brand-related behavior is examined.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Responsible customers are becoming increasingly important and the influence of online user-generated content on consumer behavior has been extensively recognized. As a result of these two trends, social media sites are adopting new initiatives on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In the context of tourism destinations, this paper analyses the effects of online comments made by visitors to two mountain resorts about three CSR dimensions: environmental (ENV), sociocultural (SOC) and economic (ECO). Our aim is to analyze the consistency of the effects of eWOM about a single CSR dimension (ENV, SOC, ECO), two CSR dimensions (ENV+ECO, ENV+SOC, ECO+SOC) or three CSR dimensions (ENV+ECO+SOC), in the impact of CSR dimensions on information adoption. Information adoption refers to eWOM perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived influence (PI). PU refers to what extent the information in the eWOM is useful and, in turn, tourists are more likely to adopt it. PI means to what extent consumers’ perceptions of eWOM affects decision-making processes. From an information processing point of view, it is important to analyze whether individuals maintain consistency in their preference for CSR dimensions. Transitivity has been used to measure consistency in product, so it could be applied to measure the consistency of the preference for CSR dimensions, presented singly or combined, on social media sites. Transitivity implies that consumers have a welldefined hierarchy of influence. If there is transitivity, it is expected that, given a set of CSR stimuli, its influence on PU and PI will be consistent. Thus, if the influence of dimension D1 is greater than that of dimension D2 and this, in turn, has greater influence than dimension D3, then D1 must have greater influence than D3. Consequently, we propose the following hypotheses: H1: The hierarchy of influence of online comments on (a) PU and on (b) PI is the same if the comment is about a single CSR dimension or two CSR dimensions. H2: The hierarchy of influence of online comments on (a) PU and on (b) PI is the same if the comment is about a single CSR dimension or three CSR dimensions. H3: The hierarchy of influence of online comments on (a) PU and on (b) PI is the same if the comments are about two CSR dimensions or three CSR dimensions. A within-subjects and between-subjects experiment was carried out to a sample of 612 tourists from Argentina and Spain. Participants were exposed to one of seven scenarios linked to a mountain tourism destination. Each scenario contained one, two or three online reviews related to CSR dimensions. The online comments resembled a typical TripAdvisor layout and were embedded in an online survey, which also contained measures of PU and PI. Our findings suggest that, of the reviews, environmental are the most useful and influential, followed by sociocultural. This hierarchical pattern is consistent when tourists are exposed to online comments about two or more dimensions, but not when comparisons are done between individual dimensions. Our findings suggest that consistency of the consumer's preference for CSR dimensions should be managed in analyzing multiple stimuli on social media sites.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The traditional approaches on corporate social responsibility communication are revealing to be unable of raising awareness and increasing stakeholders’ empowerment, often failing to improve positive relationships with consumers. In this study, the digitally co-created CSR activities will be explored using a more general approach, which will also take into consideration these philanthropic activities, i.e. the activities where companies invite stakeholders to participate in the resolution of a social issue but without asking them to buy the brand’s products. Moreover, in the present study, interactivity and freedom of cause' choices are both believed to be two mechanisms that play a key role in generating more empowered stakeholders, with increased propensity for participating in co-created CSR initiatives. Therefore, it is important to analyse digitally co-created CSR activities since it may represent a major opportunity for organizations to add value and meaning to stakeholders (and even for society at large), where the two parties work together to solve a social issue. Theoretical development The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 1999) defined Corporate Social Responsibility as the “continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.” Although previous findings regarding the financial implications of CSR might have been ambiguous, there is an increasingly acceptance about the positive outcomes these activities have in building brand equity, brand image (Esmaeilpour & Barjoei, 2016), in improving reputation, trust and loyalty among consumers (Stanaland et al., 2011) and in the willingness consumers have to purchase and possibly even paying higher prices for products of firms with more CSR engagement (Servaes & Tamayo, 2013). Additionally, with consumers’ and other stakeholders’ (e.g., employees, channel partners, regulators) increasing expectations that organizations should behave in socially responsible ways (Mishra & Modi, 2016), CSR has become an integral part of business practice over the last years, with many firms dedicating a section of their annual reports and corporate websites to CSR activities (Servaes & Tamayo, 2013). Arrillaga-Andreessen (2016) notes that the new generations seem to have social consciousness embedded in their DNA. They are united in wanting to do more than acquire material riches and measure success by their ability to transform the lives of others. Their question is not “What do I want to be when I grow up?” but “How will the world be different because I lived in it?”. In Euromonitor’s Top 10 Global Consumer Trends for 2015, Consumer Trends Consultant Daphne Kasriel-Alexander states that consumption is increasingly being driven by the heart: consumers are making choices defined by their positive impact on the world and community. Despite the strong interest in CSR activities, particularly in its outcomes, in firms’ value and branding, there is yet little research and empirical studies regarding the effects of these activities in a social media context. This exploratory research aims to fill this gap, by focusing on the branding outcomes a CSR activity can generate while communicated in Social Networking Sites (SNS) and using participatory approaches. Some researchers already found it questionable how stakeholder dialogue and engagement through corporate websites and CSR reports are accomplished and if they necessarily lead to greater stakeholder participation (Chaudhri, 2016). Thus, one of the research objectives is to examine if using a participatory CSR activity in social media rather than (or, at least, combined with) the traditional approach of communicating CSR performance on firms´ annual reports can generate greater outcomes for brands, especially by testing if these activities can raise awareness, increase participation and empowerment levels. Some authors (Du et al., 2010) found two key challenges regarding CSR communication: the first one is the need for higher levels of awareness, as several researchers already found that a company can only benefit, enhance critical branding outcomes and even increase firm value through CSR activities if it has a high advertising intensity. These activities have low or negative impact on firm value for firms with low advertising intensity, sometimes with costs outweighing the benefits, as the lack of customer awareness about CSR activities represents a major limiting factor for their ability to respond to such activities (Servaes & Tamayo, 2013). Thus, Sen et al. (2006) argue that to reap the positive benefits of CSR, companies need to work harder at raising awareness levels. Although not every firm might experience high levels of awareness (since not every organization can support high advertisement intensity or already have strong branding), this research responds to the call for further research by “exploring channels available for dissemination of CSR activities” (Servaes & Tamayo, 2013:1059), in particular, the social media channels, and by providing new research on “the extent to which these new social and communicative arrangements are being realized by organizations and stakeholders and the attendant implications for CSR communication”, as it currently represents an “evolving area of investigation” (Chaudri, 2016, p.422). Therefore, once it is recommended that companies work on increasing CSR awareness levels, social media sites, such as Facebook, can be powerful channels not only due to its popularity and vast audience reach at a much lower cost, but also due to the opportunities consumers’ word-of-mouth can create (Du, Bhattacharya, & Sen., 2010). The second challenge is concerned with minimizing stakeholder scepticism. Stakeholders quickly become suspicious of the CSR motives when companies aggressively promote their CSR efforts (Du, Bhattacharya, & Sen, 2010). Communicating CSR is a very delicate matter. It requires a certain sensitivity and balance, where organizations face the paradox of demonstrating social responsibility without communicating it blatantly, and being simultaneously credible, informative, and engaging (Chaudri, 2016). There’s also no room for inconsistencies, as CSR is all about being selfless and charitable, the need for transparency and honesty is a must, since on one hand, these activities can have a backlash effect if stakeholders become suspicious and perceive predominantly extrinsic motives in companies’ social initiatives (i.e. when the company is seen as attempting to increase its profits) and, on the other hand, stronger attributions to genuine concern are likely to be associated with more positive reactions towards the company, both internally and behaviourally (Sen et al., 2006). Kesavan et al. (2013) also found that social media is increasingly perceived by consumers as a more trustworthy source of CSR information than traditional media tools (e.g., TV and advertising). Based on above argumentation we formulate: H1: Online co-created CSR activities have greater potential for raising awareness than the traditional communication channels. H2: Online participatory CSR activities can increase consumers’ empowerment levels. Research design Globally, the questionnaire is composed of 28 questions, separated into three sections. The first section is composed by 14 questions that measured social networking usage, current CSR awareness levels, general use of the traditional CSR communication channels, current level of control felt by respondents towards CSR activities, the empowerment felt after companies adding cause choice freedom and respondents’ attitudes towards the effectiveness and outcomes of participatory CSR initiatives. The second section of the questionnaire consists in 10 questions regarding a real CSR initiative, implemented in March 2016, by one of the biggest Portuguese retailers - Continente. After a brief contextualization, the questions measured activity recall rate, participation rate, reasons to (or not to) participate, WoM dissemination rate (or propensity), perception of brand image after the initiative and attitudes towards online co-created CSR initiatives (acceptance levels). The third and last section contained 4 questions regarding socio-demographic measures, namely: nationality, age, gender and educational level. The launch of the questionnaire comprises two stages: for the first stage, it is prepared a pre-test of the questionnaire, which was the pillar for the second and main stage: the online questionnaire. Pre-testing is a method to evaluate in advance if a questionnaire causes misunderstandings, ambiguities, or other difficulties with instrument items to respondents, helping researchers minimizing future errors. During the pre-test stage, a total of 10 people is selected to be monitored while responding to the first draft of the questionnaire. This stage provided important insights about each one of the questions previously elaborated, allowing for reviewing and refining them, as well as adding more questions that revealed to be relevant for the study. As for the second stage, the online questionnaire was launched in social networks - Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn - and in an international forum - Reddit, from 18th of June of 2017 to 01th of August of 2017. Results and conclusions Findings from 322 valid responses provide clear evidence that co-creating socially responsible activities in social media can indeed increase not only the awareness for such actions, but also increase empowerment, participation levels, positive word-of-mouth dissemination, and reinforce consumer-brand ties in the process. Currently, individuals feel very low control regarding the process and the outcomes of CSR initiatives, and that by providing interactivity experiences and adding freedom of cause choice, organizations can increase stakeholders’ empowerment levels, consequently enhancing participation, one of the dimensions of consumer engagement. Online users are starting to connect with their preferred brands in social media and are demanding interactive experiences. Although SNS presents many opportunities for brands to guarantee that they remain relevant to its consumers and other stakeholders, the findings imply that social media remains unexplored as a CSR communication channel by organizations. Considering that the traditional communicating channels used to inform shareholders about these initiatives have a very low adherence by the general public and that they are failing to provide more awareness to CSR activities, brand managers need to devise different strategies for the optimal communication of these initiatives in new channels, which have higher potential to result not only in improved attitudes and brand image, but also in the increased intent of stakeholders to commit personal resources (e.g., money, time, etc.) to the benefit of the company, in a near future. Even for the users who do not follow brands in their SNS, for example, companies can still use SNS tools such as targeted posts (i.e. promoted posts that appear in target users’ feed), to ensure that their awareness and relevance levels remains significant, especially when companies are seeking for users with specific interests.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The twenty-first century has been shaped by various catastrophes and scandals of companies which negatively influence the consumers’ perception of the firm. As a result, consumers nowadays are more skeptic and expect transparent information from companies such as details on product origin, labor standards and environmental aspects. Companies can profit from greater transparency on an organizational level through the improved interaction with their employees and business partners (Parris et al., 2016). Hultman and Axelsson (2007) propose that increased transparency by a company could have not only positive, but also negative results. Furthermore, consumers, too, are expected to participate in change towards more societal responsibility (Vitell, 2015). Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of a) relevant types of corporate transparency and b) potential consequences on consumer attitudes and behavior such as perceived credibility, skepticism and purchase intention that can lead to consumer responsibility. This research applied a mixed-methods design in the context of the fashion industry. The findings of Study 1 (in-depth interviews) indicate that the two most relevant types of corporate transparency are supply chain transparency and cost transparency. In Study 2 (scenario-based experiment), these two types of transparency were tested for their effects on credibility and skepticism. Building on Information Processing Theory of Consumer Choice, the experiment showed that corporate transparency has a positive influence on the perceived credibility of a company and thereby decreases consumer skepticism. In contrast, it doesn’t have an influence on the consumer’s felt responsibility. Moreover, corporate transparency has a positive influence on the consumer’s responsible purchase intention. It is important to note, though, that the two types of transparency do not yield different results. In other words, as long as a company provides more infor-mation than commonly expected, e.g. on the production sites or on labor costs, perceived credibility of the company and, thus, consumers’ purchase intentions can be increased.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study represents the first attempt to investigate how consumers expect sport management to respond to sport celebrity transgressions, while still protecting their corporate social responsibility. Consumer responses were resourced from online forum sites and the investigation noted that consumers expect sport management to respond to sport celebrity transgressions in several ways. Findings indicated that consumers noted specific sport celebrity transgression responses: 1) suspension; 2) apology; 3) fine; and 3) develop educational programmes for sport celebrities. Additionally, consumers indicated that these response strategies should be consistent and uniform through all types of sport.
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