
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this research is to verify the moderating effect of logistics information systems (LIS) on inter-organizational collaboration (IOC) and performance. To achieve this aim, this research s pulled out the definitions of the variables from prior research and looked at the relationships between them. The population is the Korean shipping and logistics firms in the Republic of Korea, and a survey was carried out by members of liners and international freight forwarders. The questionnaires responded to by members of the sample firms were used as data for the analysis of this research. The reliability and validity of the data were tested by a factor analysis and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. In addition, the hypotheses of this research haves been verified using a multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. LIS is confirmed as a factor in enhancing the relationship between IOC and performance. The firms perform IOC by LIS in supply chains and as a result, they can achieve high performance. This is explained by fit as moderation by Venkatraman (1989). In addition, the relationship between IOC and performance is explained by a resource-based view as is and the relationship between LIS and performance is also explained by a resource-based view. . Managers grasp customer needs and disseminate the needs to organizations using superior LIS, followed by high performance. Managers structure efficient supply chain processes through IOC between organizations and improve performance in the whole process through collaboration with the partners as well as departments. If managers want to achieve high performance through IOC, they should grasp their current level of LIS. This provides information; such as , what strategic decision making could improve their performance? The results of this research prove the moderating effect of LIS on IOC and performance and if managers focus on the moderating effect, they can improve performance.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 역량기반 인적자원관리와 역량개발 프로세스 및 인적자원관리 성과에 대한 기존의 연구와 실제 사례를 고찰한 후, 인적자원의 전략적 활용이 특히 중시되는 해운․항만 물류기업을 대상으로 이들의 관계를 실증분석하였다. 역량기반 인적자원관리 활동을 통해 조직내 인적자원관리 성과가 향상될 것이라는 관점에서 역량기반 인적자원관리와 인적자원관리 성과와의 관계를 규명하고, 이들의 관계에 대해 역량기반 인적자원관리 활동과의 전략적 연계의 정도를 나타내는 핵심역량
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 침체된 해운물류 산업의 대안으로 제시되고 있는 해운물류 플랫폼의 품질향상을 위한 요인을 도출하고 평가하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 선행연구 및 전문가 인터뷰를 통해 요인을 선정하고, 해운물류 플랫폼 사용 경험이 있는 선사, 포워더, 화주기업 및 플랫폼 사업자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 분석방법으로는 IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용하여 해운물류 플랫폼의 품질평가를 수행하였다. 연구결과, 사용자들이 중요하게 인식하고 있으나 만족도가 낮은 요인으로 “제공되는 서비스 경쟁력”, “타 운송수단과의 연결성”, “운임 경쟁력”, “운임 투명성”, “선복 제공의 안정성”이 도출되었다. 향후 해운물류 플랫폼이 활성화되기 위해선 이러한 요소들에 역량을 집중하여 우선적으로 개선이 필요하다. 본 연구는 해운물류 플랫폼의 구성기능을 제시하고 평가요인을 도출한 것에 학문적 시사점이 있다. 또 해운물류 플랫폼에 대한 사용자의 참여를 향상시키기 위한 방안을 제시한 것은 산업적 시사점이다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The presence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is omniscient, led by full force emergence of technologies that make biological, physical, and digital worlds borderless. All industries which jump on the bandwagon, can observe convergence and merging of bushiness happening within, between and across industries. As the shipping and port logistics industry is said to be in eye of this storm, the purpose of this study is to investigate the shipping and port logistics industry’s awareness regarding 4th IR, as well to identify necessary countermeasures in responding to progression of this trend. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology was then used to compare the importance of four phases of countermeasures, reviewed by experts in the field. Results showed that countermeasures should be first orchestrated to the ‘Merging and Integration of Inter-industry', then followed by ‘Preemptive Introduction of Advanced Technology', ‘Expansion of Intra-industry Businesses’, and eventually 'Automation, Unmanned Technology'. Last but not least, four phases of countermeasures which should be introduced and executed one phase after another, are outlined for the shipping and port logistics industry to boost its competitiveness in addressing this progressive trend.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 항만물류산업에 종사하는 조직 구성원들의 이직에 영향을 미치는 요인을 실태 조사하여 그 결과를 인사 관련 실무자들 이 현업에서 활용함으로 효율적인 인력관리가 이루어질 수 있도록 하는 것이 연구의제이다. 특히 중소항만물류기업에 업종과 직무에 따라 종 사하는 직원들의 이직원인을 조사함으로써 이직요인을 분석하여 이직을 결정하가는 요인들을 개선할 수 있는 직무환경을 조성하고 이직 방 지 대책을 실시함으로 잦은 이직을 방지하고 지속적인 근무가 가능할 수 있는 인적자원 관리기법의 개발과 발전방향을 제시하고자 하는 목적 을 두었다. 연구 결과, 항만물류기업에서 이직자가 가장 많이 발생한 부서는 현장직 부서로 20.43의 높은 평균값을 나타내었고, 이직자가 발생 한 항만물류기업의 인력 채용형태는 경력사원 채용이 64%, 신입사원 채용이 58%로 거의 비슷하게 나타났으며 정규직 채용을 선호하는 것으 로 조사되었다. 또한 가장 많이 시행하고 있는 이직방지 프로그램은 ‘임금수준 개선’으로 항만물류기업 중 응답 회사의 53.3%가 시행하고 있 었으며 이것을 통하여 항만물류기업들이 일반 기업들과 마찬가지로 장기적인 이직 방지프로그램의 시행보다는 단기적으로 대응하며 자기계 발 또는 근로자와 기업이 공동성장하기 위한 환경조성 프로그램 보다는 금전적인 보상에 치우치고 있음을 알 수 있다. 마지막으로 인사담당 자가 생각하는 이직 방지 프로그램의 효과정도는 임금 수준 개선이 5.86으로 가장 효과가 있을 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korea is worldwide top manufacturer of offshore plant industry, while shown weakness in high-valued offshore plant service industry (OPSI). The governmental support policies and studies for fostering programs are centered on shipbuilding and engineering sector. On the other hand, offshore logistics service sector among the programs is neither included as governmental fostering support sectors nor ever-studied. Domestic shipping and logistics companies have many experience of handling various project, heavy-lift cargo and even super blocks on shipbuilding industry. However they are faced with lack of appropriate heavy carrier and others. So for their successful entering into offshore plant logistics market, systematic preparation, studies and supporting policies are highly recommended.
        2005.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        연안해운과 관련한 최근 환경 변화는 남북해운합의서 발효에 따른 남북물류의 증대 가능성과 환황해권, 환동해권의 동북아 연안 부상 등을 언급할 수 있다. 그러니, 연안해운에 대한 국가 정책의 소외는 우리나라라 물류거점화 되는데 많은 문세점을 노출하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해소하고 외항과 연안간 균형발전을 도모하여 우리나라가 동북아 물류거점화 할 수 있는 방안을 크게 연계수송체제의 강화. 연안해운의 체질강화 및 정부의 체계적인 지원정책으로 구분, 제시하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 연구결과에 의하면, 첫째로, 연계수송체계를 강화하기 위해 거점항만내에 연안피더 전용선석의 구축으로 연안피더운송의 연계성 강화가 필요하며 둘째로, 언안부두에 화주즐 유인할 수 있는 공동장치장 및 하역설비를 대폭 보강하여 일괄 서비스체제의 확립, 노후 비경계선의 Ro-Ro 선 혹은 고속컨테이너선으로의 대체. 화물선에 대한 면세유 공급과 각종 세제의 실질적인 혜댁부여로 환경 친화적이며 균형있는 외항-연안 물류사슬체계(Logistics Chain System)를 갖추는 것이 필요한 것으로 나타나고 있다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The information technology(IT) development of telecommunication, along with the information analyzation over the world, enables the firms to process their inner and outer operations through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. And the concept of logistics has become more important to the enterprises in strategic sense because it had aggrandized itself to more comprehensive and integrative concept. Also the world shipping market is more competitive than any other market. In these environment, to maintain competitive power, shipping firms process operations by Logistics Information system(LIS), And then, reduce the working processes, working time and its costs. So the LIS has become more important in developing our national logistics system and industry. Therefore, this study purposes on empirically analyzing the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these factors with logistic performances in the shipping industry. Considering environments of Shipping logistics information system, this study sets up the research model and hypothesis to examine the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these factors with logistic performances. We used the field data on the 163 numbers of firms(29 overseas shipping companies and 133 forwarding Agency) to get the empirical evidence. According to the study results, The shipping LIS activation factors which the sample firms recognized as important: were top manager's support, well structured communication channel, strategic plan's connection and inner information analyzation level. And IS organization & human resources, IS discipline & training, software development, IS organizational alignment, database management system, information standardization, competitive advantage, financial support and government support represent partially significant. Also, the current shipping LIS's main problems are expensive system cost, standardization of working process's, institution's imperfection and system's interaction defect. So these problems must be improved to activate shipping LIS.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The information technology(IT) development of telecommunication, along with the information analyzation over the world, enables the firms to process their inner and outer operations through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. And the concept of logistics has become more important to the enterprises in strategic sense because it had aggrandized itself to more comprehensive and integrative concept. Also the world shipping market is more competitive than any other market. In these environment, to maintain competitive power, shipping firms process operations by Logistics Information system(LIS), And then, reduce the working processes, working time and its costs. So the LIS has become more important in developing our national logistics system and industry. Therefore, this study purposes on empirically analyzing the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these, factors with logistic performances in the shipping industry. Considering environments of Shipping logistics information system, this study sets up the research model and hypothesis to examine the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these factors with logistic performances. We used the field data on the 163 numbers of firms(29 overseas shipping companies and 133 forwarding Agency) to get the empirical evidence. According to the study results, The shipping LIS activation factors which the sample firms recognized as important: were top managers support, well structured communication channel, strategic plans connection and inner information analyzation level. And IS organization & human resources, IS discipline & training, software development, IS organizational alignment, database management system, information standardization, competitive advantage, financial support and government support represent partially significant. Also, the current shipping LISs main problems are expensive system cost, standardization of working processs, institutions imperfection and systems interaction defect. So these problems must be improved to activate shipping LIS.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The information technology(IT) development of telecommunication, along with the informationalization over the world, enables the firms to process their inner and outer operations through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. And the concept of logistics has become more important to the enterprises in strategic sense because it had aggrandized itself to more comprehensive and integrative concept. Also the world shipping market is more competitive than any other market. In these environment, to maintain competitve power, shipping firms process operations by Logistics Information system(LIS), And then, reduce the working processes, working time and its costs. So the LIS has become more important in developing our national logistics system and industry. Therefore, this study purposes on empirically analyzing the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these factors with logistic performances in the shipping industry. Considering environments of Shipping logistics information system, this study sets up the research model and hypothesis to examine the activation factors of shipping LIS and the relationship these factors with logistic performances. We used the field data on the 163 numbers of firms(29 overseas shipping companies and 133 forwarding Agency) to get the empirical evidence. According to the study results, The shipping LIS activation factors which the sample firms recognized as important: were top manager's support, well structured communication channel, strategic plan's connection and inner informationalization level. And IS organization & human resources, IS discipline & training, software development, IS organizational alignment, database management system, information standardization, competitive advantage, financial support and government support represent partially significant. Also, the current shipping LIS's main problems are expensive system cost, standardization of working process's, institution's imperfection and system's interaction defect. So these problems must be improved to activate shipping LIS.