
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to reduce the phenomenon of biased cultivation and to pursue the diversification of mushroom items. We focused on developing Sparassis latifolia varieties with a short cultivation period, stable pinheading, and a high yield. We have collected and determined the characteristics of genetic resources domestically and abroad since 2016. We bred the unique domestic variety, “Hanyeoul” and the results of this study are as follows. The optimal temperatures for mycelial growth and fruit body growth were 22~25oC and 19~21oC, respectively. The color of the pileus was pale-yellowish white, which was similar to the color of the control variety, “Neoul”. The number of days required for cultivation was 125 for bottle cultivation and 98~102 for bag cultivation, which was shorter than the number of days required for the control variety. Bottle cultivation took 39 days shorter for the new variety than the control variety. The fruiting body of the new variety was similar in size or larger than that of the control variety. The pinheading rate was more than 90% in bottle cultivation and bag cultivation, which was more stable than pinheading in the control variety. The yield was 79.1 g/bottle (1,100 cc) for bottle cultivation, which was 22.6% higher than the yield of the control variety, and 641.1~689.5 g/bag (2.6 kg) for bag cultivation, which 5.8~10.4% higher than yield of the control variety.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        발이가 안정적이고 다수성인 잎새버섯 신품종 『대박』의 주요특성은 다음과 같다. ‘대박’은 균사생장적온은 25℃로 ‘참’(대조품종)과 같았으며, 병재배 시 재배일수는 57일로 ‘참’에 비하여 2일이 짧았다. 발이율은 98.4%로 ‘참’에 비하여 24.8%p 높았으며, CV(변이계수)는 0.6%으로 ‘참’에 비하여 5.3%p 적었다. 갓색은 Hunter 색채값의 L값은 55.3으로 ‘참’에 비하여 3.6이 적어 갓색이 더 짙었으며, 갓두께는 1.73 mm으로 ‘참’에 비하여 0.53 mm 적었다. 자실체 직경은 132 mm로 ‘참’에 비하여 11 mm가 컸으며, 높이는 87.2 mm으로 ‘참’에 비하여 2.8 mm가 높았다. 1,100 ml 병당 자실체중량은 139 g으로 ‘참’에 비하여 28% 많았으며, CV는 2.5%로 ‘참’에 비하여 6.2%p가 적었다. 버섯재배농가의 일반적 1일 입병수 10,000병 기준으로 볼 때, 수량은 1,376 kg으로 ‘참’에 비하여 70% 높았으며, CV는 3.0%로 '참'에 비하여 11.5%p가 적었다. 물리성(강도 및 깨짐성)은 ‘참’에 비하여 낮았으며, 저장성은 판매가능기간으로 볼 때 4℃ 저장에서 42일로 ‘참’ 에 비하여 6일이 길었다.