
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999년 10월, 12월의 국립수산과학원 정선관측 자료를 이용하여 수온역전 현상이 성층변동에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 10월, 12월 모두 수심 25-75m 사이에서 수온역전현상이 빈번하게 발생하며, 12월에는 표층 부근에도 수온역전현상이 나타났다. 고온, 고염분수인 쓰시마난류의 수평 이류가 10월, 12월에 나타나는 수온역전현상의 주원인으로 작용하며, 12월에는 연안역에서 외양역으로 수송되는 차가운 표층수의 영향이 함께 작용한다. 10월에는 북풍이 지속적으로 불지만 남해연안수가 외해역으로 확장하는 현상이 뚜렷하지 않는 반면, 북서풍계열의 풍속이 강해지고 쓰시마난류의 세력이 약해지는 12월에는 남해연안수가 상층부를 통해 외해역으로 확장하면서 수온역전현상을 나타나게 한다. 10월과 12월 모두 수온역전현상이 발생하는 해역을 따라 성층의 변동폭이 크게 나타난다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 토지피복현황과 수림의 계층구조 등이 다양한 도시녹지를 대상으로 기온 및 급도에 미치는 영향물 점성 빛 정량적으로 파악하기 위해 녹지내의 기온 및 습도를 관측하였다. 그 데이터클 바탕으로 녹지내의 토지피복현황과 기온 및 습도분포, 녹지내의 수목그루와 녹적량및 습도와의 관련성을 회귀분석 둥에 의해 해석 하였다. 그 결과, 고온역은 인공구조물과 나지 주변에서, 저온역은 수림지와 수면 주변에서 형성되었다. 습도는 기온분포에 거의 대응하는 형태로 고온
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Dehisced ginseng seeds need to be stored at cold temperatures for around 3 months to break their physiological dormancy, and thus, to aid in gemination. In the presence of high moisture in such an environment, seed spoilage and pre-germination may lower seed quality and productivity. To improve seed quality during cold-stratification, the effects of seed dehydration and temperature were tested. Methods and Results: In early December, dehisced ginseng seeds were dehydrated at 4 different levels and stored at 2℃- 2℃, and –20℃ for 3 months. Germination was carried out on the filter papers moistened with distilled water; emergence of root, shoot, and seed spoilage were assessed. Seed viability was examined by the tetrazolium test. More than 90% of the seeds stored at 2℃ and –2 ℃ without drying or endocarp dehydration germinated, but seeds that were dehydrated to have a moisture content (MC) below 31% showed poor germination and lost their viability. In addition, the seeds stored at –20℃ failed to show effective germination. Conclusions: Seed storage after endocarp dehydration might help to improve seed quality and increase seedling's ability to stand during the spring-sowing of ginseng.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Upon harvest in the summer, seeds of Panax ginseng are unmatured and need further maturation, dehiscence and cold-stratification, for germination. For the cold-stratification, the seeds should be stored in the cold temperature for 90-100 days, however no further description about the storage condition have been described even though there have been many problems in emergence rate and quality of ginseng in the spring-sowed filed. Methods and Results : Thus here we tested 3 different storage temperature(2℃, -2℃, and – 20℃) in combination of 4 different seed water content(59%, 54%, 31%, and 7%) as cold-stratification condition. After 100 days of storage, seeds were placed on the filter paper after watering with distilled water in the petri dish and incubated at 10℃. Fifty percent of seeds stored at 2℃ with 59% water content had already germinated even in the storage room before germination test. Seeds with 59% and 54% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ germinated in a similar rate, but emergence of above ground part was higher in the seeds with 54% water content. Seeds with 31% and 7% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ showed low germination rate, because of fail in stratification or death. Seeds stored at –20℃ scored even lower germination rate and fail in emergence of above ground part. Conclusion : Seed water content and temperature during the cold-stratification period of ginseng seeds affected on the seed viability and germination rate, thus control of seed water content and storage temperature might improve the emergence rate of spring-sowed ginseng filed.