
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper selects length of berth, area of yard, unloading capacity and number of berth as the input indexes, and cargo turnover as output index to research the source of TFP(Total Factor Productivity) growth of 23 main ports in Korea. The major conclusions are as follows. The TFP of the trade ports in Korea is at the fluctuating stage, but it generally displays a rising trend, and it’s growth originate from the growth of technical efficiency. The Growth rates of TFP of trade ports in the different areas are different, and the sources of growth are also different, but the changing trends are basically the same. Four major factors to the increase of TFP are following: competition between ports, reform of property system, harbor-hinterland economic and international trade, modeling, imitation and innovation in management, technology and system.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using the Malmquist productivity index, this paper compares the productivity of Korean manufacturing industries from 1999 to 2006. The malmquist productivity index has more advantages than previous methods such as solow model, endogenous growth theory. The malmquist productivity index can be decomposed productivity into two parts. The first part is an index of the technical efficiency change. This index has high value when the elements of production is used more efficiently. The second part is an index of technical change. This index has high value if the advent of new technology and process innovation occur.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the impact of corporate tax, a fiscal measure along with trade liberalization and research and development on total factor productivity for a panel of 153 industrial firms listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange over the period 1997-2017. For empirical analysis, we employ the system generalized method of moment estimator. In the first step, we estimate industrial production function and the results reveal that raw material, industrial labour force and energy play vital role in enhancing industrial production. Whereas, industrial capital exerts negative impact on industrial output. We also measured total factor productivity using the production elasticities. In the second step, we examine the impact of corporate tax, trade liberalization and research and development on total factor productivity. The results indicate that higher level of corporate tax exerts negative impact on total factor productivity. The findings reveal that higher corporate taxation discourages industrial firms to undertake research and development thereby exerting adverse impact on total factor productivity of firms. The impact of trade liberalization proxied by average tariff is positive while customs duty and sales tax negatively impact firm-level total factor productivity. These findings provide useful insights for managers, investors and policy makers in Pakistan.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of total factor productivity (TFP), institutional quality, and interactive variable between them on economic growth in 13 low-middle income countries in Asia for the period 2000-2018. The paper uses the difference Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to explore the dataset provided by the World Bank. The empirical results show that TFP and the interactive variable positively impact on the economic growth, while the institutional determinants have a negative influence. The negative effect is explained by the weak institutions in these low-middle income countries. The findings of the study suggest two points. First, the government should continue to improve TFP, which is associated with the application of technical advances, technological innovations, improvement of management methods, and skilled workers. Second, far more important, is that the authorities should pay special attention to implement institutional reform and strengthen the governance in the future. The successful experiences from Japan, Korea and Singapore will help other governments in Asian low-middle income countries to build developmental state. Probably, the developmental state actively interfere in the market to promote and realize the development goals. By doing so, these economies might overcome the so-called “middle-income trap”.
        2020.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문에서는 1980년-2017년까지 중국의 총요소생산성(TFP)을 구하고 R&D 자본스톡과 R&D spillover를 이용하여 설명하고자 하였다. R&D spillover는 기술흡수율을 이용하여 보정하였고 R&D 자본스톡은 기술정착률로 보정하였다. 회귀분석기간을 글로벌 금융위기 이전인 1980년-2007년으로 한정하여 분석한 결과 모든 변수가 양의 기여도를 보였으며, 여기서 얻은 각 변수의 TFP 탄력도를 이용하여 2017년까지의 TFP를 시뮬레이션한 결과, 추가 TFP 성장률 4.65%-11.16%를 예측하였다.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to investigate relationships between technology and innovation management, total factor productivity and economic growth in China. By comparing the trends in total factor productivity growth of industrialized economies (i.e. OECD), this study intends to showcase the importance of total factor productivity progress in the Chinese economy. The study employs time series data of an annual basis for the period from 1977 to 2016 retrieved from the World Development Indicator. The study employs unit root test, cointegration test, fully modified least squares estimation method, canonical cointegrating regression and dynamic least squares estimation method to test the hypotheses. The results of the cointegrating regression analysis show that manufacturing growth leads to an increase of total factor productivity in the short-run in China. The findings of the study suggest that manufacturing (i.e. technology and product innovation) is positively related to the increase of total factor productivity in the short-run and total output growth in the long-run. The findings suggest that promoting technology and innovation management and supporting R&D subsidies may reduce the marginal cost of conducting R&D and increase the rate of technology and innovation management and R&D activity and therefore, the total factor productivity growth rate.