
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study describes and seeks to understand the experiences of Korean nurses at a specialty hospital in the United Arab Emirates. Methods: Data were collected from September 12 to October 12, 2023, through in-depth interviews with 10 Korean nurses who had worked at a specialty hospital in the Middle East for more than five years. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim. The data were analyzed using the qualitative thematic analysis method suggested by Braun and Clarke. Results: The analysis identified four themes and 10 sub-themes. The themes are as follows: “Job insecurity and a rapid change of employment conditions”, “Stress of a dual organizational culture”, “Confusion due to cultural differences”, and “Advantages and rewards of working abroad”. Conclusion: Korean hospitals expanding into the Middle East through international medical projects can utilize the information gleaned from Korean nurses' experiences at the United Arab Emirates Specialty Hospital.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An administrative agreement (AA) was signed between NSSC and UAE FANR in January 2023 under Article 5 of the ROK-UAE Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. The AA aims to enhance regulatory efficiency in safeguards and export control. This study reviewed the export control measures for the items subject to the agreement (ISA) and implementation procedures under ROK-UAE AA by comparing them with other countries cases. First of all, the ROK-UAE AA distinguishes between ISA and the inventory management target items. Technology is divided into two categories, one requiring consent for retransfer and the other, considering the characteristics of technology that is free to be copied and deleted, and thus less useful for inventory management. Only the former is included in the annual report, which differs from the ROK-Canada or ROK-Japan NCA, which includes all technologies subject to the agreements in the annual report. When ROK notifies export information, it is mandatory to specify whether the technology requires consent for retransfer. Furthermore, some technologies should be controlled as strategic information, even if excluded from the annual report, so efforts to prevent confusion are required. Secondly, the ROK-UAE AA covers all items in INFCIRC/254/rev.9/part1, unlike the ROK-U.S. and ROK-Canada NCA, which listed equipment subject to them. This is significant because it clarifies the criteria for regulation by increasing the consistency between the trigger list items in the domestic law and the ISA. However, the expanded ISA scope could result in some changes in export control procedures. For example, when importing nuclear material (NM) from the US, only uranium was controlled as ISA, and the packages were not considered. In contrast, when exporting fuel assemblies (FA) for UAE, both uranium and zirconium cladding should be treated as ISA. To this end, NEPS was improved to implement the features of the ROK-UAE AA. Consideration of the criteria and methods for imposing obligations under the agreement is essential because this is the first case of Korea concluded AA under exporting NPP and as a supplier of FA. Generally, the obligations for NM are imposed by the country of origin, conversion, and enrichment countries. Canada and EU recognize the fuel fabrication process as a substantial transformation and impose customs origin where the process takes place. Hence, NM fabricated from Canadian equipment is also subject to the same obligations as NM of Canadian origin. From this perspective, it would be appropriate to ensure ROK acts as a supplier and controls when exporting domestically manufactured FA. Moreover, a proper national obligation code system will be required to specify Korea’s control rights.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        중동국가인 UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar State는 이슬람국가로서, 다른 지역의 법률체계와는 다르게 이슬람 고유의 법령체계에 의한 법률시스템을 운영하고 있다. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar State의 이슬람 국가들은 대부분이 “코란”이라고 하는 율법에 의한 샤리아(Sharia)法 체계에 의하여 법률 시스템을 운영하고 있다. 이슬람의 Sharia法은 예배, 종교부금, 금식, 순례, 장례, 세정 등 종교적 신행에 대한 규범과 혼인, 상속, 징세, 친자관계, 노예와 자유인, 계약, 매매, 전쟁, 비무슬림에 대한 권리와 의무 등에 대한 규범을 포함하고 있다. 하지만, 서구의 현대적인 법률시스템은 주로 인간의 사회생활의 질서를 유지하기 위한 규범의 체계로 공ㆍ사법의 사회관계만을 규율한다는 점에서 차별성이 존재한다.중동국가인 UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar State의 헌법을 분석해 보면, 서구의 헌법체계와 같이 삼권분립의 원칙에 따라 입법권은 국회(의회), 사법권은 법원, 행정권은 정부에 권한이 분리되어 있는 것처럼 보이지 않는다. 즉 이슬람국가인 중동은 샤리아법이라고 하는 원리가 작동하기 때문에 서구의 법치국가의 원리와 민주주의 원리에 기반으로 하는 헌법체제와 다르다는 점을 알 수 있을 것이다. 그 이유는 이슬람국가가 코란이라고 하는 무한대의 합의 체제를 유지하여야 하는“자문회의”를 두어야 하기 때문이다. 또한 중동국가 UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar State지역의 헌법체계 분석을 통하여 공통점을 도출했다. 먼저, 이슬람 율법인 샤리아법의 지위, 서구의 “입법부”대신 “명목상 의회기능”만을 가진 “위원회”규정을 입법화하고 있고, 둘째, 중동국가는 왕정국가로 인한 병폐가 있으며, 셋째, 정교일치 사회의 이슬람교를 믿고 있다는 점에서 공통점을 발굴하였다. 즉, 중동지역의 국가인 UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar State는 “코란”이라고 하는 이슬람 율법인 샤리아법(Sharia Law) 체계를 바탕으로 하여, 헌법, 민법, 형법, 환경법, 세법, 건축법 등을 운영하고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 샤리아법률은 헌법보다 상위의 법률이라 판단할 수 없고, 헌법의 하위의 법률이라고 할 수 없는 특수한 법적 지위를 갖는다고 보아야 할 것이다. 또한 중동국가는 서구의 민주주의 국가들처럼 입법부에 해당하는 의회를 두지 않고, 형식적인 역할을 하는 “위원회”를 두고 있음을 발견할 수 있다. 따라서 중동국가에 아랍인들의 의식구조를 이해하기 위하여는 정교일치 사회라는 이슬람교를 선이해를 필요로 한다. 즉 이슬람교는 인간이 신에게 복종하고, 현세와 내세에 신이 가르치고 인도해 준 생활양식을 그대로 따르는 종교라는 것을 인식하여야 할 것이다.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        필자는 어업 개발도상국에 대한 정부의 대외기술공여 사업의 일환으로 1991년 12월 16일 부터1992년1월15일까지 중동아시아의UAE농수산부로로서, 해양자원 연구센타의 안내를 받아 자국의 주요어항을 순회하면서 어업실태를 파앙ㄱ하고 어민과 공무원을 대상으로 현장지도 교육을 실시하는 한편 연구센타의 연구원들과 토론을 통하여 이 나라의 어업이 나아가야할 방향에 대하여 집중적으로 논의 하였다. 본서는 그간에 수집한 여러자료와 함께UEA어업의 개선방향에 대한 지문내용을 간추린 것이다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The research aims to analyze the firm-specific and macroeconomic factors that affect insurance company’s financial performance. The research explores the variables that influence the financial performance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’ insurance companies. The analysis for determining financial performance considers the following variables: the firm’s age, retention ratio, capital adequacy, underwriting risk/loss ratio, financial-leverage, reinsurance dependency, and macro-economic factors such as GDP per capita, inflation rate considered as independent factors. The return-on-asset (ROA) is the key measuring indicator; it is regarded as the dependent variable for financial performance measures. The research focuses on secondary information obtained from insurance companies’ financial statements. The researcher targeted 18 insurance companies listed on the UAE stock exchanges for study purposes. The research examines the overall factors that influence the financial performance of an insurance company. For analysis of data, software package of social sciences (SPSS version 20) is used. The studies used correlation and multiple linear regression analysis to determine financial performance and their effects. The analysis suggests that there are important and constructive relationships between the size, capital adequacy, and reinsurance dependency, while loss ratio, retention ratio, and financial leverage indicate a major negative relationship. And there’s no link between GDP per capita and inflation.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the paper is to explore the country-of-origin (COO) influence on the buying decisions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) consumers. The collected data from 370 consumers were summarized and coded by using Software R Studio and Microsoft Excel. The independent variables were analyzed and tested for their significant impact on the dependent variable, final buying decision of the product/ service based on its country of origin. The selected hypotheses tested by administering the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) hypothesis testing technique. The researchers identified that UAE consumers buying decisions influenced mainly by the country of origin of the products and services. The demographic variables like age, education, country of origin influential factors, country of choice was not displaying any significant impact on the buying decisions of consumers. The survey is limited to cover the general consumers of the country who are randomly selected from Dubai and Sharjah emirates. The study is beneficial to all the types of marketers, including domestic and international companies, who have plans to know the exact influence on consumers’ buying decisions. The present research paper is original and provides empirical evidence on the country of origin’s impact on the buying decisions of different products/services in the UAE.