우리나라에서 플랫폼 노동 종사자가 전체 취업자에서 차지하는 비중은 상당하며 그 규모는 앞으로 계속해서 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 플랫폼 노 동은 진입장벽이 낮아 기존에 노동에서 소외된 사람들에게 노동의 기회를 제공한다는 점을 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있으나, 그 이면에는 낮은 소득과 불안정성, 열악한 노동환경 등의 문제가 존재한다. 플랫폼 노동 종사자는 대체로 근로자 아닌 자영업자로 평가되기 때문에 노동법과 사회보험의 안 전망에서 벗어나 있는 것이다. 이러한 이유로 플랫폼 노동이 출현하였을 때부터 이들에 대한 보호방안이 논의되었고 우리나라도 현재 정부와 일부 정당을 중심으로 플랫폼 노동 종사자를 보호하기 위한 입법이 추진되고 있 다. 이러한 상황에서 최근 플랫폼 노동 종사자의 근로자성을 인정한 최초 의 대법원 판결이 있었다. 대상판결은 플랫폼을 활용하여 노무를 제공하더 라도 종속성이 인정되면 근로기준법상 근로자에 해당한다고 판단하였다. 특히 플랫폼 노동의 특성들을 고려하여 기존 근로자성 판단기준에 관한 법 리를 유연하게 적용해야 한다고 하였고, 플랫폼 사업자가 자신의 책임을 회피하기 위하여 일부 권한을 자회사나 협력업체에게 부여하고 계약의 당 사자로 나서지 않은 위장된 관계를 근로관계로 바로 잡았다는 점에서 의의 가 있다. 다만, 대상판결이 위와 같이 플랫폼 노동의 특성을 고려하였지만, 이를 근거로 근로자성 판단기준을 구체화하지 않은 것은 아쉬움으로 남는다. 플 랫폼 노동의 경우 그 유형과 노무제공의 성격이 다양하고, 특정 사업자와 의 전속적 관계를 주장하기 어려우며, 자동화된 알고리즘에 의해 지휘 ․ 감독이 이루어지는 특성이 있다. 이러한 특성을 고려할 때 ‘플랫폼의 자동 화된 알고리즘을 통한 지휘 ․ 감독’, ‘플랫폼에 대한 경제적 의존성’을 플 랫폼 노동 종사자의 근로자성 판단에 있어서 주요 기준으로 고려할 필요가 있다. 또한, 플랫폼의 운영에 다수의 당사자가 관여할 때 플랫폼 노동 종 사자에 대하여 의무를 부담하는 사용자에 대한 판단기준을 명확히 할 필요 도 있다. 한편, 대상판결의 취지를 고려하면, 플랫폼 노동 종사자를 보호하기 위 한 법률을 제정하는 경우 플랫폼 노동 종사자를 자영업자로 정의하여 그 지위를 고착화시키는 것보다는 다양한 유형이 존재할 수 있음을 전제한 다 음, 종속성이 강하게 인정되어 근로자성을 인정할 수 있는 경우에는 노동 법상 근로자의 지위를 부여하고, 근로자에 해당하지 않는 플랫폼 노동 종 사자에 대해서는 노동법의 일부 규정과 플랫폼 운영자와의 거래에 있어 공 정거래에 관한 규정들을 두어 이들을 보호할 필요가 있다.
조직 내 이상적 민주주의 구현을 위해서는 보다 명확한 참여이론 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구는 노조를 통한 근로자간접참여의식, 개별적 직접참여인사제도 및 태도들 사이의 관계를 한국노동연구원(KLI)에서 시행한 노동패널조사(KLIPS 21, 22, 23, 24) 자료를 토대로 분석하였다. 검정결과, 첫째 근로자간접참여의 식은 직접참여인사제도에 정(+)의 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 비해 시간에 따른 근로자간접참여 의식 변화는 직접참여인사제도 변화에 부(-)의 효과가 있는 것으로 검정되었다. 둘째 직접참여인사제도 는 일자리만족도에 정(+)의 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째 일자리만족도는 조직몰입도에 정(+)의 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 근로자간접참여의식과 직접참여인사제도 및 태도들 사이의 완 전매개모델은 예측과 매개변수 간, 매개변수들 간, 매개와 기준변수 간 경로계수 모두에서 통계적 유의성이 검출되었다. 이 결과는 노조를 통한 근로자간접참여의식 개발이 개별적 직접참여인사제도 시행에 한 방 향으로만 단조롭게 영향을 미치는 게 아니라 적절한 수준을 형성하며 그 수준을 현명하게 조정을 해나감 으로써 인간사회에서 서로 간 예민하게 자극받기 쉬운 경쟁을 억제하고 협동을 조장할 수 있다는 점을 시사한다. 향후연구에서는 사업장 내 이상적 민주주의 구현을 위해 다양한 참여유형들 간 통합(균형)을 이끄는 규범이론과 참여현상을 설명하는 서술이론이나 실증이론 개발이 활발히 이루어져야 하겠다.
This study analyzes the impact of occupational health risk assessments on the safety and health levels and the safety behaviors of workers in manufacturing workplaces. An online survey was conducted among 3,172 companies, yielding 637 responses. The statistical analysis on the collected responses revealed three key findings. First, the safety and health levels (safety importance, safety comprehension, safety awareness) positively influence the outcomes of occupational health risk assessments(safety practice, safety management, safety improvement) and safety behaviors (activity change, safety check). Second, the effectiveness of occupational health risk assessments has a positive impact on safety behaviors. Lastly, the effectiveness of occupational health risk assessments partially mediate the relationship between safety and health levels and safety behaviors. These findings are expected to contribute to the promotion of risk assessments in the field of industrial health and to enhancing safety performance by improving workplace safety, health levels, and safety behavior.
본 연구는 D도시 소재 A 노인요양시설에서 근무중인 요양보호사를 대 상으로 왜 대부분의 요양보호사는 여성이며, 특히 연령대는 왜 대부분 50~60대인지, 그리고 요양보호사로의 삶에서 나타나는 사회적 문제들은 무엇인지 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 질적 연구 방법 중 하나인 해석적 현상학을 활용하여 요양보호사들의 경험을 심층적으로 탐 구하였다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 최종적으로 4가지 테마를 도출하였다. 1) 대다수가 여성인 이유 2) 요양보호사의 직업적 특성 3) 직업적 현실과 사회적 기대 4) 작업환경과 사회적 인식이 이에 해당한다. 이러한 연구 결과에 기반하여 요양보호사의 근로환경 개선 및 복지향상을 위한 정책 적 지원 방안을 제안하고자 한다.
본 연구의 목적은 뷰티 서비스 종사자들의 행동 루틴이 서비스수행 및 업무성과에 미치는 영 향 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개역할을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구대상자는 서울·경기 소재 뷰티 소비자 311명이며, 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 자료를 수집하고 분석되었다. 자료 분석은 기술통계, 확인적 요 인분석, 상관관계분석, 구조방정식모델 및 bootstrapping 기법을 이용한 매개효과 분석을 실시하였다. 일 련의 연구절차를 통하여 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 뷰티 서비스 종사자의 행동 루틴은 자기효능 감, 서비스수행, 업무성과에 모두 통계적 유의한 정적(+) 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 뷰티 서 비스 종사자의 자기효능감은 서비스수행 및 업무성과에 통계적 유의한 정적(+) 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 뷰티 서비스 종사자의 행동 루틴과 서비스수행 및 직무성과와의 관계에서 자기효능감의 부분 매개효과를 나타내었다.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of the health promotion behavior of the high-risk group of cardiovascular disease among large-scale industrial manufacturing workers. Method: The subjects of this study were 11 workers at high-risk of cardiovascular disease with a Framingham Risk Score (FRS) score of 10% or more among workers at large-scale workplace in Gyeongsangbukdo area, and the data collection period is from July 1 to September 11, 2022. The interview data were inductively analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method used by Elo and Kyngas (2008). Result: Participants' awareness of their own health status and knowledge of cardiovascular disease were low, and there were more obstacles than benefits to health behavior. The process and method of realizing and practicing health care were also different. As a result of qualitative content analysis, 42 semantic units, 12 subcategories, and 3 upper categories were derived. The health promotion behavior of workers at high-risk for cardiovascular disease was categorized into ‘Awareness of health conditions’, ‘Obstacles to health care behavior’, ‘Health care practice process’. Conclusion: Since most of the workers spend a lot of time at work, it is necessary to understand the health care of high-risk workers with cardiovascular disease, so a qualitative study using participatory observation methods to observe workers’ work sites is recommended.
The first commercial operation of Kori-1, which commenced in April 1978, was permanently shut down in June 2017, with plans for immediate dismantling. The decommissioning process of nuclear power plants generates a substantial amount of radioactive waste and poses significant radiation exposure risks to workers. Radioactivity is widely distributed throughout the primary coolant system of the reactor, including the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), steam generator (SG), and pressurizer. In particular, the SG has a considerable size and complex geometry, weighing approximately 326 tons and having a volume of 400 m3. The SG tubes are known to contain high levels of radioactivity, leading to significant radiation exposure to workers during the dismantling process. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the workers’ radiation exposure during the cutting of SG tubes, which account for approximately 95% of the total radiation dose in the SG. Firstly, the CRUDTRAN code, developed to predict the behavior of soluble and particulate corrosion products in a PWR primary coolant system, is used to estimate the radioactive inventory in the SG tubes. Based on decontamination factors (DF) obtained in the SG tubes through overseas experience, the expected reduction in radioactivity during the Kori-1 reactor’s full-system decontamination (FSD) process is considered in the CRUDTRAN results. These results are then processed to estimate the radioactivity in both the straight and bent sections of the tubes. Subsequently, these radioactivity values are used as inputs for the MicroShield code to calculate the worker radiation exposure during the cutting of both straight and bent sections of the tubes. The cutting process assumes that each SG tube section is cut in a separate, shielded area, and the radiation exposure is assessed, taking into account factors such as cutting equipment, cutting length, working hours, and working distance. This study evaluates the worker radiation exposure during the cutting of SG tubes, which are expected to have a significantly high radioactivity due to chalk river unidentified deposit (CRUD). This assessment also considers the reduction in radioactivity within the steam generator tubes resulting from the FSD process. Consequently, it enables an examination of how worker radiation exposure varies based on the extent of FSD. This study may provide valuable insights for determining the scope and extent of the FSD process and the development of shielding methods during the dismantling of SG tubes in the future.
In South Korea, the replacement of steam generators began with Kori Unit 1 in 1995, and to date, 20 steam generators have been replaced and are currently stored in intermediate storage facilities. In the future, additional decommissioned steam generators may arise due to measures like the extension of the lifespan of nuclear power plants. In Korea, technological development for dismantling steam generators is underway, and there is no track record of actual dismantling. Although the replaced decommissioned steam generators are stored in intermediate facilities, for site recycling purposes, steam generators, which have relatively lower radiation doses compared to reactor heads and other primary equipment, should be prioritized for dismantling. While there are various specifications for steam generators, those dismantled and stored domestically are of the Recirculation Type. They can be classified into three types: the Westinghouse type WH-51 used in Kori Unit 1, the Fra-51B used in Han-ul Units 1 and 2, and the OPR-1000 used in Han-ul Units 3 and 4. The quantity of U-Tubes varies depending on the specification, but the radiation is concentrated in the primary side components, the U-Tube and Chamber. Since the parts related to the secondary side are not contaminated, they can be disposed of independently after classification. To dismantle a steam generator, it is of utmost importance to first create a scenario regarding where and how the dismantling will take place. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario, the optimal timing, location, and cutting method for dismantling should be researched. Furthermore, based on those findings, the best scenario should be derived through an analysis of worker radiation exposure and dismantling costs. To achieve this, a 3D simulation software developed by Cyclelife Digital Solutions under the French EDF was utilized to conduct simulations based on different dismantling schedules and methods. As a result, the optimal scenario for dismantling the steam generator was derived.
According to attached Table 1 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Nuclear Safety Act, the effective dose limit of transport workers shall not exceed 6 mSv per year. In addition, the enforcement ordinance defines a transport worker as a person who transports radioactive substances outside the radiation management area and does not correspond to a radiation worker. In the nuclear power plants (NPPs), substances in radiation management areas are frequently transported inside or outside the plant. During loading of substances in the radiation management area onto the vehicle, the transport workers (including driver) are located outside the radiation management area. And also the exposure dose of transport workers is managed by using Automatic Dose Reader (ADR). However, the exposure dose of transport workers managed by NPP licensee is limited to the exposure caused by the transport actions required by the plant. This means that radiation exposure caused by the transport of radioactive materials carried out separately by individual transport workers other than the plant requirements cannot be managed. Therefore, even if the NPP licensee manages the transport worker’s dose below 6 mSv, it is difficult to guarantee that the total annual exposure dose, including the transport worker’s individual transport behavior, is less than 6 mSv. Therefore, it would be appropriate to manage the dose of the transport worker by the transport worker’s agency rather than by the NPP licensee.
The phosphate industry is classified by IAEA as one of the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) industry sectors most likely to require regulatory consideration. The production of phosphorous fertilizers constitutes the major activity in the industry, which can give rise to exposures of workers and the public through the handling and usage of phosphate rock and residues associated with processing. During the production process, when phosphate rock is digested with acid to produce phosphoric acid, some radionuclides, particularly Radium, become concentrated in residues, such as the scale that tends to form inside pipes and vessels. The registered radioactivity of phosphate rock in South Korea is less than 1.7 Bq/g for U-238, but according to the IAEA SRS No. 49, the radioactivity of phosphate scale can be up to 1,000 times higher than the raw mineral. Therefore, this study evaluated the potential for worker exposure during maintenance related to the removal of scales at a fertilizer manufacturing facility producing phosphoric acid in Korea.
Safety-related items in the decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) can largely consider safety for workers and residents. At this time, the effects of radioactive contamination on the Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs) are caused by the performance of work related to Decontamination and Dismantlement (D&D) activities. Classification according to dismantling activities will be important, and the decay factor of radionuclides and the impact of contaminations due to plant characteristic (thermal and electrical capacity) in estimation of exposure dose from such activities will be considered compared to other overseas NPPs. Therefore, this study will consider some factors to consider for comparison with overseas cases in estimating worker exposure dose. To assess worker exposure doses, the classification of decommissioning activities must first be made. It should be classified including large components that can be generally considered, and the contents should be similar to compare with overseas cases. In case of decommissioned NPPs with prior experience, it is possible to predict worker’s exposure with respect to plant capacity, but this does not seem to have a specific correlation when reviewing the related data. Depending on the plant capacity, the occurrence of contamination of radioactive materials may have some correlation, but it cannot be determined that it has causality with the worker’s dose when dismantling. In addition, it is expected that the effects of workers’ exposure doses will vary depending on when the highly contaminated SSCs will be dismantled from permanent shut down. Therefore, the decay correlation coefficient for this high radiation dose works should be considered. If the high radiation dose work is performed before the base year, a correlation coefficient larger than 1 value will be applied, and in the opposite case, a value less than 1 will be applied. Whether or not to perform Full System Decontamination (FSD) is also an important consideration that affects worker dose, and correlation factors should be applied. In this study, the matters to be considered when estimating worker dose for dismantling NPPs were reviewed. This suggests factors to be reflected in the work classification and dose results for comparison with overseas NPP experiences. Therefore, when doing the workers’ dose estimation, it is necessary to derive a normalized doses considering each correlation factor when comparing with overseas cases along with dose estimation for the dismantling activities.
Radioactive waste generated during nuclear power plant decommissioning is classified as radioactive waste before the concentration is identified, but more than 90% of the amount generated is at a level that can be by clearance. However, due to a problem in the analysis procedure, the analysis is not carried out at the place of on-site but is transported to an external institution to identify concentration, which implies a problem of human error because 100% manual. As a way to solve this problem, research is underway to develop a mobile radioactive waste nuclide analysis facility. The mobile radionuclide analysis facility consists of a preparation room, a sample storage room, a measurement room, a pretreatment room, and a waste storage room, and is connected to an external ventilation facility. In addition, since the automation module is built-in from the sample pre-threatening step to the separation step, safety can be improved and rapid analysis can be performed by being located in the decommissioning site. As an initial study for the introduction of a mobile nuclide analysis facility, Visiplan, a preliminary external exposure evaluation code, was used to derive the analysis workload by a single process and evaluate the exposure dose of workers. Based on this, as a follow-up study, the amount of analysis work according to the continuous process and the exposure dose of workers were evaluated. As a result of the evaluation, the Regulatory dose limit was satisfied, and in future studies, internal and external exposure doses were evaluated in consideration of the route of movement, and it is intended to be used as basic data in the field introduction process.
Decommissioning plan of nuclear facilities require the radiological characterizations and the establishment of a decommissioning process that can ensure the safety and efficiency of the decommissioning workers. By utilizing the rapidly developed ICT technology, we have developed a technology that can acquire, analyze, and deliver information from the decommissioning work area to ensure the safety of decommissioning workers, optimize the decommissioning process, and actively respond to various decommissioning situations. The established a surveillance system that monitors nuclide inventory and radiation dose distribution at dismantling work area in real time and wireless transmits data for evaluation. Developed an evaluation program based on an evaluation model for optimizing the dismantling process by linking real-time measurement information. We developed a technology that can detect the location of dismantling workers in real time using stereovision cameras and artificial intelligence technology. The developed technology can be used for safety evaluation of dismantling workers and process optimization evaluation by linking the radionuclides inventory and dose distribution in dismantling work space of decommissioning nuclear power plant in the future.
This study investigated the effects of job stress, job attitude, and social support on the relationship between client violence and social worker job response. The multi-mediating effect of job stress, job attitude, and social support between client violence and social worker job response was empirically analyzed. 257 social workers in social welfare facilities were analyzed using SPSS. The following conclusions were drawn. First, there was a significant correlation between client violence, job stress, job attitude, social support, and job response variables. Client violence was affecting variables related to social worker job response. Second, job stress, job attitude, and social support had multiple mediating effects. The parallel mediation effect and the serial mediation effect were verified. Third, job attitude was found to be a variable of multiple mediating effects. Fourth, job stress and social support were found to be double mediating effect variables. In response, programs and manuals suitable for the type of social welfare facilities and the policy basis for preparing countermeasures for social workers were limited, and follow-up studies on various variables were suggested.
Glass fiber (GF) insulation is a non-combustible material, light, easy to transport/store, and has excellent thermal insulation performance, so it has been widely used in the piping of nuclear power plants. However, if the GF insulation is exposed to a high-temperature environment for a long period of time, there is a possibility that it may be crushed even with a small impact due to deterioration phenomenon and take the form of small particles. In fact, GF dust was generated in some of the insulation waste generated during the maintenance process. In the previous study, the disposal safety assessment of GF waste was performed under the abnormal condition of the disposal facility to calculate the radiation exposure dose of the public residing/ residents nearby facilities, and then the disposal safety of GF waste was verified by confirming that the exposure dose was less than the limit. However, the revised guidelines for safety assessment require the addition of exposure dose assessment of workers. Therefore, in this study, accident scenarios at disposal facilities were derived and the exposure dose to the workers during the accident was evaluated. The evaluation was carried out in the following order: (1) selection of accident scenario, (2) calculation of exposure dose, (3) comparison of evaluation results with dose limits, and confirmation of satisfaction. The representative accident scenarios with the highest risk among the facility accident were selected as; (a) the fire in the treatment facility, (b) the fire in the storage facility, and (c) fire after a collision of transport vehicles. The internal and external exposure doses of the worker by radioactive plume were calculated at 10m away from the accident point. In evaluation, the dose conversion factors ICRP-72 and FGR12 were used. As a result of the calculation, the exposure dose to workers was derived as about 0.08 mSv, 0.20 mSv, and 0.10 mSv, due to fire accidents (vehicle collision, storage facilities, treatment facilities). These were 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.2% of the limit, and the radiation risk to workers was evaluated to be very low. The results of this study will be used as basic data to prove the safety of the disposal of GF waste. The sensitivity analysis will be performed by changing the radiation source and emission rate in the future.
It is important to ensure worker’s safety from radiation hazard in decommissioning site. Real-time tracking of worker’s location is one of the factors necessary to detect radiation hazard in advance. In this study, the integrated algorithm for worker tracking has been developed to ensure the safety of workers. There are three essential techniques needed to track worker’s location, which are object detection, object tracking, and estimating location (stereo vision). Above all, object detection performance is most important factor in this study because the performance of tracking and estimating location is depended on worker detection level. YOLO (You Only Look Once version 5) model capable of real-time object detection was applied for worker detection. Among the various YOLO models, a model specialized for person detection was considered to maximize performance. This model showed good performance for distinguishing and detecting workers in various occlusion situations that are difficult to detect correctly. Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking) algorithm which uses deep learning technique has been considered for object tracking. Deep SORT is an algorithm that supplements the existing SORT method by utilizing the appearance information based on deep learning. It showed good tracking performance in the various occlusion situations. The last step is to estimate worker’s location (x-y-z coordinates). The stereo vision technique has been considered to estimate location. It predicts xyz location using two images obtained from stereo camera like human eyes. Two images are obtained from stereo camera and these images are rectified based on camera calibration information in the integrated algorithm. And then workers are detected from the two rectified images and the Deep SORT tracks workers based on worker’s position and appearance between previous frames and current frames. Two points of workers having same ID in two rectified images give xzy information by calculating depth estimation of stereo vision. The integrated algorithm developed in this study showed sufficient possibility to track workers in real time. It also showed fast speed to enable real-time application, showing about 0.08 sec per two frames to detect workers on a laptop with high-performance GPU (RTX 3080 laptop version). Therefore, it is expected that this algorithm can be sufficiently used to track workers in real decommissioning site by performing additional parameter optimization.