
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the composition two popular species of edible bamboo shoots in Korea (Phyllostachyspubescens and Sinoarundinarianigra) and the effect of their abundant dietary fiber on intestinal microorganisms in healthy young women. The ranges of total moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, crude ash, and dietary fiber content were 87.190.8, 2.943.5, 0.150.39, 0.411.05, and 4.206.15% (wet weight basis), respectively. Moisture and crude ash content increased after heat treatment; however, crude protein, crude lipid, and dietary fiber content were reduced after heating. The major minerals found in bamboo shoots were potassium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, glucose and fructose were abundant free sugars, while asparagine and tyrosine were the most abundant free amino acids. Approximately 70% of the total free fatty acids found in bamboo shoots were linoleic acid and linolenic acid. The ascorbic acid content was 6.60~17.56 mg/100 g (wet weight basis), and one phenolic compound, p-hydroxy benzoic acid, was 0.10.2% (wet weight basis) and detected by HPLC analysis. The intake of bamboo shoots for seven days significantly increased viable cell counts of Lactobacillus spp. and reduced viable cell counts of Bacteriodes spp. in feces (p<0.05). In our data, bamboo shoots may be useful in the food industry as high dietary fiber ingredients.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        담양 염장 죽순을 첨가한 요구르트를 개발하기 위해 죽순에 함유되어 있는 일반성분을 분석하였고, 관능검사를 통해 최적 발효조건과 죽순첨가 형태를 결정하였다. 죽순은 수분함량이 82.59 %, 단백질 4.56 %, 지질 0.52 %, 회분 0.50 %, 그리고 식이섬유소가 11.72 %(w/w) 함유되어 있었으며, 무기질은 Ca, P, S, Na, Mg, K 순서로 높은 함량을 보였다. 죽순을 첨가하기 위한 요구르트는 ABT-5 미생물을 0.005 % 접종하여 40 ℃에서 13시간 발효시켰으며, 요구르트 첨가용 죽순은 형태를 달리하여 관능검사를 실시한 결과 5×5×5 mm 크기로 절단한 죽순을 50 % 설탕에 절임하여 15 %(w/w) 비율로 첨가한 시료의 선호도가 가장 높았다. 이와 같이 제조된 죽순 요구르트는 4 ℃ 냉장온도에서 15일 동안 저장 중 pH와 산 생성, 젖산균수, 그리고 비피더스균수의 변화가 나타나지 않아 저장성이 우수였다. 따라서 죽순 첨가 호상요구르트는 기호성과 품질 특성이 우수하고 영양학적으로도 훌륭한 상품적 가치가 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Bamboo fiber contains 97% of dietary insoluble fiber from mature bamboo shoots. Bamboo contains phytosterols and a high amount of fiber which can be labelled as nutraceuticals or natural medicines that are attracting attention from the aspect of health. This study was conducted for the production of dietary fiber from Sinoarundinaria nigra, S (S. nigra) shoots barks by using α-amylase, alcalase, glucoamylase or Viscozyme and improvement of Large intestinal function in rats. Methods and Results : Yields of enzymatic degradation were 80.5% (322 g/400g) and the dietary fiver content of the enzyme digest was 69.7%. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed on diet containing 100 ㎎/㎏ and 200 ㎎/㎏ S. nigra dietary fibers [dietary fiver of bamboo shoots barks (SNDFB)] for one weeks. As a result of weighing of the fecal pellets, loperamide alone group showed a significant decrease compared with the control group, and it was significantly increased in test group (200 ㎎/㎏-SNDFB) compared to loperamide alone group. In addition, the measurement of gastrointestinal charcoal transit ratio in rats, loperamide alone group showed a significant decrease compared with the control group, and it was significantly increased in all the test substance groups compared to loperamide alone group. The number of remnant fecal pellets in the colon after dissection was significantly increased in the loperamide alone group compared to the control group, and was significantly decreased in the test substance groups compared to loperamide alone group. Conclusion : These results suggest that dietary fiber isolated from S. nigra has a marked effect on the improvement of bowel function in rats with loperamide (4 ㎎/㎏)-induced constipation.