
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 348

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 대중의 태극기 사용에 주목하여, 본 연구는 한국에서의 비공식 적 내셔널리즘과 국가의 공식적 질서의 관계를 탐구한다. 역사적으로 태 극기는 공식 상징으로 제정 당시부터 그것이 통용되는 의미의 변화를 겪 었다. 태극기는 군부 및 발전국가의 정당화, 권위주의 정부에 대한 저항 의 상징, 시장에서의 국가이미지의 상품화, 그리고 새로운 보수세력의 발 흥의 의미를 지녀왔다. 담론적 제도주의에 근거하여, 저자는 역사적으로 당연하게 받아들여지는 헤게모니로서 구성된 국가 상징이 특정한 정치 세력에 의해 배타적으로 사용될 경우 그러한 당연함에 균열이 가해질 수 있음을 밝힌다. 본 연구는 그러한 집단들이 공공연히 국가 상징을 사용 할 수록, 그들은 암묵적으로 그들이 네이션의 정당한 행위자로 받아들이 는 국가-체제 질서의 위기를 보여주고 있음을 강조한다. 이는 현재 세계 곳곳에서 우익 포퓰리즘 집회에서 일반적으로 사용되는 국기의 유사한 사용을 이해할 수 있는 시사점을 준다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to advance our understanding of extensible beams with multiple cracks by presenting a crack energy and motion equation, and mathematically justifying the energy functions of axial and bending deformations caused by cracks. Utilizing an extended form of Hamilton's principle, we derive a normalized governing equation for the motion of the extensible beam, taking into account crack energy. To achieve a closed-form solution of the beam equation, we employ a simple approach that incorporates the crack's patching condition into the eigenvalue problem associated with the linear part of the governing equation. This methodology not only yields a valuable eigenmode function but also significantly enhances our understanding of the dynamics of cracked extensible beams. Furthermore, we derive a governing equation that is an ordinary differential equation concerning time, based on orthogonal eigenmodes. This research lays the foundation for further studies, including experimental validations, applications, and the study of damage estimation and detection in the presence of cracks.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the contemporary era, 3D printing technology has become widely utilized across diverse fields, including biomedicine, industrial design, manufacturing, food processing, aerospace, and construction engineering. The inherent advantages of automation, precision, and speed associated with 3D printing have progressively led to its incorporation into road engineering. Asphalt, a temperature-responsive material that softens at high temperatures and solidifies as it cools, presents distinctive challenges and opportunities in this context. For the effective implementation of 3D printing technology in road engineering, 3D printed asphalt (3DPA) must exhibit favorable performance and printability. This requires attributes such as good fluidity, extrudability, and buildability. Furthermore, materials utilizing 3DPA for crack repair should possess high viscosity, elasticity, toughness, superior high-temperature stability, and resistance to low-temperature cracking. These characteristics ultimately contribute to enhancing pavement longevity and ensuring worker safety.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thin films of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) nanoparticles were prepared using a low-temperature deposition and crystallization process involving successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) or SILAR-Air spray Plus (SILAR-A+) methods, coupled with hydrothermal (175 °C) and furnace (500 °C) post-annealing. The annealed YSZ films resulted in crystalline products, and their phases of monoclinic, tetragonal, and cubic were categorized through X-ray diffraction analysis. The morphologies of the as-prepared films, fabricated by SILAR and SILAR-A+ processes, including hydrothermal dehydration and annealing, were characterized by the degree of surface cracking using scanning electron microscopy images. Additionally, the thicknesses of the YSZ thin films were compared by removing diffusion layers such as spectator anions and water accumulated during the air spray plus process. Crack-free YSZ thin films were successfully fabricated on glass substrates using the SILAR-A+ method, followed by hydrothermal and furnace annealing, making them suitable for application in solid oxide fuel cells.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, in newly constructed apartment buildings, the exterior wall structures have been characterized by thinness, having various openings, and a significantly low reinforcement ratio. In this study, a nonlinear finite element analysis was performed to investigate the crack damage characteristics of the exterior wall structure. The limited analysis models for a 10-story exterior wall were constructed based on the prototype apartment building, and nonlinear static analysis (push-over analysis) was performed. Based on the finite element (FE) analysis model, the parametric study was conducted to investigate the effects of various design parameters on the strength and crack width of the exterior walls. As the parameters, the vertical reinforcement ratio and horizontal reinforcement ratio of the wall, as well as the uniformly distributed longitudinal reinforcement ratio and shear reinforcement ratio of the connection beam, were addressed. The analysis results showed that the strength and deformation capacity of the prototype exterior walls were limited by the failure of the connection beam prior to the flexural yielding of the walls. Thus, the increase of wall reinforcement limitedly affected the failure modes, peak strengths, and crack damages. On the other hand, when the reinforcement ratio of the connection beams was increased, the peak strength was increased due to the increase in the load-carrying capacity of the connection beams. Further, the crack damage index decreased as the reinforcement ratio of the connection beam increased. In particular, it was more effective to increase the uniformly distributed longitudinal reinforcement ratio in the connection beams to decrease the crack damage of the coupling beams, regardless of the type of the prototype exterior walls.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 추가적인 장비 없이 UAV만을 사용한 균열폭 측정 및 균열의 3차원 재구성 방법을 제안한다. UAV 사진측량법 및 CNN을이용한 균열의 3차원 재구성 및 균열폭 측정 검증을 위해 5곳의 균열이 존재하는 벽면을 대상으로 균열의 3차원 재구성을 하였 으며 UAV와 균열 사이의 거리 4가지에 대해 균열폭을 측정하고 균열 현미경 측정값과 비교하여 정확성을 검증하였다. 대부분의 균열 에서 균열폭을 정확히 측정하였으나 균열폭이 0.5mm보다 작은 경우와 벽면이 심하게 그늘져 어두운 곳에서는 측정 유효성이 떨어지 는 결과를 보였다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) are a key element of deep geological repositories (DGR) and play an important role in safely isolating radioactive materials from the ecosystem. In the environment of a DGR, gases can be generated due to several factors, including canister corrosion. If the gas production rate exceeds the diffusion rate, pore pressures may increase, potentially inducing structural deterioration that impairs the function of the buffer material. Therefore, understanding the hydraulic-mechanical behavior of EBS due to gas generation is essential for evaluating the longterm stability of DGR. This study employed X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology to observe cracks created inside the buffer material after laboratory-scale gas injection experiments. After CT scanning, we identified cracks more clearly using an image analysis method based on machine learning techniques, enabling us to examine internal crack patterns caused by gas injection. In the samples observed in this study, no cracks were observed penetrating the entire buffer block, and it was confirmed that most cracks were created through the radial surface of the block. This is similar to the results observed in the LASGIT field experiment in which the paths of the gas migration were observed through the interface between the container and the buffer material. This study confirmed the applicability of high-resolution X-ray CT imaging and image analysis techniques for qualitative analysis of internal crack patterns and cracks generated by gas breakthrough phenomena. This is expected to be used as basic data and crack analysis techniques in future research to understand gas migration in the buffer material.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, In this study, structural analysis of a fuel tank for an SUV (sports utility vehicle) was performed for crack prevention design. Reservoir tank analysis was conducted for crack prevention design, and improvement measures for weak areas were discovered and reflected in the design. Pressure analysis was performed on the existing model to analyze weak areas. As a result of analysis through various design changes, it was found that the strength problem of the reservoir tank was due to the discontinuity of the rib inside the tank, and to improve this, it was necessary to minimize the discontinuity section.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the increasing number of aging buildings across Korea, emerging maintenance technologies have surged. One such technology is the non-contact detection of concrete cracks via thermal images. This study aims to develop a technique that can accurately predict the depth of a crack by analyzing the temperature difference between the crack part and the normal part in the thermal image of the concrete. The research obtained temperature data through thermal imaging experiments and constructed a big data set including outdoor variables such as air temperature, illumination, and humidity that can influence temperature differences. Based on the collected data, the team designed an algorithm for learning and predicting the crack depth using machine learning. Initially, standardized crack specimens were used in experiments, and the big data was updated by specimens similar to actual cracks. Finally, a crack depth prediction technology was implemented using five regression analysis algorithms for approximately 24,000 data points. To confirm the practicality of the development technique, crack simulators with various shapes were added to the study.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aluminum alloy-based additive manufacturing (AM) has emerged as a popular manufacturing process for the fabrication of complex parts in the automotive and aerospace industries. The addition of an inoculant to aluminum alloy powder has been demonstrated to effectively reduce cracking by promoting the formation of equiaxed grains. However, the optimization of the AM process parameters remains challenging owing to their variability. In this study, the response surface methodology (RSM) was used to predict the crack density of AM-processed Al alloy samples. RSM was performed by setting the process parameters and equiaxed grain ratio, which influence crack propagation, as independent variables and designating crack density as a response variable. The RSM-based quadratic polynomial models for crack-density prediction were found to be highly accurate. The relationship among the process parameters, crack density, and equiaxed grain fraction was also investigated using RSM. The findings of this study highlight the efficacy of RSM as a reliable approach for optimizing the properties of AM-processed parts with limited experimental data. These results can contribute to the development of robust AM processing strategies for the fabrication of highquality Al alloy components for various applications.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구조물의 안정성 및 이상 징후 판단에 있어 균열의 발생 여부와 진전 정도는 가장 기본적인 조사 항목이다. 본 연구 에서는 일반적인 스마트폰을 통해 균열 이미지를 촬영하고 이로 부터 균열 검출과 크기를 산정하는 균열 분석 시스템을 개발하 였다. 모폴로지 기법을 적용하되 투영변환 및 3차회선 보간, 히스토그램 기반의 명도 입계값 산정 기법을 적용함으로서 이미지 보정과 노이즈 제거 과정을 통한 효과적 균열 검출이 가능하였다. ArUco 마커를 통해 손쉽고 경제적인 균열 크기 산정이 가능 하였으며, 스마트폰 앱과 클라우드 서버 기반의 이원화 분석시스템을 통해 손쉬운 현장 적용성 및 처리 시간 단축, 세부 균열의 추적관리 가능성을 확인하였다. 개발 시스템을 이용한 실내 성능 평가를 수행한 결과, 균열 측정 오차는 0.03㎜ 미만으로 나타 났으며 조건별 다수 측정 결과에서 높은 재현성이 확인되었던바, 개발된 균열 분석 시스템의 정확성 및 현장 적용성을 예상할 수 있었다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 수직 벽체형 콘크리트 구조물의 정밀안전진단을 위한 외관조사시 고품질 정밀영상을 자동화된 방식으로 획득하여 균열손상을 탐지하고 시설물의 상태를 평가하기 위하여 개발된 등벽드론 탑재형 균열진단 시스템에 대한 것이다. 본 논문에서는 영상기반 균열진단 시스템을 이용한 정밀영상 획득기술, 자동화된 영상처리 알고리즘을 이용한 데이터 처리 기법을 제시하였으며, 실험적으로 도출된 지상표본거리를 기반으로 영상처리 자동화 알고리즘을 이용하여 생성된 균열모사 시험벽체의 평면전개 이미지 상 균열손상의 위치 정확도를 평가 분석하였다. 평가분석 결과, 가로축 길이 대비 최대 1.1%, 세로축 길이 대 비 최대 1.4%의 오차율을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 제안된 영상 내 픽셀 좌표와 지상표본거리를 기반으로 균열손상의 위치를 추정하는 기법은 실측 좌표 대비 평균 1.0% 이하의 위치 오차를 가지는 것으로 평가되었다. 최종적으로 영상기반 진단과 긴급 보수와 같은 일반적인 시설물의 유지관리에 요구되는 위치 정확도를 확보하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the statistical behavior of fatigue crack propagation(FCP) in magnesium alloy AZ31. FCP tests have been performed on compact specimens of AZ31 at load ratio conditions and maximum fatigue load conditions to obtain statistical data of FCP. It was found that the variability of fatigue crack propagation rate was significantly large at initial stage of FCP and gradually became smaller as the fatigue crack propagated. The finding of the study showed that increasing the load ratio could increase the variability of fatigue crack propagation rate at initial FCP stage. The samller the load ratio, the higher the fatigue crack propagation rate at initial stage. It was also found that the load ratio is a factor affecting the fatigue crack propagation rate in magnesium alloy.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기계식 앵커와 FRP를 새로운 시스템으로 복합하여 새로운 메커니즘의 Hybrid 앵커모델의 파괴형태중 균 열을 영상기반으로 프로세싱하여 균열탐지하는 메카니즘을 제시하였다. 기존의 cascade mask R-CNN 방식보다 탐지율과 효율성 이 우수한 Dense-UNet 기법을 활용하여 균열탐사기법에 활용하였다. 기존의 균열 뿐 아니라 앵커주위의 Round crack도 함께 탐 사되어 앵커 설치후 초기 균열 탐사에 효율성을 크게 가질 수 있다고 판단된다. 따라서 향후연구에서는 이미지 프로세싱 타임 을 줄이면서 정확도를 높일수 있는 Post-Processing이 보완된다면 균열탐사 및 오탐을 줄이는데 크게 효과적일 것으로 사료된다. 또한 피사체와 카메라와의 거리를 계산하여 알고리즘에 고려한다면 구조적 균열기준인 0.3 mm의 균열 탐사에도 활용할 수 있 는 효과적인 기법이라 판단된다.
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