
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 49

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we characterized the chemical properties of golden berries, which contain various functional substances and bioactive components, to develop a yogurt dressing using golden berry juice. The total polyphenol content of golden berry was 35.29 mg GAE/g, the total flavonoid content was 28.93 mg QE/g, and the DPPH radical scavenging activity was 94.81%. The chromaticity of yogurt dressing with golden berry juice decreased in L value and increased in a and b values with growing amounts of golden berry juice (p<0.001); viscosity decreased significantly with increasing amounts of golden berry juice (p<0.001). Electronic tongue analysis showed that sourness, umami taste, and saltiness increased upon increasing the quantity of golden berry juice, while sweetness and bitterness increased with less golden berry juice. PCA analysis determined that PC1 and PC2 accounted for 63.45% and 35.29% of the variance, respectively. Furthermore, the addition of golden berry juice impacted the analysis of taste patterns. Sensory evaluation showed that color, flavor, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and overall acceptability were highest in the 30% golden berry juice group. As a result, it was confirmed that adding golden berry juice is suitable for developing yogurt dressings that can improve health functions and palatability.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 웹소설 <소녀, 홍길동>(2019)에 나타난 남장 서사를 중심으로 고전소설의 남장 서사 주체와 비교를 통해 우리 시대의 주체성에 대해 진단하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 지금까지 로맨스 웹소설 연구에서는 로맨 스 장르의 문제성이나 웹소설의 상업성과 통속성을 폭로하는 것이 대부분이었다. 이 글은 주체성의 측면에 서 바라보았을 때 시대정신과 관련해 변화된 부분이 더 중요하다고 생각했다. 그래서 작품 속 남장 서사를 고전소설의 것과 비교해본 결과, 남장이 로맨스를 조장하는 수단으로 활용되고 있으며 무엇보다 욕망을 은폐시킨 주체의 모습을 발견할 수 있었다. 이런 로맨스 웹소설의 낭만적 사랑은 기존 로맨스 소설의 문법을 일정 부분 따르면서도, 조금 다른 방식으로 로맨스를 형상화한 것이다. 기존 로맨스에서는 완벽한 ‘나’를 찾으려는 욕망이 내재해 있고, 이것은 진정성의 주체를 생산한다. 그러나 <소녀, 홍길동>에는 이러한 시도들이 부재하며, 오로지 상대방의 욕망 안으로 주인공의 욕망이 한정되기에 사랑‘만’을 읊조리는 유아 적이고 자폐적인 주체, 즉 ‘포스트-진정성’의 주체가 생산되었다. ‘포스트-진정성’의 주체는 환상성에 기대 고 있고, 이 환상은 생존을 중시하는 사회와 속물주의에 근원하고 있다. 이에 필자는 웹소설 장르가 환상성 이 아닌 상상력을 기반으로 한 새로운 주체 생산으로 가야할 것을 제안했다. 그것은 유목적 주체로, ‘타자 되기’를 통해 미래에 다가올 시대에 발맞춰 K-서사의 올바른 방향을 설정할 수 있으리라 본다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of salad dressing prepared with Jerusalem artichoke powder (0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%). The pH, soluble solid content, and viscosity increased as the content of Jerusalem artichoke powder increased. The titratable acidity showed no significant differences between samples. The lightness values decreased, while the redness and yellowness values increased with increasing amounts of Jerusalem artichoke powder. The total polyphenol content ranged from 52.00-69.64 μg GAE/g, and increased with the increase in Jerusalem artichoke powder levels. The antioxidant activities measured via DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity and reducing power also increased with increasing Jerusalem artichoke powder, at a higher rate than in the control. These results suggest that it is beneficial to add Jerusalem artichoke powder when in salad dressing.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 객토를 한 간척지에서 석고시용 수준이 알팔파의 수량과 사료성분에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 실험장소는 간척한지 17~33년 경과된 석문간척지로서 약 70 cm 정도 객토한 토양이었다. 객토에 사용한 흙은 섬토양의 제염을 하지 않은 것 이었다. 처리는 석고를 시용하지 않은 0 ton/ha 구(G0), 석 고를 2 ton/ha(G2) 및 4 ton/ha(G4) 시용한 구로 하였다. 수확은 알팔파가 개화초기(개화 10%)에 도달할 때 1차 수확하였으며 이 후 수확은 약 35일 간격으로 수확을 하였다. 알팔파의 건물수량은 1차 년도는 G2가 G0와 G4보다 유의적으로 높았으며 2차 년도는 처리간 유의적인 차이는 없었으나 G2가 G0와 G4보다 높은 경향을 보였다. G2에서 알팔파의 건물수량이 높은 이유는 토양의 pH 및 EC가 각각 재배가능 및 재배적합 수준이었고 피복도 및 알팔파 식생비율도 높은 것에 기인하였다. 1차 및 2차 년도 모두 석고 처리 간 CP, NDF 및 ADF 함량 및 RFV는 차이가 없었다. 한편 1차 및 2차 년도의 연구결과를 통해서 알팔파 건물수량에 부정적인 영향을 주는 요인은 봄의 가뭄과 여름의 집중된 강수로 나타났다. 이상으로부터 객토 간척지에서 석고 처리는 알팔파의 건물수량을 높이는데 효과적인 것으로 판단되며 2 ton/ha이 적정 수준인 것으로 사료된다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the expression of hanbok in online fashion styling games, and examined the main themes of and user reactions to hanbok fashion styling games through semantic network analysis and sentiment analysis. KrKwic, Textom, and NodeXL were used for data collection and analysis. The findings of the study are as follows: First, depending on the designer’s expressive method, hanbok fashion styling games provide typical traditional hanbok, modern hanbok, and dress-like fusion hanbok, demonstrating contents with various themes for different sexes, classes, and situations. Second, as a result of analyzing the themes of hanbok-related styling game contents, it turned out that the main themes are tradition, color, historical drama, fusion hanbok, holiday, and love. Most of them produce modernized hanbok that reflect the situation and utility rather than strictly traditional ones. Third, as a result of analyzing user reviews of hanbok styling game contents, positive factors mostly turned out to be the satisfaction of the hanbok contents, with the users also showing positive intent to wear hanbok. Through this, it was found out that hanboks portrayed in game contents could potentially cause the user’s positive intent to wear hanbok. Negative factors turned out to be the discordance between the intrinsic image of hanbok and the game character’s image.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed the color, polyphenol content, and sensory characteristics of dressing containing varying concentrations (0, 3, 6 and 9%) of freeze-dried Natto. We determined that the absence of freeze-dried Natto (0%) imparted the highest additive value for both L and a, b. The polyphenol contents obtained were 0.63, 0.69, 0.74, and 0.82 mg/g for 0, 3, 6 and 9% of dressing containing freeze-dried Natto, respectively. The appearance, color, taste, texture, and overall preference of dressings with freeze-dried Natto showed significant differences between the samples. The overall preference was highest at 5.92 points, with dressing containing 9% Natto. The quality characteristics of the 9% added samples exhibited significantly higher values as compared to those of the controls, raising the possibility of development as a health-functional dressing.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, health concerns related to NaCl overconsumption have led to an increased demand for sodium-reduced foods. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility of using enzymatically hydrolyzed isolated soybean protein (eHISP) to reduce the level of salt in salad dressing. The intensity of the salty taste enhancing effect was 31%, 29%, 43%, and 52% in the samples with 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% eHISP added, respectively. There are significant differences between the control and samples (p<0.05). The overall acceptability was increased as the amount of added eHISP was increased when eHISP was 1.0%. However, it was lower when 1.5% eHISP was added. The pH of salad dressing was increased as the eHISP addition was increased. The results showed that the addition of eHISP to a salad dressing significantly enhances its salty taste effect.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyze not only the strength but also the durability and abrasion resistance of concrete pavements as increasing the cases of domestic concrete pavement damage which do not meet the service years. METHODS: The bottom layer of a two-lift concrete pavement was paved with original Portland cement (OPC) with 20~23 cm thickness. On the other hand, the top-layer, which is directly exposed to the environment and vehicles, was paved with high-performance concrete (HPC) with 7~10 cm thickness. For the optimal mixed design of the top-layer material of a two-lift concrete pavement, silica fume and polymer powder were mixed. Furthermore, it analyzes abrasion resistance of concrete as follow‘ ASTM C 779’which is dressing wheel abrasion test method. RESULTS : As a result, abrasion resistance is improved with increasing the silica fume ratio. When the polymer powder is mixed, abrasion resistance of concrete is much improved. However, the effect of mixing ratio is not significant. It is very effective that adding both silica fume and polymer powder occur 20~40% of abrasion comparing with OPC variables. CONCLUSIONS : The concrete strength and durability increased with silica fume and polymer powder. In particular, it is significant increasing strength of polymer powder under the flexural strength. In the abrasion resistance side, it is also significant when the silica fume and polymer powder used together.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop a salad dressing using Prunella vulgaris L. (PV) extracts. In addition, the study was also aimed at evaluating the quality characteristics of the salad dressing containing various amounts of PV extracts. Salad dressing was prepared by adding 0% (PD-0), 9.4% (PD-20), 18.8% (PD-40), 28.2% (PD-60), 37.6% (PD-80), 47.0% (PD-100) of PV extract. The quality characteristics (sugar contents, salinity, color value, total phenol contents, total flavonoid contents, DPPH, ABTS+ radical scavenging activities, and sensory acceptability) of the dressing were analyzed. According to the results of the study, the sugar contents and salinity of salad dressing increased according to the added amount of PV extract (p<0.001). The color values of lightness and yellowness of salad dressing increased according to the added amount of PV extract, whereas color value of redness decreased (p<0.001). Antioxidant activities were improved depending on the amount of PV extracts (p<0.001). The sensory acceptability (flavor, medicinal flavor, saltiness, sourness, bitterness and viscosity) were significantly higher in the dressing added with 18.8% PV extracts than in the other samples. Based on this result, a storage experiment was conducted by comparing PD-40 and PD-C. After 4 weeks of storage at 4℃ and 24℃, the quality characteristics were observed and the pH was increased in the later stages of storage (p<0.05). The depicted that, viscosity increased with storage time at 4℃ (p<0.001). General bacteria and coliform were not detected during storage. These results indicated that salad dressing with the addition of 18.8% PV extracts has the best quality.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of salad dressing prepared with acaiberry powder (0, 1, 3, and 5%). The pH and titratable acidity increased as the acaiberry powder increased. The sugar content showed no significant differences between samples. The viscosity was lowest in the controls and increased with increasing amounts of the acaiberry powder. The lightness and yellowness values decreased, while the redness values increased with increasing amounts of acaiberry powder. The total polyphenol content ranged from 10.26-45.19 mg GAE/100 g, increasing with increased acaiberry powder levels. The antioxidant activities measured via DPPH radical scavenging activity, reducing power and FRAP also increased with increasing acaiberry powder concentrations. Finally, a consumer acceptance test revealed that up to 3% acaiberry powder could be added to salad dressing to provide high antioxidant activity without sacrificing sensory quality.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of the use of enzymatically hydrolyzed anchovy protein (eHAP) to enhance the salty taste in salad dressing when it was applied in cooking. The intensity of the salty taste was enhanced by 5-11% when 0.1-1.5% eHAP was added. This indicates that the salty taste enhancing effect was decreased as the amount of added eHAP was increased. However, there are no significant differences between the control and samples (p>0.05). The overall preference was increased as the amount of added eHAP was increased. The preference value was the highest when 1.0% of eHAP was added, while it was slightly lower when 1.5% of eHAP was added. This may be because the content of free amino acids with a bitter taste contained in eHAP was increased. The pH value was increased as the amount of added eHAP was increased. With respect to the chromaticity, the lightness and yellowness were increased but the redness was not significantly changed when the amount of added eHAP was increased. It was found that the addition of eHAP to a salad dressing enhanced the salty taste and the preference, but the enhancement was not significant.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify the influences of psychological variables and fashion-related psychological variables on purchasing fashion items on the Internet. Boredom proneness and public self-consciousness were selected as psychological variables, and dressing style was selected as a fashion-related psychological variable. It was hypothesized that boredom proneness and public self-consciousness not only influence the purchasing frequency of fashion items on the Internet directly, but also indirectly through dressing style. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul using convenience sampling. Two hundred and eighty-six questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. SPSS was used for exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS was used for hypothesized relationship testing. The factor analysis of boredom proneness revealed five dimensions, “helplessness,” “affective response,” “lack of internal stimulation,” “lack of external stimulation,” and “perception of time.” The factor analysis of public self-consciousness revealed two dimensions, “appearance-consciousness” and “styleconsciousness,” and the factor analysis of dressing style revealed one dimension. The overall fit of the hypothesized model suggests that the model fits the data well. The hypothesized relationship test proved that boredom proneness and public self-consciousness influence the purchasing frequency of fashion items on the Internet indirectly through dressing style. The results implicate effective strategies for Internet shopping malls and suggestions for future study.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 양조간장만을 사용하여 음식 내에 소금을 대체하고 나트륨의 사용량을 줄여 섭취를 줄일 수 있는지 를 알아보기 위하여 샐러드 드레싱에 소금과 양조간장의 사용량을 달리하여 전반적인 맛과 짠맛의 차이를 비교하고 나트륨 분석을 통해 정량적인 나트륨 감소량에 대해 살펴 보았다. 소금을 사용하였을 경우 가장 선호하는 샐러드 드레싱의 나트륨 함량은 3.85±0.03 g/L이었으며, 양조간장 을 사용하였을 경우에는 0.68±0.02 g/L이었고, 0.53±0.01- 0.68±0.02 g/L의 농도에서는 소금을 사용하였을 때와 전반 적인 맛에 있어서 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다(p<0.05). 짠맛의 차이에 대한 평가에 있어서 소금을 사용하였 때와 가장 비슷한 짠맛을 나타낸 실험구의 나트륨의 농도는 0.53±0.01 g/L로 나타났으며, 짠맛 차이에 있어서도 전반적 인 맛의 차이에서와 같은 범위의 나트륨 농도에서 유의적 인 차이를 보이지 않았다(p<0.05). 소금을 대신하여 양조간 장만을 사용할 경우 전반적인 맛에 있어서는 약 82.4%, 짠맛에 있어서는 86.2%의 나트륨 함량을 줄일 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 양조간장 내에는 짠 맛을 증진하는 것으로 알려진 단백질, 펩타이드, 유기산 및 간장 고유의 향 이외 에도 짠맛을 증진시킬 수 있는 새로운 물질이 존재할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding consumers' being well and stylishly dressed is a key for marketers' success in ever changing fashion industry. The purpose of this study is to identify the antecedents of dressing style. As antecedents, personal values and clothing-related variables were considered: this study included physical appearance, materialism, and individualism as personal values and quality conscious, price conscious, and brand conscious as clothing related variables. It was hypothesized that personal values influence dressing style both directly and indirectly through clothing related variables. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul, using convenience sampling. Three hundred eleven questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis using SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using structural equation modeling. The results showed that all the fit statistics for the variable measures were quite acceptable. In addition, the overall fits of the model suggest that the model fits the data well. The hypothesized relationship test also showed that individualism among personal values directly influences dressing style and that only price consciousness among clothing-related variables influences dressing style. With respect to the relative importance, individualism showed the largest standardized regression weight. The results suggest effective product, price, and promotion strategies for marketers whose target market is style conscious consumers.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 기능성 사료용 보리의 생산 기술을 개발하기 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 식물체전체에 안토시아닌이 함유된 겉보리인 ‘보안찰보리’ 품종을 이용하여 전년에 구명된 안토시아닌의 축적을 높이기 위한 최적 추비 및 수확시기를 구명한데 (Song et al., 2011) 이어 최적시비량과 생산성, 사료가치 및 부위별 축적정도를 검토하였다. 그 결과 질소 추비량이 증가함에 따라 출수기가 지연되었고, 초장은 80%증비구에서 가장 컸으며, 건물율은 유의적으로감소하였다 (p<0.05). 생초수량은 증가되는 경향이었으나 통계적인 유의성은 없었고, 건물수량과 TDN 수량은 처리구간에 차이가 없었다. 조단백질 함량은 부위별로 이삭 > 총체 > 잎․줄기 순으로 높았으며 (p<0.05), 질소 추비량의 증가에 따라 모든 부위에서 유의적으로 증가하였다 (p<0.05). NDF와 ADF는 부위별로 잎․줄기> 총체 > 이삭 순으로 높았으며 (p<0.05), 질소추비량의 증가에 따라 잎․줄기에서는 감소하였고, 총체와 이삭은 처리구간에 차이가 없었다. TDN 함량은 이삭 > 총체 > 잎․줄기 순으로높았으며 (p<0.05), 질소 추비량의 증가에 따라잎․줄기는 증가하였고 (p<0.05), 총체와 이삭은처리구간에 차이가 없었다. 안토시아닌 함량은부위별로 잎․줄기 > 총체 > 이삭 순으로 높았으며 (p<0.05), 질소 추비량의 증가에 따라 잎․줄기와 총체에서 유의적으로 감소하였다 (p<0.05). 특히 cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), delphinidin(Del), malvidin-3-glucoside (M3G), malvidin (Mal)의 감소가 가장 현저하였다 (p<0.05). 이상의 결론을 종합하여 볼 때, 이 연구에 이용된 ‘보안찰보리’는 잎․줄기에 안토시아닌 축적이 가장많고, 조사료 수량을 고려하면서 안토시아닌함량이 높은 조사료용 유색보리를 생산하기 위해서는 월동 후 생육재생기에 표준 추비량을주는 것이 가장 유리한 것으로 판단되었다.
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