The research was conducted to draw preferences for horticultural activities as a leisure activity program of halls for the elderly. It aimed at a total of 56 old people who were from Daemyung-dong, Daegu : Daemyung 1 dong, 5 dong, 6 dong, 9 dong, 10 dong, along with Bongduck 3 dong. The research period was from Jul.21, 2005 to Dec.30, 2005, twice a month totaling 12 times. Horticultural activity program was simply implemented in consideration of the participating old people's age, after selecting frequently-used previous ones such as flower basket, dish garden, water culture, and potpourri bag making. Questionnaires were conducted after the program implementation. The survey result indicated as follows : regarding the preference study on the leisure program of the participating halls for the elderly horticultural activity showed 53.8% for the highest, ; regarding the preference study on horticultural activity program, bamboo strainer took 21%, corsage for 21%, potpourri bag for 10%, and hanging pot for 10%. The survey showed on the whole that the preference for works of flowers was relatively higher. The evaluation of sociality development after horticultural activity execution has presented a significant improvement(p<.001). Therefore, if the horticultural activity program is used as leisure activities of the halls for the elderly, it will seemingly put a positive impact on old people's personal relationship improvement and their leisure activities.