
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 28

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        경복궁은 조선 건국과 함께 창건된 궁궐로 태종, 세 종, 세조를 거치면서 법궁(法宮)으로 위상을 갖췄으나, 임진왜란으로 소실되었다. 이후 선조를 시작으로 여러 국왕은 경복궁을 중건하기 위해 노력하였지만 결국 270 년간 중건하지 못하였다. 경복궁의 공지(空地)에는 내농포(內農圃)가 들어섰으 며, 때에 따라 군사훈련을 하거나 왕실의 말을 키우는 목장으로도 사용되었다. 소실 이후 경복궁에는 전각터를 비롯하여 궁성(宮城) 과 궁성문(宮城門), 수계(水系)와 천문 관련 시설 등이 남아 있었는데, 그중 궁성은 외부의 침입을 막기 위한 시설로 유지 관리되었다. 궁성문에는 돌을 쌓아 출입을 막았으나, 광화문 동협문에는 경복궁의 관리를 위해 별 도의 문을 두어 출입하도록 했다. 경복궁의 수계시설은 가뭄이 들었을 때 기우(祈雨)를 위해 정비되었으며, 영조 대에 들어 물이 잘 흐를 수 있 도록 준천(濬川)되었다. 이외에도 간의대(簡儀臺), 소간 의대(小簡儀臺) 등의 천문 관련 시설이 남아 있었으며, 천상열차분야지도 각석(天象列次分野之圖刻石)이 발견 되어 관상감(觀象監)으로 옮겨 보관하였다. 광화문 밖에 남아 있던 세조 대 제작된 동종(銅鐘)은 종각을 세워 보 호하였다. 경복궁의 수비와 관리를 위하여 공궐위장(空闕衛將) 과 수궁내관(守宮內官)이 경복궁 내에 위치한 위장소와 수궁에 상주하였으며, 매일 포도청과 삼군문이 경복궁 외부를 순라(巡邏)하였다. 이러한 인력을 통한 관리와 함께 난입과 벌목, 내맥(來脈)의 굴토(掘土)를 금지하는 금령(禁令)이 마련되었으며, 이를 어기는 경우 처벌하였 다. 이러한 경복궁의 관리와 함께 근정전, 사정전, 강녕 전, 경회루 등의 전각터에서는 선대왕의 고사를 바탕으 로 왕실행사가 계속되었다. 현종 대 강녕전 터에서는 신덕왕후(神德王后)의 종묘 부묘(祔廟)를 위한 제주(題柱)가 행해졌으며, 숙종은 경 복궁 신무문 밖에서 행해지는 회맹제(會盟祭)를 위해 경복궁에 친림하였는데, 이러한 회맹제 때 국왕이 경복 궁을 찾는 것은 이후 경종과 영조 대까지 이어졌다. 숙 종은 회맹제 외에도 세조 대 경회루에서 행해진 양로연 (養老宴)의 고사를 따라 노인연(老人宴)을 열었다. 영조는 회맹제를 시작으로 숙빈 최씨 사당의 전배(展 拜)와 관련하여 경복궁에 친림하였다. 이와 함께 경복궁 에서 과거시험을 열었으며, 친잠례(親蠶禮), 진작(進爵), 조참(朝參) 등을 행하였다. 영조 대 친잠단과 문소전 터에 세워진 어필비는 영조 이후에도 주기적으로 관리되었으며, 문소전구기비의 경 우 이후 국왕들이 지속적으로 전배하였다. 또 경복궁은 춘당대(春塘臺)와 함께 정시(庭試) 과장(科場)으로 정해 졌기 때문에 철종 때까지 정시가 계속 열렸다. 경복궁 신무문 밖 공지에서도 회맹제(會盟祭)와 군사 의례가 행해졌다. 영조 대 육상궁(毓祥宮)과 연호궁(延祜宮) 등의 사묘(祠廟)가 건립되고, 인원황후의 탄생지 인 양정재(養正齋)가 어필 봉안처가 됨에 따라 소란스 럽게 행해진 신조기휘제(新造旗麾祭), 호궤(胡跪) 등의 군사의례는 한양 내 다른 곳으로 옮겨져 행해졌다. 경복궁 중건을 위한 기초자료로써 문헌에 기록된 소 실 이전의 경복궁 전각배치와 중건 초기 경복궁 내의 수계와 내맥 등이 반영된 다양한 <경복궁도>가 제작되 었다. 고종 대 경복궁 중건은 경복궁 내부 청소를 시작으로 수계와 내맥이 정비되었다. 우선 경회루지와 후원지를 준척(濬滌)하였으며, 준척에서 나온 흙으로 내맥을 보토 하였다. 이와 함께 경회루지의 제방(堤防)과 첨계(檐階), 섬 등은 개축(改築)되었다. 수로 역시 정비되었는데 기 존에 관리되던 수문은 시설의 변화 없이 단순히 준천만 하였지만 관리되지 못한 수로와 수문은 새롭게 고쳐 쌓 았다. 경복궁 공지를 차지하고 있던 내농포와 궁성 밑 민가 들은 한양 곳곳으로 옮겨졌으며, 어필비각과 위장소와 수궁 역시 훼철되었다. 간의대와 소간의대를 훼철한 후 나온 석재는 경회루 첨계, 건춘문 지대석, 근정전 품계 석 등에 재사용되었으며, 광화문 밖 동종 역시 녹여 향 로와 토수(吐首) 등을 제작하였다. 신무문 북쪽 지역은 중건과 함께 경복궁 후원으로 포 함된다. 이에 따라 육상궁 동쪽에 담장을 쌓으면서 후원 안에 위치하게 된 연호궁은 창의궁(彰義宮)으로 이봉 (移奉)되었으며, 양정재는 영조와 정조의 어필 봉안처로 서 경복궁 후원에 남게 되었다. 경복궁 중건과 함께 궁성과 궁성문, 주요 전각터 등 은 훼철 후 다시 지어졌지만, 그 규모와 배치는 크게 바 뀌지 않았다. 다만 강녕전과 사정전 사이에 행각이 건설 되어 강녕전 전면 좌우 건물의 위치와 명칭에 변화가 있었다. 광화문과 강녕전에는 다른 궁궐과 같이 월대를 새롭게 쌓았으며, 경회루와 근정전, 광화문 월대에는 난 간이 새롭게 세워졌다. 이와 같이 경복궁은 임진왜란으로 소실된 후 270년간 중건되지 못하였지만, 경복궁의 관리를 위해 조직과 법 령이 마련되었으며, 이를 통하여 경복궁은 유지관리 되 었다. 이러한 관리를 바탕으로 유지된 경복궁에서는 왕 실행사가 행해졌으며, 이로써 법궁으로서의 상징성이 유지되었다. 문헌과 중건 초기상황이 반영된 <경복궁도>는 고종 대 경복궁 중건의 기초자료로 쓰였다. 경복궁 중건에서 내부를 점유하고 있던 시설들은 훼철되거나 자재로 재 사용되었다. 경복궁 내 남아 있던 전각터를 바탕으로 전 각이 중건되었으며, 경복궁 궁역이 신무문 밖까지 확대 되었다. 중건 경복궁에는 270년간 궁궐 건축 변화가 적 용되었으며, 월대의 난간과 같은 새로운 형식이 나타나 기도 하였다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Numerous Sundials were fabricated during the reign of King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty. One among them is Jeongnam-Ilgu (the Fixing-South Sundial), where the time can be measured after setting up the suitable meridian line without a compass. We reconstructed the new Jeongnam-Ilgu model based on the records of ‘Description of Making the Royal Observatory Ganui (簡儀臺記)’ in the Veritable Record of King Sejong. Jeongnam-Ilgu has a summer solstice half-ring under a horizontal ring which is fixed to two pillars in the north and south, and in which a declination ring rotates around the polar axis. In our model, the polar axis matches the altitude of Hanyang (that is Seoul). There are two merits if the model is designed to install the polar axis in the way that enters both the north and south poles and rotates in them: One is that it is possible to fix the polar axis to the declination ring together with the cross-strut. The other is that a twig for hanging weights can be protruded on the North Pole. The declination ring is supposed to be 178 mm in diameter and is carved on the scale of the celestial-circumference degrees on the ring’s surface, where a degree scale can be divided into four equal parts through the diagonal lines. In addition, the time’s graduation that is drawn on the summer solstice half-ring makes it possible to measure the daytime throughout the year. An observational property of Jeongnam-Ilgu is that a solar image can be obtained using a pin-hole. The position cast by the solar image between hour circles makes a time measurement. We hope our study will contribute to the restoration of Jeongnam-Ilgu.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed the records on the reign style and the calendrical data presented in the Samguksagi (History of the Three Kingdoms) and the epigraph of the Three Kingdoms (Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje) period in Korea (B.C. 57 – A.D. 935) to verify the chronological tables of the period that are currently in use. For the epigraph of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, we utilized the database provided by the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. By analyzing the records on the reign style, first, we found that the Yeonpyo (Chronological Table) of the Samguksagi is tabularized using the reign style of the Caowei for the period of Three Kingdoms of China (Caowei, Shuhan, and Sunwu) (A.D. 220 – 280). Second, we found that the reign style of the Silla was promulgated during the reign period of a king, which was usually promulgated when a king acceded in China. Third, we found that the reign styles presented in historical materials showed agreement with those of the Yeonpyo except for two cases in the Goguryeo. Concerning the records on the calendrical data, first, we confirmed that accession years of kings Michu, Beobheung, Seondeok, Minae, Gyeongmun, and Seongdeok. On the other hand, we found probable errors in the record of accession years for the kings Munja, Wideok, Aejang, and Heonan. Next, we found that the records of the length of a lunar month, leap month, and cyclic day showed agreement with the current chronological table except for several cases. In particular, cyclic days in the solar eclipse account had a relatively large number of discrepancies. We believe that these errors might have been caused by the inaccurate identification of a year in the records of the Three Kingdoms while determining the year by referring to Chinese historical documents. Finally, we found that the starting point was included while counting a year, at least from the Three Kingdoms period, similar to the current method of counting age in Korea. However, we point out that the starting point should be excluded when the term “after” is used in the expression. We believe that this study is very useful to verify the current chronological table of the Three Kingdoms period in Korea.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The king of Joseon Dynasty Jeong-jo commanded the renovation of Seongjeong-gak, once a study for crown prince, to serve as Pyeonjeon(便殿), a main office for kings. The renovated building strictly separated the routes designated for the king and the other officers, respectively. The interior space consisted of Youngnae, reserved for the king and his senior aides, and Youngwae, for lower ranking officers. Youngnae(楹內) and Youngwae(楹 外) corresponded to the two blocks (the space between two columns) on the east and west side, respectively. Such structure of Pyeonjeon was heavily transformed over several occasions beginning from the late nineteenth century. Youngwae was subdivided into separate spaces, and the routes for the king and the officers became indistinguishable.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the construction of Gyeongbokgung Palace in the second year of King Gojong's reign, which has been spotlighted for political and economic history. The author analyzed the contents of wood procurement with the Yeonggeon Diary, which records each day of construction site. The results are as follows: First, the 2nd year of King Gojong's reign, Yeonggeon of Gyeongbokgung Palace, was a new building that reflected the old system and 270 years of changed environment on the existing site. Despite the poor economic conditions, it began with years of effort and voluntary volunteer work and dedication. Second, the priority of timber transport was recruiting people in the whole process and the supply and demand of transportation tools. Carrying lumber from the mountains to the riverside and floating it at the right time were all a matter of manpower. Soldiers and carts were used to carry timber that arrived in Hangang River to the construction site. The cart was a consumable product, so it was necessary to continuously use the wood to make cart at the site. Third, fire and flood were the biggest obstacles to the Yeonggeon schedule of Gyeongbokgung Palace. Especially the fire was fatal. It was difficult to extinguish the fire in temporary structure, where was the storage for wood to construct. These disasters greatly affected the construction cost and construction period. Wood procurements of Gyeongbokgung Palace were based on public offerings. At the same time, recycled materials from other palace wood and nearby houses, nationwide buying of private mountain wood, the logging of royal tombs and some of the buildings of Gyeonghui Palace and Changgyeong Palace were relocated.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The planning acumen led by the crown prince stands out during the banquets that were held continually during the reign of Crown Prince Hyomyung around the late Joseon period from 1827 to 1929. If we examine the changes in banquet space during the period that Crown Prince Hyomyung ruled by proxy, the Jagyeongjeon(慈慶 殿) in Changgyeonggung Palace, which was built during the time of King Jeongjo was repaired after the in 1827 during the reign of the crown prince and appeared in its changed form in Muja Jinjakin 1828. It is believed that the Jagyeongjeonwas expanded and repaired during the reign of Crown Prince Hyomyung to conduct banquets for important guests. Jagyeongjeon which was repaired during the crown prince's reign, is a space where banquets were continuously held during the three years that he reigned, and we can see that it is an important space for royalty where the authority of King Sunjo, Queen Sunwon, and Crown Prince Hyomyung was reflected. Yeongyeongdan(演慶堂) was a structure built in 1828, which is after the period when the Jagyeongjeonwas changed in 1827, and it is a space that emerged during the reign of the crown prince. Hwanchwijeong(環翠亭), which was constructed during the time of King Seongjong was changed after 1827 during the reign of Crown Prince Hyomyung and appeared in its changed form in Muja Jinjakin 1828. Hwanchwijeongwas the place where the Crown Prince Hyomyung stayed and planned banquets and it was repaired along with Jagyeongjeonin 1827. During his reign, the political intent of the crown prince was reflected not in superficial political spaces but in spaces where banquets were held and accordingly the main spaces for banquets and their related royal palace locations were changed or newly established. You need to briefly explain what this and Muja Jinjak are. New information is not provided in this paragraph. You have already established why the crown prince renovated the banquets and its significance in the first two paragraphs. You could just add “Jagyeongjeon(慈慶殿), Yeongyeongdan(演慶堂), and Hwanchwijeong(環翠亭) in Changgyeonggung Palace during his reign were changed and renovated during the time when the royal banquets of the 19th century were getting established. It was spaces that reflected the royal family and royal authority” to the end of the second paragraph and it would convey your intended meaning.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report a calendar sheet for the 31st year of the reign of King Gojong (1894) (hereafter, calendar sheet 1894) in Korea, which calendrical data in a single page. This calendar sheet 1894 is composed of 14 rows by 14 columns (about 190 cells), and various calendrical data are recorded such as the sexagenary circle of the first day in each month, 24 solar terms, full moon day. In this paper, we compare calendrical data of 1894 calendar sheet with those of the almanac based on the Shixian calendar (hereafter, annual almanac) of the same year. Our findings are as follows. First, we find that the year is expressed using the reign-year of the king of the Joseon dynasty differently from using the reign-style of China in the annual almanac those times. Other calendar days of this calendar sheet are the same as those of the annual almanac in term of lunar dates, 24 solar terms, sexagenary days and so forth. Second, we find that the calendar sheet 1894 contains memorial days for 64 lineally ancestors of the Joseon royal family. These royal memorial days appears in the annual almanac two years later (i.e., 1896). Third, as the most distinctive feature, we find that the symbol of 工 kept every two cells. It was found that the cells can be filled with three days as the maximum number of days and then are labelled the same symbol 工 every second cell. This feature allows us to get the first year in which this kind of calendar sheet was published. It is conjectured one of 11 years, such as 1845, 1846, 1847, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879 or 1880. We also think that the format of the calendar sheet 1894 has influenced on the Daehan-Minryeok (Korean civil calendar sheet) of 1920.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the records related to the reign style and the calendar day from the epigraphs of the Goryeo dynasty (918 - 1392) in Korea in order to verify and supplement the sexagenary cycle data of the first day in the lunar month of the dynasty. The database of the National Research Institute of Culture Heritage contains a rubbed-copy image, transcription statement, and translation statement for Korean epigraphs as well as 775 epigraphs corresponding to the Goryeo dynasty. The epigraph records are valuable in that, during this time, they were written differently from other historical literature such as the Goryeosa (History of the Goryeo Dynasty), which was compiled in the next dynasty. We find that the Goryeo dynasty, in general, had adopted the reign styles of Chinese dynasties at that time. We also find 159 calendar day records all showing good agreement with the work of Ahn et al. except for dozens of records. Through this study, we can verify the reign styles and the calendar days of the Goryeo dynasty.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 신라가 우산국을 정벌한 이유와 우산국이 신라에 歸服한 이후 신라의 우산국 통치에 대해 살펴보았다. 신라는 독자적으로 발전해 온 정치체인 우산국을 정벌하기 위해 오랜 기간 준비하였다. 이와 같이 신라가 우산국을 정벌한 이유는 지증왕이 그 전 시기와는 다른 지배체제 정비를 통해 독자적인 세계관을 구축하였기 때문이었다. 그리고 우산국이 지니고 있는 경제적인 측면 역시 정벌 이유의 하나였다. 이 중 대표적인 것이 가지어피≒해표피=반어피라고 하였다. 이와 같은 신라의 우산국 정벌은 신라의 실직․하슬라 지역에 대한 진출과 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있었다. 그리고 우산국이 신라에 귀복한 이후 이 지역에 대한 신라의 통치 역시 실직․하슬라 지역 지배와 불가분의 관계에 있었다. 신라는 일찍부터 실직․하슬라 지역을 지배하였고 통일 이후에도 마찬가지였다. 하지만 실직․하슬라, 명주 지역은 신라 하대 김주원과 그 후손에 의해 일정 정도 지배되었다. 우산국은 신라에 귀복된 이후 자치권을 행사하면서 신라에 토산물을 바쳤다. 이것은 신라와 탐라와의 관계에서도 알 수 있었다. 하지만 우산국은 신라 멸망 전에 고려에 귀복하였는데, 이것은 명주 지역의 정세 변동과 연동한 것이었다. 따라서 신라 하대 어느 시기부터 우산국은 명주지역과 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있었고 신라의 통치력은 우산국에 미치지 못하였다고 하였다.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울릉도 수토제도는 안용복사건으로 1694년 시작되어 1894년 12월 종료될 때까지 201년간 조선 중앙정부의 깊은 관심 속에서 지속적으로 수행되어왔다. 본 논문은 수토의 주기성을 파악하기 위해 사료, 수토기, 각석문, 울릉도도형, 대 풍헌자료, 문집 등을 검토하여 숙종 때부터 영조 때까지 울릉도 수토가 이루어진 해와 횟수를 파악해 보았다. 숙종 때는 7회(1차~7차)의 울릉도 수토가 있었고, 1697~8년, 1708~10년, 1717~8년 등 7회의 수토정지가 있었으며, 삼척영장의 수토까지 3년 1차 윤회수 토가 이루어졌다. 경종 때는 한 차례의 수토(8차)가 있었다. 영조 때는 1745년 월 송만호 박후기의 수토(14차)까지는 3년 1차 윤회수토가 시행되었고, 1747년 삼척 영장의 수토부터는 2년 1차 윤회수토가 시행되었다. 영조 1년부터 21년까지 3년 1차 윤회수토 6회(9차~14차), 수토정지 5회가 있었고, 영조 23년부터 50년까지는 2년 1차 윤회수토 14회(15차~27차), 수토정지 3회가 있었다. 숙종 20년부터 영조 50년까지 27차에 걸쳐 울릉도 수토가 실시되었다. 이러한 지속적인 울릉도 수토제도의 운영은 1,500년 이상 울릉도와 독도를 생활 공간으로 살아온 우리나라 연안주민들의 생활상과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. 따라서 울릉도 수토제도는 독도에 우리나라의 역사적, 지리적, 국제법적 영유권을 증명하는 핵심적인 증거라 할 수 있다. 201년간 수토의 전모를 밝히기 위해서는 정조 즉위년부터 고종 31년(1894년)까지의 분석이 더 필요하다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research work is to analyze architectural characteristics of Sungnyemun especially in King Yeongjo's reign in Joseon dynasty. The result of this research is summarized as following: 1. The architectural characteristics of Sungnyemun in King Yeongjo's reign are closely related with Confucian ceremonies such as Jeon-jwa and Heon-goek-rye. To perform these ceremonies, some lower walls of Sungnyemun's wooden pavilion were removed and used as ceremonial space. And after ceremony it was restored. 2. The floor type of center bay of the 1st story of wooden pavilion should have a type of floor using long and narrow fine tree plate, which is same type before the repair work of 1960's dismantlement. 3. The width of east stairway which is reached to east small gate, was changed just before Japanese's rule(1910~1945), should be broaden than present width, which is proven through the recent excavation. 4. The reason of asymmetric characteristic of locations of both east and west narrow-gate, and widths of east and west stairway, are related with order of King's ceremony.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intends to look into management and architectural space composition of Honjeon during the reign of Sukjong. Also it purposes to inspect how to affect management of the Royal Palace. The study is based on each Binjeon․Honjeon Dogam Eugwe between late 17C and 18C. And the data on management of the Royal Palace is based on Joseonwangjosillok and Seungjeongwon Ilgi. Because Sukjong used ChangDeokgung and GyeongDeokgung alternately, Honjeon located at Munjeongjeon of ChangGyeonggung during Sukjong stayed at ChangDeokgung and located at Gyesangdang of GyeongDeokgung during Sukjong stayed at GyeongDeokgung. At that time, often movement of the King modified procedure of moving Honjeon. Between the first year of Hyenjong and the 9th year of Sukjong, architectural space of Honjeon was settled. In 1659, territory of Jeongjeon was settled. Also between 1674 and 1684, Goklimcheong was built. Construction of Goklimcheong is noticeable character. As Munjeongjeon was being used as Honjeon continually, it was recognized as Honjeon. Due to its long utilization as Honjeon, several gonvernment offices were transferred. Also it influenced utilization of Myeongjeongjeon.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeong Woo-tae(?-1809) was a military official who had worked as Byeol-Gan-Yeok in the governmental construction works during the late 18th century through the early 19th century. Byel-Gan-Yeok, literally a special technician, was an official post in the governmental construction works that carries specific technical tasks from the mid 18th century. Over 30 years, Jeong Woo-tae had devoted himself in the construction of various royal tombs, city walls, and palace buildings. He showed superb and various techniques in the works of stone carving and architectural details. After finishing the construction of the tomb of King Jeong-jo's father successfully, he was appointed as a governor of a rural town. Being on duty of the governor, he used to participate in the construction works as a technician. He also made a couple of innovative devices in the field of construction, like a carrying apparatus, Byel-Nok-No. His works secured the setting up of the post of Byel-Gan-Yeok in the governmental construction system in the 19th century. But his technical achievement remained as his own private works rather than developing to the universal growth of the craftsmen's skill. This might be a limitation of the Byel-gan-Yeok's role, whose position was remained in the midway between official and craftsman.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한반도를 둘러싼 동아시아의 격동기였던 구한말부터 일제강점기에 이르는 19~20세기 초엽의 한반도 지도제작과정을 규명한 것이며, 한국지도발달사 중 고지도와 현대지도의 고리를 잇는 작업으로 자리매김할 수 있다. 일제는 1884년부터 한반도에 육군참모본부 간첩대를 파견하여 지도를 제작하기 시작하였고, 국가기본도인 1:5만 축척의 지형도는 3차에 걸쳐 간행되었다. 제1차 지형도는 간첩대를 파견하여 비밀측량과 같은 주권국가에 대한 불법행위를 무릅쓰고 간행된 것이며, 제2차 지형도는 기존의 제1차 지형도를 삼각측량에 의해 개측하거나 새롭게 측량한 것이고, 제3차 지형도는 식민지정책인 토지조사사업의 일환으로 간행된 지도이다.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Located in a rear garden of Changdeok Palace, Yeonkyeong-Dang is valued as the most characteristic building of the houses of aristocrats of the later Joseon Dynasty. The time of the construction has been much debated, however, it is perceived through this research that the construction was completed in September 1827(the 27nd year of king Sunjo's reign). The shape of the buildings during this period resembles a letter ㄷ as shown in the picture of Dong-Kweol. We previously described that the purpose of Yeonkyeong-Dang was to carry the portrait of king Yikjong while keeping the shape of building when it was first established until the 8th year of king Heonjong (1842). In 1865 (the 2nd year of king Gojong's reign), it was reconstructed with very different outlook which has remained the present shape. The characteristic features of the residences of aristocrats were reflected in newly reconstructed Yeonkyeong-Dang. The structure was largely divided into two quarters that occupied by male and female residents respectively. The two quarters were bordered by fences and added with a study and a pavilion. The reconstruction was conducted by king Gojong's father, Daewon- Goon and its purpose was to prepare a separate house for the king and queen before the kings wedding that was about to come. During the 19th century, building an imitation of houses of aristocrats became quite a trend in the palace. Built in 1847, Nakseon-Jae was precedented and followed by Yeonkyeong-Dang. Also later Geoncheong Palace was built in Kyeongbok Palace in 1873. All of the three buildings imitated houses of aristocrats. Divided residences of male and female sections and splendid decorations were common features. Nakseon-Jae was the smallest in the structure of spaces, ornamentation of details and its sizes, Yeonkyeong-Dang was the second and Geoncheong Palace was the most distinguished building. The constructions of these three buildings created an innovative architectural wave in the 19th century palace. Yeonkyeong-Dang was the building that mediated the new flow of architectural structure in the 19th century palace.
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