
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various diffusion experiments using geologic media have been carried out and it is often assumed that aqueous diffusion is the dominant transport mechanism. However, in some cases diffusive migration has been much faster than predicted in the model simulation. To explain such results surface diffusion of sorbing species was invoked. Experimental results were generally open to interpretation but possible existence of surface diffusion, whereby sorbed radionuclides could potentially migrate at much enhanced rates, necessitated investigation. The potential for surface diffusion of some sorbing nuclides on through-diffusion experiments using domestic rocks was examined. The apparent diffusion coefficients for sorbing cations were determined from their steady-state diffusion flux through rocks disks, while effective and pore diffusion coefficients were obtained with non-sorbing tracers through the same rocks. Diffusive transport models through domestic granites and granodiorites based only on pore diffusion did not often described adequately for sorbing cations. Thus, surface diffusion should be considered. Then what was the most important measure to estimate surface diffusion? As far as we examine, the sorption reversibility provides a hint of surface diffusion. The reversible sorbing species, for example, Sr, has a remarkable surface diffusion contribution, whereas surface diffusion has a relatively small contribution for irreversibly sorbing species such as Cs and Am under domestic experimental conditions.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A conductimetric study of foam formed from mixture of the protein, β-lactoglobulin, and the nonioinc surfactant, SML, revealed that their stability was reduced at concentrations of SML in the range 3~10mM. The interaction of SML with β-lactoglobulin was investigated by fluorimetry and a dissociation constant of 0.2μM was calculated for the complex. Surface tension studies confirmed the presence of interaction between the two components and provided evidence for the progressive displacement of β-lactogloblin from the air/water interface with increasing SML concentration. Experiments using air-suspended microscopic thin liquid films revealed transitions in the chainage characteristics and thickness of the film at SML concentrations below that which resulted in destabilization of the foam. However, measurements of surface mobility of fluorescent-labeled β-lactoglobulin by a photobleaching method identified that a transition to a mobile system occurred at a SML concentration which correlated with the onset of instability in the disperse phase. The results would indicate that maintenance of the viscoelastic properties of the surface is paramount importance in determining the stability of interfaces comprising mixtures of protein and surfactant.
        2000.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sputter Cu(1-4.5at.%Mg) alloy를 100mTorr이하의 산소압력에서 온도를 증가시키며 열처리하였을 때 표연과 계면에서 형성된 MgO의 확산방지막 특성을 살펴보았다 먼저, Cu(Mg)/SiO2/Si 구조의 샘플을 열처리했을 때 계면에서는 2Mg+SiO2→2MgO+Si의 화학반응에 의해 MgO가 형성되는데 이 MgO충에 의해 Cu가 SiO2로 확산되는 것이 현저하게 감소하였다. TiN/Si 기판 위에서도 Cu(Mg)과 TiN 계면에 MgO가 형성되어 Cu(4.5at.%Mg)의 경우 800˚C까지 Cu와 Si의 확산을 방지할 수 있었다. 표면에 형성된 MgO위에 Si을 증착하여 Si/MgO(150 Å)/Cu(Mg)/SiO2/Si구조로 만든 후 열처리했을 때 150 Å의 MgO는 700˚C까지 Si과 Cu의 확산을 방지할 수 있었다. 표면에 형성된 MgO(150 Å)의 누설전류특성은 break down 5V, 누설전류 10-7A/cm2의 값을 나타냈다. 또한 Si3N4/MgO 이중구조에서는 매우 낮은 누설전류밀도를 나타냈으며 MgO에 의해 Si3N4 증착시 안정적인 계면이 형성됨을 확인하였다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        콘크리트는 인장력에 취약한 재료적 특징을 갖기 때문에 콘크리트 구조물의 사용기간 중에 발생하는 균열은 내구성능 평가 시 필히 고려되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 두 수준의 강도를 고려한 플라이애시 콘크리트를 배합하여 옥외 폭로 시험을 실시하였다. 노출 환경은 비말 조건으로 설정하였으며, 균열 폭이 콘크리트의 염화물 확산 거동에 미치는 영향을 평가하고자 각 배합의 시편에 0.1 mm 간격으로 최대 1.0 mm 까지의 균열 폭을 야기하였다. 그 후 3가지 수준의 노출기간(180일, 365일, 730일)을 고려하여 겉보기 염화물 확산계수 및 표면 염화물량을 산출하였다. 균열 폭의 증가에 따라 두 배합 모두 확산계수가 증가하였으며, 노출기간이 증가함에 따라 확산계수는 감소하였다. 또한 노출 기간이 증가함에 따라 균열 폭이 확산계수에 미치는 영향이 감소하였는데, 이는 염소 이온 기반 수화물이 콘크리트의 확산성을 저감시키기 때문으로 사료된다. 표면 염화물량 거동은 겉보기 염화물 확산계수 거동 대비 균열 폭의 증가에 따른 뚜렷한 변화 거동이 발생하지 않았으며, 고강도 배합에서 보통 강도 배합 대비 78.9 % ~ 90.7 %의 표면 염화물량을 나타내어 강도와의 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To predict the characteristics of chloride ion penetration in the concrete and rebar corrosion prediction for chloride ion permeation, it is important to understand the chloride ion diffusion coefficient. It is possible that the reinforced concrete structures can be predicted accurately by the profile of the position of the rebar chloride ions using a chloride ion diffusion coefficient. On this study, analysis of chloride ion diffusion coefficient experimented in Korea and the effect of changes in the surface chloride ions concentration on chloride attacked durability design was analyzed