남해안 지역에 자생하고 있는 멀꿀의 이용도를 높이기 위한 기초자료 확보 측면에서 부위별 성분함량과 생리활성을 조사하였다. 비타민 C는 과피에 85.23 mg/100 g, 과육에 61.67 mg/100 g가 함유되어 있었다. 총 아미노산은 과육 434.05 mg/100 g DW에 비해 과피에 762.72 mg/100 g DW으로 많았다. 무기물 함량은 과피(108.48 mg/l)에 많았으며, K(76.53 mg/l), Ca(20.20 mg/l) 및 Mg(6.22 mg/l)가 대부분을 차지했다. 메탄올 추출물 1,000 mg/l일 때 총 페놀화합물은 7.3-9.6 mg/l였으며, 총 플라보노이드 함량은 5.1-6.7 mg/l였다. 멀꿀 메탄올 추출물 4,000 mg/l의 아질산염소거는 과피와 과육은 각각 79.5, 77.8% 인데 비해 종자는 17.1%였으며, tyrosinase 활성의 저해효과는 10.8%이하를 나타냈다. 항균활성은 그람양성균과 그람음성균 모두 과피 메탄올 추출물의 저 농도에서는 나타나지 않은 경우도 있었으나 과육과 종자 추출물에서는 저해환 직경이 8.91~12.25 mm을 나타냈다.
This study was conducted to gather the basic data on the increase of utilization for the Japanese staunton vine (Stauntonia hexaphylla), native plants which were grown in the southern districts in Korea. We have also determined their partial physical and chemical compositions and their physiological activities. Vitamin C contents in fruit skin was 85.23 mg/100 g, and that in flesh was 61.67 mg/100 g. Total amino acids contents in fruit skin increased much more by 762.72 mg/100 g DW compared to that in flesh by 434.05 mg/100 g DW. Inorganic matter contents were more increased in the fruit skin (108.48 mg/l) and its main components were K (76.53 mg/l), Ca (20.20 mg/l) and Mg (6.22 mg/l). Total phenol compound and flavonoid contents in 1,000 mg/l methanol extracts were 7.3-9.6 mg/l and 5.1-6.7 mg/l. Nitrite radical scavenging activity in 4,000 mg/l methanol extracts of fruit skin and flesh for Stauntonia hexaphylla were 79.5% and 77.8%, however, that in seeds was 17.1%. Overall mushroom tyrosinase inhibition activity (% of control) was less than 10.8%. Anti-microbial activities of methanol extracts from the fruit skin against the gram negative and positive microbial strains were not significant in the lower concentration of extracting solution, however, that from flesh and seeds in terms of the inhibition diameter were 8.91~12.25 mm.