The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of homocysteine and antioxidant nutrients with obesity in Korean middle aged women. The study subjects included were middle-aged obese women (n=36) whose body mass index (BMI) was greater than 25 kg/m2. A total of 36 participants were randomly divided into two groups. They were assigned to either the Nutritional Management and Exercise (NME) program or the Exercise Management (EM) program, which were both conducted for 3 months. We measured serum homocysteine, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels of the participant. We also measured the dietary intakes of antioxidant nutrient, cholesterol, body weight, body mass index, blood pressure, and VO2. At the end of both programs, please confirm this change. It was unclear when these measurements were shown to have decreased. The body weight and BMI of NME group were decreased compared to those of EM group. The serum total cholesterol levels of the participants in NME group were significantly decreased, in contrast to EM group. Also, serum homocysteine levels of NME group participants were decreased compared to EM group, but the difference was not statistically significant. In the NME group, there were significant differences in the change of dietary cholesterol and vitamin C intake. These results showed that participating NME program will continuously promote the healthy status of the middle aged obese women, compared to participating only in the EM program.