본 연구는 생태계 조절 서비스 중에 하나인 기후 조절 서 비스 산정을 위한 국내 주요 생태계의 탄소 저장 지표를 산 정하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 국내에서 진행된 선행 연구 를 바탕으로 주요 생태계 (도시녹지, 경작지, 활엽수림, 침엽 수림, 혼효림, 초지, 담수, 연안, 해양)의 탄소 저장량을 이용 하여 탄소 저장 지표를 산정하였다. 또한 다양한 측정 방법 으로 추정된 탄소 저장 지표의 불확실도를 국제기준에 따라 산정하였다. 국내 주요 생태계의 조절 서비스를 생태계 유 형, 측정 방법 그리고 저장고별로 정량화한 결과 탄소 저장 지표는 산림 생태계에서 가장 높은 값을 보였다.
Ecosystems have functions of providing, supporting, regulating and cultural services. In particular, there is an increasing attention to the importance of regulating ecosystem services in carbon sequestration function, since it is closely related to the issue of climate change. In this study, to quantify benefits of climate regulating ecosystem services, the carbon storage was defined as an indicator. Nine major Korean ecosystems were classified and research papers on carbon storage were analyzed. The collected carbon storage data were categorized according to classified ecosystems, methodologies, and carbon storage components. For each category, the mean, standard error and coefficient of variation were calculated. The carbon storage indicator was highest in vegetation biomass of deciduous forest ecosystems. The uncertainty was also estimated by the IPCC 2006 guidelines. The estimations of the uncertainty differed by methodologies and carbon storage components. With exception of forest ecosystems, the limited number of studies were available which might have hindered to conduct accurate estimations. These findings indicate that there are needs for further clarification in the measurement standards by different ecosystems.