
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 61

        2023.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on how the partial substitution of copper by nickel nanoparticles affects the electrical and structural properties of the Bi2Ba2Ca2Cu2.9Ni0.1O10+δ, Bi2Ba2Ca2Cu2.8Ni0.2O10+δ and Bi2Ba2Ca2Cu2.6Ni0.4O10+δ compounds. Approximate values of crystallization size and crystallization percentage for the three compounds were calculated using the Scherer, modified Scherer, and Williamson-Hall methods. A great similarity was observed in the crystal size values from the Scherer method, 243.442 nm, and the Williamson-Hall method, 243.794 nm for the second sample. At the same time this sample exhibited the highest crystal size value for the three methods. In the examination of electrical properties, the sample with 0.1 partial substitution, Bi2Ba2Ca2Cu2.9Ni0.1O10+δ was determined to be the best with a critical temperature of 100 K and an energy gap of 6.57639 × 10-21 MeV. Using the SEM technique to analyze the structural morphology of the three phases, it was discovered that the size of the granular forms exceeds 25 nm. It was determined that the samples’ shapes alter when nickel concentration rises. The patterns that reveal the distribution of the crystal structure also exhibit clear homogeneity.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to provide directions and implications for a future program by analyzing studies on diabetes programs from 2000 to 2020. Among the studies with control and experimental groups, the selected studies included ones that provided intervention to patients with diabetes and ones that contained descriptive statistics. Sixteen studies were selected to verify the effectiveness and homogeneity of the data coding meta-analysis. The overall effect size in the diabetes program combined estimate was 0.398 (95% CI: 0.268, 0.425, p=0.000). Among the dependent variables, fasting blood glucose (-0.616) and glycated hemoglobin (-0.442) showed median effect sizes, but the effect of fasting blood glucose was not statistically significant. In terms of the study design, non-randomized control trials (NRCTs) (-0.543) was more effective than randomized control trials (RCTs) (0.719). Among, the counseling and self-management program (-3.241) showed a very large effect size. Furthermore, the cognitive-behavioral (-0.828) and self-management (-0.482) programs were also found to have a positive effect on lowering fasting blood glucose. As the importance of diabetes management increases, further studies based on RCT should be actively performed, and differentiated and specialized diabetes intervention plans need to be established.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스포츠계열 공공기관 채용에 대한 중요도 우선순위를 알아봄으로써 체육계열 학생들의 공공기관 취업에 대한 가능성을 높이는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 스포츠계열 교수 4명, 스포츠분야 NCS 전문위원 3명, 스포츠 공공기관 심사위원 2명, 공공기관 채용 담당자 2명 등 총 11명을 유목적 표집 (purposeful sampling)하였다. 이와 같은 과정을 통하여 2020년 1월 3일부터 3월 12일까지 NCS 직업기초능력 주요 항목 요인을 사용하여 계층구조분석을 이용해 중요도 우선순위를 분석하였다. 모든 자료는 통계처리를 하기 위해 Window 용 SPSS/PC (ver. 21.0)을 이용하여 빈도분석과 EC-2000을 이용하여 계층구조분석 하였다. 첫째, 스포츠계열 공공기관 채용 대영역에서 의사소통능력(.231), 조직이해능력(.177), 자원관리능력(.128), 대인관계능력 (.110), 직업윤리(.082), 문제해결능력(.061), 정보능력(.056), 수리능력(.054), 자기개발능력(.052), 기술능 력(.049) 순으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 평가항목에 있어서는 의사소통은 의사표현능력(.442), 수리능력은 기초 연산능력(.512), 문제해결능력은 사고력(.722), 자기개발능력은 자기관리능력(.587), 자원관리능력은 시간 관리능력(.531), 대인관계능력은 팀웍크능력(.382), 정보능력에서는 컴퓨터 활용능력(.677), 기술능력에서는 기술이해능력(.599) 순으로 분석되었다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tis study was an attempt to systematically analyze the characteristics of modern Korean food styling using the menu image photos of the Michelin Guide Seoul 2020 restaurants. The first sampling was conducted on the 27th of March 2020 and the second on the 27th of October 2020. A collection of images on the web and 442 photographic cases obtained by a search through theoretical background literature and research papers were studied by a qualitative analysis method. First, the food styling contents were analyzed and based on that, the food styling characteristics of the menus of 11 restaurants in Korea including the contemporary restaurants were considered. The analysis revealed several aspects of Korean food styling. First, food styling appeared to have three major characteristics: color, shape, and container styling. Color styling was further subdivided into single color/similar color, color contrast, source type, and accent color type. The shape/formative styling was classified into figure type, shape type, accessory type, and garnish type, and container styling was categorized as container color type, container shape type, and container material type. Second, the modern Korean food color styling characteristics of Michelin restaurants were categorized in the order of monochromatic/similar type, sauce type, accent color type, and color contrast. In the formative styling category, it was categorized in the order of shape type, small piece type, garnish/garnish type, and figure type. In container styling, container material type and formative type accounted for the major portion of the category. The food styling characteristics of the modern Korean menu were systematized and image examples were presented visually. Please use it as food styling educational material or personal food styling skill.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The luxury market has become a prevalent global economic sector which is estimated to reach $442 billion by 2025 (Arienti, Levato, Kamel, & Montgolfier, 2018). Sales revenue in the luxury market has grown not only in the US and EU, but also in emerging economies with rapid economic expansion, such as China and India (Shukla, 2010; Tynan, McKechnie, & Chhuon, 2010). Young consumers (i.e., millennials and Gen Z) comprise the fastest growing group of purchasers of luxury goods (D’Arpizio, Levato, Prete, Del Fabbro, & de Montgolfier, 2019). Subsequently, marketers are interested in factors that affect young consumers’ decision-making process in luxury fashion goods consumption. It is a challenge for marketers to appeal to young consumers because abrand or brand name is less important to them than it has been for older generations (Forte, 2019). Country-of-origin (CoO) is relatively important for luxury purchase compared to non-luxury purchase (Godey et al., 2012). In the context of luxury brand consumption, research suggests that attitude functions (social-adjustive, value-expressive, hedonic, and utilitarian) also have an impact on luxury purchase intentions (Schade, Hegner, Horstmann, & Brinkmann, 2016). This study thus investigates significant factors influencing luxury brand purchase among young consumers. Specifically, we draw from “Functional Theories of Attitudes” (Grewal, Mehta, & Kardes, 2004) as a framework to investigate the effects of CoO on consumers’ attitude functions and luxury brand purchase intentions.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내에서 수집한 15종의 야생버섯류를 식용 가능 및 약용가능, 식독불명 또는 독버섯으로 분류하여 아미노산 성분함량을 분석하였다. 식용가능한 야생버섯들의 총 아미노산 성분함량의 범위는 866.4 ~ 1,220.5 mg/ kg이었으며, 필수 아미노산의 총 함량은 301.4 ~ 490.2 mg/kg이었다. 그 중 흰우단버섯(OK811)에서 다량의 류신 (Leu), 페닐알라닌(Phe), 시스테인(Cys), 글루탐산(Glu) 함량을 보이며 식용가능한 야생버섯류 중에서 총 필수 아미노산 함량이 가장 높았다. 약용가능한 버섯류의 총 아미 노산 성분함량의 범위는 802.6 ~ 1,233.7 mg/kg이었으며 필수 아미노산 총 함량의 범위는 263.5 ~ 412.8 mg/kg이었다. 그 중간버섯속(OK1071)의 총 아미노산 및 필수 아미노산 함량이 약용가능한 야생버섯류 중에서 가장 높았다. 특히 비필수 아미노산 성분인 시스테인(Cys)은 204.1 mg/kg가 검출되어 약용가능 야생버섯 뿐만 아니라 식용가능 야생버섯류에 비하여 훨씬 높은 함량을 나타냈다. 독버섯 또는 식독불명 버섯류의 총 아미노산 함량 범위는 681.8 ~ 1223.4 mg/kg 이었으며, 필수 아미노산의 함량의 범위는 229.1 ~ 442.8 mg/kg이다. 독버섯으로 알려진 노랑다발(OK826)은 이들 버섯류 중에서 가장 높은 총 아미노산 함량을 보였으며, 알기닌(Arg)은 109.2 mg/kg 로 식용 또는 약용가능한 버섯류들에 비하여 높게 검출되 었고 페닐알라닌(Phe)은 120.6 mg/kg로 약용가능한 야생 버섯류들에 비하여 높게 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 향후 야생버섯을 이용한 신품종 또는 산업적 이용 등을 위한 우수 버섯자원 선발에 필요한 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 스쿠버다이빙의 교육 서비스품질과 고객만족 및 재구매의사의 관계를 연구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 서울 소재의 스쿠버다이빙장의 스쿠버를 모집단으로 선정하고 비확률 표본추출법 중 편의추출법(conven-ience sampling)을 사용하여 총 200부의 설문지를 배포하였다. 이 중 불성실하게 응답되어졌 다고 판단한 46부의 설문지를 제외하고 총 154부의 자료를 유효표본으로 사용하였다. 자료처리방법은 SPSS18.0 프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 상관관계 및 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교육 서비스품질과 고객만족의 관계를 분석한 결과 교육 서비스품질 중 시설(β=.349), 프로그램(β=.340)이 만족에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교육 서비스품질에 대한 고객만족의 설명력을 살펴보면, 교육 서비스품질의 전체 변량 중 약 47%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교육 서비스품질과 재구매의 관계를 분석한 결과 교육 서비스품질 중 비용(β=.215), 프로그램 (β=.442)이 재구매에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교육 서비스품질에 대한 재구매의 설명력을 살펴보면, 교육 서비스품질의 전체 변량 중 약 53%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 고객만족과 재구매의 관계를 분석한 결과 만족(β=.555)은 재구매에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 만족에 대한 재구매의 설명력을 살펴보면, 전체 변량 중 약 55%의 설명력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        세계화로 인해 교역 및 여행객의 증가로 외래 병해충의 유입이 증가하고 있고 이들의 유입 및 확산 경로 규명을 위하여 분자 유전학적 분석 방법이 이용되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 외래 해충인 Reticulitermes kanmonensis의 유전적 특성을 분석하기 위한 18개의 초위성체마커(microsatellite)를 이용하여 총 16개 지역(전주, 김제1, 김제2, 군산1, 군산2, 서천, 완주1, 완주2, 완주3, 완주4, 익산1, 익산2, 논산, 일본1, 일본2, 일본3)의 흰개미 244개체를 분석하였다. 집단간 대립 유전자 패턴(allelic patterns)분석결과 일본3 지역의 유전적 다양성이 높게 나타났고 완주2 지역은 다른 지역에 비해 비교적 낮게 나타났다. 집단 간 유전적 거리(Genetic differentiation)는 평균적으로 0.163정도의 유전적 다향성 비율을 나타냈고, 서천과 군산2 지역이 0.048로 낮게, 서천과 일본2 지역이 0.442로 높게 나타나 서천과 군산2 집단이 유전적으로 가깝게 나타나고, 반면 서천과 일본2 집단과는 유전적으로 멀게 나타났다. STRUTURE 분석결과는 클러스터 집단 수가 6(k=6)일때 이상적인 집단 패턴을 나타내었고, 유전적 구조는 A그룹(전주, 김제1, 완주2), B그룹(서천, 군산1, 군산2), C그룹(완주1, 김제2), D그룹(논산, 익산1, 익산2), E그룹(김제1, 완주2, 완주3), F그룹(일본1, 일본2, 일본3)의 6가지의 패턴이 지역별로 분리되어 나타났다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose Increasingly Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are facing uncertainties and pressures with a strong emphasis to differentiate from competitors with a clear offering to multiple stakeholders (Amber et al., 2016; Anctil, 2008; Chapleo, 2010; Hemsley-Brown and Oplatka, 2006). Universities in particular are viewed as “businesses” operating in a competitive global marketplace where differentiation plays a key role in attracting students and funding (Walton, 2005; Bunzel, 2007). One subject area that seems to address some of the uncertainties and pressures is the topic of corporate branding. Corporate branding can alleviate universities from a complex set of multi-faceted features (Hemsley-Brown and Goonawardana, 2007) which include among others, accreditation, tuition fees, positions in league tables and status in the global marketplace, and reinforce an institution’s unique selling point to multiple stakeholders, such as students, academics and funders (Whisman, 2009; Chapleo, 2010). Thus, a strong corporate brand can support, for example, charging higher tuition fees, recruiting leading academics and attracting students from underrepresented groups (Chapleo, 2010; Croxford and Raffe, 2015). Despite a move towards “marketisation”, it is unclear whether corporate branding has allowed universities to develop authentic, convincing brand identities, which would help to alleviate these pressures as HE, unlike the private sector, has typically less resources to implement branding strategies and has a tendency to be internally focused, unsure what is important for their brand and stakeholders (Jevons, 2006). The limited studies in this area call for more research and understanding into the application of corporate branding in the context of higher education (Anctil, 2008; Chapleo, 2010; Hemsley-Brown and Oplatka, 2006). Dibb and Simkin (1993: 26) discuss the branding variance of intangibility in different services placing “education” at the extreme end of the continuum questioning: ‘what is the product, the institution, the course; the experience or the qualification?’ It could be these different specialisms may be the very source of differentiation that can ensure the success of a HE corporate brand. Although ‘higher education and branding go back a long way’ (Temple, 2006: 15) those branding studies that have been conducted in universities have had limited application in specialised areas (Hankinson, 2004; Chapleo, 2011) such as the sciences or teacher education, as opposed to a business school where most marketing research is generally undertaken. Balmer and Liao (2007:368) point to other ‘institutional settings’ such as the Department of Music, at the University of York, which warrant a study with students into their identification with a university’s corporate brand. This highlights the complexity and challenges of managing multiple sub-brands within a corporate brand (Spry, 2014; Chapleo, 2015) and presents a unique opportunity for the research proposed which will consider relationships between a university corporate brand and sub-brand. As corporate branding can be described as the process of framing the organisation’s identity, which is derived from its culture, values, strategy and tangible cues (Balmer, 2001) it is brand identity that is the ‘unit of analysis’ (Uggla, 2006:78) and the focus of this study. Specifically, corporate brand identity relates to ‘what the organisation is and what it seeks to be’ (Abratt and Kleyn, 2012: 1051). Similarly Steiner et al. (2013: 411) maintain that a university’s identity is ‘who we are’. Since Albert and Whetten’s (1995) study on organisational identity and the authors’ claim that it is an evolving, collective phenomenon, there has been an increasing interest in institutional identity. Indeed, the link between corporate brand identity and shared values amongst stakeholders has been extensively documented (Harris and de Chernatony, 2001; Balmer and Gray, 2003, Kay, 2006; Chapleo, 2010). These ‘ bundle of values…’ (Balmer and Gray, 2003: 981) give the organisation its uniqueness and ‘….a sense of individuality’ (Harris and de Chernatony, 2001: 442). Balmer (2001) maintains that the values of an organisation’s identity as can be both tangible and intangible. However, with increasing competition in the marketplace and the rapid progress of modern technology organisations are looking to differentiate the emotional, rather than functional characteristics of their brand (Harris and de Chernatony, 2001). Gutman and Miaoulis (2003:106) describe these emotional values as those ‘that underlie important goals of students ….’ which ‘deal with the end states of our existence or the ultimate goals that people wish to achieve in their lives’ (Durvasula et al., 2011: 33). Thus the corporate brand becomes ‘the interface between the organisation’s stakeholders and its identity’ (Abratt and Kleyn, 2012: 1053) and a transition occurs from university identity to image (Steiner et al., 2013). It is therefore an organisation’s “values” that should correspond with the emotional needs of both employees and external stakeholders (Chapleo, 2010; Harris and de Chernatony, 2001). However, Steiner et al (2013) maintain that university faculties may not see themselves as part of the university’s overall identity which Brookes (2003:139) argues is due to marketing concepts being ‘theoretically uncomfortable’ for most academics or even ‘insulting’ (Waeraas and Solbakk, 2008). Traditionall, centralised corporate branding has played a less visible role in HE which has allowed different departments to develop strong brand identities of their own, referred to as the ‘house of brand approach’ (Hemsley-Brown and Gonnawardana, 2007: 946). This approach is one of three key branding strategies outlined by Ollins (1995) and Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000), which relate to the discipline of brand architecture and is one which puts distance between the corporate brand and the businesses and products such as the Virgin Group. The second approach is that of the branded house where a single Masterbrand unites the company and its businesses and products, such as the Virgin Group. Hemsley-Brown and Gonnawardana (2007: 945) refer to this approach as ‘corporatization’ in universities and is when branding practices change and departments are encouraged to align their identity with that of the university; hence they lose their individual branding. This particularly affects departments operating in niche markets and presents a difficult challenge for universities where understanding and expressing a single identity ‘may be too complex and fragmented’ (Waeraas and Solbakk, 2009: 459) as multiple identities and values held by staff may provide uniqueness to the university. Jevons (2006) cites the University of Cambridge in the UK where the identity of their colleges is much more distinct than the entire University. The endorsed brand strategy is when a company’s businesses and products are endorsed with the corporate brand (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000) and a common identity such as Courtyard by Marriott. Sub-brands are also part of the brand architecture arena and similarly to endorsed brands can stretch across products and markets with an offering that is different and new (Uggla, 2006). While Ollins (1995) did not distinguish between sub-brands and endorsed brands, Hemsley-Brown and Gonnawardana (2007) refer to university faculties/schools/departments as sub-brands where the university simply provides brand endorsement to the sub-brands. However, several authors maintain the difference between sub-brands and endorsed brands is subtle (Devlin, 2003); in the latter case the Masterbrand plays a far less dominant role than that of the former which allows the Masterbrand to compete in markets than would otherwise be the case (Hsu et al, 2014). If the Masterbrand is more distant as in the endorsed approach, it acts as ‘a powerful cushion against contamination and risk' (Hsu et al, 2014). Devlin (2003) cites the key reason for putting distance between the corporate brand and businesses and products as being to maintain relationships and indicate distinctive competencies to different target markets. For example, and in the context of HE, w hile a University has key stakeholders, such as the Government, the general public and media it would seem worthy of consideration that the corporate brand might shape different images for these stakeholders while allowing different specialisms, particularly those with strong but different external influences, to nurture relationships with specific target markets (Muzellec and Lambkin, 2008). Although clear brand architecture models have been developed over time in the literature there appears to be a conflict of views and a lack of context-specific approaches. For example Chapleo (2015) found in his research that university departments often displayed qualities of sub-brands for specific target markets. However, there is no literature that has applied these different brand architecture approaches to the context of a university and more specifically a particular area of specialism. Indeed Chapleo (2015:159), who maintains that brand architecture is an approach 'with which universities struggle’, calls for more research into its applicability. Responding to the identified gaps in the body of knowledge this research, which provides a unique insight into an under-researched area, seeks to examine a university’s identity, related values and considers the development of an operational framework. The framework will investigate the complex nature of corporate brands in the context of HE in order to identify a coherent and effective brand architecture (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000) which signals a differentiated offering? Although Spry (2014) responded to these gaps by qualitatively exploring perceptions of staff and students in a UK university and found significant relationships between the corporate brand and sub brand there is a need for a quantitative study that examines the suggested relationships further. The context is a university in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) focusing on a College of Nursing. The findings will offer internal university management advice on how best to investigate and potentially manage multiple sub-brands and ensure consistencies and coherencies with the corporate brand. Therefore the following objectives for this study have been developed: • To explore perceptions of corporate brand identity-image by students in both the context of a university and that of a university department • To examine the role that corporate brand identity plays in shaping perceptions of emotional and functional values • To conceptualise a framework that university practitioners can assimilate in order to develop appropriate brand architectures. Research Design Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses In keeping with objectives developed in the previous section, the following conceptual model has been developed. So as to gain a more detailed understanding of the relationships highlighted in figure 1, including the strength of the causal relationships and differences, the follow three hypotheses have been developed: H1: University corporate Identity will positively influence Emotional Values H2: College identity will positively influence Emotional Values H3: Emotional Value will positively influence Functional Values In addition, two further hypotheses have been developed to test if emotional values act as a mediator between Identity and Functional Values. This will measure the importance of Emotional Values as a key element of branding strategies to be considered by University management: H4: Emotional Values mediate a positive relationship between University Corporate Identity and Functional Values H5: Emotional Values mediate a positive relationship between College Identity and Functional Values Method All validated items of the variables in the conceptual framework were heavily influenced by the work of Lages and Fernandes (2005). A total of 165 questionnaires were collected from final year undergraduate students and Masters students, studying at the College of Nursing, in a University in the RoI. The majority of respondents were female (84%) and aged 22 – 30 (76%). One respondent was dropped from the study after data cleaning and as a result, data from 164 respondents was used to test the hypotheses. Hair et al. (2010) maintain that a minimum sample size for a model with five or fewer constructs is 100. This study uses Amos 23.0 to test the model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) will be employed to assess the model fit and test the hypotheses respectively. Further, this study follows the bootstrapping method developed by Preacher and Hayes (2008) to test the mediating role of Emotional Values. University and that of the College of Nursing in terms of values. Specifically, the questions posed to students will provide an understanding on how they view the University’s identity compared to that of the College of Nursing. This will also help us to understand how successful the university has been in implementing its corporate branding initiatives and whether or not the corporate brand values align with that of the School of Nursing. In other words, do College staff perform in a way that the University (identity) and the students (image) expect? More specifically, do the values of the University, and that of the College of Nursing align with those of the students or are they viewed as separate entities with different perceptions as a result? Therefore is there a gap between the communicated corporate HEI brand identity and understood image? Further, can any relationship be identified between the corporate brand identity and emotional and functional values? Specifically, we are interested to see if emotional values mediate a positive relationship between corporate brand identity and functional values. In addition, does this suggest a sub-culture (sub-brand) within the corporate brand? If this is the case is it possible that different specialisms may provide the very source of differentiation being sought by universities across the globe? It is proposed to develop and test a framework that can be applied to HE and other organisations where there may be different departments with different sub-cultures operating in different environments. HE institutions will be able to use the proposed framework as a mechanism to understand the interplay, relationships and identity-image of the corporate brand and sub- brands. This in turn will enable HEI’s to respond to findings and develop-refine HE branding strategies for future development to shape, direction, values, vision etc. and highlight the most appropriate brand architecture to develop. The framework will also offer corporate brands within and beyond the HE context on how to evaluate their corporate brand and ascertain whether a house of brands or branded house approach is suitable for long term development. Conclusion It is proposed that research will add to the limited studies in HE and corporate branding both in terms of context and furthering the concept of corporate brand identity and, in particular brand architecture where HE literature is virtually non-existent. This study will also contribute to educational branding theory through demonstrating an understanding of those values that are most important to students therefore advancing understanding the development of global ‘educational brands’. Future comparative studies could be conducted to assess the transfer potential of the proposed framework to national and international settings and make adaptations if required. This research forms part of a larger study and qualitative data has been collected from employees in the College of Nursing which would also support these findings. If time allows findings from this would also be presented at the conference.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates was investigated at 1,157 sites of 7 main water systems in Korea, including 442 sites of Han River system (Namhan River, Bukhan River, Han River main stream, Anseongcheon, etc.), 305 sites of Nakdong River system (Nakdong River, Hyeongsan River, Taehwa River, etc.), 199 sites of Geum River system (Geum River, Sapgyocheon, Mangyeong River, Dongjin River, etc.) 102 sites of Seomjin River system (Seomjin River), 102 sites of Yeongsan River system (Yeongsan River, Tamjin River, etc.), and 7 sites of Jeju stream system. A total of 151 families were found in the whole survey sites, including 141 families in Han River, 122 in Nakdong River, 115 in Geum River, 106 in Seomjin River, 113 in Yeongsan River, and 50 in Jeju. Chironomidae (20.8%) was the most dominant species in Korea, followed by Hydropsychidae (17.1%), Baetidae (12.6%), Tubificidae (10.3%), Heptageniidae (8.6%), Ephemerellidae (6.3%), Asellidae (2.7%), Leptophlebiidae (2.4%), Planariidae (1.7%), and Tipulidae (1.6%). Substrates compositions consisted of large sand (22.6%), large gravel (18.4%), silt (10.5%), and boulder (8.2%). The mean stream width was 133.5 m and the mean watercourse width was 61.7 m. The mean water depth and velocity were 30.2 cm and 33.1 cm s-1, respectively. Results of cluster analysis based on distributional characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates were divided into six groups according to the frequency of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa which appeared in the study area. Finally, altitude, current velocity and substrate composition were the most influencial factors determining the distribution patterns of macroinvertebrate communities.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gangjeong Village where Jeju's naval base was built, it has been so beautiful and prosperous that it was called Jeju Island's 'Jeil Gangjeong'. The relationship among Dongseonyeok Jip and U-alnyonk-Jip(It means neighborhood in Jeju dialect), Gapjang (It means same age friends), Guendang(It means kin) and relatives, alumni and older alumni or junior become estranged. Now, Gangjeong Village is in its biggest crisis since it was founded. Gangjeong is a national treasure protection zone designated as natural monument No.442, designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve area, The nearby area is designated as the Marine Conservation Zone designated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Jeju Provincial Marine Park, and Gurumbi is ecologically excellent, designated as the absolute conservation zone and the absolute conservation coast of Jeju Island. So, it was designated as a fishing village experience town in 2004 and a superior natural ecology town in 2006. However, in 2007, the village president and several others ignored the procedures and decided to run the village as a candidate for the naval base. The navy and then the governor of Jeju Island accepted the decision and chose it as the site for the naval base. In February 2016, Jeju naval base was completed despite protests from residents of Gangjeong Village, numerous residents of the island, and the public. Gangjeong Village was chosen as the site of a naval base in April 2007 when 87 among 1,200 voters decided to attend an extraordinary general meeting. In response, a counterproposal committee was set up in the village, and on August 10, 2007, the former village president who led the bid for the naval base was dismissed at an extraordinary general assembly, and a new village president was elected. And on August 20 of that year, 94 percent of the absolute majority at the town assembly with 725 members opposed the construction of a naval base.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to set the method condition of the DPRA in Korea throughout reproducibility study. We conducted intra-lab (triplicate) and inter-lab (three labs of CRI, KTR and CU) validation using 20 chemicals (10 chemicals for the proficiency test listed in the OECD test guideline 442C and an additional 10 more chemicals from reference papers). The data from all three labs met the acceptance criteria. Upon intra-lab validation, two positive chemicals out of 20 total chemicals showed false negative, and one negative chemical showed false positive. In inter-lab validation of three labs, the sensitivity data were 83, 83 and 88% each, and the specificity data was 100, 100 and 88% each. So the accuracy of the three labs was equal to 90%. During these studies, we also checked and improved various limitations that arose. Taken together, the results indicated that the DPRA proposed by OECD test guideline 442C is expected to become a well-established method under Korean GLP applied system.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        목적: 비사시성 안위 이상과 복시의 상관성을 알아보기 위해 완전융합제거사위검사에서 측정된 사위도와 CISS에서 나타난 복시 증상의 유무를 임상적으로 평가하였다. 방법: 경남 김해에 거주하고 굴절이상이 구면도수 ±6.00 D 이하, 원주도수 ±2.00 D 이하인 대학생 94명(남; 36명, 여; 58명, 평균나이 22.56 ±3.72세)을 대상으로 하였으며, 전신 질환이나 안질환이 있거나, 양안의 차이가 2.00 D 이상이면 제외하였다. 완전융합제거사위 는 마독스로드로 검사하여 외사위, 내사위, 정위로 나누었고 복시 증상 유무는 CISS 설문지(4점 척도)를 이용해서 항목별 점수 합계가 16점 이상이면 복시가 있는 것으로 판단하였다. 통계분석은 SPSS 22.0을 이용하였다.사위도에 따른 평균 비교는 Mann-Whitney U 검정을 사용하였으며, 사위의 종류에 따른 복시 증상 유무는 McNemar 교차분석을 하였다. 마독스로드의 민감도와 특이도는 ROC curve를 이용하였다. 결과: 원거리 검사에서 외사위는 62명, 내사위는 21명, 정위는 11명으로 나타났으며, 외사 위군에서 복시증상군은 36명(43.4%)으로 사위도는 -2.86±2.18(Δ), 비증상군은 26명 (31.3%)으로 사위도는 –3.23±2.25(Δ)이었으며 두 그룹간 사위도는 차이가 없었다 (p=0.078). 내사위군에서 복시증상군은 12명(14.5%)으로 사위도는 3.04±2.47(Δ), 비증상 군은 9명(10.8%)으로 사위도는 3.88±3.68 (Δ)이었으며 두 그룹간 사위도는 차이가 없었다 (p=0.293). 근거리 검사에서 외사위는 64명, 내사위는 18명, 정위는 12명으로 나타났으며, 외사위군에서 복시증상군은 37명(39.4%)으로 사위도는 -6.62±4.76(Δ), 비증상군은 27명 (28.7%)으로 사위도는 –7.33±4.62(Δ)으로 두 그룹 간 사위도는 차이가 없었다(p=0.262). 내사위군에서 복시증상군은 12명(12.8%)으로 사위도는 3.42±2.42(Δ)이고, 비증상군은 6명 (6.4%)으로 사위도는 3.33±2.33(Δ)으로 유의한 차이가 없었다(p=0.442). 교차분석결과 원 거리, 근거리 모두 외사위군에서 복시증상을 느끼는 비율이 높았다(p=0.017, p=0.024). 원거리에서 마독스로드검사법의 민감도는 41.3%, 특이도는 75.2%로 나타났고, 근거리에서는 민감도는 69.7%, 특이도는 53.1%로 원거리는 특이도가 높고 근거리에서는 민감도가 높게 나타났다. 결론: 마독스로드검사결과 원거리 및 근거리에서 외사위군의 경우 복시 증상의 빈도가 높았 으며 복시증상은 사위도와 상관성이 없었다.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A novel nanocomposite LDPE film with UV protective properties was developed for active packaging applications. Initially, undoped and Mn-doped TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by the sol-gel method and the resulting particles were characterized. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images revealed an agglomerated nature and spherical morphology. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies indicated that all products were crystalline and in the form of rutile. The reflectance spectrum of undoped TiO2 NPs demonstrated a characteristic sharp edge at 410 nm. Subsequently, nanocomposite (NC) LDPE samples were prepared with the NPs by solvent precipitation followed by film casting. The optical and thermal properties of the NC samples were investigated. Incremental increases in Mn concentration from 0.25 mol % to 1.00 mol % were associated with progressive decreases in light transmission in the UV region. The melting and maximum decomposition temperatures of all NCs were 107 and 442-449 °C, respectively. The UV protective LDPE-based NC films exhibited superior photostability. Absorption in the FTIR spectra at 1716 and 1734 cm-1 changed after 4-wk exposure to UV for all film samples as a consequence of photodegradation. Finally, the photooxidation of perilla oil was assessed as an example of a UV protective packaging application. After 12 days, protection with 1.00 mol% Mn-doped TiO2-LDPE was associated with a gradual increase in PV, while protection with TiO2-LDPE was associated with a significant increase and protection with the control treatment was associated with a dramatic increase in PV. Hence, a 1.00 mol% Mn-doped TiO2-LDPE NC showed promise for UV shielding packaging applications.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 화학수송법으로 성장시킨 Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정의 광학적 에너지 띠 간격 energy band gap의 온도의존성을 규명하고, 이로부터 기초적 열역학 함수를 추정고자 한다. 방 법: gallium(99.9999 %, 2 mol), selenium(99.9999 %, 3 mol), cobalt(99.99 %, 0.1 mol %) 그리고 수송물질로 iodine(99.99 %, 6 mg/cm3)을 함께 석영관에 넣고 내부를 5×10-6 torr로 유지하면서 봉입하여 성장용 ampoule을 만들었다. 성장용 ampoule을 2단 전기로의 중앙에 위치시키고, 결정 성장측의 잔류불순 물을 깨끗이 제거한 후, 시료 출발측을 890 ℃, 성장측을 780 ℃로 6일간 유지하여 단결정을 성장시켰다. 기초 흡수단 부근에서 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성을 구하기 위하여 저온장치(Air Products, SH-4)가 부 착된 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer(Hitachi, U-3501)를 사용하여 광흡수 스펙트럼을 측정하였다. 결과 및 고찰: Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정들의 광흡수 스펙트럼은 순수한 Ga2Se3 단결정의 경우 570 nm영역에서, Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정의 경우 594 nm영역에서 광흡수가 급격히 증가하여 cobalt를 첨가한 단 결정의 기초 흡수단이 장파장 측으로 이동됨을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성은 Varshni 가 제안한 실험식으로부터 구하였다. 결 론: 성장된 단결정의 구조는 cubic구조이었고, 이들의 격자상수 값은 Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정 들에 대하여 각각 a = 5.442 Å, a = 5.672 Å이었다. 광흡수 스펙트럼으로부터 구한 optical energy band gap(Eg)의 band구조는 직접 전이형이었고, 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성은 Varshni방정식이 잘 적용되었 다. 이때 구한 상수 값은 Ga2Se3 단결정의 경우 Eg(0) = 2.177 eV, α= 7.8×10-4eV/K, β= 378 K로 주어 지고, Ga2Se3 : Co2+단결정의 경우 Eg(0) = 2.089 eV, α= 1.20×10-3 eV/K, β= 349 K로 주어졌다. 이들 값 으로부터 구한 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성으로부터 열역학 함수인 entropy(SCV), heat capacity(CCV), enthalpy(HCV) 값을 추정할 수 있었다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전 세계적으로 원자력 발전소는 442기가 가동 중이며, 62기가 충원될 예정이다. 원자력 발전소의 증가에 따라 방사성 폐기물 유출에 대한 위험성도 증가하였다. 이러한 이유 때문 에, 방사성 폐기물의 처리는 인간, 동물, 식물을 포함하는 자 연 생태계를 보전하는 관점에서 중요하다. 또한, 방사성 폐 기물 유출은 그 지역뿐만 아니라 전 세계적으로 심각한 문 제를 야기한다. 본 연구는 입체 배양세포에 방사성 핵종원 소 (세슘, 스트론튬, 코발트)를 처리하였고 이에 대한 영향력 을 확인하였다. 입체 배양 구조체는 아가로오스 하이드로겔 을 이용하여 제작했으며 암세포 및 정상세포 (HeLa, HepG2, COS-7)를 사용하여 입체 배양을 실시 하였다. 입체 형태로 세포를 배양한 후 세슘, 스트론튬, 코발트 농도 변화에 따라 세포 생존능력을 분석하였다. 이때 입체 배양세포에서 생존 능력이 단층 배양세포 보다 최대 42% 우수한 것을 확인하였 다. 입체 배양구조체는 세포가 형태 및 생리학적으로 in vivo 환경인 조직과 비슷하게 배양을 가능하게 하였다. 따라서, 입체 배양구조체는 기존의 단층 배양 한계점인 in vivo 환경 에 적용시킬 수 없다는 한계를 극복하였다. 본 입체 배양 기 술이 중금속 독성평가 및 단시간 내에 다수의 물질 분석을 수행하는 고속 대량 스크리닝 기술에 활용될 것으로 기대한 다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The marine microalgae Isochrysis galbana was cultured under various light–emitting diode (LED) light conditions with different wavelengths to examine changes in growth and in amino acid and fatty acid profiles. The culture conditions for the microalgae were Conway medium, salinity of 33 psu, temperature of 24°C, and a 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod. Six light sources, including 5 units of 180W LED lamps (peak wavelength: blue [LB] 470 nm; green [LG] 525 nm; yellow [LY] 595 nm; red [LR] 636 nm; white [LW] 442 nm) and 1 unit of a 175W metal halide (MH) lamp, were used for the experiment. The dry cell weights (gL–1) of I. galbana under different light conditions were in the order of LW>LB≥MH>LR>LG>LY. Levels of essential amino acids were revealed to be significantly higher under LW, LG, and MH than under the other wavelengths (P<0.05). The fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid, and DHA contents of I. galbana were higher under MH, LW, and LG. In addition, the carotenoid content was higher under MH, LW, and LG than under the other wavelengths (P<0.05). The fucoxanthin content was highest under MH (0.28%) and lowest under LY (0.2%), and it was 0.26% under LW and LG. The results indicate that the combined use of LW and LG is effective when using LED lamps for I. galbana cultivation.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        아민화한 Polyetherimide (PEI)와 설폰화한 Poly eyhet ether ketone (PEEK) 고분자를 더블캐스팅 방법으로 바이폴라막을 제조하였다. 막의 내구성 향상을 위해 막 표면을 2시간동안 불소화하였다. 각각의 이온교환막은 특성평가를 진행하여 불소화 전후의 특성을 비교하였다. PEI의 불소화에 따른 바이폴라막의 차아염소산 발생량과 운전 시간을 불소화하기 전의 막과 비교하였다. 그 결과 불소화의 여부가 막의 내구성에 영향을 주는 것을 알 수 있었다. 대표적으로 아민화 비율이 3:1인 경우, 불소화 전의 차아염소산 발생농도는 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만 실험 시간의 경우 각각 153min, 442min으로 약 290min의 차이를 보였다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a serious public health problem worldwide, as it is one of the main risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Cross-species transmission of HBV has been reported in non-human primates, and pigs may also be infected with HBV or an HBV-like agent. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the presence of HBV antigens and anti-HBV antibodies in pig sera, providing further support for the existence of HBV or an HBV-like agent in pig populations. The HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV e antigen (HBeAg) in pig serum samples were detected using HBsAg and HBeAg ELISA Kits, respectively. Antibodies to HBsAg and the Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) in serum samples were also detected using anti-HBsAg and anti-HBcAg antibody ELISA Kits, respectively. HBsAg and HBeAg were detected in 7 of 442 (1.6%) and 7 of 184 (3.8%) pig serum samples, respectively. Furthermore, antibodies specific to HBsAg and HBcAg were identified in 45 of 442 (10.2%) and 39 of 434 (9.0%) pig serum samples, respectively. However, neither HBV DNA nor antibodies to HBeAg were detected in 409 and 298 pig serum samples, respectively. HBV antigens and anti-HBV antibodies were both present in a considerable number of pig serum samples, suggesting that pigs could be infected with a variant HBV or an HBV-like agent. Further studies will be necessary to confirm cross-species infection of pigs with HBV.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 수변식생을 이용하여 정해진 조사지점에서 생 물학적 질의 평가, 생물학적 질의 시간적, 공간적 변동파악 및 환경적 교란으로부터 발생되는 영향평가를 통한 하천 수생태계 건강성 평가를 목적으로 실험하였다. 조사 시기는 정확한 식물종 동정을 위해 대부분의 하천식생이 나타나는 식생번성기인 6∼9월에 수행하였다. 그 결과, 금강 대권역 에서 출현한 수변식물은 총 97과 289속 103종 2아종 34변 종 3품종 442분류군이 출현하였다. 수계별 총 출현 종수는 금강 수계에서 349종으로 가장 많았으며, 만경강 수계에서 192종으로 가장 적었다. 금강 대권역에서 출현한 식물군락 은 총 118개였다. 수계별 출현 식물군락 수는 금강 수계에 서 86개로 가장 많았으며, 동진강 수계에서 27개로 가장 적었다. 수변식생지수(RVI)는 각 조사지졈별 일년생초본 우점면적 비율(HAA), 외래종 우점면적 비율(EA), 습지식 물 균등도(WTD), 버드나무속 및 물푸레나무속 우점면적 비율(SalFraA), 내성종 출현종수 비율(ToSC) 그리고 식생 단면 안정성(BTI) 총 6개의 평가요소의 평가값을 “0”, “1”, “3”, “5”로 구분하여 평가한 후 각 평가 점수의 총합에 10/3 을 곱하여 100점 만점으로 계산하였다. 수변식생 평가등급 은 4단계로 구분였는데 수변식생지수(RVI)가 65<RVI≦ 100일 경우 ‘최상(A등급)’, 40<RVI≦65은 ‘양호(B등급)’, 15<RVI≦40은 ‘보통(C등급)’ 그리고 0≦RVI≦15일 경우 ‘불량(D등급)’으로 평가하였다. 금강 대권역의 수변식생지 수(RVI)는 40.3이었으며 수계별 수변식생지수는 삽교천 수 계가 42.1로 가장 높았고, 만경강 수계가 평균 33.9로 가장 낮게 평가되었다. 금강 대권역 170개 조사구간 중 ‘최상(A 등급)’이 10개 구간(5.9%), ‘양호(B등급)’ 68개 구간 (40.0%), ‘보통(C등급)’ 86개 구간(50.6%), ‘불량(D등급)’ 6개 구간으로 평가되었다. 그 중, 충청남도 예산군 대흥면 지곡리(G136) 구간에서 80.0‘최상(A등급)’으로 가장 높게 평가되었다. 이는 내성종과 외래종 우점면적 비율이 낮게 나타난 반면 버드나무속 및 물푸레나무속 우점면적 비율이 높게 나타났기 때문으로 판단된다. 반면, 충청북도 옥천군 동이면 우산리(G027), 충청북도 청주시 송정동(G069) 그리 고 충청남도 공주시 탄천면 분강리(G081)에서는 3.3‘불량 (D등급)’으로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 이는 하천 정비공사로 인해 제내지의 인위적 간섭이 높아 수변식생에 식물군락이 없으며, 일년생 초본 및 외래종 우점면적 비율이 높게 나타 났기 때문으로 판단된다.
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