
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims at exploring the nature of the traditional Korean wines brewed throughout the Southern Region of Korea-Chulla-do, Kyungsang-do and Cheju-do describing their varieties and brewing methods and also comparing the similarities and differences of their features. When compared with the wines produced in the Central Region, the Southern varieties are very fastidious and complex in their brewing methods, which in turn show a wide range of diversity. First of all, all the 29 kinds of wines investigated, not a single one shows any resemblance to any one of the remaining, each exhibiting peculiar and particular characteristic features of its own. Especially, the distilling methods demonstrate very complex processes. Secondly, the majority of the Southern spirits are made from grains, added with fragrant flavor of pine tree, wormwood, chrysanthemum leaves and other medicine herbs such as Chinese matrimony vine and tankui. Thirdly, they are brewed with yeast made from wheat into kodupap(steamed rice) type of spirits, emerging as in the form of blended liquor. Fourthly, in brewing, different fermenting temperature and duration are required. Typewise, the temperature required for the basic spirit is 15~20℃ or 25~30℃ : in the case of blended secondarily fermented liquor, from the minimum of 0~5℃ to the maximum of 75~80℃. The brewing duration is 3~5 days for the basic spirits. In some cases, from the minimum of 3 days to the maximum of 100 days are consumed for fermenting. Fifthly, the wine extraction gadgets are yongsu (wine strainer), the sieve, filter paper, Korean traditional paper, the utilization of which implies that the brewers endeavor to observe and preserve the traditional and indigenous methods of wine making.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study delves into the general characteristics of spirits brewed in the Central Region of Korea-Seoul, Kyonnggi-do, Chungchung-do-paying particular attention to their varieties and fermenting methods and also comparing similarities and differences of their features. It is found first of all that there are a wide range of variety in the kinds of liquors. Among the 21 spirits investigated, not a single one resembles any one of the remaining in terms of the raw material, and the brewing method and process. Secondly, all of them use locally produced grains and can be classifiable as belonging to the common category of yakju (clean spirit) with fragrant elements added for the purpose of enhancing health or decreasing any harmful effects after drink. Thirdly, these traditional folk wines are characterized by the addition of secondarily fermented spirits. The more secondarily fermented spirit a wine has, the more fragrant and palatable it becomes and also the less harmful. Fourthly, all the spirits of this region are fermented by using yeast kodupap (steamed rice). The brewing temperature is usually around 15~20℃ for 5~8 days or 3~4 days for the majority of the cases. Fifthly, purifying is done with the yongsoo (strainer), the sieve, traditional Korean paper, etc. As such, we can say that all the brewers endeavor to maintain Korean traditional methods of wine making.
        1989.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리 민족(民族)의 희노애락(喜怒哀樂)과 함께 흘러온 민속주(民俗酒)는 우리의 문화(文化)와 더불어 발전(發展)되어 왔었다. 그러나 일본(日本)의 지배(支配)를 받게된 이후(以後)에는 대부분의 민속주(民俗酒)는 밀주(密酒)로 규정(規定)되어 주조(酒造)가 금지되어 왔으며 해방후(解放後)에도 한국정부(韓國政府)의 양곡정책(糧穀政策)으로 인하여 특히 1961년(年) 이후(以後)에는 쌀을 사용하는 민속주(民俗酒)는 강력(强力)하게 금지(禁止)되었고 민속주(民俗酒)에 관(關)한 문화(文化)는 거의 자취를 감추게 되어 왔었다. 그런데 다행(多幸)히도 1985년(年)에 문공부(文公部)에서 민속주(民俗酒)의 주조(酒造) 기술(技術)을 가진 많은 기능인(機能人)을 문화재보호(文化財保護)의 차원(次元)에서 발굴(發掘)하였고 그 기능(機能)을 보존(保存) 계승(繼承)하도록 노력하였다. 따라서 정부(政府)에서는 1988년(年) 9월(月) 전통(傳統)과 기술(技術)이 인정(認定)되는 24종(種)이 민속주(民俗酒)를 민간인(民間人)에게 주조(酒造)할 수 있도록 예비(豫備) 가능(可能)한 바 있었다. 그 24종(種)의 민속주(民俗酒) 중(中)에서 한산(韓山) 소곡주(素穀酒), 경주(慶州) 법주(法酒), 천(川) 박시주(朴?酒), 안동(安東) 소주(燒酒), 이리 이강주(梨薑酒)에 관(關)하여 그 유래(由來), 특징(特徵), 전승(傳承)의 근원, 제조현황(製造現況) 그리고 전래(傳來)된 일화(逸話) 등을 조사(調査) 수록(收錄)하였다.