
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the dissemination of Jesuit publications regarding China and the impact of Johan Nieuhoff’s illustrations on the emergence of English Chinoiserie during the seventeenth century. Despite England’s lagging behind the Roman Catholic powers in Chinese research, the works of Mendoza and Jesuit scholars such as Trigault, Semedo, and Martini were widely disseminated in Europe and heavily relied upon by English writers. These works played a complex role in challenging and reinforcing prevailing stereotypes about European civilization. Moreover, Nieuhoff’s illustrations, produced by a Dutch merchant, had a significant impact on English Chinoiserie and were widely employed in practical arts. The extensive readership and influence of Nieuhoff’s illustrations serve as a testament to their significance, which can be seen in the variety of ways in which they were used to reflect the popularity of English Chinoiseries. By examining the cultural trends that followed and the translated publications available in seventeenth century England, it becomes apparent that the works of the Jesuit missionaries and Nieuhoff’s illustrations played key roles in shaping English perceptions of China. Furthermore, their influence on European attitudes towards China during this period provides valuable insight into the development of cross-cultural exchange between Europe and China.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저지대에 위치해 고대로부터 어려움을 겪은 네덜란드는 BC 1세기 로 마에 편입된 이래 항상 정치적으로는 종속되었다. 하지만 경제적으로는 13세기 이후 전국에 제방을 쌓고 상업과 무역을 장려함으로써 크게 성장 하였다. 특히 스페인의 식민지였던 16세기 후반 네덜란드는 종교탄압과 폭정에 못 이겨 80여 년에 걸친 독립전쟁을 추동했으나, 독립 후엔 상업 적 이익을 우선시함에 따라 군함을 상선으로 개조하고 영국이나 프랑스 와 격돌 시 항상 평화조약을 통해 적당한 선에서 휴전하는 전략을 택했 다. 그 결과 18세기 접어들면서 보다 호전적인 경쟁국인 영국과 프랑스 에 밀려 쇠퇴하고 말았다. 이는 국가의 목표를 지나치게 단기적인 상업 적 이익에만 집중하는 것보다는, 마키아벨리나 리슐리외가 주장한 바와 같이, 안보를 포함한 장기적인 국가이익의 관점에서 재고할 필요가 있다 는 것을 우리에게 상기시킨다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        John Webb’s An Historical Essay Endeavoring a Probability that the Language of the Empire China is the Primitive Language is regarded as the first extensive European treatise on the Chinese language and among the earliest sinological studies. Webb’s argument in Historical Essay is that the Chinese language is the primitive language and Noah in the Genesis is Emperor Yao from the ancient Chinese history. For proof of his hypothesis, he gathered up various intellectual discourses circulating in seventeenth-century England, which inversely allows us to approach the pre-sinological discourses of his time. Through this, we can find to what extent he intervened in the current discourses and deviated from them. Webb enthusiastically responded to the reports from Jesuit missionaries, one of whose main aims were to collect mission fund enough to propagate their religion, which was carried out by first portraying China as an ideal nation to appeal to the Europeans. His idealization of the Chinese language conceals the anxiety of his time as the Europeans first encountered Eastern civilizations in the seventeenth century. We can see the symptoms when Webb wishes to attribute the ideal qualities of China delivered by the Jesuit authors to Noah. While he attempts to prove the primitiveness of the Chinese language, he incorporates Chinese civilization into European discourses by making pious Noah the common ancestor of England and China and by asserting that all the superiorities of Chinese civilization are derived from the figure of Noah in the Genesis.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 크리스토퍼 말로우의 『몰타의 유대인』에 등장하는 애비게일이 당시의 여성성, 연극성, 그리고 가톨릭교회를 향한 부정적 시선을 집약적으로 구현하고 있음을 논의한다. 종교개혁 이후 영국에서 반연극주의와 반가톨릭주의는 모두 의복이 그 착용자의 정체성을 제대로 반영하지 못한다는 의심에 기반해 있었고, 이는 곧 가톨릭 종교의복이 무대의상에 불과하다는 주장으로 발전한다. 애비게일은 유대인 여성으로 등장했다가 극의 후반부에 가톨릭 수녀로 개종하면서 탐욕스러운 유대인이나 위선적인 가톨릭 종교인의 부정적인 전형들로부터 유일하게 자유로운 인물로 해석되어 왔다. 하지만 말로우의 무대 위에서 수녀복을 착용하고 소년 배우에 의해서 연기되었던 애비게일은 기만, 위선, 문란함, 미성숙함과 같이 일찍이 수녀 복장에 부여되어왔던 부정적 정서들을 소환해 내기에 애비게일의 성스러움이란 텍스트 안에서나 유효하다. 일관되게 성스러운 여성을 재현하는 것은 당시 영국 무대에 주어진 실현 불가능한 과제였으며, 초기 근대 영국 무대 위 수녀들은 반가톨릭적, 반연극적, 반여성적 정서 속에서 종교 개혁 이후 영국 무대가 당면한 재현의 위기를 시사한다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고고 유적은 집중적 관리를 필요로 하며 끊임없이 새로운 문화콘텐츠를 생산하는 주요 문화 유산이다. 런던 미트라 신전 박물관은 정부 및 민간분야의 협업을 통해 고고유적을 활용한 복합 문화 공간이 되었으며, 문화재의 관리와 활용에 있어 민간의 참여를 장려하는 영국의 전통을 반영한다. 그 협업의 결과로 본래 건축 자재와 복제품으로 복원한 신전 유구에 다양한 시청각적 효과를 더해 관람객들의 상상을 북돋우는 전시실이 만들어졌다. 또한 박물관은 소재지인 월브룩 지역의 로마시대 고고 유물과 함께, 이에서 영감을 받은 예술작품을 전시하고 있다. 무엇보다도 사 기업인 블룸버그가 관리 책임을 맡아서 박물관을 운영하고 있다는 점이 주목된다. 이는 문화유산의 활용에 있어서 민간 분야의 새로운 형태의 협력상을 보여주는 유용한 참고사례가 될 것이다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Frederick Denny in Islam and the Muslim Community points out that one of the most noteworthy aspects of contemporary Islam is its growing prosperity in Europe, especially in countries of Christian dominance. Most recently, in the wake of rise of ISIS in Syria and influx of Muslim refugees to Europe, a newspaper reports, “There will eventually be more Muslims than Christians in Europe.” The growth of Islam is taking place not just in Europe. It is a worldwide trend, and the Muslim population is rapidly increasing in Korea as well. To better understand how best to meet the challenge of rising Muslim populations, specifically in England and in Korea, this article attempts to develop a Christian Christological response. To that end, the article first explores contemporaryMuslim trends in England and Korea with an eye toward understanding how to communicate the gospel to them effectively. This includes an examination of the Islamic Jesus portrayed in the Qur’an in comparison to Jesus, the Son of God in Christianity. As is known, pivotal to attaining a meaningful Christian-Muslim dialogue, as well as a credible Christian witness to Muslims, is the problem of Christology. Islam has a fairly well-developed Christology. However, the Christian message that “Jesus is the Son of God” is an abomination to the Muslims. Thus, Christians face crucial Christological questions whether they must avoid the term “Son of God” and instead defer to the name “Isa” for Jesus by which Muslims know him. Facing the obstacles in traditional Christian-Muslim dialogue, the article explores how best to stand on common ground with Muslims while satisfactorily and carefully articulating points of distinction, especially regarding the work of Christ. The article concludes by formulating an effective strategy for relating to and reaching Muslims theologically and culturally, while concretely manifesting Christian love in order to be the love of Christ to them and not just talk about it abstractly.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        London collection is one of the four dominant fashion weeks in the world, and particularly, it is influencing the world fashion as the center that leads the 21st world fashion with experimental, creative, and unique design. One of the designers that are highly noteworthy among the new designers of fashion in England is Christopher Kane. He studied in Central Saint Martins, England and is famous as a designer that well reflects the characteristics of fashion education in England and also the characteristics of London collection with his own experimental and unique design. The purposes of this study are to examine the current trends of fashion in England with fashion designer Christopher Kane who is receiving attention in England these days and practicing the most English-like design and provide support to vitalize Seoul collection in Korea. This study has analyzed collection images and reviews from the S/S season of 2010 until the F/W season of 2015 and investigated the actual cases mainly. Christopher Kane’s design shows largely four characteristics, and this works as the keyword of current trends in English. The first is to use new technology such as digital printing technology and laser cutting which have been recently introduced. With the collections issued from 2010, we can see that he designed with either digital printing or laser cutting for five wears at the smallest up to for thirteen wears at the largest. With this tendency, we can see that Christopher Kane tries to accept newly introduced technology to apply it to his collection. Second, he is freed from stereotypes and tries experimental design that feel free of the formality. Especially in 2015 FW Ready-To-Wear Collection, we can see that he was inspired by the bags not with zippers or buttons and introduced unique design by applying bags’ accessories or unique closing patterns to clothes. Third, he pursues classiness by using handcraft techniques like embroidery or appliqué. He introduces classy design combining new materials and new technologies with handcraft techniques as well as sensuous design reflecting England’s unique Old & New properly. The last one is to develop unique textile design. In each season, he uses natural elements like splendid flowers up to geometric, unique textile designs to contain the philosophy that the designer intends to show in them. Like this, Christopher Kane can be said to be a designer who expresses his own design by exquisitely combining various techniques well harmonizing the past, present, and the future as one of the fashion designers representing England. Also, he is a designer representing England as he is constantly applying new technology based on his own philosophy and making experiments restlessly. Seoul collection in Korea which has already become a field of competition among fashion brands in the world also should be equipped with its own unique sense differentiated with Korean designers’ unique identity in order to be one of the fashion collections that is recognizable in the world fashion market, and it is needed to make creative design based on the restless combination of new technologies and the spirit of challenge and experiment. Also, it is necessary to establish a creative fashion education system connected with industries to cultivate competent persons, and it is needed to provide much support and pay attention to design and fashion in the entire society recognizing fashion as a high value-added industry to create national brand image.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북서항로의 가능성을 긍정적으로 그려 놓은 메르카토로의 1569년 세계지도와 오르텔리우스 1570년 세계지도의 등장, 로버트 더들리를 필두로 한 활동가 그룹의 새로운 권력층 부상, 1560년대 후반과 1570년대 초반 멕시코-필리핀 간 스페인의 태평양 무역항로 정착, 네덜란드를 사이에 두고 스페인과 잉글랜드의 갈등 증폭 등을 배경으로 잉글랜드로서는 스페인과의 마찰을 무릅쓰고라도 동방무역에 참가하지 않을 수 없게 된다. 그 결과 프로비셔의 북서항로 탐험, 드레이크의 세계 일주, 펫과 잭먼의 북동항로 탐험 등 일련의 북방항로 탐험이 1570년대 후반 집중된다. 한편 1550년대 잉글랜드 북방탐험에서 디의 역할은 항해에 대한 기술 자문역에 그쳤지만, 1570년대 후반에 들어서면서 대영제국이라는 자신의 아이디어에 의거해 잉글랜드의 해외 탐험이 갖는 특별한 정치적 의미를 선전하기 시작했다. 이 시기에 메르카토르, 디, 오르텔리우스, 해클루트 사이에 북극지방의 지리 지식을 놓고 활발한 서신교환이 이루어진다. 잉글랜드 지식인과 탐험가들은 북방영토에 대한 관심 때문에 메르카토르의 지식이 필요했고, 마찬가지로 메르카토르의 입장에서는 계속된 탐험으로 축척된 북방영토에 관한 잉글랜드의 정보가 필요했던 것이다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze contemporary women's sense of fashion aesthetic by looking into the design and trend of T-panties, which have now carved out a new niche in the world's 21st century female underwear markets. By this, I'd like to reassure readers of the importance of T-panties, which has only been recently recognized, and more generally suggests the future direction of prominent T-panty design development. First, western urban chic, Japanese minimalism and domestic modern feminine images all have common modern urban sense and simple designs. However, each image is not a simple image in itself. For example, in the case of western style they often seek to convey a sophisticated and stylish street sense, while Koreans add a more cute, lovely, and feminine touch. Second, western restrained eroticism, Japanese fetishism and domestic mono-bosom images all have a common interest in sex. They is something, however, which they all express this differently. In Japan, they prefer a stimulating image. In the West, however, this is restrained by controlling and limiting overt sexual elements, while in Korea, we seek to capture a more simple sensual beauty. Third, western couture luxury, Japanese orientalism and Korean utopia narcissism have classy images in common including splendid materials and decorations with embroidery. They all differ depending on their nationality. This study is baseds on the documents study. This study is baseds on the documents study.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 우리나라에서 청소년범죄에 대한 대책의 하나로서 청소년범죄자의 부모에게 부모교육프로그램을 제공할 필요성에 대한 인식이 확산되고 있으며, 더 나아가 이를 법제화하여 1호처분이나 보호관찰처분 대상자의 부모에게 교육프로그램에의 참여를 강제적인 명령 혹은 의무로 부과함으로써 저조한 프로그램 참여율을 높이고, 프로그램 운용의 효과를 높여야 한다는 요구가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 본 연구는 우리나라의 부모교육명령제도의 모델사례로서 지적되고 있는 영국의 부모교육명령제도의 도입배경, 구체적인 내용, 실시현황, 관련 쟁점, 효과 등을 자세히 소개하고 있다. 그리고 더 나아가서 위와 같은 작업을 통해서 우리가 도입하고자 하는 제도가 어떤 맥락에서 시행되었으며, 실제로는 어떻게 운용되고, 어떤 효과를 낳는가를 비판적으로 검토해봄으로서 우리나라의 도입타당성여부를 판단해 보고 있다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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