
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 26

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined how the public perceives gendered language through conversations among women in their 20s in TV entertainment programs. Specifically, it challenged the notion that there is no distinct gendered language difference in conversations among women in their 20s as observed in the reality variety shows Bbyongbbyong Planet Arcade Season 2 on tvN and HyeMiri YECHEPA on ENA. Through a perception survey targeting 35 individuals aged 20 to 40 years, consisting of two discourse scenarios labeled Survey 1 and Survey 2, this study investigated public perceptions of conversational styles. Survey 1 presents conversations between women and men, while Survey 2 transcribes conversations between women. Consequently, while the language usage and conversational styles of women in their 20s are evolving, it is evident that the public still perceives gendered language differences as typical of male and female speech patterns.
        2023.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is written as a follow-up observations to reinterpret the radial velocity (RV) of HD 36384, where the existence of planetary systems is known to be ambiguous. In giants, it is, in general, difficult to distinguish the signals of planetary companions from those of stellar activities. Thus, known exoplanetary giant hosts are relatively rare. We, for many years, have obtained RV data in evolved stars using the high-resolution, fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). Here, we report the results of RV variations in the M giant HD 36384. We have found two significant periods of 586 d and 490 d. Considering the orbital stability, it is impossible to have two planets at so close orbits. To determine the nature of the RV variability variations, we analyze the HIPPARCOS photometric data, some indicators of stellar activities, and line profiles. A significant period of 580 d was revealed in the HIPPARCOS photometry. H𝛼 EW variations also show a meaningful period of 582 d. Thus, the period of 586 d may be closely related to the rotational modulations and/or stellar pulsations. On the other hand, the other significant period of 490 d is interpreted as the result of the orbiting companion. Our orbital fit suggests that the companion was a planetary mass of 6.6 𝑀J and is located at 1.3 AU from the host.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the analysis of a planetary microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0362 with a shortduration anomaly (∼0.4 days) near the peak of the light curve, which is caused by the resonant caustic. The event has a severe degeneracy with Δχ2 = 0.9 between the close and the wide binary lens models both with planet-host mass ratio q ≃ 0.007. We measure the angular Einstein radius but not the microlens parallax, and thus we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate the physical parameters of the lens. We find that the OGLE-2019-BLG-0362L system is a super-Jovian-mass planet Mp = 3.26+0.83 −0.58 MJ orbiting an M dwarf Mh = 0.42+0.34 −0.23 M⊙ at a distance DL = 5.83+1.04 −1.55 kpc. The projected star-planet separation is a⊥ = 2.18+0.58 −0.72 AU, which indicates that the planet lies beyond the snow line of the host star.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 중학교 영재 학생들이 수행한 증거 기반 추론의 특징을 조사하는 것이었다. 연구를 위한 자료는 수도권에 위치한 한 대학교의 영재 교육원에서 중학교 영재 학생들이 비대면 방식으로 진행한 탐구 과제를 통해 수집되었다. 학생들에게 수성의 최대 이각을 관측한 자료를 제공하고 이 자료를 이용하여 수성의 공전 궤도를 작도하게 하였다. 또, 작도 전에 수성의 궤도에 대한 자신의 가설을 진술하게 하였으며 작도 결과를 증거로 삼아 수성 궤도의 모양을 추론하게 하였다. 학생들이 제출한 보고서의 내용을 분석하여 수성의 공전 궤도 모양에 관한 판단 유형을 5가지로 분류하고 가설 및 증거에 관한 추론 유형을 4가지로 분류한 후, 판단 유형에 따른 증거 기반 추론의 특징을 정리하였다. 분석 결과를 토대로, 증거 기반 추론에서는 증거에 대한 적절한 해석이 중요하고, 이론과 증거의 조화가 핵심적인 역할을 하며, 복수의 가설을 상정하는 것이 유리할 수 있음을 논의하였고, 지구과학 교육을 위한 시사점을 제안하였다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the discovery of a giant exoplanet in the microlensing event OGLE-2017-BLG-1049, with a planet―host star mass ratio of q = 9.53 ± 0.39 × 10-3 and a caustic crossing feature in Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) observations. The caustic crossing feature yields an angular Einstein radius of θE = 0.52 ± 0.11 mas. However, the microlens parallax is not measured because the time scale of the event, tE ≃ 29 days, is too short. Thus, we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate physical quantities of the lens system. We fi nd that the lens system has a star with mass Mh = 0.55+0.36 -0.29 M⊙ hosting a giant planet with Mp = 5.53+3.62 -2.87 MJup, at a distance of DL = 5.67+1.11 -1.52 kpc. The projected star{planet separation is aㅗ = 3.92+1.10 -1.32 au. This means that the planet is located beyond the snow line of the host. The relative lens{source proper motion is μrel ~ 7 mas yr-1, thus the lens and source will be separated from each other within 10 years. After this, it will be possible to measure the flux of the host star with 30 meter class telescopes and to determine its mass.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        At q = 1.81 ± 0.20 × 10-5, KMT-2018-BLG-0029Lb has the lowest planet-host mass ratio q of any microlensing planet to date by more than a factor of two. Hence, it is the first planet that probes below the apparent "pile-up" at q = 5-10 ×10-5. The event was observed by Spitzer, yielding a microlens-parallax πE measurement. Combined with a measurement of the Einstein radius θE from finite-source effects during the caustic crossings, these measurements imply masses of the host Mhost = 1.14+0.10-0.12 M⊙ and planet Mplanet = 7.59+0.75-0.69 M⊕, system distance DL = 3.38+0.22-0.26 kpc and projected separation a⊥ = 4.27+0.21-0.23 AU. The blended light, which is substantially brighter than the microlensed source, is plausibly due to the lens and could be observed at high resolution immediately.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the characterization of a massive (mp = 3:91:4Mjup) microlensing planet (OGLE- 2015-BLG-0954Lb) orbiting an M dwarf host (M = 0:33  0:12M ) at a distance toward the Galactic bulge of 0:6+0:4 􀀀0:2 kpc, which is extremely nearby by microlensing standards. The planet-host projected separation is a?  1:2AU. The characterization was made possible by the wide- eld (4 deg2) high cadence (􀀀 = 6 hr􀀀1) monitoring of the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet), which had two of its three telescopes in commissioning operations at the time of the planetary anomaly. The source crossing time t = 16 min is among the shortest ever published. The high-cadence, wide- eld observations that are the hallmark of KMTNet are the only way to routinely capture such short crossings. High-cadence resolution of short caustic crossings will preferentially lead to mass and distance measurements for the lens. This is because the short crossing time typically implies a nearby lens, which enables the measurement of additional e ects (bright lens and/or microlens parallax). When combined with the measured crossing time, these e ects can yield planet/host masses and distance.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        <인터스텔라>의 서사에서 과학은 중요한 역할을 한다. 과학으로 망가진 지구 를 구하려고 새로운 과학을 기대하는 내용뿐만 아니라 영화 자체가 과학적으로 엄밀하게 기획, 제작되었다. C. S. 루이스의 침묵의 행성 밖에서 는 기독교 관 점에서 쓰인 반과학적 SF 소설이다. 주인공 랜섬이 미친 과학자들에 의해 화성 으로 납치되어 희생물로 바쳐질 뻔한 이야기에서 루이스는 20세기 초 유행했던 과학만능주위를 알레고리라는 장치를 통해 호되게 비판한다. 두 작품은 과학에 대해 완전히 다른 입장을 취하고 있지만 우주에 대한 묘사는 유사하다. 루이스 의 우주는 웰즈와 같은 당대의 SF 작가들이 상상한 무섭거나 차갑지 않고 중세 인들의 우주처럼 밝고 따스하다. 놀란의 블랙홀은 빛도 벗어날 수 없는 무자비 하고 칠흑 같은 감옥이 아니라 모든 시간과 공간을 관통한 의사소통이 가능한 곳이다. 이 유사한 우주의 묘사를 통해 본 논문은 과학이 지배하는 현대사회에 서 종교가 살아남을 수 있는 가능성을 엿보려한다. 종교뿐만 아니라 과학도 세 계를 이해하는 방식은 해석이다. 비록 과학이 자연이 들려주는 이야기를 더 잘 들을 수 있을지라도 과학 역시 해석을 통해서만 자연을 이해할 수 있다.
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