영산강, 섬진강 유역권내 29개 정수생태계의 동물플랑크톤 군집 크기 구조(2010~2011) Community Size Structure of Zooplankton Assemblages in 29 Lentic Ecosystems on the Youngsan-Seomjin River Basin (2010~2011)

김현우, 라긍환, 박종환, 송효정, 황경섭, 임병진, 이학영
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/240448
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 30 No. 1 (2012.03)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

This study compares the abundance and community structure of zooplankton organisms from the littoral and pelagic regions, and considers particularly trophic levels vs. zooplankton abundances. Zooplankton samples, collected every 3 months over a year from 2010 to 2011 at 29 temperate lakes and reservoirs, which belong to two different river basins (Youngsan and Seomjin River). The spatial pattern of rotifers was similar to that of total zooplankton abundance. This reflected the fact that rotifers strongly dominated the zooplankton community. There were considerable spatial variations in total zooplankton abundance (ANOVA, p<0.01), while there were no significant differences both in littoral and pelagic regions in abundance of zooplankton (ANOVA, p=0.205). The mean abundance of zooplankton in eutrophic systems was much higher than that of mesotrophic systems, while significant difference in number of species and diversity index were not shown in both trophic systems.

  • 김현우(순천대학교, 사범대학 환경교육과) | Hyun-Woo Kim Corresponding author
  • 라긍환(순천대학교, 사범대학 환경교육과) | Geung-Hwan La
  • 박종환(국립환경과학원, 영산강물환경연구소) | Jong-Hwan Park
  • 송효정(국립환경과학원, 영산강물환경연구소) | Hyojeong Song
  • 황경섭(국립환경과학원, 영산강물환경연구소) | Kyung-Sub Hwang
  • 임병진(국립환경과학원, 영산강물환경연구소) | Byung-Jin Lim
  • 이학영(전남대학교, 자연과학대학 생물학과) | Hak Young Lee